God of Fishing

Chapter 1554: Seize power


   As soon as Han Fei said this, the few Junior Venerables behind him all took a breath.

   More than 20 enemies? Still slaughtered half of the kings? What a terrible existence this man... must be?

   Longxi and Wenzhu are both a little confused: Is this person so strong? It's no wonder that this person came along all the way without fear.

   At the same time, the outside world also made them imagine infinitely.

   So what is the supreme commander, what must be the extraordinary high position? Such a character came to the cage, is he really here to help humans?

   It's just that there are undead creatures in the immortal city, and he sneered: "You? A mid-level sage, what about slaughtering half kings?"

  As soon as these words came out, Longxi and the others were all dizzy: Nima, after doing it for a long time, turned out to be an intermediate sage? Although he is better than himself, but the Slaughter Half King? This is nonsense! Do you not draft drafts?

  There are other immortal beings who said: "Han Fei, since you are here, I am welcome in the immortal city. However, you are too thin for your own strength."

   Some undead creatures sighed faintly: "Living people do not enter the Immortal City, here is too dead, you can go to the front line to take a look. Intermediate Venerable, there is no way to shake the overall situation."


"It seems that the human race in this cage is indeed declining. You don't believe me, it doesn't matter. But, coming today, I just want to tell you-this commander is here! This commander will re-unify the forces of the human race .. What you can’t do, this handsome will do it. What you dare not do, this handsome will do... In short, I will do what you can do, and I will still do what you can’t do.”

   "The yellow-haired child who doesn't know the height of the sky and the earth is thick, the realm is not high, the tone is not small, let the deity come to explore your depth?"

   I only saw a black shadow breaking through the air, the black mist was transpiring, and the ghost shadow turned across. In the thick fog, there was a huge hand of bones, grabbing at Han Fei.


   I only saw Han Fei stomping on the ground, the ground was sunken, and his fist marks, accompanied by the demon red light, roared out.

  In terms of pure power, Han Fei has already reached the pinnacle of the Senior Venerable, this is still when he has not moved his own way.

   I saw the big bone hand, but it was ablated in the blink of an eye.

   shot the ghost image that the person condensed, and it was directly blown away.

   That person was shocked. This Han Fei was obviously only in the realm of Intermediate Venerable. How could he have such a powerful power?

   only saw him pierced and pierced out seven bone spears.

   But, I only heard the sound of "Boom Boom" continuously, and all the bone spears shattered. However, he was still brave and invincible.

In the end, seeing the fist mark of sacrificing the undead about to hit the undead, he saw a **** hand clasping one hand, abruptly grabbing the fist of sacrificing, letting the power of terror explode in the air, rippling red ripple. Despite this, the **** hand did not tremble for a moment.

   At this moment, most people are already dumbfounded.

   Wenzhu also secretly spread the voice: "Longxi, what realm is this?"

   Longxi was stunned, how should I answer this? It seems... it doesn't seem to be the realm of Zhongji Venerable, right?

After the punch, the undead on the wall said with a hoarse voice: "You are indeed very strong. If you want to make a full shot, you should be able to beat the peak of the Venerable... But there is a gap between the half-kings! You know... I said. What is the gap..."

  Even on the Undead City, many people were dumbfounded, and turned their heads to look at the undead, saying that the human beings of the Intermediate Venerable, with all their strength, can be comparable to the Venerable Peak?

   If this is the case, then this person has to be treated with caution.

   A mid-level sage may not change much of the situation.

   But, a Venerable Peak, this is another completely different deterrent.

  Venerable Pinnacle and Half King, there is a difference in the maturity of the road. However, they face the ordinary elementary, intermediate, and high-level venerables, their deterrent power is extremely great.

Just listen to Han Fei grinning: "I think you should forget that the reason why my human race can stand in this world depends not only on strength, but also on wisdom, as well as unity, and belief... Now, I can do well. Have you talked about it?"

   In fact, this immortal city is too short of people.

   Living people are also worth cherishing. Therefore, this is why peak explorers like Wenzhu have to be arranged to recuperate in the rear after being seriously injured...

   It's really... People don't even dare to lose such combat power easily.

   Even if they know that Wenzhu's foundation is badly damaged and they have no hope of making a breakthrough, it is still worthy of preservation.

   Therefore, Han Fei, such a super-powerful person who can rival the pinnacle of the Venerable, appeared in the Undead City. This is definitely a surprise for many people.

   Now they can’t wait for Han Fei to go to the front line immediately and show the Sea-Monster that the human race has high-end combat power...

   Therefore, even if Han Fei is unreasonable and strong at this moment, these people will not fight him.

   Among these venerables, most people don’t know Broken Star Island, let alone where Broken Star Island is?

