God of Fishing

Chapter 1576: Preemptive

"God of Fishing (

Swear by the avenue?

Han Fei has so many avenues, just use it. God knows which avenue he swore with?

In short, Han Fei randomly found a avenue and made a avenue oath. This matter was just so fooled.

It's just that the golden boy and the jade girl don't know!

They felt: Han Fei must have sworn to the Great Dao of Kings. Although Han Fei looked like he had both practiced both ways... but no matter which one was enough, it was enough.

One is Tianqi Avenue, also known as the Avenue of Kings.

The other is Yin-Yang Avenue, which is a unique avenue of Yin-Yang sky.

I don’t know. If Jin Tong and Jade Girl knew that Han Fei hadn’t even understood what Yin and Yang Avenue was..., what would they think?

Besides, it doesn't really matter if Han Fei really does.

In fact, he could save Zhao Jianglong out now, but he didn't want to.

So, what is not a thousand years... the only thing I have to consider is how can I hold Zhao Jianglong after releasing him?

After all, a madman, a king-level madman, does not mean that he can hold it.

At this moment, Han Fei Dao made a vow.

Immediately, he said to the golden boy and the girl: "Well, this agreement, since I have made the oath, I will definitely do it. Now, I can talk about my business."

Golden Boy nodded: "You said."

Han Fei: "You just said that as long as I agree to rescue your palace lord, you can let the entire Immortal City stand on my side?"

Golden Boy: "Of course. Except for my lord, the Kraken is the enemy of all races. From the standpoint of dealing with the Kraken, the goals of all races in the world are the same."

Han Fei's gaze said harshly: "Okay! That's it, I'm going to fight a big battle, a world-shattering battle called Black Chaluo King... with a tingling scalp."


When Han Fei became the supreme commander of Broken Star Island and watched the scene of countless people falling during the battle, his heart had become hard and cruel enough.

I can sympathize with an ordinary person on the side of the road, but I will not hesitate in the face of a war.

Even if this war requires the sacrifice of countless people...

As the saying goes, one will succeed forever.

Han Fei dared to break the battle of Xingdao, naturally he dared to fight the battle of the immortal city!

In essence, there is no difference between the two.

After half a day.

Han Fei quietly left and returned quietly.

Everyone thought: Han Fei did nothing at Flint Island... But I don’t know, how many things Han Fei has experienced in just two days?


On the night after the challenge with Cao Xuan, only half a day had passed since the morning, Han Fei swept through perception and immediately found a big bald head.

Who is that person?

At this moment, only a few people were around Hua Meng.

Longxi and Chen Yue, the three of them were the first to follow Han Fei to the Immortal City.

Although at that time, they just wanted to watch Han Fei... But this was their advantage! The three of them became a natural small group.

However, the appearance of Wang He made Han Fei frown slightly, rather unhappy.

At this moment, Wang He was dragging Huameng and several people while drinking, drinking and drinking, and said: "Meng! All members are forbidden to go out on Flint Island, so only you can go out. What are you doing? Huh, You guy, wouldn't you be Han Shuai's relative?"

Hua Meng smiled, scratching his head and said: "Heye, don't ask anymore. We really can't say this. Han Shuai specially asked..."

When Han Fei heard this, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

The next moment, Han Fei swept away all the venerables on the island, including Ye Qian.

Han Fei: "Everyone is here..."

Most of these venerables are consolidating their strength. After all, their foundation was damaged and just got better.

At this moment, Han Fei yelled, everyone opened their eyes and gathered quickly.

In the handsome mansion.

Han Fei sat high, everyone standing.

Han Fei sat on the head, with a table in front of him, with some random lines and marks on the fish skin map above.

Han Fei raised his head and looked at Huameng with a serious expression: "Huameng, how are things going?"

Hua Meng hurriedly stepped out and shouted, "Han Shuai, it's done."

Han Fei nodded: "It's so good."

Everyone looked at Hua Meng and said to their hearts: What task did Han Fei arrange for this kid? Especially Lu Yuntian and Wang He, who are high-ranking and intermediate-ranking ones, as a result, none of them are reused.

From the most intuitive feeling, everyone must be uncomfortable.

However, Han Fei didn't realize it at all, but suddenly stood up: "Everyone is paying attention. After a stick of incense, follow me to attack the sea monster."


Suddenly, there was an uproar in the room, and everyone was confused: Under what circumstances did Nima hit the sea monster?

We are on Flint Island. We haven't rested for a month yet! In the morning, Cao Xuan just came to challenge him, and now he is out to fight?

Han Fei glanced at everyone: "For the war, I will create the best conditions for you to strike the enemy with the most precise strikes. However, I only have one request, everything obeys my instructions. If anyone does not listen, I will let him know The price. Now, don’t ask anything, don’t say anything. In this battle, only the commander and you. In this battle, let's set a small goal to slay the five people..."


Everyone looked at Han Fei in a daze.

