God of Fishing

Chapter 1573: Undead conjecture

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The story of the mummy, maybe this is it...

From beginning to end, Han Fei didn't even know his name, and no one wrote it down. After all, there is no sound in the picture, and I am afraid that the sound transmission is still used by people. Therefore, Han Fei has no way of knowing.

However, Han Fei could see: This corpse should be the master of Jianglongtian, a true king.

After all, the demand level of Dragon Slashing Technique is Pihai, which undoubtedly proves his identity.

When Han Fei came back to his senses, he found that the surrounding lightning arc had weakened.

Although this is the formation set up by the dragon clan, the grade is relatively high, but no matter how strong the formation is, it needs strength to maintain.

This cage can only continuously absorb power from the outside and deprive the mummy of the opportunity to obtain energy. In this way, it can restrain the corpse.

And that corpse also has extraordinary means. He refines the waste tomb into his own thing, which feels like home. Although this house is imprisoned, even if you leave the house, you must overcome the restrictions of the outside world!

However, the emergence of Han Fei broke this routine.

After all, Han Fei was feeding the corpse with Chaos. Moreover, one feed is a lot.

At least, in Han Fei's view, it was a lot of chaos. Moreover, Han Fei just fed a piece of real dragon meat.

Han Fei's help seemed to give the mummy the power to break the rules. Therefore, he just broke free from the shackles of the deserted grave and walked onto the grassland...

At this moment, the thunder arc is weakened, but the mummy has no power anymore.


Seeing that the deserted tomb appeared, the corpse seemed to be unable to hold on any longer. His voice became hoarse again, intermittent...

"One day... I...will...return..."

At this moment, Han Fei naturally did not intend to destroy the formation on the grassland. After all, even if the power of thunder is weak, it is also the power of the sea-breaking realm. Going up by yourself is nothing more than giving a head.

Moreover, Han Fei is not sure: what will he do after he let go of this old guy? Maybe, he will hit the Black Blood City. Of course, what he cares more about is slaying the dragon, he will definitely look for the blue dragon all over the world.

At that time, if he breaks free from the cage again, or destroys the wall of death, this will be unacceptable to Han Fei.

Therefore, Han Fei only shouted at the mummy who was about to enter the grave: "Senior, the younger generation will definitely work hard...find the whereabouts of the blue dragon, and strive to kill the dragon as soon as possible..."

Hearing Han Fei's words, the corpse stretched out and pushed Han Fei out of the grassland. And he himself fell into the crack of the waste grave again.

Leaving the grassland, the old tortoise couldn't help saying: "You managed to lie to him. Just now, you seemed to be in a strange state. What happened?"

Han Fei shook his head: "Some stories about this man are only things after the Age of Dominance. You don't know if you say it. I have important things to ask you. I will go back to Flintstone Island first."

Han Fei didn't want to stay here for a long time, even though the information he learned today is already amazing enough. However, that was just the grievance between the mummy and the dragon.

Moreover, this happened after thirty-six Xuantian, that is, after the Age of Domination.

At least, Han Fei can know: the existence of the wall of death is not because of the corpse, nor because of the blue dragon. I couldn't find the purpose of the Wall of Death from here.

However, even so, the Vientiane Navigator is clearly pointing here.

Han Fei didn't believe that the Vientiane Navigation Device was wrong. Or, the young man and Canglong chose this grassland for a reason.

After slaying the dragon, the young man chose to fall here, intending to end his life...

Unfortunately, things happened again later, and he didn't want to die anymore.

It's just that Han Fei didn't know what method he used to cause death to come, so he switched to the immortality technique and became an immortal...

In Han Fei's consciousness: Death breath should be produced during endless wars, right? But where is the lifelessness on this grassland? If you set it up in Death Valley, it would be more reasonable!

The other point is: Since this mummy has transformed into the undead, his subordinates should also become the undead, right?


Flint Island.

In the body of black mist, Han Fei did not immediately practice the dragon swallowing technique the first time he returned to the handsome mansion. Instead, he asked: "Old Yuan, you can tell me honestly, if a person changes to immortality... After becoming an immortal, how long can he live?"

Currently, Han Fei's understanding of Shouyuan lies only with human beings. The general venerable state has gone downhill since 5,000 years. Since the fight started to go downhill, it can't be said that the strength has dropped rapidly...It can only be said that every battle will accelerate his fall. Even if Han Fei embarked on the Avenue of Apocalypse, it would only increase his lifespan to 10,000 years. Music book

Like the water nymphs, who can live for 100,000 years, maybe there are really only these special ethnic groups.

The old turtle couldn't help asking: "Why do you suddenly remember to ask this?"

Han Fei said, "The corpse came to this island after it came to the wall of death. It was him who summoned a large amount of dead spirits and turned to repair the undead. Not only him, but also his subordinates, together Have become immortals. What do you think?"

