God of Fishing

Chapter 1598: Epiphany

"God of Fishing (

At this moment, Han Fei sitting on the ground, like a wise man, was analyzing the composition of the entire cage.

Han Fei always thought: This cage presents a "day" shape.

In fact, it makes sense to say so, but it is still not detailed enough. It's not so much like a "day", it's like a "8"; so much like a "8", it's like a Taiji picture...

Indeed, when Han Fei knew that there were two such black holes in the cage, the true form of the cage came out.

This is a huge natural array of heaven and earth!

It's just that it is not an ordinary natural array of heaven and earth. The Tai Chi diagram it outlines does not appear to be a circle. Just as the figure is not in the shape of an "8", then the natural array of heaven and earth certainly encompasses an area outside the cage.

Although I haven't seen the whole picture, there are two black holes in the "Taiji Diagram", and Han Fei naturally knows their shape.

Han Fei thinks: This is probably a natural formation, or a semi-natural formation of heaven and earth, driven by manpower.

The big formation can draw energy from inside and outside the cage to maintain the seal of the cage.

Perhaps, the energy intake from the outside world will be more. This is also understandable: why the two places of Shuimutian and Yinyangtian...... there are very few strong men born......

In fact, there is also a clear gap between Yin-yang sky and Shuimu sky.

After all, the number of powerhouses in Shuimutian is far more than that in Yinyangtian.

Before this, Han Fei had always thought: This gap was caused by the law of heaven. However, the eyes of heaven and law just prevent becoming a king, right? It seems that it has little effect on respect.

Why then?

Han Fei pondered: Maybe the two black holes in the cage have different absorption of external power! As for the difference? You have to have a chance to see another Tai Chi Eye before you can know it.

In fact, these issues are easy to understand.

What makes Han Fei puzzled is why he wants to build a natural formation here? What is the purpose of trapping these people, sea monsters, and orcs?

Perhaps, this is a means by which the human race can stop the siren?

After all, in the Age of Doom, the Kraken invaded and caused a large number of deaths on land. Perhaps it was my old lady or some great power who created this natural formation of heaven and earth by the power of heaven and earth.

In the final analysis, this large formation is equivalent to a barrier, equivalent to the Great Wall of a thousand miles, and can block the sea monster's invasion. After all, there is a heritage of one hundred thousand mountains in it, and it must be a project of the Age of Domination.

Any big formation is actually easy to get in and hard to get out.

According to Han Fei's understanding, the natural formation of heaven and earth is not difficult to enter. But this natural formation of heaven and earth took a lot of effort even if he came in by himself.

Presumably, tens of thousands of years ago, this natural formation of heaven and earth was easy to enter, so many creatures fell into it.

Why are so many people trapped in it, perhaps because this natural formation is absorbing energy and strengthening the cage all the time. Those who come in are afraid that it is to improve their own strength.

This leads to: the power it accumulates is getting stronger and stronger, resulting in the cage being locked up in the end. But those who came in at the time can no longer escape.

But as a master of formation, Han Fei is very clear:

"A big array, can it absorb energy indefinitely? It can absorb tens of thousands of years? Even if it is a real black hole, after absorbing infinite energy, what will it go to? I am afraid it will be the final eruption! Perhaps, it will lead to the strange explosion of the universe. Point, it's a super black hole...

Why did the singularity explode? It is very likely that it swallowed too much! When the energy of the singularity reaches a critical point, the universe collapses..."

Han Fei slapped his head abruptly, making a "clanging" sound, and tut: "I'm so smart! From this formation, I actually thought of the Big Bang..."

"Hi! I'm afraid, now this cage has reached its endurance limit, right?"

As soon as this thought appeared, Han Fei was stunned.

Therefore, the cracks appear, not because the seal power is weakening...but because it has too much energy backlog and is about to explode?


"not good!"

The old turtle wondered: "What's the matter?"

