God of Fishing

Chapter 1586: War

"God of Fishing (

After the Tufeiyuan was arranged, Han Fei greeted Jintong, and the two made arrangements for them.

Flint Island.

The foundations of most explorers have just been restored and are being consolidated.

Just listen to the sound of Han Fei, spreading across Flint Island: "Everyone, within 10 breaths, gather in front of the commander's mansion."


With this yell, Han Fei, whether it was a cultivator or a non-cultivator, climbed up his **** and rushed to the handsome mansion.

Flint Island is actually so big, everyone gathers, and there is no need for ten breaths at all. No matter how slow the action is, three or five breaths are enough.

At this moment, Han Fei stepped on the void and stood in the air about 30 meters high.

After seeing everyone here, I just listened to Han Feidao: "Everyone has it. Next, it may be today or tomorrow... We will fight an unprecedented battle. This battle is possible. Rewrite the structure of the Immortal City. This battle will determine your life in the next hundred years and millennia. This battle will let Black Blood City know that the terrible human race..."

Han Fei’s voice was agitated and his tone was high: "Everyone, you are in the realm of explorers at the lowest level. You will be invincible when you become an army. This commander Han Fei does not guarantee that he will be able to lead you all the time in the next battle. Promise, you will be able to survive this battle... But, I can guarantee that you will make Black Blood City fearless and become the pride of the Undead City. You will grow and become stronger through this battle... The war of the realm, this commander and the lords of the Undead City will fight. And the battle of the explorer, you will become the strongest power of the human race. Now, tell this commander, do you have confidence?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Countless people looked solemn and their chests rose and fell. Although they don't know the outside world, what happened? However, they knew that they would finally come in handy.

In the past few days, many consecutive statues have fallen, and the war between the explorers should start.

And more than 300,000 explorers attacked at the same time, this is an unprecedented grand occasion. This probably represents one point: the immortal city and the black school are about to go to war.


I only saw the phantom of mountains and rivers appearing, descending directly in front of the handsome mansion.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Everyone, walk into the phantom. This commander has a small world in his hands, and he can hide you in it. When this commander releases you, just kill him..."

Han Fei shouted the word "kill" extremely coldly, and saw him grinning: "This commander has never told you before. This commander is actually a refiner. As long as you can bring back enough materials, This commander can refine a lot of magic weapons for you. In addition to Dinghai Bizarre Treasures, this commander can't refine...Even high-grade magic weapons, it is not difficult for this commander..."



"I'm a good boy, can Hanshuai still refine weapons?"

"How come Han Shuai can do everything?"

"Does that mean the so-called Peerless Tianjiao?"

Long Xi and the others, all looked terrified at this moment: a master of healing, a master of formations, a master of refining tools, or a figure like a **** of war...

In this world, how can there be such a super powerhouse who also cultivates all the laws?

Others looked at Han Fei's small world in shock. This is the first time in their lives that they saw someone who could carry a small world with them... Can this thing be carried with them?

But is it really possible to enter the small world casually?

Just listen to Ye Qian said: "The battle situation is urgent, efficiency is the first. After entering the small world, don't run around."

After speaking, Ye Qian looked back at Han Fei and walked in first. He needed to preside over the order in the small world.

Ye Qian went in, and all the sages also went in.

But when Han Fei looked at Longxi, he said, "Your spear is destroyed, and this commander refined one for you."


I saw a purple spear with a sharp blade and amazing armor-piercing power, which stuck straight in front of Longxi.

Long Xi was stunned for a while, and looked at Han Fei in surprise. She actually had spare weapons, but the quality was not so good.

But at this moment, the weapon Han Fei dropped casually reached the level of a high-grade magic weapon. This is already commendable, and not all junior sages can have it.


Long Xi immediately took a breath and bowed to Han Fei and saluted: "Xie Hanshuai's gift of the gun..."


When all the powerful in the Venerable Realm entered the Dinghai Chart, all the explorers quickly formed a formation and stepped into the Dinghai Chart.

After a while.

On the floating island in the sea chart.


"Is this... a fairyland on earth?"

"There are small fishes here, so they are fishermen?"

"Look! Everyone, there is a big garden here. What kind of fruits are on it? It doesn't seem to be aura."

Someone exclaimed: "Look, this island is suspended in the air, flying in the sky."

Someone was shocked: "There is no wind here."


For a time, countless explorers were stunned.

Compared to the environment in which they live, the environment in Dinghai Tu is indeed like a fairyland on earth. The beauty of the scenery is naturally not comparable in this cage.

But it's just that they haven't been to the outside world, but if these people go to the outside world, even if they go to a village, they will be shocked and feel like they have reached a paradise on earth.

