God of Fishing

Chapter 1563: War of the Lords

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Han Fei joked.

After all, the powerhouse of the half-king realm naturally knows how much benefit the spiritual fruit they bring can generally produce?

After listening to Han Fei's ridicule, Gan Feng let out a sigh, and said to his heart: I also calculated it myself. Even if Han Fei had reservations, there could not be more than 5,000 spirit fruits left.

Even so, Han Fei is already too enchanting. Treating more than 30,000 people, like playing with special? Could it be...is this the legendary road to the king of people?

In other words, is this Han Fei really the reincarnation of the King of Man?

At this moment, Gan Feng is not so sure.

He brought 30,000 people, and Han Fei’s foundation suffered a huge loss of up to 320,000 people. In short, they are all from their own family, and of course they can provide as many spiritual fruit as they can provide.

I saw Gan Feng relaxed and said, "Naturally, there is no problem. In three days, I will send another 20,000 Lingguo. If this is the case, it will be a problem.

Han Fei looked at Gan Feng: "Among these people, I think how many people have problems, what do you think?"

Gan Feng smiled faintly: "It's okay, I have my own mind."

Hearing what Gan Feng said, Han Fei naturally didn't ask. Among these people are undercover agents, and Gan Feng clearly knows who they are.

What surprised Han Fei was that there were really a lot of undercover agents in this cage.

Perhaps, the Shark Race in Black Blood City didn't have the ability to become a Beast Race. However, they are very good at becoming human. This may be related to their practice.

After Gan Feng left, Han Fei became a doctor completely.

On the first day, tens of thousands of holy beams of light descended, shocking everyone on the island. Many people came to watch, wanting to see Han Fei's amazing healing magic.

During the period, Han Fei discovered that there were several undercover agents, whispering secretly, but Wang He remained motionless, and had no intention of contacting other undercover agents.

Wang He is actually not stupid: since Han Fei can easily identify the undercover agents in the Explorer realm when he was on Death Island, none of the undercover agents in the Explorer realm can run away. These people must have been recorded in a small notebook, but Han Fei didn't say it.

As for why didn't you say? This is also easy to understand. After all, these people are Gan Feng's subordinates. To say, it is also to Gan Feng. Knowing who the undercover is, then there is a way to use it.

This kind of thing has not been used once or twice in the confrontation between Black Blood City and Undead City. Therefore, Wang He will never expose himself in this situation.

Treating tens of thousands of people a day, this terrible healing ability has given Han Fei to myth.

Throughout the history of the cage, there has never been a spiritual concentrator who can possess one percent of Han Fei's magical powers.

For those who have been rescued by Han Fei, their mentality has completely changed. After being cured, they looked at Han Fei again, mostly as if they had seen an idol.

Therefore, during this day, Han Fei felt that his willingness was growing.

Although there are few people, these people are very strong, so even if there are not many people, they can still make Han Fei feel willing. This is also extremely necessary for Han Fei. In fact, the power of aspiration is second, and it will always be exhausted. The key is what the people want. This is what Han Fei needs to become.

On the second day, Han Fei was the same as the previous day. It took less than an hour to heal tens of thousands of people.

On the third day, it was the same.

Three days later, Gan Fengcheng, as he said, sent another 20,000 spiritual fruits. In addition to the spirit fruit, he also sent Han Fei 39 marine creatures in the Explorer realm.

From the fourth day on, Han Fei began to treat the people he had brought on Flint Island.

These people also know that Han Fei's treatment requires vitality. Therefore, under the organization of Longxi and the others, everyone pooled together, probably more than 3,000 life-like spirit fruits for Han Fei.

Although they know that more than 3,000 Lingguo is a drop in the bucket, but this is the limit of their ability. After all, this is what everyone saved in the past. Some people think it's useless to eat, and simply don't eat. Some people are prepared to hold their lives. Since Han Fei now has such miraculous healing techniques, there is no need to keep these spirit fruits.

Seven days later, there were people from Gan Feng's side who successively sent Lingguo and some sea monsters in the Explorer realm. This is a willing gift.

It can be seen that Han Fei's treatment for everyone is indeed very popular.

On Han Fei's side, 50,000 people have been treated one after another.

Although it was only partially cured, it was far from Han Fei's promise, but this has shocked countless people inexplicably.

Because of Han Fei's horror healing technique, many people who have been cured clamored to go out to war, hunt sea monsters, and search for spirit fruits, but they were all rejected by Han Fei.

On this day, more than 50,000 people were waiting for a petition outside Han Fei's handsome mansion.

They knew: Han Fei should have no resources. At this time, you can't expect the entire frontline resources to be sent to Flint Island, so you can only fight for it yourself.


Suddenly, the void shook, and Ye Qian appeared.

Countless people bowed their heads one after another: "Da Zun Ye Qian."

Ye Qian didn't hesitate a lot, and looked directly at Han Fei's cabin: "The Battle of the Venerables has begun."

