God of Fishing

Chapter 1597: The real secret of the cage

"God of Fishing (

The dragon tail that Han Fei saw was naturally the dragon tail buried by Zhao Jianglong.

Under Zhao Jianglong's deliberate arrangement, the dragon soul was sealed in the dragon's tail. Here, accept the tears of endless years.

So, not surprisingly, this place should be fierce. There is a dragon soul here, and with his current power of the soul, it is not necessarily the opponent's opponent.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Old Yuan, if the dragon soul makes a move, it's up to you."

The old turtle said; "Didn't it mean that the dragon has escaped? Here, it can't be a complete dragon soul. Since it is not a complete dragon soul, it should be just a strand of dragon soul. The problem is not big."

When Han Fei stood in front of the 600-meter-long dragon tail, Han Fei couldn't help thinking: How much chaos can he breathe out of such a big dragon tail?

That Zhao Jianglong is really a pity.

As long as he can enter this natural formation of heaven and earth, take this dragon's tail back, and the purple dragon formation will break.

But it is precisely because of this that Han Fei has a bad premonition: Even the king can't get in. It seems that in this natural formation, it might not be easy to get out!

Han Fei felt that his mother had passed the natural formation of heaven and earth to him. Otherwise, I don’t know how this thing goes out by itself...

However, Han Fei also wondered: How far-sighted does my mother have to be in order to wrap the two immortal palaces with the entire cage and create such a large natural formation of heaven and earth?

At this time, the old turtle also sighed: "If this is a formation... such a huge formation, even if the emperor is alive, it will not be created. Your family's natural formation of heaven and earth, wouldn't it be learned from here?"

"What is it? This formation is definitely my mother..."

The soul fire in Han Fei's eyes: It doesn't seem to be necessarily!

The old lady said: The natural formation of heaven and earth is a natural formation between heaven and earth. If you understand it according to this logic, it is really not necessarily...Which side is the real natural formation of heaven and earth?


At this moment, he saw the dragon's tail trembling. The power of the soul is probably even more extraordinary than Han Fei's devouring beasts.


Han Fei had been prepared for a long time, stepping on the Yuhun Formation, in addition to fighting back with the soul-devouring roar of the beasts, he also held the embroidery needle, hit the thorn of the god, and hit the dragon's tail.

The old tortoise also used the power of the soul to immediately press over.

Even so, Han Fei's Royal Soul Formation was broken in the first place.

In the turmoil of the spirit, Han Fei can attack the spirit. Otherwise, one's own soul must be hurt again.

However, this also proves that there are not many souls sealed in this dragon tail.

Han Fei felt that he should be stronger than himself, but not much stronger.

Han Fei's soul shook: "Asshole, a dead dragon, dare to be fierce? Watch Laozi peel your skin, drink your flesh and blood, and slaughter your soul..."

However, Han Fei's call did not receive a response.

Han Fei's Celestial Stabbing didn't stop, hitting left and then hitting again...

It was a pity that the dragon soul seemed to be sealed, so he could only roar towards Han Fei and couldn't get out at all.

Han Fei was happy then, isn't this Nima a target for me to hit?

More than 50 consecutive stabs of the gods directly overturned the dragon soul.


Just when Han Fei was a little weak, the old turtle said: "It's not right, it's not like a dragon soul."

Han Fei was speechless: "It's not a dragon soul, can it be a snake soul? No matter how stupid Zhao Jianglong is, he shouldn't be so stupid."

The old turtle said: "If it is a dragon soul, I shouldn't have directly attacked you just now. If I were him, I should stabilize you first before sneak attack. And this dragon soul will only roar twice...it looks like ,Newborn……"


I only saw a lot of soul fire beating in Han Fei's skull eye sockets: "What did you say? Newborn? Then I strangled its mind, wouldn't it become the soul of no master?"

The old tortoise said: "Even if it still has the conscious mind hidden in it, you still have a small gourd, anyway, you will not suffer."

As the old tortoise spoke, Han Fei's line of nothingness had already passed. Han Fei is going to test it first. If the test is okay, this masterless soul is his own.

When Han Fei's line of nothingness was clicked, and for a while, the power of the soul began to struggle. However, that kind of strength is not very strong.

Han Fei did not read anything else from this spirit.

At this moment, Han Fei was sure: This is indeed a new soul.

Perhaps it was because there were too few souls that were sealed here before, and they couldn't hold the suction power in the center of this natural formation, so they died long ago.

But the power of the soul has not dissipated, and over time, a brand-new soul that can resist this pull is born.

At this moment, Han Fei didn't dare to explode the soul of the new born, he was just entangled and killed.

Three hours later, when Han Fei lost more than 3,000 points of power of the soul, he finally killed the new soul.

"Hahaha! It really is an infinite road."

