God of Fishing

Chapter 1561: Undead City Show (Part 2)

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When Han Fei really stood at the front of the battlefront of the Undead City, he found that there were not many battles here. They were all people under the realm of explorers, battling each other.

Moreover, many of these people are undead.

Seeing this situation, Han Fei understood at the time: What is going on...

After all, the battle in the cage has been tens of thousands of years. Do you really want to say that the enemy and us are hard to separate? That human being had already died, even the Black Blood City couldn't sustain this kind of death.

Therefore, the two sides are only antagonistic and deadlocked. Without absolute certainty, no destructive war was launched.

Of course, there is another possibility that the Black Blood King City wants to rush out of the prison. Therefore, in the past few hundred years, it has not deliberately launched a large-scale war...

At this time, the front line that appeared in front of Han Fei's eyes, although it stretched longer, the movement of the battle was much smaller than that of the Gorge of Life and Death.

On the other side of the Gorge of Life and Death, there is a dedicated battlefield. Usually, a few explorers can fight for a day. Of course, not many people have fallen. Sometimes, you may not die for several days.

On the human side, there are mostly submersible fishermen and law enforcers fighting against marine creatures. This situation is a bit similar to Broken Star Island. The whole island is on the front line, and the strong are just guarding, to avoid accidents...

However, it is somewhat different from Broken Star Island: there are almost no particularly low-level marine creatures. There is no such thing as an angler or a hanging angler. It can only be said that it is very rare, and I am afraid that it will come out to gather the wind. Of course, this is also because the external environment is very harsh, and those low-level creatures usually hide in ban.

When Han Fei saw this scene, he was speechless at the time: If it was just this kind of drama and couldn't even sing a big show, where would he go to slaughter ten?

As if he knew Han Fei’s thoughts, Ye Qian said, “Don’t be confused by the sights in front of you. Fighting cannot be carried out day by day. Wars are not uncommon, but it’s just impossible that hundreds of thousands of people will fight at once... The cage is not like the outside world. Such a large-scale war is really going to be fought. Even if the Black Blood City wants to eat the Immortal City, it will inevitably be greatly damaged. They don't dare to do it... They also have to consider their rear..."

Han Fei: "When will there be a slightly larger battle?"

Ye Qian: "On average, there will be one war of the elders once a month. Large-scale wars of the elders occur once a year. In the past, it was generally difficult for one to fall in a year. In the past two years, slightly more. Explorers Realm battles happen every day... Although there are not many sages of my human race, but the fighting style is fierce. Therefore, the wounded you see in the back of the Undead City are all hit hard by this challenge. ."

At this moment, Han Fei and Ye Qian came to the second island, where there are half-king undead. The man looked at Han Fei from a distance, and Han Fei looked at him from a distance, and did not speak.

In addition to this half king, Han Fei also felt that seven or eight nobles were all undead. They are strong and weak, but there is no one who is the highest peak of the Venerable.

In Han Fei's perception, the second island is basically the undead.

Han Fei: "Frontline, how many sages are there?"

Ye Qian: "If you add the nobles you brought back now, there are almost a hundred in total."

However, from the bottom of Han Fei's heart, the old turtle said bluntly: "Fart, plus what you brought, there are only 86."

The corner of Han Fei's mouth curled slightly, and what the old turtle said was like speech. Adding about 30 statues of Immortal City here, the total number of statues is about 120.

The number of this venerable even surpassed that of the Cloud Sea God Tree.

However, this is not Shuimutian after all. The enemies here are not Baibei King City and Blood Sea God Wood City either. In Black Blood City, people still have a pseudo-king!

The number of nearly 300 pieces is more than twice yours.

Observing all the way, when he reached the fourth island, Han Fei was not ready to continue watching. This is Han Fei's view, the most special island. Here the undead and humans build a camp and live on this island at the same time.

At this moment, outside the battlefield, there are two explorers clashing.

When Han Fei saw it, the human strong was holding a sword and the half-mermaid strong was changing lives.

Yes, the scene that Han Fei saw was a change of life.

The human strong, only half of the long sword in his hand is left, and one arm has dropped. The situation of the half-mermaid on the opposite side is not very good either, and his chest has been stabbed through.

At this moment, both sides are desperate and both have a desperate posture.

However, at the last moment, I only saw the abandoned arm of the strong human being suddenly shaken. I saw that hand actually broke away from the body, turned into a long sword, and then condensed a sword light.


The strong half-mermaid was cut into two pieces.

And the strong human man broke his arm, his chest was pierced, but his face was full of crazy smiles.


"Kill well."

"Uncle De mighty."

"Sea-monster thief, are you still arrogant?"

On the human side, there are many powerful onlookers cheering.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qian immediately said, "Do you want to save? Using your means to save this person shouldn't be very troublesome."

Han Fei smiled and said: "It is not troublesome, but it is relative if it is not troublesome. I save people and consume vitality. You can organize it, or let the wounded bring life-like spiritual fruit, or bring the realm of explorers. When the living siren goes to the Flint Island, I can rescue them together. Otherwise, the 800,000-mile coastline will let me run? I’m not here to save people, I’m here to Slaughter."

