God of Fishing

Chapter 1568: Goodbye tomb

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Although Han Fei had been to this grassland once, and this time he came with Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler.

However, after feeling this chaotic land, Han Fei was still a little bit guilty.

Han Fei: "Senior, I’m Han Fei! I told you last time that I’m going out to find food for you. But when I come back, you are gone. Who is Han Fei? I spit on a nail. I told you to bring you. , That must be brought to you... You take a look, king crab, this thing is a good thing, clearing away heat and detoxification, replenishing bones and marrow, nourishing muscles and blood..."

The Crab Eater would never have thought that he would end up like this! Being dragged by someone, as a gift, and still to be eaten...

Han Fei walked in, only a hundred miles.

Suddenly, Han Fei turned around and found that the border of the grassland was gone. My spatial position has changed.

When Han Fei looked back again, he found that a barren grave had appeared 100 meters away.


Han Fei was speechless: Nima, do you have to be so ghostly? Let's show up properly, okay?

With a smile on his face, Han Fei dragged the crab to the deserted grave. As he walked, he said, "Senior, you may not believe it. To hunt this crab, I paid a big price. You. Take a look, the king crab at the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable, the meat quality is definitely not something to say."


Han Fei also patted the claws of the king crab and said, "Just this claw, which is full of meat, and it's fat... hey?"

Han Fei took a few steps and found that he was not even half a meter away from the deserted grave.

He immediately realized...the habit of deserted graves. So he twisted his head away.

Only saw Han Fei twist once.


Han Fei subconsciously took a step back. Because the barren tomb was three meters away from him, and the cave was wide open.

Nima, you said this situation... is it scary to death?

Whenever two butterflies fly out of it, I can't be so surprised.


Only seeing Han Fei closing and opening his eyes again, there was only darkness in front of him.

Different from the last time, I fell into the deserted grave last time, and after walking for a long time, I saw the figure eating lotus root... Well, that is, Qingsiling, the Tianjiao who eats Baibei King City.

This time, when Han Fei opened his eyes, he saw a figure standing ten meters away. Beside the figure, there is a big crab more than 3 meters long.

Han Fei looked back: Where is there any king crab beside him? Obviously, it was taken by the figure.

When I came here, I deliberately made the king crab so big.

Anyway, the bigger and the smaller are actually the same. It contains the same energy and fleshy effects. After getting smaller, it's just that the energy stored per unit volume and the effect of meat quality become better.


Han Fei saw the figure, holding a crab leg in each hand, which was eaten with the shell and meat.

Han Feixin said: Don't you... don't you feel a toothache?

Of course, these words cannot be asked after all.

However, although this figure can eat directly, it is not like eating Qingsiling before, it can eat a lot in one bite. After eating this crab and taking a bite, he would just gnaw on the size of a small fist, which should be enough for this figure to gnaw for a while.


Han Fei pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Senior, this is a special thank you for this junior. Last time, I was instructed by you. The younger generation's blood-breaking pond, opened the dragon tomb, swallowed the dragon's vitality, and gave you the energy. Sigh."

"Hey boom~"

Seeing that figure, Han Fei gnawed at the crab's leg while looking at himself, wondering what he was thinking?

Han Fei said: "Senior, junior, here are two happy events that I am going to share with you. As for the crab in your hand, there are 300 out there. Among them, half of them are more delicious than this crab. It is said that Are you always interested in the strongest half-king realm?"

"Huh bang! Huh bang! Huh bang..."

The figure continued to chew the crab legs, but this time it was much faster.

I don't know... Was it attracted by the number of Siren Lords?

The figure pondered for a moment, and there was a "chuckling" voice in his throat: "Not...interested."

When the figure said this sentence, Han Fei's eyes lit up: As long as this person speaks, it means that this day... can continue to talk.

Seeing this figure talk about interest, Han Fei's thoughts changed: What is this figure's interest?

Nonsense, must kill the dragon!

As soon as this person saw it, he had enemies with the dragon clan.

When I met last time, I asked myself to dig a dragon grave before I left, which shows that the hatred is as deep as the sea.

Han Fei tried it a while ago, and said half of the king, this figure made no response. Could it be... this big guy is really the king?

Han Fei's heart is full.

He pondered: The dragon corpse in the refining world, cut a claw, shouldn't the problem be big? Well, it's just a paw. Seven Realms Novel Network

When I met the Dragon Soul, I said that when I found out, there would be no...

