God of Fishing

Chapter 1575: The place of the prison

"God of Fishing (

The reason why Han Fei said his identity was because at this critical moment, he needed to cooperate with Golden Boy and wanted to get some information from Golden Boy.

Since it is cooperation, it needs a basis for cooperation.

Therefore, for the first time, Han Fei negotiated with Golden Boy as the Immortal Lord of Yin and Yang. Although, he himself knew that he was far from being the Lord of Yin and Yang Heaven.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the golden boy finally laughed and said: "Okay! You are looking for me, shouldn't you just give me an explanation?"

Han Fei: "If I don't find you, you won't find me?"

Jin Tong smiled and said: "At least, I don't plan to find you for the time being. Those dragon bones can only be used by my unique great art of descending the dragon sky. Therefore, you must give them all to the palace lord. However, the palace lord still Failure to come out only means that the keel is not enough..."

Han Feixin said: As long as I want to, I can release the corpse now.

The purple dragon formation is nothing but the backlog of power, the accumulation of strength from endless years outside the formation.

Now, the tombs are all broken open. As long as the mummy has enough keel, it should be able to blast through this formation!

Of course, Han Fei would never tell Jintong. The mummy is a time bomb, and when he has no ability to control him, he will never let him out.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "What is your palace lord's name?"

Jin Tong made no secret of this, saying bluntly: "My lord, Zhao Jianglong."

Han Fei couldn't help feeling ashamed: This name is really not creative at all. Jianglongtian, Zhao Jianglong? It sounds like a muscular man.

Han Fei: "Well, since you have nothing to ask me now, let me ask first. First of all, what is the secret under this island?"

Jin Tong did not answer directly, but said: "I don't have nothing to ask. You said that you are the ninth immortal master prepared, then, as long as you can do one thing... Me and Yu Nu, and the whole immortal The city will stand on your side unconditionally."

Han Fei raised his brows: "You mean, save your palace lord?"

The golden boy nodded slightly: "Yes. The strength of the palace lord is beyond my ability. As long as the purple dragon formation is broken, the palace lord will leave the customs, and the city of black blood will not be a problem at all."

Han Fei responded quickly: "Let's not say whether I am able to save him temporarily... even if I rescue him... You also said that when you fell, he was already half crazy. And what I saw... It's all crazy, he only knows that the dragon is slayed. I am yin and yang, where is the dragon? I am afraid that the dragon was not slaughtered by him, but I was slaughtered by him.

Jin Tong's face changed slightly.

Just when he was about to speak, suddenly a clear voice sounded: "The palace lord may be crazy about slaying dragons, but he will never take action against the human race. You know, the palace lord slaying dragons happened because of the dragon slaughtering the world. ?"

Han Fei couldn't help looking in the direction of Death Valley. It should be the jade girl who said this.

Golden Boy made a sentimental gesture: "You have been to Death Valley. You should know that it is safe there."

Han Fei really wants to roll his eyes at Golden Boy: Safe? The place is full of lifelessness. If it weren't for our cooperation foundation, Death Valley would be one of the most dangerous places in this cage. You tell me safe?

However, Han Fei nodded slightly.

She and Jade Girl had a fate, and even threatened others by asking for a dead bone.

After a while, bones were everywhere in Death Valley.

Han Fei saw the golden bones, and couldn't help pointing to the golden bones and said, "Isn't this an immortal golden body?"

Golden Boy: "Golden bones and immortal golden bodies are two different things. Golden bones are just a special method of refining the body. There are many who can train to golden bones in the Dragon Heaven."

Han Fei nodded slightly, and then towards the indifferent woman, nodded and said: "I can't do my best to save your palace lord because of your words... Besides, although I am more confident, I am only in the middle-level venerable realm. You let me move the purple dragon formation? Do you think I can move?"

Golden Boy nodded slightly: "Although your formation skills are not weak, you are indeed at a low level as you said. Therefore, we need your guarantee."

The Jade Girl continued, "We need you to swear to the Dao Dao. Within a thousand years, whether you become a king or not, you need to find a way to break the purple dragon formation. If you are the preparation fairy lord of the Ninth Immortal Palace, then in the millennium, Not short."

The golden boy continued to add: "You are extremely talented, we have seen this early. Just like my lord, whoever can become the lord of the first house, who is not talented and powerful? You are already on the path of kings, if There is someone who can save my lord, and I and the lady, can hold you."

When Han Fei saw Jin Tong and Yu Nv one after another, he immediately said: "Wait a minute...you want me to save people, yes. But what I worry about is not that I can't save people...What I worry about is how do you Promise, he won't do anything that is not conducive to my cloudy and sunny days?"

Only saw the golden boy and the jade girl look at each other.

In the end, the golden boy nodded slightly, and only listened to the words of the lady: "This is also one of the reasons why we chose you. In fact, in this cage, there are still two dragon bodies."


Although Han Fei knew what Yunv wanted to say, he was still slightly taken aback.

