God of Fishing

Chapter 1588: Sweep 1 Battalion

"God of Fishing (


This is already the ninth crack in the sky, and Han Fei is also not clear: Is there any family member in this?

However, Han Fei also knew: The Black Brake Snail King did not come.

According to Golden Boy, at the speed of the pseudo-king, it is impossible for a distance of 700,000 miles to exceed 10 breaths. And now, it is precisely the tenth breath.


Han Fei cut off the vitality of this Venerable Shark, his power of divine soul has been replenished, and his strength has returned to its peak again.


The tenth statue fell in pouring rain, red as blood, enough to prove how terrible this hunt was, and enough to prove how many people died in this hunt...

When Han Fei returned, he knew: A total of 10 people who fell just now, except for 3 people who were killed by themselves, there were 5 people who were killed by humans.

And one of the other's noble peaks seems to have died together with the two high-ranking undead...

When Han Fei returned, Netherworld happened to tear the peak of the venerable who was facing him.

Han Fei did not hesitate to shoot, the end of the world was close.

When he came to the battlefield of Netherworld, Han Fei slurred: "The law is forbidden here."

Therefore, Nether and Han Fei shot at the same time, destroying another one.

Youming glanced at Han Fei: "The Black Chaluo King is not here."

While talking, the ghost killed the Sea-Monster Venerable who was facing Ye Qian. At the same time, a large swath of lifelessness was pushed to an undead in the high-ranking state.

Han Fei remembered: Just now, the three high-ranking sages encircled a sacred peak. As a result, one Venerable fell from the pinnacle, three high-level undead, two died and one was seriously injured.

Han Fei responded: "It's okay, but here is a quick decision."

Ye Qian shouted: "It's fast enough, you go help other people."

When Ye Qian called out, Han Fei had already killed him.

Han Fei didn't know what the situation was on the side of Hei Shaluo King. However, since the Black Shalu King did not come, it means that he has already killed the first island of the Undead City.

If you are the King of Black Brake Snails, you will also choose this way at this time. Therefore, in the first island, Han Fei naturally had a foreshadowing. But it is hard to say whether it can trap people.


As if it was a daily thunderstorm, above the sky, there were red cracks after another.

But this time, it wasn't that someone had fallen from the seventh camp.

This means: the battle on the side of the Black Chaluo King has officially started.




Within five breaths, four consecutive roars.

Except for the Seventh Island, where another Junior Venerable fell, the falling speed on the First Island began to accelerate.

Suddenly, Han Fei noticed: One of the cracks was extremely shallow.

This scene shocked Han Fei's heart!

On the other side of the gorge of life and death, the old sheep started.


In other words, a moment ago, the battlefield of Life and Death Gorge.

The old sheep stood behind the deep valley, looking up at the sky.

Suddenly, Lao Yang's heart moved, and he counted that a venerable person had fallen.

Just as the Lao Yang gathered everyone and prepared to order "the whole army to attack", within just five breaths, five consecutive statues fell. The astronomical change has actually been mapped from the human front to the life and death gorge.

At this moment, Lao Yang knew Han Fei's side, and he must have been playing with great momentum.

Just listen to the old sheep shouting: "All the venerables of Ten Thousand Beast Island, kill me. Killed in the Black Blood City today, let's see what the Black Blood City is like?"

While shouting, the old sheep personally stepped on the clouds and entered the gorge of life and death.

Beside the old sheep, the giant bear roars, the tiger is overwhelming, the big flood is flying, and the unicorn is rampant.


"The fish and shrimp in Black Blood City died quickly."

"In the ball cage, my monster beast is invincible..."


Opposite the Gorge of Life and Death, six and a half of the kings blocked here, ready to attack.

However, when they saw a nine-tailed white fox, they were shocked.

A Sea-Monster half-king yelled: "Under the sage, all return to the city. The sacred peak, all are on top... the nine queens are back."

The six most powerful kings were panicking after seeing the charging posture of the Monster Beast Alliance.

At that moment, these half kings guessed: what an agreement had been reached between the humans and the Monster Beast Alliance. Both of them shot at the same time, intending to force the Black Blood City.

Unlike the Human Race Undead City front, the Orcs attacked at the beginning, it was a charge of Hundreds.

Over 200,000 miles, as many as more than 160 are impacting.

Who can handle this?

Even if the Black Brake Conch King has already sent additional manpower to the Life and Death Gorge, they are still not as good as the Monster Beast Alliance in terms of the number of venerables!

Moreover, there is also a pseudo-king in the Monster Beast Alliance! This is the biggest variable on the battlefield. Otherwise, this battle can be fought.


At this moment, the three places went to war.

On the first island, the Black Chaluo King led his army out, with a full 58 venerables around him.

What is this concept? A half-king led 58 great lords and stormed the city of immortality. No matter how powerful the golden boy is, he cannot be an opponent!

Therefore, more than 30 Venerables far away in the Undead City, all came out.