This Nima, like a joke? When did Tu Zun have become so simple? Still slaughtered five at once? You are exposed, can you still slaughter? How confident are you?

Immediately, someone said: "Han Shuai, don't we want to prepare anything?"

Han Fei said coldly: "What can I prepare for? This battle is a battle that must be won. Now, this commander does not want to hear any questions you ask. Okay, Lu Yuntian stays, this commander has a little The task is for you."

At that time, many people were slightly taken aback.

Before Han Fei, he obviously didn't reject Lu Yuntian.

At this moment, Lu Yuntian had to arrange a task, which can only show that the level of this task is very high. At least, it has to be done by the high-ranking state.

When everyone went out and only Lu Yuntian was left in the handsome mansion, Lu Yuntian wondered: "What command Hanshuai has?"

Han Fei looked at him lightly and said, "You don't need to participate in this battle."

Lu Yuntian couldn't help but stunned: "What mission are you going to do?"

Han Fei shook his head: "No mission."

Lu Yuntian said in surprise: "Then why?"

The corner of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Your mission is to not show up among these people in this battle. After the war, I will come to you..."

Lu Yuntian squinted his eyes, and finally nodded slightly.

Han Fei acted seemingly casual, with a somewhat unscrupulous feeling.

However, no one has ever intercepted him.

Whether it was Ye Qian or Gan Feng, no one stopped him at all. Everyone seemed to have acquiesced to Han Fei's behavior, which made Lu Yuntian very strange.

Now, Han Fei obviously wants to design Wang He.

This also means: Wang He's undercover identity, it's time to use it. And Wang He is not far from death.

Originally, Lu Yuntian felt that Han Fei might have to stay on the front line for a period of time, so he planned well. Who knows that Han Fei is so arrogant.

In the morning, Cao Xuan just came to threaten Immortal City, and at night Han Fei was about to fight. This is simply not paying attention to the Black Blood City!

Lu Yuntian: "Good!"


Only 30,000 miles away from the first island, there are 25 people including Han Fei and Ye Qian.

Han Fei: "Everyone, wait here."

After finishing speaking, Han Fei handed a jade slip to Ye Qian and said, "If there is no accident, this jade slip will automatically shatter in a while. At that time, the teleportation array will be opened and the whole army will attack."

Ye Qian's voice was indifferent, but she responded straightforwardly: "Understood."

Han Fei "shooed" and disappeared.

When Han Fei disappeared, these venerables began to discuss one after another. They had not fought such a war.

But at the moment, Wang He's face was ugly.

Lu Yuntian is gone. In a battle involving as many as 25 Venerables, the Senior Venerable Lu Yuntian is missing? I took another mission, what mission is it? Don't even fight this important battle?

Everyone was discussing it, and Wang He couldn't help saying: "Da Zun Ye Qian, what is the selling point in the gourd of Han Shuai? We have never fought such an unclear battle!"

Ye Qian said indifferently: "I haven't fought either. But it doesn't matter, since Han Fei is the commander in command, he has his own exam school. Commander-level figures, any war, will naturally have their own considerations."

With Wang He's beginning, the crowd's discussion gradually became louder.

Suddenly he heard Hua fiercely shouted: "What are you talking about? Han Shuai just want to fight, where are so many words?"

However, Hua Meng is a Junior Venerable. Among the powerhouses who are all in the venerable realm, the words are not enough, so there are still people transmitting the voice. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

I heard someone muttering: "The main thing is... can we completely trust him now? This is the main question."

As soon as this was said, almost everyone stopped speaking.

In fact, they all have this doubt in their hearts.

That is, even though Han Fei slaughtered two, he also cured countless people. However, there are more than 20 pieces here! What if something goes wrong?

Han Fei, can you really trust it completely? Everyone has never cooperated!

Ye Qian snorted coldly: "Shut up. Since Han Fei arranged it, it means that this action is already under consideration by the half-king realm powerhouses. Why do you need to discuss it?"


Immediately, I heard someone breathe a sigh of relief: "It turns out that half kings know it, so it seems that there is no problem."

Someone was completely relieved, and smiled: "Unexpectedly, we will usher in such a big battle as soon as we come out. If we can slaughter the five statues, if we can really do it, it will definitely strengthen our humanity."

Someone nodded: "You guys, I haven't been out for many years, but don't want everyone to read the jokes. Later, remember to do your best."

Wang He's heart sank: It seems that Han Fei's actions were supported by others.

He can probably guess: With Han Fei's arrogant personality, he will only notify the person who should be notified. That is to say, the powerhouses of the Half King Realm, Venerable Peak.

Because these people are heavy enough to pull hands.

In Han Fei’s eyes, the junior and intermediate sages like them are just war machines...

At this moment, Wang He guessed: What did Lu Yuntian do? What did Lu Yuntian do?


While Wang He and others were waiting, Han Fei had quietly crossed the first island. With a piece of pure black, it is mixed on the dark seabed, slowly swimming towards the outer waters outside the island...

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