God of Fishing

Chapter 1572: The secret of the mummy

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When he returned, Han Fei was also thinking: Just now, what level of power was that? Only when he was hit by a thunderbolt, the body of the white mist was destroyed.

Han Fei could not determine the level of the Thunder. However, the power of that purple thunder definitely surpassed the so-called half-king power.

After all, Han Fei had once borrowed half-king power, but it was far less powerful and terrifying than the purple thunder.

Han Feixin said, this Nima, isn't it a big evil? But I was more cautious, even if it was a big lucky hexagram elephant, he came in as a white mist to find out. Therefore, the body of a white mist was shattered and shattered, and it was impossible to kill himself.

The distance of thousands of miles is not a distance at all to Han Fei. However, when Han Fei came to the outskirts of the grassland again, he was already torn by a void in the cracks. The top-quality battle suit on his body had already been completely shattered at this time.

On the grassland, it looks very peaceful from a distance, as if nothing happened?

Han Fei couldn't help but wondered: Could it be over so soon? Just now, there was a shocking purple thunder bombarding, now there is nothing left? In other words, it is over?

Of course, Han Fei didn't dare to be careless when he really wanted to set foot on the grassland.

After all, having been blasted out just now, he lost 200 years of life. As a result, Han Fei once again displayed the body of white mist.

In order to prevent accidents, Han Fei stepped on the turtle formation one after another, and finally condensed into a super large turtle formation.

In addition to the big turtle formation, Han Fei put together another eight-line lock-up formation to lock his own life.

After doing all this, Han Fei stepped into the grassland again.

As a result, as soon as he stepped on the grassland, Han Fei saw purple thunders surging in the sky.

"Hi... So you can only see it when you come in?"

At this moment, the mummy-like old guy was holding a blade and was hitting the purple thunder. Don't know where his blade came from? Just grabbing it so casually, a khaki blade burst out of his hand.

The blade light cut the purple thunder easily.

At this time, the place Han Fei entered was still on the verge. So at this moment, no purple thunder could bombard him.

I saw the corpse behaving madly, and roared: "Do you think you can trap me? I will return eventually and kill you by the sword."

Han Fei is very sure: This old guy must be crazy. However, there seems to be a great secret hidden in his crazy words.

Over the grassland, purple thunders were raging, and the old guy was struck by lightning several times abruptly, but he looked like an okay person.

Han Fei frowned: Is this old guy so strong? His body of the white mist couldn't survive this purple thunder, this old guy seemed to be able to do it with ease.

What level is the strength of this purple thunder? At least there must be half-king power. However, even such a purple thunder can be broken into pieces with a single knife in the hands of a mummy.

Sometimes, when a blade swept to his side, Han Fei had to blink quickly. If you don't avoid it, you will definitely be killed.

Just now, when this mummy opened the waste tomb, it should have consumed a lot of energy.

Now, this thunder posture does not seem to weaken at all.

The two sides held each other for a long time, and the old guy seemed a little weak, and the whole person became dry again.

Obviously, he failed to break the ban on this grassland.

After insisting on it for an unknown period of time, the purple thunder was obviously weakened by a few points, but the old guy seemed unable to move.

Han Fei had been on the sidelines, wondering whether he should help this mummy old guy. If it is still blocked by this old guy, it is unlikely that he will continue to benefit from it!

Frowning, Han Fei immediately threw a sunyue shell over and shouted: "Senior, you tell me how to break this ban? And... who is not dead? Under this grassland, what is it? What's the secret...? The younger generation will do everything possible to save you..."

As soon as the mummy saw the Riyuebei thrown by Han Fei, his body instantly appeared in front of the Riyuebei.


Ten dragon bones appeared, only to see the mummy took a deep breath, more than ten chaotic air and red unknown power were swallowed by him. At that moment, I only saw the dry corpse's spirits shocked, and burst out again: "Cunning evil dragon, when I go out, you will be broken into pieces."

The corpse uses the hand as a knife, a chain of knives and knives, while slaying the purple thunder, while shouting: "Evil dragon, slaughter my hundreds of millions of people, only the day I go out, I will do my best to kill you dragon..."

"Sigh...Dragons? The dragons have slaughtered... hundreds of millions of people? Therefore, this person will hate the dragons so much that he wants to kill the dragons in his heart?"

After a hundred breaths, Han Fei sensed that the corpse was dead, and shouted again: "Senior, I will help you slay the dragon, but you have to tell me something? What is the secret of this grassland underground? What is the secret of the film prison?"

As if he knew he couldn't move anymore, the corpse turned his head to look at Han Fei and took a look at Han Fei.

With this look, Han Fei suddenly felt that the whole world was still.

Han Fei only felt that the picture changed before his eyes, and he appeared in a strange world that he had never seen before.

Initially, Han Fei's location was extremely high, and the current situation changed. In the territory of hundreds of thousands of miles, the endless human races are busy.

Countless trivial pictures, fleeting and fleeting, just like mirrored flowers.

However, Han Fei saw one hundred thousand strong men practicing martial arts in a huge square. These people, with their upper bodies bare, with knotted muscles, sweat like rain. They have exactly the same dragon pattern on their chests and backs.

In Han Fei’s perception: so much preference for dragon tattoos, presumably... the dragon is their belief and totem!

In fact, it was true, because Han Fei saw a grand sacrifice.

During the ceremony, the drums sounded like thunder, and countless people were praying... shouting, offering sacrifices to a huge dragon sculpture.