Among them, You Ming brought 15 to Han Fei's side. The rest were taken away by Golden Boy. Among them, the Venerable Pinnacle was all taken away by the Golden Boy.

And the seven islands, except for the first and seventh islands, all went to war in order to hold the enemy. In fact, the ideas of both parties are exactly the same.

Now, the comparison is the first island and the seventh island, which side is more ruthless and more capable of killing?

After 20 breaths, the crack in the sky did not stop at all.

Because of Han Fei's action, the primary and intermediate levels of the Seventh Camp of the Sea-Monster have fallen completely, leaving only one peak and one high-level one struggling.

However, their struggle is destined to be in vain.

Counting Han Fei, there are two half kings here, as well as 1 Venerable Pinnacle, 3 Senior Venerables, 15 Intermediate Venerables, 16 Junior Venerables...

On Han Fei's side, he made a very strong shot, even cutting 16 pieces. Even on his side, many venerables have been seriously injured.

But there were 32 cracks in the sky.

Among them, 19 people died in the seventh soul realm. On the human side, in addition to the two fallen undead, there is also a Junior Venerable and a Sea-Monster Junior Venerable.

So, where are the other 13 fallen Venerables?

Han Fei also said it was bad. After all, the number of people who have fallen is too many, to the point that they can no longer distinguish the celestial phenomena.

When there were only two sea monsters left in the seventh camp... Ye Qian, Han Fei, and You Ming joined forces to quickly kill the last two sacred peaks!

Han Fei shouted, "Netherworld! I will take my people to the first island, and it will proceed according to the original plan."

Netherworld was blocking the void. Hearing Han Fei's words, he only said, "Okay! Are you not enough on your side?"

Han Fei said: "Almost, it doesn't matter."

After speaking, Han Fei shouted: "Everyone should return to their positions, and follow the commander to support the first island."

Originally, with the help of Han Fei, Long Xi and others quickly killed several venerables. The entire seventh camp had been swept away by the humans, and they had already gathered where Han Fei was.

After taking a look at a few people, Han Fei's eyes swept away and saw that although several people were seriously injured, they had no time to save them. I saw Han Fei stretch out his backhand, drawing the void, and at the same time phantoms of mountains and rivers appeared.

Han Fei said, "The seriously injured fight next time. I don't call you, so you don't have to come out."


The seventh camp has been wiped out, but there are still sages falling in the sky. From the beginning of the battle to the present, the 30 breath time has passed, and the number of fallen Venerables has reached 39.

At this time, Han Fei was also unclear: How many sages had fallen on the first island? How many people fell on the life and death gorge? In short, this battle has just begun, and it is estimated that many ordinary people in the entire cage are dumbfounded.


First island!

When the Black Chaluo Dynasty came here, there were 59 Venerables including the Black Chaluo King.

Therefore, when the first Venerable fell, everyone on the first island, the strong below the Venerable, had already begun to evacuate.

This is the purpose of Han Fei, to make a time difference.

When the Black Chaluo King arrived, the people on the first island were almost evacuated.

There are also some undead who are taking the teleportation formation to evacuate~www.ltnovel.com~ However, it is impossible for the Black Brake Snail King to give them a chance! The breath came, and in an instant, hundreds of undead were crushed.

Jin Tong led 30 people, already waiting in front of the battlefield.

Hei Shaluo Wang paused slightly and shouted loudly: "Immortal Golden Boy, do you think you can stop me?"

The golden boy held the black dragon battle and pointed at the Black Bras Snail King: "There is a battle between the Black Blood City and the Immortal City. Can I stop you? I don't know. But I know, you have lost this battle."

"Hahaha... I lost? Do you think that if you cooperate with that Han Fei child, you can win me? But you won a seventh camp. The king pushed all the way from the first island...killed !"

Every second counts in the battle, and the Black Chaluo King will not be so stupid to talk nonsense with Golden Boy here. Slow down for a while, the greater the loss of the Kraken camp.

He knew: Today's battle was all Han Fei's idea. To be able to play so hard and to ignore his life and death must be someone who has seen life and death and has grandeur.

What's more, for tens of thousands of years, no such battle has occurred in the Wall of Death.

At this moment, Han Fei was obviously replacing himself with himself.

This style of play is basically a play that hurts both sides.

Heichaluowang is confident: Golden Boy leads 30 figures, it is impossible to be his opponent.

When the Black Chaluo King and the Golden Boy fought together, there was no one in the Half King Realm to stop them. There are 9 undead at the pinnacle of the Venerable, resisting the semi-king superpower.

This is the ultimate power that the Undead City can extract. The only Half Nether King in the back was still with Han Fei.

When the Golden Boy and the Venerable were all shot at the peak, the remaining undead and the few clan Venerables scattered one after another to welcome their respective battles.

In the first game, Han Fei will definitely win!

And here, they can only fight for their lives.

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