"Wow~" Feidu novel

The formation was completely eliminated, and Han Fei appeared directly in front of the people with a slight smile on his face. He only heard him say indifferently: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time."

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Everyone can't leave the island without my order. After this commander goes hunting for the two gods and returns, he will have his own way to repair the foundation of Er and others."

When Han Fei said this, Wang He became anxious.

He has seen Han Fei's strength. What is the Intermediate Venerable? That is the existence that can slaughter the half king. However, the realm on his face is only an Intermediate Venerable!

Therefore, Han Fei is going to hunt two statues, everyone is confident. After all, they have all seen Han Fei make a move.

Wang He glanced around, and said to his heart: Someone should suggest to go together?

Sure enough, as soon as Wang He wanted to speak, he heard someone say: "Han Shuai, Lord Fight, do I need to go to help?"

When Wang He thought about it, the suggested method was wrong, and he continued: "Han Shuai, the number of Frontline Venerables is too small. This has always been a painful illness in the Undead City. Every Venerable Battle, the Sea Monster is measuring our side. The strength. I will wait to go to help, so as to revive my momentum of the immortal city."

After Wang He finished speaking, even Ye Qian looked at Han Fei, which was right. The Black Blood City defeated the Undead City and never killed it. A large part of the reason was the pressure of the Monster Beast Alliance.

Over the years, the number of venerables on the front line of the Immortal City has gradually decreased, which has attracted the attention of the Black Blood City.

However, Han Fei sneered: "Forgot what I said about Tu Zun's grand plan? Don't say that the two sides have not yet launched a war. Even if the war is over, you are considered to be a squad. There are all of them, and they will stay on Flint Island for me. Without my order, no one is allowed to leave the island."

At that time, Wang He wanted to talk again.

However, Han Fei's voice said in a low voice: "After I make a decision, no one should try to defy my military order."

Han Fei glanced over Wang He and a group of venerables, and everyone was a little bit afraid of the power.

Yes, these days, Han Fei has been treating illnesses, saving people and recuperating and restoring his mental power, so they almost forgot Han Fei's character.

Wang He sighed in his heart: It's a pity that there is going to be a nobleman who has fallen from the Black Blood City. On my own side, it seems that I have to do something, and I can't be so passive all the time! But, this Han Fei is too strong and didn't give himself a chance!



Ye Qian asked, "You know, you can't hide your existence. There are even undercover agents trying to vent the news. In the past few days, many undercover agents have to leave the station, but they have not been selected. , It may arouse their vigilance."

Han Fei grinned and said, "As soon as I show up, the Black Brake Snail King will be alert, and the Immortal City front will be immediately under pressure. Of course, the news from me is going to be released. But when will it be released? Who will release it? Must let me decide."

Because of the short distance, Han Fei and Ye Qian didn't have time to say a few words before they reached the fourth island.

At this moment, outside the battle line, the Siren Siren was clamoring: "What's the matter? I haven’t fought the Lord’s War for so long, do you all feel that I forgot your existence in the Black Blood City? Can someone dare to get out? war?"

Venerable Siren posed on the battlefield, coldly said: "Within a hundred breaths, there is no warrior, so please don't blame the deity for name-calling. You can do it without fighting. As long as Immortal City dares to take a battle, the deity will satisfy you... "

Gan Feng's men.

Someone shouted: "Extremely arrogant! Don't forget that you almost killed you in the last war. But after a month, you dare to be so arrogant...Let's see Lao Zi slaughter you."

Someone shouted: "I'm here, Boss Gan, I'm on. Recently, it has reached a bottleneck, and it happens to be a breakthrough."

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

"I come!"

The esteemed humans looked back, and when they saw Han Fei, they all showed surprise. Now, in the name of Han Fei, in the realm of Venerable Immortal City, who does not know? Who doesn't know?

Even those explorers whose foundations were restored by Han Fei have begun to rumors about Han Fei.

Repairing the foundation damage of 30,000 people in three days, such a terrible Spirit Gathering Master, this is the first in history in the cage.

Moreover, the fact that Han Fei exploded Chenxiang with two fists was really frightening, and it was hard to know.

Therefore, as soon as Han Fei uttered, all the sages stopped talking. Moreover, these people know from the bottom of their hearts: Today, there are indeed nobles who have fallen.

However, they still couldn't understand: Why did Han Fei make an agreement to slaughter Shizun within a year?

You are strong enough, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, hold your words in your heart! Every time you play, you pretend to be barely victorious. For at least one hundred years, it is possible to slaughter Shizun.

But if you blatantly said it, wouldn't the other spies know?

In fact, they didn't even know Han Fei's true purpose.

The reason why Han Fei came to the City of Immortality had three plans: one was to harvest a wave of venerables; one was to look at the island of taboo; and the other was to sneak into the city of black blood.

At this moment, Han Fei is working hard to realize the first plan.

But seeing Han Fei "brush", he stood in front of the battlefield.

I only saw Han Fei walking forward step by step: "Perhaps, you don't know me, but...Today's Venerable Battle, I will fight."

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