God of Fishing

Chapter 1555: I am the king of contemporary people

   The God of Fishing Hanging Island Chapter 1555 Are I the King of Contemporary People? "

   It is beyond the expectations of the people like You Ming, if Han Fei's purpose is to decentralize power? They will not give it anyway.

   After all, Han Fei's sudden appearance caught them off guard.

   A complete stranger, even if he is confirmed to be a human race, but when he stretches out his hand, he wants someone? Want rights?

  Nether these people are not fools, of course they would not agree.

Without waiting for Netherworld to speak, someone would have heard someone say: "That's impossible! You should have discovered that their foundation is damaged and their strength is greatly weakened. The strength of a body is not even 70%. You want to use them, even more. Impossible, they are the seeds of my humanity."

   Han Fei interrupted immediately: "Don't be so eager to veto. I said I want them, what I said is, I want to restore their strength to their peak."


   A group of undead people are puzzled.

Someone said in a low voice: "Are you a spirit gatherer? But even if you are an excellent spiritual gatherer, you should know that damage to the foundation can not be recovered by ordinary healing techniques. Even if it is a spiritual gatherer, I am immortal again. It's not lack of Spirit Gathering Master."

Han Fei grinned: "I'll just ask, if their strength is restored to the peak, will you give it? To put it bluntly, this handsome has commanded tens of thousands of people and has his own style of acting. However, a handsome man is not allowed. No soldiers..."

  Han Fei could feel: The eyes of these people are all staring at him.

   However, Han Fei’s offer was indeed too tempting.

   If Han Fei really has the ability to cure them all, it means that the battle power of the Undead City can at least be increased.

   Of course, now that Han Fei has said this problem, Netherworld believes that he will definitely heal some people. It may be dozens or hundreds, but no matter how many... As long as Han Fei's actions are within the monitorable range, why not?

   I saw a blue fire from Nether's robe, and a hoarse voice came out: "Yes, but even if you cure them, don't abuse them. There are not so many human races in the cage, and there is no room for sacrifice."

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly aroused; "Naturally, my man, I will use it well. Please also call out all the wounded in the rear battlefield!"


   After a while, blue and green weird fireworks burst out in the Immortal City.

   These undead people think Han Fei is crazy, do you know how many people are?

   Youming said at the time: "Han Fei, do you know what you are talking about? Call them all? Even if you are the real king, can you heal hundreds of thousands of people at one time?"

   Han Fei grinned and said, "Who said I would heal hundreds of thousands of people at once? If my guess is right, there should be many islands on the front line of the Immortal City? On the front line, pick an island and give it to me."

   "No! Are you really when you come to command the Immortal City?"

   "Han Fei, don't do things too far."

   As soon as Han Fei's voice fell, two people roared.

However, Han Fei was fierce, and his voice trembling: "Why not? You are the weakest of the four forces in the cage. Are the humans incompetent or you are incompetent? If you can't, then you should be handsome, where did you come from? No way?"

  Han Fei is fierce and powerful.

   Face what kind of ethnic group, what kind of method.

   Han Fei has been in Shiwan Dashan and knows what kind of personality monsters are like.

   However, Han Fei is more familiar with humans, because humans are too smart. There are too many things in my mind for a moment. However, the more comprehensive you want, the more restrained you are.

   When he came, Han Fei didn't intend to spend much time trying to entangle the issue of important people.

   If you have to wait to become one of them and integrate into them, then you can ask to lead a group of people, that's cheating! How can I have so much time to play with them?

   Therefore, Han Fei is strong, strong, and strong at this moment.

Han Fei shouted: "Give me an island, I cure one, and this person will belong to me. Lao Tzu is here to seek opportunities in the cage, and he grows quickly. Tu Zun is inevitable. I don't have so much time, and I waste it. Melt into you!"

   Someone scolded: "Arrogant, it's like an immortal city, it's a place where you can come if you want...Do you think that you have the highest combat power of the Lord, so you are invincible?"

   Someone sneered: "Not to mention that you are only showing the power of the Supreme Venerable Peak. Even if you really reach the Venerable Peak, do you think you can shake a city with one person?"

Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth and said: "What? The immortal city is like this, and I am afraid that I will decentralize power? You feel that I, Han Fei, care about your rights in this area of ​​the immortal city? What I want is the whole world... I am the present, generation, man and king."

   When Han Fei said the last few words, his voice echoed like thunder in a clear sky, echoing for nine days.



   A few people from Longxi retreated outside the immortal city and waited.

  Han Fei just set foot in the Immortal City, but they can't.

   Even though they are already respected, their foundation is damaged. If they are with the undead, once they are contaminated by death, it is difficult to get rid of.

