God of Fishing

Chapter 1562: The strongest spiritual gatherer in history

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Seeing that the frontline had no chance to take a shot, Han Fei directly returned to Flint Island.

For three consecutive days, Han Fei has been healing these people. Yes, the first step can only be healed with the chains of holy light. If you use apocalypse magic on a large scale, you will definitely be overwhelmed.

Three days later.

In front of Han Fei, 50 explorers stood.

Han Fei separately found the junior explorers, and half of them, the explorers of these five small realms came for treatment. Each time, the number of people treated was 10 people.

At this moment, ten junior explorers stood in front of them, only seeing ten beams of light descend. In just five breaths of time, these holy beams of light disappeared.

"Huh? Basically no vitality?"

After entering the wall of death, this is the first time that Han Fei has performed apocalyptic magic on a small scale. A few times ago, all the people he treated with the Apocalypse Divine Art were Venerables, massive explorers. Therefore, I have a lot of vitality loss.

Before he was promoted to the realm of the venerable, Han Fei always thought that the use of apocalypse magic arts all required vitality.

However, at this moment, when he is now casting apocalypse magic on junior explorers, not only do they recover extremely fast, but they don't even need to consume their own vitality.

This is undoubtedly great news.

Of these 320,000 people, a full 130,000 are junior explorers. Originally, Han Fei still had a headache: the front-line war was not fierce, and he could only rely on the life-like spirit fruit that Gan Feng found.

Or, I can only go to the Spirit Orchard on the Island of Taboo.

However, there are not all spirit fruits in the spirit orchard, and many fruits there are originally a special kind of life.

Moreover, the main purpose of placing the base on Flint Island is of course not the spiritual orchard, but the grassland.

Han Fei has always felt: Maybe many people are wrong. Inside the cage, there is no king. It's just that everyone can't find this king.

At the beginning, I encountered that barren grave on that grassland.

When entering it, Han Fei saw the terrifying figure.

At that time, Han Fei wondered: What realm is this person? After all, when the three great kings were observing outside, they could not discover the secrets of this deserted grave.

Even the old tortoise couldn't describe the state of that figure at the time. He can't even tell whether he is in the grave or outside?

At this moment, since the restoration of junior explorers does not require much vitality, it will be easier!

Of course, Han Fei beckoned without expression: "Intermediate Explorer, come here."

When the second batch of 10 intermediate explorers came to Han Fei, they were still a little worried. The holy light surging on Han Fei followed the apocalypse.

This time, Han Fei was surprised to discover: Healing 10 Intermediate Explorers consumes less than 2 years of life. To be precise, it is about one and a half years.

This consumption is also not high.

However, it is not too small. With this calculation, it would take almost 1,500 years of life to cure 10,000 Intermediate Explorers.

Even this consumption can't be consumed by myself.

Therefore, Gan Feng also needs to provide enough life-like spirit fruits.

After a while, Han Fei tried them one by one.

after testing.

The upward treatment of the intermediate explorer, the consumption of vitality, began to soar. 10 advanced explorers consume 5 years of vitality. 10 peak explorers need 12 years of vigor. 10 half statues need 20 years of vitality.

This means that it will take about 2 years of vitality to add one's body to the Dao of Apocalypse to restore the foundation of a semi-exalted powerhouse.

With this calculation, a total of 50 explorers have been restored today, and he has only consumed almost 38 years of life.

This is the difference between the strong in the explorer realm and the noble realm. The vitality of 38 years is probably just the cost of the foundation repair of an intermediate sage.

These healed explorers only feel that their state has returned to the peak, and it is really as magical as the great lords said.

These explorers who had been cured by Han Fei looked at Han Fei's gaze, which changed at that time.

If Han Fei was tough before, everyone was frightened when they saw him.

But now, in the past few days that Han Fei has been treating people, it seems that there is no ferocious spirit at all.

Since then, everyone is secretly guessing and discussing: Han Fei may only be so tough and domineering when he is about to be the supreme commander in battle. On weekdays, it seems that there is even a little sunshine.

"Xie Hanshuai waited for me to heal my injuries."

These forty or fifty explorers gave their hands.

Then, one of them took out the swallowing seashells and said, "Um, Hanshuai, I will wait until you know that healing the foundation damage will consume your vitality. We heard that life-like spirit fruits can help you restore your vitality. I'll make it here. At one point, there are only about 30 pieces. This, it may be a little bit less, but we didn’t know about accumulating spirit fruit before, we just thought it was a one-time consumable. Therefore, when the aura is not fast enough in wartime, it’s just use it. It worked."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "Well! Stay, this handsome is not welcome."

Only seeing these more than 30 spirit fruits, suddenly floated into the air.

The next moment, it was crushed.

Seeing Han Fei opened his mouth and sucked it, it was done in one mouthful, and all the explorers looked at each other.

Han Feiyi feels: Probably 19 years of vitality has been restored, right is better than nothing! It is equivalent to using 19 years of vitality to restore 50 people.

The price is worth it.

When I mentioned it to Gan Feng before, it was only a rough estimate, and he naturally wanted to deduct part of the rebate.

I can't tell Gan Feng: You give me 300 years of life, and I will save you at least 100 people. In that case, I have only given treatment to other people on the front line. How can I save the people on my side?

Now, it has been proved through practice that even if it is to rescue 50 half statues, it will consume only 100 years of vitality. If you only rescue half of them, the cost is lower.

Suddenly, the old turtle said: "Han Fei kid. I always feel that if you can use the highest combat power of the nobleman, then why can't your apocalypse magic be a higher level? Strength, will the effect of using the divine enlightenment technique be better? Or is it that your avenue can only increase your strength?"

Han Fei's heart moved: Yes, he had never thought of using the Great Dao on the Divine Revelation Art.