Ye Qian's eyes lit up: "Is this serious?"

Han Fei: "Of course, you can tell them about this now."

Ye Qian immediately spread the voice, but after dozens of breaths of time, with a "swipe" sound, a half king appeared beside Han Fei. Dan Pain Novel Network

Ye Qian: "Han Fei, this is Great Venerable Gan Feng, half-king."

I saw that Gan Feng threw out more than 500 spirit fruits and said: "How many people can this save?"

Han Fei saw this person's face meticulous, and when he came to him, he only talked about business matters, so he was naturally also doing business.


"Boom boom~"

Only saw more than 500 spirit fruits shattered instantly, turning into energy and being swallowed by Han Fei.

Han Fei hadn't expected much to swallow it. However, after swallowing it, Han Fei felt that his vitality had been restored for about 300 years.

At that time, Han Fei's eyes lit up: "These spirit fruits?"

Gan Feng said: "The immortal city, after all, has thousands of miles of sea area. Although it is not rich in spiritual fruit, you also know the harsh conditions in the cage. The spiritual fruit that can be born under such harsh conditions has vitality. Be tenacious."

Han Fei bluntly said: "There are three persons in the elementary state, or two persons in the intermediate state, or one person in the advanced state. If it is in the explorer state, 30 persons in the half state, not 50 persons in the half state... Of course, it depends on the extent of their damage and consumption."

At that time, Gan Feng's eyelids twitched: There are 500 life-like spirit fruits for Han Fei. Is the effect so great?

You know, this kind of life-like spirit fruit can only hang at best.

An explorer with a damaged foundation, even if he eats a hundred or ten pieces, it is a question of whether he can repair the damage.

As a result, on Han Fei's side, he opened his mouth to treat 50 explorers...

Just listen to Gan Feng said: "Within three days, I will personally take people and bring life-like spirit fruits to Flint Island."

Han Fei smiled slightly: "Don't you need me to save people today?"

Gan Feng: "Count in three days."

Han Fei smiled and said, "Okay! Have you ever fought the Venerable War this month?"

Both Gan Feng and Ye Qian glanced at Han Fei, then Gan Feng shook their heads: "Not yet, will you show up as soon as you come?"

Han Fei said indifferently: "The rhetoric that is released must always be realized. However, I will not make a move today. When the other party asks the Lord to fight, remember to notify me. Best, help me make an appointment with a pinnacle intermediate. Lord."


Seeing Gan Feng puzzled, Han Fei smiled and said, "It's not my style to slaughter one statue in one breath."

Gan Feng and Ye Qian looked at each other, and said to their hearts: Han Fei's tone is really big.

Hearing the meaning of this, it is probably to kill the two venerables in one breath?

Han Fei's perception swept around 30,000 miles. Because the perception was not concealed, many people immediately cast doubtful glances at Han Fei.

And Han Fei said at the same time: "It's just a face-to-face with you."

In fact, because he didn't see these people face to face, Han Fei couldn't confirm whether these people were undercover? At that moment, the Vientiane Navigation Instrument turned for a while, but the undercover agent was not found among these noble-level powerhouses, which made Han Fei a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no undercover!

Han Fei has always suspected: There will be undercover agents on this island. Because...Among my subordinates, there is a problem with Wang He, I have already determined it!

Since it is an undercover agent, there must be a way to transmit information, or there must be a coordinator.

Seeing that he was not on this island, Han Fei naturally greeted these venerables.

Today, the Black Blood City has lost a senior explorer.

After the First World War, not only did the two sides fail to speak much, but gradually died down.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, it is very rare to kill a senior explorer on the other side in one day. However, in Han Fei's view, this style of play, even if it is played for 10,000 years, I am afraid that it can be played.

Most likely, this is a conspiracy of the Black Blood King City. Otherwise, if you really want to fight, the Black Blood King City will only send these people over?

After watching this battle, Han Fei suddenly said: "Two, do you mind if I go into the sea, first hunt some big monsters in the Explorer realm, and add vitality?"

Gan Feng frowned immediately: "You want to go deep into the Black Blood City?"

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "Why go to the Black Blood City? It probably only needs to hunt more than a hundred explorers. UU reading www.uukanshu.com two hours is enough to return."

Ye Qian looked at Gan Feng, and Gan Feng pondered for a moment: Han Fei finally got people from the Immortal City, came to the front line, and even fought Chenxiang, proved his strength, not just to go to sea?

Even if Han Fei goes to sea, even if Han Fei is an undercover agent, to find the Venerable in Black Blood City, what can he do?

However, neither Gan Feng nor Chenxiang dare to gamble.

Just listen to Gan Feng said: "Sorry, you first came here, and you dare not let you go to sea alone. I will be monitored by someone who can't accompany you. So, if you want to be alive, you need a strong explorer, I will find a way."

Han Fei nodded slightly: Indeed, he now wants to go to sea and go deep into the territory of the Black Blood City. This will definitely make many people restless.

Han Fei: "Okay! It's a long time coming, I'm not in a hurry."

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