   Although it is said, the strong from the outside world have almost fallen. However, the status of the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island is still very bluff. Killing more than 20 Venerables and commanding millions of human races, there is no ordinary role for this level of figure.

   As the saying goes, "Thousands of soldiers are easy to buy, and a general is hard to find." They knew Han Fei's weight.

   Immediately, the black robe on the immortal city said: "You can come, but it is best to hold up the body barrier, otherwise it is not a good thing to die. Longxi, you temporarily leave the island."

   "Yes! Lord Nether."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth curled up slightly, and he raised his foot and stood on the tower in one step. And his body did not open the barrier.

   When Han Fei came to this island, he could already feel the lifelessness.

   It’s just that the Great Wasteland Art clearly records that everything in the world, any energy, in a certain sense, can be interchanged. That death energy is also a kind of energy, and it is also a particularly advanced energy. Its particularity lies in the fact that it is a great power of death, which is even higher than spiritual energy and monster energy.


   Han Fei took a slight breath of death air, and the great waste body technique in his body was running, and the large holes in his chest were like grinding discs, grinding the death energy out of the body and expelling some dark energy from the body.

   All the undead saw Han Fei swallowing his breath, and, in the next moment, they were able to get rid of some impurities, all of them were shocked.

   Someone was surprised and asked: "Why... can you absorb lifelessness?"

  Han Fei smiled and said: "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is wild, and everything in the world is energy. The strong, dare to absorb all the power between the sky and the earth."

  Han Fei came out mysteriously, and the old turtle couldn't help rolling his eyes.

   It's just that, hearing this kind of mysterious and mysterious words, to other people's ears, it naturally seems that Han Fei is very mysterious and very pretending.

  Han Fei was not worried about being among the venerables, but directly turned his gaze to the half king who had just been talking to him.

   Nether came to Han Fei, and after a pause, he raised his hand and lifted the black robe above his head.

   The next moment, Han Fei saw a pale face.

   It’s just that, unlike the skull head that Han Fei thought in his heart, his face was paler, he was thinner, and his body had no vitality. If this thick lifeless, pale face is aside, this person is almost indistinguishable from a real person.

   Of course, because Han Fei has already met the ancestors of the mob, knowing that these people may seem okay on the outside, but the problem in the fight is big.

Just listen to Netherworld said: "The Immortal City does lack the strong. But, you have to know that even if you have the power of the venerable peak, or even if you have the power of a half king, you can't change the entire battle of the immortal city with one person. "

   But Han Fei looked at Netherworld, and said lightly: "Why not form an alliance with the Monster Beast Alliance? The Monster Beast Alliance has many strong players. If the two sides form an alliance, at least the Black Blood City can be shocked."

   The Nether looked at the people around him, did not answer Han Fei’s question, but responded, “Do you know how to change to immortality?”

   Han Fei frowned slightly, then shook his head slightly.

   Nether said: "Since you don't know, then don't ask us, why don't you join forces with monsters? Naturally, there are reasons for this."

Han Fei still wanted to wait for Netherworld’s response. However, someone next to him said: “Accurately speaking, anyone who converts to the cultivation of immortality can no longer be considered a human. There are some things that we don’t want to say, but we can’t say. There are some things. , Once touched, I will be annihilated."

   Han Fei frowned even more. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

  At this time, the old turtle also reminded: "Han Fei, don't pursue this question anymore. Such a secret is indeed not something you can pursue now. Don't ask, don't mention it."

   Han Fei was puzzled: "Lao Yuan, you know?"

   Old Tortoise said: "I have said it, let you not ask. Remember what I told you... some names, even if they are far apart, can't be mentioned! Otherwise, they will get into trouble."

  Han Fei has never thought about what is behind the undead?

   However, from today, Han Fei knows: This is probably a taboo that he cannot touch for the time being. A taboo that even the old tortoise and the emperor are extremely jealous of.

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Okay! I leave it alone. Everyone, I come to the Wall of Death... Well, the time for the cage is limited. What I have said counts. Some things are indeed more than just It depends on the strength. I need command of part of the Undead City."

   Han Fei was straightforward.

   Long before he came to the Immortal City, he had heard that the humans had a miserable life here. Therefore, from the very beginning, he had the mind to command the immortal city.

  Although, Han Fei knows, there must be half kings in the Immortal City, even pseudo-kings. However, if the price is so high, let's sit back and pay back!

   As much power as I can demand.

   Therefore, Han Fei heard Nether Ming say: "Impossible!"

   Some undead sneered: "You just came to the Immortal City, and you don't even have time for a stick of incense. Want me to wait for the Immortal City to be handed over to you? Do you think it's possible?"

   Han Fei grinned, and looked back at Longxi and others outside the island: "Then I want them..."

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