God of Fishing

Chapter 1567: Island of Taboo

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The first time Han Fei appeared on the island, his perception swept the entire flint island and found that no one was bad.

When he saw Lu Yuntian and Wang He together, he just swept away with his perception, and didn't stay at all, he didn't care at all.

Just listen to the old turtle: "You exposed yourself, why are you still keeping this undercover? He is a strong man. If you are not careful, you may ruin your plan."

Han Fei grinned: "Old Yuan, who is a big deal, don't stick to the trivial. You know his identity for a mere undercover, it's so useful."

In the past few days, everyone has figured out Han Fei's path.

During the wartime phase, when Han Fei gave orders as commander-in-chief, he must not go against his wishes.

Seeing everyone here, Han Fei said, "All half-sages, peak explorers, and advanced explorers, come forward. This commander hunts the two sages and replenishes vitality. Today, you will be treated!"

Now, Han Fei only led them for a few days. Although they were very convinced by Han Fei, they couldn't say anything about Han Shuai's invincibility or Han Shuai's bravery.

After all, this is also related to the situation of these people.

In the cage, the survival crisis on the human side is more severe. People who have lived on the brink of life and death for a long time generally don't flatter their leaders too much.

At this time, when they heard that Han Fei had indeed hunted the two sages, many people took a deep breath.

Others are looking forward to Han Fei's early treatment and return to peak state sooner. That way, they can also go to the battlefield!


I saw the endless holy realm beam of light descend...

The movement on Flint Island attracted the attention of Half King Realm. Even without everyone knowing, barren graves reappeared on the Island of Taboo, with jade girls raising their heads.


This time, Han Fei consumed more than 3,300 years of life.

This is only when the effect of the divine apocalypse is more than doubled, and this vitality can be reduced to more than 3,000 years. Otherwise, the vitality consumed will reach nearly 8,000 years.

On the surface, Han Fei didn't move. He just listened to him: "Those who have returned to their peak state are divided into 24 teams on average. Each Venerable has one team. The coach needs to be in seclusion for a few days, during which time, no one is allowed to leave the island. "

Han Fei has been stuck with these people, in fact, it is not that he wants to hide something...the reason is just because it is unnecessary. After all, the battlefield on the front line is so big, there is no big movement. There are even a thousand to eight hundred explorers who have nowhere to perform, let alone more than 300,000 people?

So, since it's useless to go, why not go?

As for Han Fei's so-called retreat, after he drilled into the handsome mansion and deployed the formation, he left Flint Island in the body of black mist.

After a while.

Han Fei stood alone for a while outside the taboo island where the wind raged.

It is different from other islands. In other islands, humans have lived for too many teenagers, and they have long been banned and transformed into safe places.

Only this forbidden island, everything on it looks weird.

In this cage, when the chaotic energy sweeps toward the island, it will be swallowed by the frequent void cracks. This has resulted in the island of Taboo. Although there is a howling wind, it is actually not strong.

This unique spatial feature gives the animals on the island a certain living space.

Before setting foot on the island, Han Fei grabbed the Jiugongqi Luck Ruler.


I only saw the scale of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, moving quickly, and finally fell directly on the flat sign.

This means: this trip seems to be unremarkable and fruitless.

Even the dangers others say may not be met.

Han Fei didn't know, was it because he had already visited the Island of Taboo once?

Immediately, Han Fei pointed his finger, a ray of chaotic air fell on the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. I only saw the ruler of the Qi Luck Ruler, which moved slightly.

"Good luck!"

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: This is his own confidence!

With Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, as long as you have the Qi of Chaos, you can turn danger into peace.

I still remember the last time I entered this forbidden island, it was extremely thrilling. Especially when I was looking for the Qi of Long Yuan, I almost died!

Since it is a lucky hexagram, then I feel relieved.

At this time, Han Fei stretched out his hand again, and another ray of chaotic air fell on the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler.

I only saw the ruler of the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, which moved slightly again, but the distance from the "great luck" was still a little bit close.

"Hi! Two strands?"

Han Fei's face was green at the time.

I have consumed two times of chaos, this is my half-year effort. If the richness of Dao Power is not high, this time will have to be doubled tenfold. New world novel

This means that if I change my luck according to common sense, it has already taken 5 years.

It’s just that I’ve already come, I’ve already used the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, and I’ve used both of the Chaos Qi. Can’t you give up at this time?

"call out!"