Not only these explorers, but even the Venerables like Longxi, were all amazed.

Does the outside world look like this? There is no place where the wind is shrouded, it is simply too comfortable.

Suddenly, only listening to the above nine heavens, Han Fei’s voice echoed: "All the venerables, select all the half of their teams. During the war, the venerable will not participate in the war of the explorers, and the half must rise. Take the lead, cooperate with each other, rush together, and never retreat."

All the sages clasped their fists: "Yes, Han Shuai."

They know: the war is about to start. At this time, of course it is not time to marvel at how good an island is.


The human front, the first island.

The golden boy stood above the void with his head up to the sky, as if he was closing his eyes and resting.

The human front, the sixth island.

Lu Yuntian and Wang He are getting together. The front was screaming, but the two of them ignored it.

Qin Mo was meeting a visitor, and the visitor was just an undead, dressed in a black robe and full of life, and did not get anyone's attention.

Wang He also said: "Lao Lu, now the fronts on both sides seem to be a bit fierce. It is said that the seven islands are fighting in front of the formation. The total number of explorers who fall every day is more than 50. When is it a head? what?"

Lu Yuntian glanced at Wang He and said lightly: "Although I don't like Han Fei, this person does have means. I think the next war may be very recent."

Wang He nodded slightly: "It should be."

Wang He sneered: It shouldn't be long before my king will come in person.

The strategy designed by Han Fei will inevitably fall short, or even die. And myself, I have to find an excuse to slip away.

Once Han Fei had an accident, he would be exposed.

After all, Lu Yuntian only told himself about sneaking into the sea monster camp. Lu Yuntian is not an idiot, he will doubt himself for the first time.

And the other side.

The undead beside Qin Mo said leisurely at this moment: "Wang He has no value anymore and can be killed."

Qin Mo's eyes lit up: "Oh? The Black Chaluo King has come?"

Han Feijie smiled: "If you come or not, you will know if you try it."

Qin Mo smiled faintly: "Okay, wait for you to start the war."

In the Black Blood City, under the arrangement of the Black Chaluo King, there are 5 half kings outside the Undead City.

Originally, there were only four kings. The distribution of half kings is the second, fourth and sixth camps. The fourth island has two half kings. This is completely arranged according to the human islands.

However, this time Wang He's information transmission led to the arrangement of three half kings behind the first and second camps. The half-kings of the fourth and sixth camps are still only constraining the human half-kings.

And the seventh camp, there is no half king at all, only three venerable pinnacles are in charge. The rest have 3 high-level sages, 5 intermediate sages, 7 primary sages, 18 sages in total.

After all, there are 7 camps in the sea area of ​​800,000 miles, and each camp is only 100,000 miles apart. Normal internal assistance can be reached quickly.

In particular, Hei Shaluo Wang thought: Han Fei should have set a trap.

Therefore, he was going to wait for the teleportation formation to start, and Han Fei came over and killed him immediately. Then, from the first camp directly into the first island of the immortal city ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ in terms of ideas, Han Fei and Heisha Snail King are exactly the same.

However, the Black Brake Snail King is on the first island, and Han Fei is on the seventh island. The difference is about 700,000 miles.

At this moment, Han Fei was quietly approaching the seventh camp of the Kraken. Although the Black Brake Conch King knows Han Fei's black mist body, this vast sea, with frequent voids and cracks, can really find a small black spot here?

While swimming, the old tortoise also said: "This battle has started and there is no turning back. The formations you have laid out, I am afraid that they will not be able to stop the Black Shalu King."

Han Fei smiled and said, "It wasn't to stop him. This time, it depends on which side is faster."

After a stick of incense.

Han Fei quietly found the seventh camp of the sea monster.

At a place not too close to the seventh camp, Han Fei quietly buried a relatively crude teleportation formation, and quickly touched the hinterland of the sea mountain range.

Outside, the explorers are clamoring outside. One Venerable Peak, and many junior Venerables look after him outside.

Within the mountain range, Han Fei touched the residence of an intermediate venerable. Because they were all blocked by a ban, Han Fei had to break the ban before Tu Zun.

But Han Fei didn't panic at all. To him, this restriction was no different from not having it.

Han Fei, who is in the body of black mist, has nothing to say without inhaling. He knows: He slashed out with this knife, the Venerable dies, and the war begins!

At that time, people may be burned...

However, Han Fei does not regret it.

If you want to regain the weak image of the Undead City in the eyes of the Black Blood City, and if you want to completely make the Black Blood City unable to suppress human beings, this sword of yourself is bound to come out.


At that moment, Yinmang broke off the mountain, tearing flesh and blood.

Above the sky, thunder rumbling, cracks appearing, blood raining out, a battle...

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