Only saw Han Fei dig out of the refining world and grabbed a **** dragon claw out.


This time, without waiting for Han Fei to speak, he saw the figure, dropped the crab legs, and appeared in front of Han Fei instantly.

The two big eyeballs had already focused on the dragon claw in Han Fei's hand.



Han Fei swallowed. This was the first time he saw the real face of this figure.

Taking a closer look, Han Fei discovered: This person is very skinny, like a skinny layer.

His face was wrinkled, like a corpse. The eyeballs are completely black or dry. Can this thing be a person?


The next moment, the figure opened his mouth, revealing jagged steel teeth, facing the dragon claw in Han Fei's hand, and bit down.


"My Nima~"

The moment this person bit the upper half of the dragon's claw, Han Fei just let go, for fear that this thing would eat himself up.

"Hammer, hammer..."

Unlike the crab in the Venerable Realm, this figure took a bite of dragon meat and chewed it like a gumdrop. After chewing for a long time, it scared his stomach.

Han Fei grinned, watching the blood drop from this person's neck.

Originally, this was a disgusting thing.

However, Han Fei soon discovered that it was wrong. He found: This mummy... the wrinkled skin on this mummy's face is actually bulging.

When the half of the dragon's claws were swallowed by this person, his whole body was more wrinkled than the mummy's skin, and he recovered a lot, just like a normal old man, with a thin body and a face full of folds...but At least, it looks like a person!

But seeing the corpse looking at him, the corners of his mouth were still dripping blood, and his eyes were a little rounder, but they were dark and could not see anything.

Of course Han Fei couldn't give this guy the complete dragon corpse.

After all, this dragon corpse is still useful, and we have to exchange it with that dragon soul. He can also exchange a drop of Canglong essence blood, a great dragon transformation technique.

Compared with being eaten by this corpse, Han Fei felt: It's better to change something.

I saw Han Fei quickly pulling out a lot of sun and moon shells and said: "Senior, we have something to talk about. I only have this short section! Don't believe me, see for yourself..."

However, Han Fei stuffed some keels in one of the sun-moon shells.

These were all obtained under the blood pool on the island of taboo. I still have a lot! If you get a few out, you will say that your own sun and moon shells have limited space, and you can't bring them out if you have more.

The corpse glanced at Han Fei's Riyuebei. Of course he couldn't sweep out any good things. There was not even a sea monster in the Explorer realm in it.

However, the corpse paused, and immediately hit the swallowing seashell stuffed with the keel.


But I saw the sun and moon shell burst, and two keels more than 80 meters long appeared in this dark hole.

Only seeing this mummy buckle both hands, the keel began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, it became two bones only half a meter long.

Han Fei saw it, it called a scalp tingling. One finger exploded the sun and moon shells, what kind of operation is Nima?

If the Riyue Shell is just a shell, it is naturally easy to break. However, the sun and the moon are not the shells. People are a space, only appearing in the world in the form of a shell.

It's good that you can break the void, but you can't break the space!

This is why in the battle of the strong, people have fallen, but the swallow sea shell and the sun moon shell are still there!

Han Fei explained, "Senior, this is the keel I found under the blood pool. I thought that the keel is too long since it is now, and it’s useless. Otherwise, the junior would definitely take it the first time. Here you are. It's a pity that the storage space for juniors is limited, and only two can be stored. No amount of them will fit."

The corpse chuckled a few times and sniffed, only to see that a piece of red light and great energy was sucked into his body among the keel.

Immediately afterwards, the two keels turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

Han Fei's eyes lit up at the time ~www.ltnovel.com~: Isn't this special, isn't it chaotic? No, don't you know what the red light is? However, the energy of the Great Dao is clearly the Qi of Chaos!

And this dry corpse, with just a sniff, sucked two wisps of chaos and went back.

Han Fei was speechless at the time: it was so bad! Co-author, Nima... Do you run around with a lot of chaos?

Han Fei really wanted to spit out the old turtle: I don’t know, don’t you know? Or is it that the old turtle has been hiding from himself?

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not well: It seems that after robbing high-end items, he has to study carefully!

Han Feixin said: I have a refining world because of me. Otherwise, it's over, your own keel will definitely be eaten by this corpse!


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