Han Fei understood all of this and suddenly understood why there were so many strong men in the cage. There are hundreds of thousands of explorers. Because of the natural formation of heaven and earth, the energy absorbed was also supplied to them when supplying the barrier of the cage, so as to reduce the pressure of excessive energy expansion...

However, the great battle just now caused the fall of countless venerables and explorers...

Then, according to the conservation of energy, the power of these people after the fall will either return to the heavens and the earth, be absorbed by others, or be absorbed by this black hole!

In this way, the majestic energy rushing into the front at once will only accelerate the collapse of the cage!

The old turtle asked several times, and Han Fei communicated his thoughts with the old turtle.

The old tortoise said leisurely: "If this cage collapses and the millions of soldiers in the Black Blood City are killed, I am afraid that your entire Yin and Yang sky will be destroyed."

Han Fei's face became ugly: "This is one possibility, another possibility is a big explosion, which caused all the creatures in the cage to fall. However, I wondered, it has not reached the level of a big explosion! Otherwise, When the crack appeared, it exploded long ago... But no matter what, we must find a way to get out early."

As Han Fei believes: if there is ingestion, there must be a way out.

How to get out Han Fei has already considered.

The pulling force in the eyes of the array is so powerful that it seems dangerous, but it should be the only way out.

In this array, the energy from the outside world is sucked all the time.

However, this kind of pull is intermittent, sometimes very violent, sometimes very slight. Presumably, at the most violent moment, the formation is in a wide open state, and he has the best chance to escape...

At the first moment of communication, Han Fei left the refining world.


As soon as Han Fei came out, the whole person began to spin quickly.

"The Wheel of Yin and Yang is too high."

In fact, the way to break this array is not very difficult.

After Han Fei figured it out, he knew how to break the battle. He made the Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel rotate at extreme speed, opposite to the rotation direction of the front eyes. When they reached a balance, he would be relatively still...

Such a method seems simple, but Han Fei has been groping for many years.

It took seven years for Han Fei to find this moment. Even if I find the front, if I don't understand anything, I'm afraid I will be trapped in it forever.


The Supreme Yin-Yang Wheel turned against the horrible rotating force, Han Fei could feel that he was leaving, resisting the formation...


Ten breaths later, when Han Fei saw a beam of white light, his whole body was agitated: he finally found a way out!

But at this time, Han Fei's body began to crack.

There is no other reason, it is because the body of himself carries too much energy. Absorb energy with the flesh, and now it has accumulated to the point where the flesh cannot hold it!

Han Fei's heart moved immediately, dispelling the yin and yang wheel in the sky.

With his body still spinning extremely fast, Han Fei took out a long-lost fishing rod and threw it out at the white light.

The hook broke through the air, as if it caught something...?

"call out!"

I saw Han Feiruo's golden light shuttle, breaking away in the blink of an eye.


Han Fei hugged a ball of meat and hit the wind in the wind, crushing a lot of land.

"Ha~Haha~ I'm out!"

Han Fei was suddenly excited. Who is it, who is trapped in a dark place for seven years, I am afraid that he will go crazy?


However, a figure suddenly appeared with a "cuckling" sound in his throat, which caused Han Fei to wake up suddenly.

When Han Fei turned his head, he saw a shriveled and skinny old man looking at him with long eyes.

"Yes, Tai Chi Eyes are under the grassland. At the beginning, Zhao Jianglong chose this place for a reason. He just didn't consider that he would be trapped too... Now that he came out, he naturally appeared in In the grave."

Han Fei is very sure: This is a deserted grave.

When the wind blew, Han Fei secretly scolded himself for being stupid.

Where does the wind come from in a deserted grave? Shouldn't it be silent? I never doubted it. As early as when Shui Mutian entered the deserted grave, he should have seen: This deserted grave is not easy.

As a result, when I came out of the natural array of heaven and earth, I realized that all of this had long been hinted, but I had never understood it.

Han Fei suddenly remembered: I am a skeleton right now. This Zhao Jianglong doesn't necessarily recognize himself, right?

