God of Fishing

Chapter 1566: Undercover

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Now that it was certain that the Sea-Monster Half King would not send anyone to meet him, Han Fei spoke out his real name without hesitation.

Once, Han Fei considered using a death bone xun to pretend to be an undead, and then slay the opponent.

However, he didn't understand the fighting method of the undead, and he had never pretended it before. It's easy to show off, no matter how good the acting is, the realm of strength is placed here, and at most one person will be killed, the other party will react!

Now, telling each other's name directly is far more shocking than pretending to be an undead.

Others may not know, but since this person is the half king of Black Blood City, then he should know the plan of Black Blood City to invade Yin and Yang Heaven. Then he should know who he is.

Sure enough, when the Sea-Monster Half King heard Han Fei's name, his pupils shrank slightly: "It's you? You came to the cage."

Han Fei put his hands on his back again, and said with a long voice: "If you violate my human world, even if you are far away, you will be punishable. Tell the Black Shalu King, I am coming! Let me slaughter two of them today and greet him. He will still be needed when we are coming down the city. Great head."


"Asshole, dare to insult my king, human beings are ruining themselves."

"The City of Immortal is impatient, ready to go to full-scale war with me, Black Blood City, right?"

The Sea-Monster half-king raised his arm and looked at Han Fei deeply: "If you say, I will bring it. It's just that the inside of the cage is no better than the outside of the cage. I want to see how it can be done with the strength of Immortal City. Make you arrogant to this point?"


The Sea-Monster Half King gave an order, and the powerful sea-monsters retreated like a tide.

After all, the Black Blood City went to war with humans on a yin and yang day, and finally ended in defeat.

Many people have never been to Yin and Yang. The understanding of the Yin-Yang-tian human beings is limited to what Heisha Snail King revealed, as well as a little understanding of Cao Xuan.

Now that Han Fei appears in the Undead City, does it mean: In the Undead City, might he have found a way to the outside world? If this is the case, how many foreign venerables are there in the Immortal City right now? These are all unknowns.

the other side.

Han Fei Lian Tu two statues.

Moreover, both of these two are the pinnacles of Intermediate Venerables, and their strength is not weak!

At this time, here in the Immortal City, the deities also knew: If Han Fei had a problem with this person, the Black Blood City did not have to sacrifice two such strong powers to confuse himself and others.

Moreover, in today's view of Han Fei's acting style, the more calm and clear the wind, the more understatement the enemy is under the sword, the more it shows his arrogance and domineering.

In the end, this Han Fei openly challenged the King of Heisha Snails. With such a calm look, he could see countless people behind him, his scalp numb.

Even many venerables began to transmit the voice of three and a half kings one after another at this moment: "Is it really okay to let him call the Black Chaluo King like that?"

Someone looked solemnly: "This person is perverse. I will admit that his strength is extremely strong and his talents are far superior to ordinary people in all aspects. But now he can only fight against half the king, right?"

Someone nodded in agreement: "The Black Brake Conch King is a false king, and there are many half kings in the Black Blood City. If all these people come out, what can I do to stop the Immortal City?"

Even the other two kings couldn't help falling into contemplation.

From the tone of voice and the reaction of the other party after hearing Han Fei's name, they probably could feel: the huge contradiction between Han Fei and Black Blood City.

However, just as the other venerables suspected, the strength of the Immortal City was not even a little bit behind the Black Blood City. Now, Han Fei has only slaughtered two statues, so he is called Ban Heisha Snail King? What does he rely on?

The entire human front, after Han Fei finished these two games, also stimulated heated discussions.

Some people said that it should be so strong; another said that Han Fei could not see the current situation; others were asking, what should happen, what should be done next?

And Han Fei looked back, looked at Gan Feng and the others, and said lightly: "You think I'm too radical? You have been consumed by each other, and you have been seriously injured every few years, and you will be hurt again every few years. It will not take long, not to die. Either the city will be transformed into an undead, or it will be defeated by the Kraken. You are good at defensive, understandable. But I am good at offensive and need to cooperate."

A half-king realm powerhouse said in a voice transmission: "It means...you have attracted the Black Brake Snail King, and we will block it for you? Or is it yourself, you can already rival the Black Brake Snail King?"

Han Fei grinned: "Heisha Snail King is here, I will raise ten more."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly, tearing through the void, and heading directly to Flint Island.


Flint Island.

Two red cracks appeared in the sky, which everyone could see clearly.

The blood rain fell on the island, causing them to swallow their saliva.

They knew: Han Fei went here, it was Tu Zun's!

However, who knows: Tu Zun will be so fast?

It only felt that Han Fei had just left on the front foot, and the Venerable had fallen on the back foot. After the first one fell, half of the incense did not pass, and another one fell...

Such speed of Tu Zun made the explorers on Flint Island feel a kind of hope.

It seems that on the human side, it has not been so strong for a long time! Jiujiu Book Pavilion

In the Immortal City, the reason why Han Fei did not provoke the Black Chaluo King to anger was because they felt that the Black Chaluo King might not come.