Just listen to her: "When we entered this cage, my lord discovered that the seal of this cage was too extraordinary. It is not possible to enter but not to leave without special means. We followed the king to slay the dragon and travel the entire cage. , Finally beheaded it. In order to punish the dragon clan’s cruelty, the palace lord sealed the dragon head and dragon tail in two places of great evil in this cage. Part of the dragon soul was sealed in it, and the soul was torn every day. Torture, the final intention to make his soul be completely strangled in a fierce land..."

Han Fei only felt his scalp numb.

Indeed, as I saw it.

That Zhao Jianglong obviously hated that Canglong very much. He obviously killed the blue dragon, but was not reconciled to his death in vain, he had to torture others...

It's alright now. Someone ran out, but he himself was suppressed in the grassland.

However, Han Fei pretended to be stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked, "Which two places?"

Golden Boy: "One of the places you have been to is under the grassland where our lord is. On the grassland, you should see an earthen grave, right?"

Han Fei nodded: "I have been in."

Jin Tong and Jade Girl looked at each other in surprise, unexpectedly Han Fei would face the palace lord and come out safely...

The golden boy continued: "In the depths of the deserted tomb, there is an underground cave, where the dragon tail is town."

Han Fei was surprised: "Is the dragon's tail here?"

Jin Tong said: "Because the cave under the grassland is the place of great evil. It is the place where life and death meet. The reason why my lord can use the forbidden technique and find the fog of immortality is because of the existence of that place. ."


Han Fei swallowed: Is this true?

I know it myself: The Vientiane Navigation Device will never make mistakes. Now that there is a problem with the grassland, there must be a problem!

Han Fei couldn't help saying, "Where is the other place?"

The golden boy said: "The other is in the Forest of Terror. The Forest of Terror has a cave under the grassland, the same abyss. As for the specific location... in the deepest part of the Forest of Terror."

At that time, Han Fei rolled his eyes at the two of them and said, "Two, you really think that my life is long, right? I can enter the grassland of your palace lord. I can also enter the deserted grave. .But, it doesn’t mean that Dongyuan, I can go...your palace lord eats dragons, is there anything he can’t eat? Also, that forest of terror can become one of the four major forces in the cage. , There must be a false king, right?"

Jade Girl looked at Han Fei: "Since you are the ninth immortal lord, once you are on the way to the king, even if you reach the peak of the venerable, in the cage, who can be your opponent? After all, your current strength, It's already possible to face the Venerable Peak head-on, right?"

Han Fei was speechless: It felt as if he had dug a hole for himself.

Han Fei smiled bitterly: "You just believe me that way, within a thousand years, will you be able to reach the pinnacle of the Venerable from Intermediate Venerable?"

I only saw Jade Girl and Golden Boy nodding their heads.

This scene made Han Fei feel a little absurd.

The lady also explained: "Don't forget... When was the first time I saw you?"

Han Fei: "..."

Han Fei was speechless this time.

I couldn't refute what the lady asked about. When I met her for the first time, at that moment, I showed only the realm of a junior explorer.

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "At that time, I hid my strength."

Jade Girl: "Not much is hidden."

Han Fei: "..."

Without waiting for Han Fei to continue to refute, she just listened to Jade Girl again: "We don't think much of you. As you said, if you are the Immortal Lord of Yin-Yang Sky, not Shuimutian... it is impossible to be Shuimutian. Then, Your growth should be faster."

Han Fei: "Why?"

Jin Tong said in an immature voice: "Because UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Yin and Yang Dashu is weird. Yin and Yang Tian has faced Taiqing and Wuji undefeated."


Han Fei took a breath and said, "You mean, the first fairy palace and the third fairy palace?"

Han Fei remembered what the old lady said to him: Taiqing and Wuji are clear enemies. Their fairy palace rankings, one first, one third, it is impossible not to be strong.

What ranking is in no particular order? Thirty-six towns are still divided.

In order to distinguish between strong and weak, the village also opened a battle for resources! How could these thirty-six Xuantians be in no particular order?

When Jin Tong and Jade Girl said this, Han Fei's thoughts moved: "So, what do you mean is that I can use that dragon head and dragon tail to draw your palace lord away from the Yin and Yang sky?"

Jade Girl: "Not bad."

Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the millennium period is too long.

joke! He still has a world of refining... if you really want to use it, thousands of years will become more than ten thousand years.

Han Fei was silent for a while: "The last question. You said that there are only dragon heads and dragon tails, but under that sea of ​​blood, why are there dragon corpses?"

The golden boy said indifferently: "My king slays more than one dragon. The bones of the dragon are what I sacrificed to the gods in ancient ways, with the intention of finding reinforcements to rescue my king. Unfortunately, only one giant bronze gate was summoned. The giant gate is weird, completely isolating the blue dragon, even I have not been able to use the dragon corpse again."

Han Fei's heart was shaken, and only listened to the old tortoise Youyou said: "It turns out that it is a sacrifice, which is reasonable. Most sacrifices in this world are problematic, so it is reasonable for them to have problems."

Han Feixin said that this method is not bad, and when he becomes better in the future, he can use this method to leave a way for himself.

But Han Fei said, "Okay! The deal."

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