God of Fishing

Chapter 1587: Count into

"God of Fishing (

Ten years ago, in the eyes of Han Fei: a strong person in the venerable realm is a powerful person.

A venerable person can climb mountains and fill the sea, escape from the ground to the sky, and be omnipotent. What the venerable is angry, corpses millions...These sensational rumors...

Thinking about it now, it's nothing but you!

Han Fei killed a venerable lightly, without even thinking about whether he had a chance to be reborn from a drop of blood? If the opponent's avenue is not that special, the so-called blood rebirth is meaningless at all.

Just like the immortal seal of the past, when you reach this state, you will find that the so-called immortality is actually relatively speaking. Can the strong kill you directly, but cannot kill you after rebirth?

Han Fei cut an Intermediate Venerable with a single blow.

The phantom of the mountains and rivers, at this moment, unfolded directly in the hinterland of the mountains.

At this moment, Ye Qian led the team out.

More than 20 statues came out together, this number is really scary!

In fact, when Ye Qian and the others came out, they found a group of dark shadows came out first.

Ye Qian and others were shocked: It turns out that they are not the only ones in this small world of Han Fei. The Nether, who has always been in the rear and has become a king's road, is there!

At this moment, Netherworld led the three high-level venerable realms, and 11 other intermediate-level venerable undead, suddenly appeared, shocking the Quartet.

The moment when Han Fei took the shot, the opponent's Venerable Pinnacle had already killed him.

However, when the shadows of the mountains and rivers appeared, when the Great Lord Nether appeared...

The siren just escaped in the first time.

He knows: At this time, one can run!

Obviously, Han Fei and this group of people do not play cards according to their routines.

After all, they also have the snails. This Venerable Peak, the first time he shouted: "Everyone, escape..."

This was his first sentence, and before he said the second sentence, he was enveloped in death. As if from the Nine Nether Yellow Spring, a pair of big hands stretched out, instantly annihilating the sound and crushing the void.

Han Fei shouted: "Everyone, kill... all the sages here in Tu Guang."

With the previous experience, this time, Longxi and the others frantically rushed towards the nearby Kraken camp to hunt those Junior Venerables.

There were only 18 people on the Kraken side.

At the peak of the three venerables, Netherworld found one, Ye Qian found one, and the three high-level undead brought by Ye Qian found one.

As for Han Fei, there were 11 Intermediate Venerables, who instantly dispersed and struck them separately.

With Han Fei, plus himself, there were already as many as 22 Venerables. Now, plus the 15 people brought by Netherworld... both in terms of realm and strength, they must completely suppress these venerables in the Kraken Camp.

On the frontline battlefield, the venerables who watched the battle flee in the first place.

Those sea monsters in the Dao-seeking realm still don't know what is going on? First, the venerable fell, and then the venerable on his side ran away.

What do you mean by running away without saying anything?

Take a breath.

Two interest.

At the third breath, a terrifying crack appeared in the sky again, and another Venerable fell.

Because in the front line supervising the battle, there are only 3 venerables. One is in the elementary state, one is in the intermediate state, and the other is in the high state.

On the Seventh Island side, Han Fei had already made preparations, and he used the teleportation array when he came. Han Fei needs to clear the front line and drop the human explorer army.

At this moment, the body of the white mist found the sea monster in the high-ranking state, and the body of the black mist directly slashed the low-ranking one. When that Junior Venerable fell, he didn't even know how he fell? I only know that at the last moment, I can't do anything, even the soul is restricted.


Kraken's first camp.

The Black Chaluo King and a group of venerables have long been hidden in the dark, ready to wait for Han Fei to appear.

It was Han Fei who disturbed the Black Chaluo King, because Han Fei's practice speed was too fast, and also too strong. As long as Han Fei died, he didn't need to fight hard with the urine of Immortal City...The situation would immediately fall to the Black Blood City side.

As a result, the Black Chaluo King has been here for a long time, but the teleportation array is still not moving at all.

Because the first island is a place controlled by the undead, the frontline callers and battlers are not as fierce as the living islands, but they have never stopped.

Just when Heishaluo Wang thought: Han Fei and the others did not carry out a sneak attack plan, and may have to wait...

Suddenly, King Heisha Luo looked up at the sky.

Just hearing a "boom", a red crack appeared.

In the past few days, the **** raindrops that have never stopped have become bigger again.

Hei Shaluo Wang's perception swept through, but he still couldn't see: Where on earth did someone fall?

At this moment, the murderous intent on King Heishaluo couldn't be stopped...

Even if he is an idiot, he knows he has been tricked! Han Fei, this bastard, must have done it.

Sure enough, after almost two breaths, there was a voice from the transmission big snail: "King! Han Fei and You Ming led a large number of sages and sneaked on my seventh camp. We can't hold it."




Heichaluowang was furious, and he was actually tricked by Han Fei, a stinky boy?

Someone's complexion changed drastically: "No, my king, Wang He is still exposed."