If Heisha Snail King, really has the ability to destroy the immortal city? He came long ago.

On the human side, the tortoise has been trapped in this cage until now, naturally there are some ways to deal with the Black Brake Snail King.

Therefore, after Han Fei killed the two great sea monsters, most people chose to believe in Han Fei, and were going to continue to see what Han Fei would do?

There is nothing to doubt about Han Fei's identity. However, your current strength has been exposed, how do you find a way to kill ten sea monsters?

At this moment, many people on Flint Island are practicing, recovering, and discussing with each other...

However, after the first fell, these people all looked up at the sky.

The powerhouses of the Venerable Realm gathered together in groups.

Several people in Longxi stood together, with complicated hearts. They were the first wave of people who followed Han Fei.

At that time, who would know that Han Fei would be so strong?

Chen Yue looked at Longxi beside him, and couldn't help saying: "Longxi, do you know where Han Shuai let Hua Meng go? Why haven't he returned?"

Long Xi shook his head slightly: "I don't know. Everyone doesn't know what this handsome Han is thinking? Hua Meng leaves, naturally there is a place for him to go."

On the other side, Lu Yuntian watched this scene with a complicated heart. His frown has never been stretched.

"Old Lu!"

Lu Yuntian was sitting on a big tree in a trance when he saw Wang He approaching.

Lu Yuntian was wondering at this moment, and now he looks like an undercover agent...

Of course, on the surface, he absolutely can't show it. He only said indifferently in his voice: "What's the matter?"

Wang He smiled and said: "It's okay, I can't come over and see you? The new Han Shuai is indeed defiant. But now it seems that they are indeed strong. In a short time, even two of them were killed. Ordinary who can do it?"

Lu Yuntian's heart moved, his first reaction was: Wang He is an undercover agent?

Lu Yuntian immediately caught Wang He, thinking many times: In the history of the entire human race, only one-third of the Venerable Realm, and the Venerable Sea-Monster...

Either die with the siren, or kill the siren, or be killed...

Only one-third of the people were severely injured by the sea monster or were severely injured by the sea monster!

In Wang He's experience, although he had never killed Lord Kraken, he had severely injured Lord Kraken three times. So, it's not very similar!

Moreover, the birth of Wang He was not very good, just an ordinary family. He can get to this point, completely step by step.

"Huh! Wait..."

Lu Yuntian suddenly remembered: More than 600 years ago, a super war broke out between the Immortal City and the Black Blood City.

At that time, more than 50 Venerables participated in the war. After the war, Wang He seemed to be rescued. When he was rescued, he almost lost the power to regenerate from a drop of blood. Since then, Wang He has rarely participated in wars. In four to five hundred years, he participated in less than ten battles and was hit again.


Thinking of this, Lu Yuntian hummed softly: "This person is strong, this should be his character."

I saw Wang He shook his head and said: "No, look at the junior venerables of Longxi, but now they are pressing you, the senior venerable, to lead the soldiers. This is obviously...Is deliberately suppressing you and squeezing you out. But, I It is estimated that Han Fei is also trying to subdue you and get you back. After all, no matter how strong he is, Han Fei is still inferior to you in realm."

Lu Yuntian looked at Wang He: "What do you want to say?"

Wang He smiled and said: "Old Lu, my foundation is restored, and my strength is at the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable. Even if you can let a few people from Longxi crush you, I can't stand it! To be honest, I want to go. I don't want to be under the leadership of this man."

"Oh? Why?"

Lu Yuntian couldn't help looking at Wang He in surprise, showing a trace of interest.

But Wang He saw in his eyes and said in his heart: No matter what Lu Yuntian said on the surface, in his heart, there is always a grudge against Han Fei. After all, Han Fei has refuted Lu Yuntian's face many times.

Dignity, who doesn't have a face yet?

Just listen to Wang He said: "Han Fei used to treat me as an excuse to claim someone from the Undead City. Now it’s fine, he can indeed heal our foundation damage. However, he also has control of about 20% of my entire Undead City. This What is the concept? He has only come to the Immortal City for a few days, and has mastered such a huge power? What is he going to do?

Lu Yuntian's heart moved ~www.ltnovel.com~ pretending to be puzzled: "He is the commander-in-chief, so there will be people to fight. What is the problem?"

Wang He shook his head: "No! This person is too strong. The speed is too fast. He said that he would slaughter 10 Great Siren... By now, two people have been slaughtered. You think he is only going to use one person Tu Zun? Then what does he want us to do?"

Lu Yuntian: "You mean, will he use me next?"

Wang He nodded: "Moreover, it's an extremely dangerous usage. This person is too arrogant, but he doesn't know the Immortal City that way. I'm afraid he will have problems... Therefore, I don't want to be in this person's account. I think, you I don't want to be sent under the fence, right?"

Lu Yuntian was silent for a moment, just about to speak, only to see the emptiness on Flint Island trembling, and Han Fei had already walked out of the crack.

Immediately, Wang He patted Lu Yuntian on the chest: "Lao Lu, let's go, greet handsome Han."

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