The old turtle murmured: "I think it's a coincidence. It just so happens that this is the formation you are familiar with. In other words, this formation is also related to you."

Han Fei shook his head: "Not necessarily. If it's so dangerous, Old Han won't tell me anything when he comes. Some things are always beyond their calculations. My mother is chatting with me. I never mentioned that there is a natural formation here."

In the refining world, this is Han Fei's most exciting day in eight years.

Han Fei not only discovered the secret of this black hole, but also found the dragon tail that was suppressed by Zhao Jianglong.

When Han Fei assimilated the huge Unowned Soul, his whole person felt like he was going to float.

Anyway, this is also a king-level dragon!

Although it was slaughtered, and some escaped, but only part of the remaining soul power in the body, as many as nearly 30,000 points. This is still the result of a part of the spirits being destroyed by oneself when fighting against oneself.

A few days later, when Han Fei completely digested this part of the Lordless Soul, he looked at his personal information again, and the power of the soul had reached 61646 points.

In general, removing the part of the soul that he has consumed, at least for now, in terms of the power of the soul, he can't be considered a weak person.

Han Fei said in shock: "The soul sealed in the tail of a dragon will restore most of me. Can the soul sealed by the dragon head completely restore me all at once?"

The old turtle said: "First of all, you have to find a way to go out. If this is under the grassland of the Forbidden Island, then the dragon head must be the Forest of Terror. That is a place you have never been to."

Han Fei smiled and said, "I have a navigator!"

Han Fei was not in a hurry to find a way out.

After all, I have been trapped here for seven years.

Han Fei doesn't care about these days anymore. It's better to take advantage of these few days to properly fuse these masterless souls! This is the most important thing.

One month later.


Han Fei appeared abruptly in the black hole, where there was only darkness and terror.

Han Fei held the Multi-Navigation Instrument, his heart moved, and the pointer on it was still rotating.

Putting away the nautical universal instrument at hand, Han Fei grabbed an array of pestle, which was the array of natural array of heaven and earth in the Yin Yang Palace.

The heart moved at will, Han Fei tried it, and tried to manipulate the pestle... As a result, there was no response.

"Heh! The two natural formations are really different."

If there is no way to use the array club, then you need to use your own wisdom to break the array. The eyes of the formation have been found by myself, and it only takes a brainstorm to break the formation.

Han Fei punched, and the golden fist stamps blasted in all directions, and there was no problem with the fist stamps.


After staying in this black circle for a long time, Han Fei suddenly felt that the power of rotation around him was increasing.

Moreover, the terrifying energy quickly washed away, far surpassing the power of the so-called Silent Gangfeng.

In just a few dozen breaths, the intensity has reached the point where he can't hold his soul.


But I saw Yuhun formation and Pangui formation, emerging one after another.

Han Fei had never encountered this kind of abnormal suction when he hadn't come here.

Immediately, Han Fei entered the refining world.

Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, did you feel it? The suction just now."

The old turtle said: "No wonder the dragon soul has become the soul of no master. It turns out that the danger here does not always exist. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Han Fei: "This abnormal phenomenon must be weird! This black hole is eating, devouring messy energy."

After speaking, I saw Han Fei sitting down on the ground, and quickly drew a picture of Yin and Yang on the ground in front of him.

I saw Han Feidao: "The Island of Taboo, and the Tai Chi Eye of the Terror Forest, have been together for more than 10 million li, which should have reached 16 million li. There is endless energy in this black hole. How did this energy come from? Perhaps it was this black hole that sucked in. So in the same way, the other Tai Chi eye is also sucking energy. Therefore, the energy in the cage is being swallowed by these two Tai Chi eyes every day. Swallow the power inside and outside the cage?"

Just listen to the old tortoise suddenly interrupted: "No. If the power of the entire cage is converging here... and it can only get in and out, for tens of thousands of years, do you know how much energy this is? The cage has long collapsed."

In Han Fei’s eyes, the soul fire was beating: “So it’s an internal and external take-all. What if these energies are used to maintain the operation of the Wall of Death? According to the conservation of energy, the large array is swallowing and the cage is consuming... , I was surprised, who has such great ability to deploy a formation, tens of thousands of years have passed, and it is still powerful? But if this formation is formed naturally and can operate on its own, it is easy to understand!"

The old tortoise was puzzled: "That should also...suck energy from the outside and fill the energy inside the cage, right?"

Han Fei shrugged: "Who knows this? Perhaps, he eats both inside and outside! Energy is flowing, and inherent energy cannot hold up the cage. Therefore, this forms a closed loop. It is because the natural formation of heaven and earth needs to absorb energy. , Then whether it is taken from outside the cage or inside the cage, it needs to be taken. Since it is taken, there is a way out..."

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