The picture flows again...

Han Fei passed through various towns and cities.

The pattern of these places is somewhat similar to that of Yin and Yang. On the street, people come and go, and it is very lively.

However, these don't seem to be the key points, because...Han Fei saw a winding giant city hanging from the sky.

For a moment, a gloomy air rushed toward his face.

Han Fei raised his head again and saw that there was a ten thousand zhang Canglong, with his claws tearing the sky and the earth, blowing wind and sword rain, slaughtering the city below as best he could.

There are not only one such blue dragon, but many. Yuyu Novel

When Han Fei saw this scene, the whole person was a little frightened.

"No, people like you so much, and even offering sacrifices, why are you slaughtering people?"

But seeing those azure dragons, before they opened their mouths and closed their mouths, they killed endless human beings. Mountains in the distance collapsed one after another, and the city was filled with smoke.

Above the Great Xuantian City is the Immortal Palace on this side, the whole is fragmented, and there are fireworks everywhere.

At this moment, Han Fei did realize that this was one of the 36 Immortal Palaces.

For nothing else, the continuous hanging city just now looked like a dragon. But just now, Han Fei has never seen the leading part. And this big city located above the nine heavens, when tilted down, it is obviously the shape of a dragon head.


In Han Fei's mind, for the first time, he thought of Jianglongtian that Lao Han once said.

However, there seems to be a difference from what Lao Han said about Jianglongtian. In Lao Han's mouth, Jianglongtian is symbolized and believed by the legendary ancient dragon. But in fact, a creature like the dragon has never appeared at all.

However, it is obviously wrong now!

If this is not Jianglongtian, where would it be?

For the entire thirty-six Xuantian, only they have had contact with creatures like dragons, even if they are just as spiritual beliefs...



Han Fei suddenly thought of something: Old Tortoise, how did he get here? It was after he had practiced the King Tyrant Profound Curse to the extreme that he summoned the old tortoise.

The old tortoise at that time was also fierce and mighty, as if he could control himself.

This Jiang Longtian, I am afraid that it has encountered similar things...

However, they do not have this kind of luck of their own.

The dragon clan that should have disappeared from the sight of mankind, did not know why it re-appeared... Moreover, these blue dragons are not friendly, they are slaughtering the dragon sky!

Immediately afterwards, the picture turned into various chase battles.

The battlefield between humans and dragons begins here...

From this picture, Han Fei saw a young man walking out of the collapsing fairy palace. The youth visited the Quartet and asked for help, but they were repeatedly rejected.

After all, the battle between humans and dragons did not affect other fairy palaces.

This young strong man, perhaps the king, did not receive much help, but he was not outdone. He led a number of strong men and began a career in slaying dragons.

He even said that Han Fei followed the youth and came to a ruin.

Han Fei saw the fish-skin book that the young man held in his hand...there are such great techniques as "Slashing the Dragon Technique", "Xuan Huang Jing" and "Swallowing Dragon Technique".

Seeing this, Han Fei understood that co-authoring these things is not from this person, but from that ruin.

The last picture Han Fei saw was this young strong man leading the human race strong man, chasing and killing a blue dragon to a barren sea.

They found the wall of death...

"and many more……"

Han Fei's heart suddenly startled!

This wall of death already existed long before these people and Canglong came?


In theory, the Dragon Sky and Yin Yang Sky were established in the same period of time. If this person is a person who descends to the sky, then his era is almost the era of the end of the law.

In fact, Han Fei probably also knew: Although the Thirty-Six Immortal Palace was once an alliance, some changes have taken place.

For example, Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian moved away; for example, there must be something wrong with Golden Wu Tian, ​​otherwise, how could the fire tree descend on Shuimu Tian? For example, the king who descended the dragon sky might be startled by killing the dragon and the devil...

Also, the immortal palaces of Taiqing and Wuji mentioned by the old lady, she clearly said: They are enemies.

All of a sudden, Han Fei's brains were big: Sea monsters, dragons, cholera, all the races in the world, you still fight by yourself, what are you doing?

In Han Fei's mind, although he had thought a lot, he was unable to change history.

At this time, the story of this young man seems to be not over yet...

The young man and the blue dragon broke into the wall of death and suffered heavy losses one after another.

In the end, the young man led his subordinates, desperately to death, and divided the blue dragon. He used a certain profound technique to swallow the dragon's body alive, just like a snake swallowing the image. Then, the young man placed the dragon's head in the south and the dragon's tail in the north, so that they were separated forever.

In doing so, the youth probably meant: I am dead, and I won't make you feel better. Let you live forever, separate from end to end, and not end well.

Han Feixin said: These old guys are really cruel!

But who knows, the plot is flipped...

But when the youth was dying, the slaughtered dragon, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, still had a ray of soul. Taking advantage of this young man's half-death, he made a sneak attack, not only killing the young man's men, but also suppressing the young man under the grassland.

Immediately, the young man was furious, feeling that he hadn't killed the Canglong like this, too regretful. As a result, he tried his soul power and strength again to severely damage the remnant soul of the blue dragon.

Unfortunately, this also failed to completely kill the blue dragon...

The Canglong Remnant Soul escaped into the cage.

The furious young man couldn't squint at all... But he saw that this young man actually set up a strange altar, which attracted endless darkness.

In the end, along with himself, as well as the subordinates who had just died, all converted to the immortality.

Seeing this, Han Fei's scalp numb: So, this mummy Nima is already an immortal? Are you so special, what is it like an immortal creature?

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