He even said that this Tianqi Dadao, he was not planning to go down to practice. After all, this is not yet known which conspiracy passed down from the great power? He is waiting to harvest himself...020 reading

Including the four major professions of human beings... Obviously, behind these, there are great abilities waiting to be harvested!

However, one's own avenue can be switched, and this can be completely ignored. Therefore, Han Fei is at ease!

However, although I am not afraid of being harvested by power, this Apocalypse Avenue cannot be deduced, it can only rely on comprehension.

After the old tortoise's reminder, Han Fei recalled the third effect of the Tianqi Avenue: the life span of those who entered this way doubled. The life overdraft effect gradually decreases with the growth of strength...

Generally speaking, the life span of the Venerable Realm begins to decline in 5000 years. Want to live to ten thousand years? The difficulty is already great.

However, if you walk on the Avenue of Apocalypse, you will have a long life.

Moreover, the effect of the operation is more than twice as good as before.

According to the growth of one's own strength, the consumption of each use will only get lower and lower.

Then, I can really try it, and use the effect of my jasper stone bridge on this Apocalypse Avenue!

Following Han Fei's thoughts, Han Fei swept his senses, swiped, and entered his own handsome mansion. In fact, it was a randomly built wooden house with layers of bans surrounding it.

Han Fei's heart moved, and the jasper stone bridge appeared.

Then Han Fei walked up.

This time, Han Fei's thoughts are: the effect of the apocalypse magic spell is tripled!

Because this is the first time to use this effect, this jade stone bridge has to be walked. It's just that it's easy to get on the bridge, and when you get down to the fifth floor, in addition to the pressure, there is still a milky white halo emerging in front of my eyes.

Han Fei was shocked to discover: This is Dao Yun, an unknown Dao Yun, belonging to the Apocalypse Divine Art.

Han Fei immediately wanted to try these Dao Yun? As a result, they are not for their own use at all.

After all, the triple-effect road failed. Being able to get through the limit of three times the combat power does not mean that you can go three times as far as you can on another road.

Han Fei failed gloriously.

However, there are a total of eight steps, and he has already come down five floors. There was no need to go to the sixth floor at all, Han Fei's heart moved and started all over again.

The second time, two and five times, I can't go on when I reach the eighth floor.

In the end, Han Fei's effect was two to three times that.

But even so, Han Fei was already very happy.

This means: It also consumes 38 years of vitality, and now it is possible to rescue 115 people.

Suddenly, Han Fei's heart moved: someone is coming.


With the formation open, Han Fei walked out of the handsome mansion, only to see that Ye Qian and Gan Feng had arrived.

When he saw Gan Feng, Han Fei swept away, more than 30,000 people came hundreds of miles away.

Just listen to Gan Feng said: "The ones I brought are all slightly damaged by the foundation, and they are not very serious. They are all in the realm of explorers. The number of people may be a bit large, but I have collected 31,820 spiritual fruits. For the time being...maybe not enough, but as much as you can treat, let’s treat as much as you can!"

Han Fei said indifferently: "I'll go see their damage..."

Han Fei stretched out his hand and took over Gan Feng's Sun Moon Shell.

In one step, he came to the front of those explorers.

Gan Feng and Ye Qian almost reached the same time as Han Fei. After all, the distance is too close, for people like them, it is not a distance at all.

Han Fei glanced at them. Among these people, junior explorers accounted for 50%, intermediate explorers accounted for 30%, advanced explorers and peak explorers combined accounted for only 10%, and there were only 282 half.

Han Fei glanced at Gan Feng and said, "Slight damage and big damage to the foundation are two different things. I will test it first."

Gan Feng nodded, but saw Han Fei shout: "From the elementary venerable state to the semi-precious, those who are close to me, each approached 20 people."

These explorers know that they are here to receive treatment.

However, there are still some people who are puzzled: the foundation is damaged, but even the sages have nothing to do. Even the Venerable Spirit Gathering Master can only repair them one by one, and there is no guarantee that they will recover completely. Can this Han Fei work?

Many people don't even know Han Fei. After all, this Venerable is extremely strange to them.

Some people say: Is there a hidden Venerable behind us?

Soon, a hundred people gathered.

I saw Han Fei's body, a milky white halo surged. In the next moment, more than a hundred holy beams of light descend from the sky.


I can only see the momentum of these people, and they are quickly recovering. The slowest one, it only took 12 breaths, and the beam of light on his body disappeared. And their foundation damage has been completely restored.

It was also the first time that Gan Feng saw Han Fei perform the magic of apocalypse. He was surprised, and he was also surprised.

With this person, Terran's combat power has increased by at least 30%!

Han Fei discovered: The damage to the foundation of these people is indeed not high, and it is easier to repair. I thought that after the effect of the Divine Enlightenment was doubled, it would take about 35 years of life. But it turned out otherwise, I only used 20 years of vitality, which was much better than expected.

This is still the presence of 20 half-seniors in the treatment group just now.

In fact, for the three levels of Advanced Explorer, Peak Explorer, and Half Venerable, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has less than 3,000 people. Calculating in this way, in fact, he only needs to consume about 2500 years of vitality to treat all these people.

As for the spirit fruit that Gan Feng gave him, if they were all of the quality of the previous day, 31,820, could at least provide him with more than 18,000 years of vitality.

With this calculation, I made a lot of money!

Han Fei immediately said: "Their damage is not high enough. A hundred people have consumed more than 60 years of vitality. Once the half-exalted state is cured, the rest are easier. If they are all at this level, they can all return to the battlefield after three days. "


When Gan Feng's aura swept around, he immediately stared at Han Fei with wide eyes: "Really?"

Han Fei: "Of course. I won't retreat Lingguo. There are still many people waiting on my side."

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