Han Fei's statement is already very clear. Jin Tong gave himself so many keels, is it really that these keels are useless to him? Or, he knew that the grassland was suppressed by the formation, so he didn't dare to enter the grassland at all?

Even if the Golden Boy is a pseudo-king, he does not have the power of a mummy, and can fight against those purple thunders. If the mummy doesn't save himself, he will be chopped to death as soon as he reaches the grassland.

Han Fei is very skeptical now: this golden boy and jade girl is the subordinate of the mummy. Therefore, they all stayed on this taboo island.

"Wait... You said that man is an immortal?"

The old tortoise said immediately: "Impossible? The emperor cannot even tell whether a person is an immortal or not? That person cannot be an immortal. If he is an immortal, what needs to eat? The immortal depends on death. And cultivation. In theory, the more deaths, the stronger their cultivation will be. This is the root cause of the bad relationship between the Immortal Human Race and the Monster Beast Alliance. Because of the undead, what they like most to see... is death. But. , They are also conscious, knowing that they were originally humans, so they don’t want humans to be annihilated."

Han Fei was stunned for a long time: "Isn't it the undead? I obviously..."

and many more……

Han Fei saw...the mummy summoned death!

Han Fei also saw... the mummy was trying to repair an immortal soul!

However, what I saw was only a picture, a fragment of memory. I didn't see everything clearly... Now, to tell the old turtle this, Han Fei is really a little uncertain.

Han Fei turned his head and asked, "Lao Yuan, how long can the king live? Can the king live 100,000 years?"

The old turtle pondered: "A hundred thousand years? After the emperor opened the sea, he felt that he could live more than a million years. What a mere 100,000 years?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei cleared up the clutter and asked again: "Then let's not talk about the corpse now, just say the golden boy and jade girl... You said that the golden boy is at best a pseudo-king, right? You think they can live for tens of thousands of years. Huh? Humans should not be able to live."

The old tortoise said leisurely: "If the emperor tells you that immortals have no life span at all, what do you think?"

"No life?"

The old tortoise sneered: "You don't want to think... they are dead. As long as there is death, they can survive and grow... if there is enough death, they will grow. If there is not enough death, they will Weakened. Or, when the death energy is insufficient, the undead can swallow each other. So, theoretically, they will only swallow stronger. Of course, there must be a continuous supply of death energy... They are not dead, and after annihilation, they are completely gone."

Han Fei dumbfounded: "Is it so terrible? There is no life span, only life and death?"

The old tortoise hummed; "What do you think? Generally speaking, they are also immortal beings. They can't tolerate each other. They will try to swallow each other and grow by themselves. You humans are special because the living and the dead Together, you also have a common enemy. If the undead don’t fight, the living will also fall. In the end, everyone becomes the undead, then it becomes killing each other and it’s meaningless..."


Han Fei swallowed his saliva: "So, the golden boy and jade girl, it's likely that the corpse left behind?"

The Undead City has sufficient conditions to supply these undead. Is it not enough to fight day by day and fight year after year?

However, the old tortoise suddenly said: "The emperor doesn't care about this. Whether he is left behind by the corpse or not? They are also humans after all. Give you the dragon bone, and you have explained it all out, which is considered to be a help for them. Now, you can really release that corpse, as long as you want..."

Han Fei shook his head: "I don't want to."

The old turtle said: "The emperor knows that you don't want to. In the case of the mummy, although he is not an undead, he is not a normal king! According to his conditions, if he doesn't change the cultivation of the undead, he should have fallen long ago. That's right!"


Han Fei slapped his thigh: "That's right! That's the truth. It's skin and bones, it should have fallen long ago... But if you look at him, you can eat, drink and fight, where does it seem to be falling?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "If he has been asleep, it is possible. He only wakes up when he needs it, and most of the time he seals himself in the grave. On the condition of a king, he can indeed live. Those who have come down. As long as they are allowed to go out, take away individuals at will, or reincarnate and rebuild, they still have the opportunity to rise again."

Han Fei frowned: "The king, isn't it immortal?"

The old tortoise sneered: "Who can live forever? There is a limit. The limit of reincarnation is usually only three times. Later, it will not be able to turn. As I told you, most people can't achieve it the second time, only reincarnation. once."

Han Fei shrugged: That's right! But this is too bad! If you cultivate to the king, reincarnate and rebirth, and then cultivate to the king, that's enough. It is very likely that you can go further.

After confirming the lifespan of the undead, Han Fei put his thoughts on the blue dragon again. Obviously, that blue dragon, it ran away.

Now that he ran away, Han Fei had to wonder about another thing: Is the dragon corpse in the refining world, the one that the mummy has been chasing after?

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