   Someone said: "Longxi, what are the origins of this Han Fei and that Broken Star Island? It's a big tone."

   Another person also said: "Yeah, Longxi...This person is so perverse and domineering, dare to challenge the Great Venerable Nether under the Immortal City? He even shot? Is he fierce or stupid?"

  Longxi also frowned all the time: "Do you think that a fool dare to break through the immortal city alone?"

   The other two Junior Venerables shook their heads: The place of Immortal City is an individual, and they dare not come. There are hundreds of thousands of miles near the Immortal City, but there is not even a fish...


   Suddenly, the four of them quarreled when they saw the Immortal City.

   Wenzhu said in surprise; "Longxi, that person won't fight with You Ming Da Zun, right?"


   Suddenly, above the sky, the sky that has been shrouded in darkness all the year round, was illuminated by a holy white beam of light, illuminating four large holes. The four rays of light fell instantly, wrapping Longxi and the other four people in it.


   At that moment, Longxi, Wenzhu, and the other two Junior Venerables unconsciously unconsciously stretched out, making a comfortable sound.

   At that moment, they felt: their foundation is recovering. And it is recovering at an incredible speed. They rested for a few years, but only recovered 12%. As a result, under this beam of light, it was repaired in the blink of an eye.

   At that moment, Longxi and the other four people, apart from being comfortable, could only hear a few words echoing in the sky-"I am the king of modern people."

   Heh, what a domineering sentence!

   came from Han Fei's mouth, not to mention the few people in Longxi, even Nether was shocked.

   Just now, when Han Fei said that sentence, an astonishing aura broke out in this person, making his heart start to frighten.

   The enlightenment technique came on that day, and Nether and others, at the first time, stepped out and left Han Fei. At that moment, Han Fei's body exudes a holy radiance, making them all feel the burning pain unconsciously.

   However, in the next moment, no one cares about Han Fei's unreasonableness. Because they saw the beams of light, and saw the aura of the Longxi four people getting stronger and stronger.

   Just a few dozen breaths, Wenzhu exclaimed: "Longxi, my foundation, my foundation is damaged, has it been restored?"

   Long Xi and the other two Junior Venerables were also so surprised that their eyes were almost staring.

  Longxi looked at the towers of the Immortal City, swallowed and said, "I...my foundation has also been restored."

   The other two people looked up one after another, looked at the fading glory, and muttered, "Who is he?"

   On the immortal city.

   Someone murmured: "Apocalypse... the legendary apocalypse magic?"

   In the ghostly eyes, a green flame burned.

   Han Fei knew that he was looking at himself.

   After a while, Nether Ming said: "Okay! I promise you."

   Just listen to Netherworld shouting: "Longxi, Hua Meng, Chen Yue...From today, you will be under Han Fei's account. Immediately summon all the wounded in the rear and rush to the nearest Death Island outside the Immortal City."

   The people in Longxi were stunned for a moment, looked at the man on the Immortal City with complex expressions, took a deep breath, clasped their fists and said, "Take Ling."

  Longxi looked at Wenzhu: "You stay here, UU read www.uukahnshu.com, let's call someone."

   Wenzhu looked dazed: God knows what happened?

   Somehow, he intercepted a suspicious person from the Monster Beast Alliance... Then, when he found that he couldn't beat him, he asked Longxi for help.

   As a result, Longxi couldn't beat it either!

   Finally, this man broke into the Undead City. Now, he has become his own leader?

On the Immortal City, Han Fei slightly arched his hands: "Thank you. I, Han Fei, may not stay in the Immortal City forever. However, within a hundred years, I will try my best to take you out of the cage. The day you leave the cage. , Is when the Black Blood City is destroyed."

   This time, no one refuted what Han Fei said. Because there is no way to refute this. A hundred years later, who knows? If that happens, it would be great.

   At this time, Nether still said with a hoarse voice: "The Apocalypse Divine Art is indeed rumored to be the Great Art of the King, and it has never appeared in history. However, the Black Blood City is not so easy to fight. A hundred years...too short."

   Han Fei grinned: "Let’s wait and see."

   It's over, Han Fei took a deep look at Immortal City. This is simply a piece of... an ancient castle full of decay and darkness. The lifelessness inside is too strong!

   Believe the old tortoise, Han Fei does not seek the secrets of the undead.

   Han Fei appeared beside Wenzhu in one step.

   After that, Han Fei looked back and said, "If you don't worry, you can come to see my island in the future. My people will not die easily."

   After that, Han Fei turned his gaze to Wenzhu and smiled softly: "Okay, now, you take me to the death island and wait!"

  Second more...please ask...


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