Someone said: "Wang! The Seventh Island is not far away, I'll wait to fight over quickly."

But someone immediately said: "No, the one who can rush to the Seventh Island within ten breaths...Only my king, I can't let my king be alone in danger."

Just listen to the Black Chaluo King shouting in a low voice: "Can't delay. Han Fei can sneak attack from there, and we are waiting. In that case, the whole army will follow me and slaughter the first island of the Undead City."


On the Seventh Island side, Han Fei's body of black mist once again bombarded the Intermediate Venerable, and stuffed these two people into the world of refining.

Han Fei absorbed the spirits of these two people while stepping on the sea, reflecting the shadows of mountains and rivers.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "The whole army attacked and swept all the sea monsters in the Seventh Island battlefield. They are not allowed to kill other battlefields. After this victory, immediately return to the front and wait for Lu Yuntian to come and recruit you."

The seven camps of the Sea-Monster have been increasing their troops since yesterday.

Originally, there were only 200,000 sea monsters in places like the seventh camp, but many of them were at the level of Sea Spirit Realm and Sea Monster Realm.

In just one day, this number has surged to 300,000. Among them, there are many large snails, and the power of the explorer level has reached 100,000.

Of course, these explorers also contain many marine creatures.

This is the customary tactic of the Kraken, pushing countless marine creatures in the sea to the battlefield, forcing them to fight even if they don't fight.

The reason why Han Fei left all the explorers behind was to fight a battle of annihilation. Is it a simple matter to eliminate 100,000 explorers? In the entire Yin-Yang sky and Shuimu sky, whether it is a human or a sea monster, all the explorer creatures add up, how many large monsters in the explorer realm can there be? The outside world is no better than a cage. The explorers who are rampant here are really rare to see outside. Han Fei pondered, and the Seventh Island still has a local defense line. When the two attacked each other, first of all, those marine creatures would definitely run away. After all, they would not have formed an army. They are certainly not as efficient and united as humans.

This is the limit of manpower that Han Fei can use on the Seventh Island side.

After all, the entire Immortal City can be said to be divided into seven battlefields. After being swept by Han Fei and You Ming, the seventh battlefield will be the safest battlefield.

And the Venerable Undead on the seventh battlefield, after seeing Han Fei drop 300,000 people down, he shouted: "The whole army will attack..."

In fact, the Undead Great Master of the entire seventh island, when the first one fell, had already begun to gather at the sixth island at full speed and began to rush.

And Wang He, who was guarding the Sixth Island with Lu Yuntian, suddenly saw the crack in the sky, and his whole person was a little bit overwhelmed. He was first happy. Immediately afterwards, I heard Qin Mo's voice sound: "Don't look, it's the Seventh Island who died."

Suddenly Wang He turned his head and saw Lu Yuntian and Qin Mo looking at him quietly.

At that moment, Wang He knew that he had been exposed, and he was dead...

In the original plan of Han Fei and Golden Boy, the seventh island will be eliminated in the first time. If the Heisha Snail King really went to the Seventh Island to kill, he would have his own backs to wait for them.

Wenzhu happened to be in the formation. At this moment, 300,000 troops were airborne, but when they rushed out of the void, there were enemies in all directions.


At that moment, 300,000 people were violent, and the killing sound shook the sky. This is their first battle after so many years of injury. This is a battle to determine the fate of the Immortal City. It cannot tolerate carelessness ~ www.ltnovel.com~ For a time, the sky is full of light and shadows, and the waves are surging.

Thousands of miles, the waves are clearly raging, some waves are still in the sky, but the second half has been lost.

Han Fei's body of white mist was fighting with a shark.

Han Fei has never known: How could the Shark Clan stay in this wild land?

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be a shark tribe on the side of Yinyang and Shuimutian. In other words, these sharks are only left over from ancient times.

This shark human race is born to control water and freeze ice. During the battle with Han Fei, the surrounding air, sea water, and even energy became very biting.

Fortunately, Han Fei is the body of Baiwu, a special form of existence. In addition, Xiao Bai was not afraid of cold at all, so Han Fei didn't feel very much.

At this moment, the shark was yelling: "Han Fei, my king is here. Even if you are proud for a while, you will never escape death."


Another red crack appeared in the sky, which represented another fall.

It has been five breaths of time since he and others raided the seventh island, and five of them have fallen.

This time, Han Fei felt that the speed of others was okay. Although I brought more than 30 statues, as the old turtle said, I cannot expect everyone to be like myself.

Therefore, being able to kill three statues within five breaths is pretty good.

The more the siren fell, the smoother the subsequent battles.

Han Feicong sneered at the shark tribe: "The dignified shark tribe has fallen to the ground and condescended under a black snail. You are also worthy to be called the shark tribe? As for the black monk king, wait until he can find me..."

As he spoke, the blade purgatory was completed, Han Fei drew his sword in the void, gave up his fist, and continued to fight the shark race.


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