Another ray of Chaos Qi fell on the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler. As a result, the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler just touched the big lucky hexagram and then fell back.

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Don’t panic, this shows that it is more difficult for you to form a good luck on this island. Of course, it may also be... your own purpose is not easy to achieve! But, your chaos It’s too angry, just use it again."

Han Fei rolled his eyes: What do you mean by my chaos? Using four strands at a time, I feel flustered!

Generally speaking, it is a question of whether there are four ray of chaos in the realm of high-ranking venerables...and I am a prodigal son, dare to use it like this!

Han Fei gritted his teeth and once again lost a ray of chaos.

Finally, the ruler finally fell on the "Da Ji" hexagram.


Han Fei heaved a long sigh of relief, and was about to land on the island, but heard the old turtle say: "Are you going to see the monster in that deserted grave?"

Han Fei nodded: "Yes!"

The old tortoise couldn’t help saying: “You can think clearly. This ruler should only change your luck for a while. But that guy shouldn’t be easy! Why can such a big island disappear out of thin air and appear in the outside world? When you came in, Then there is a little big gap, you have finally come in. You have considered how to get out of this island?"

Han Fei was taken aback at the time: what the old turtle said made sense. Such a big island of taboos, just go out after you say it? This is too shameless for the Wall of Death!

Han Fei suddenly said, "Fuck! Old Yuan, do you think this wall of death has something to do with that person?"

The old tortoise denied: "I can't be sure. Who knows? However, the emperor thinks it should be somewhat related. Otherwise, it would be unreasonable."

Han Fei’s mouth twitched: “If it’s something to do with him, but he doesn’t let humans go out, that’s unreasonable. He may be the person who set the ban at the beginning, so why did he set the ban? Prevent people from other fairy palaces?"

However, Han Fei changed his mind: Back then, Pure Emperor's Code had also been here.

Also, the unknown powerhouse looking for Xia Xiaochan has also been here. Those people are not all kings. Even the king, the queen of life dare not set foot here easily, so why can those people come in?

Han Fei thinks: There should be other things in this.

I saw Han Fei and Old Turtle suddenly say in unison: "It's to seal something..."


Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth and said immediately: "Yes! Yes, it must be to seal something. Otherwise, the existence of this seal is not so meaningful. Even if it is to block foreign enemies, there is no need to separate humans and orcs. The ban is also here. That person can create such a big ban. If you want to destroy the sea monsters, it should be easy."

Old tortoise: "Don't you have a sailing device?"

Han Fei twitched, and then sneered: "Lao Yuan, you want me to finish the game, don't you? Even the ancient power has to spend such a high price to seal things here, do you think I can handle it?"

The old tortoise said: "You have a navigation device and a pneumatic ruler."

When the old turtle said this, Han Fei's eyelids twitched twice: he naturally understood what the old turtle meant. The navigator can find things, and the air transport ruler can change air transport. Combining the two, you can find secrets and avoid dangers...


Han Fei took a deep breath: "Lao Yuan, what do you think of this island...?"

Old Turtle: "The emperor feels that if I have something to suppress, this island must be a location consideration."

Han Fei swallowed, and then took a breath: "I just changed my luck, and today is lucky."

When it's over, Han Fei's twin divine art is displayed, and the body of white mist stepped onto the island. Because the speed was too fast, there were several spatial cracks that cut into Han Fei's body.

It's just that Han Fei doesn't care.

He activated the Vientiane for the first time. When the direction pointed by the Vientiane Navigation Instrument was northwest, Han Fei said directly.

The northwest is where the deserted grassland is located.

It seems that the reason why the barren tomb exists in that place is not just due to the war between the ancient human race and the dragon race.

There are obviously other secrets there.

Han Fei muttered a few words in silence: He is a good luck~www.ltnovel.com~ There must be nothing wrong!

With this mentality, Han Fei once again headed toward the grassland.

This time, Han Fei is different from that year.

At this moment, he is the venerable, and the pressure is released, and no creature dared to approach.

Because there were too many space cracks, Han Fei didn't go very fast, and it took only half a day to arrive.

As he approached the deserted grave, Han Fei coughed twice.

Seeing his thoughts moved, a huge king crab with a body length of five or six hundred meters was lying beside Han Fei. This was the corpse of the crab eater.

I only saw Han Fei dragging the crab carcasses into the grassland. As soon as he walked in, he shouted: "Senior, my human race Han Fei, I'm here to bring you food."

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