Immediately, Han Fei vibrated with the voice of the soul: "Senior, it's me! Junior, human Han Fei, fighting with the sea monster. After losing, the junior has no choice but to send to Senior here to seek refuge..."

"Gluck... Dragon..."

Zhao Jianglong probably recognized Han Fei.

Therefore, the long, cannibal gaze narrowed a bit. However, after seeing Han Fei, the first sentence still asked Canglong.

Han Fei can't always say: I stole the dragon tail you buried...

However, I went out to find the dragon several times, but found nothing? This seems...not easy to explain!

Han Fei's heart moved, and a dead body appeared before him.

Han Fei actually has two corpses like this. However, in order to prevent the old fellow Zhao Jianglong from accumulating too much energy, he still didn't use it all...

Han Fei immediately took out a slap-sized cone-shaped scale and said, "Senior, the junior is incompetent. He was attacked by the sea monster and the evil dragon and almost fell. In the battle, he only hurriedly took down one of the venerables and arrested them. It's just a scale..."


Han Fei only felt that with a flower in front of him, the dragon scales in his hand disappeared.

I saw a roar from Zhao Jianglong's throat.

Immediately afterwards, Han Fei saw: That scale was crushed by Zhao Jianglong.

At that time, Han Fei saw his scalp numb, and his heart screamed wildly: "Don't be crazy, don't be crazy...you will be crazy when I leave."

Han Fei couldn't help but reminded: "Senior, would you like to eat something? The younger generation has now found a way to destroy the sea monster and hunt the blue dragon... It only takes a hundred years, and the younger generation will surely be able to rescue you... even, Canglong carried it in front of you."


Zhao Jianglong turned his head and looked at Han Fei. He didn't rush to eat, but said in a hoarse voice: "You...the soul...a great...damage, Daoxin...not enough. Ben...the king...help you...one Put..."

Han Feigang wants to say "How can you help..."

Suddenly, Han Fei saw: a big hand pressed on his head.

At that time, Han Fei's heart was "fuck", Xin said: My brain is holding in my hands now, this is the skull you pressed!

But, the next moment, in Han Fei's soul, it was like playing a movie...

At that moment, Han Fei seemed to see...what he looked like when he first came into this world...

Tang Ge and himself live on the cliff side of Tianshui Village. The cave behind the hut is their secret. Once, they swear together to become strong!

Han Fei remembered He Xiaoyu, and once said hopefully, "My ideal is to become a big fisherman like the village chief..."

Han Fei remembered: I met Old Man Jiang. It was the first time I was exposed to Spirit Gathering, the first time I was fighting spirit master Jiang Qinxiu, the first time I went to the thug academy, the first time I met Xia Xiaochan and the others...

Han Fei remembered again: the initial adventure of exploring the ocean, finding treasures, and enhancing strength...

During that time, apart from taking risks, UU reading www.uukānshu.com was eating. During the meal, Han Fei, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Ren Kuang started all kinds of bullshit.

From the second-level fishing grounds to the third-level fishing grounds, make enemies with the Sun family and enter the deserted city...

That time, entering the deserted city, Han Fei saw the tragedy of Human Race for the first time. Looking back now, how sad is the people of a city to die generously? How decisive?

These pictures appeared one by one in Han Fei's eyes.

In an unknowable place, Xia Xiaochan was taken away by the Pure Emperor's Code, the Celestial Silkworm shook the world, and she was in distress.

At that time, I had made up my mind: In this life, I will kill the shark race.

Later, I ushered in a turning point in my life, entering the cycle of reincarnation, and getting to know Simon Linglan...

I seem to live longer.

When I was a fool, all I thought about was how to protect Ximen Linglan... Later I awakened, and I wanted to fulfill the dream of Ximen Linglan and break the pattern of mankind being ruled and oppressed by the family...

At that time, unifying the city of justice, reform and innovation, really wholeheartedly, serving the future of the human race! At that time, it was actually very pure.

When reviewing these things one by one, until I endure dormant, in order to save Broken Star Island from the water and fire, sweep the family... Han Fei is a little confused: Is this Ximen Linglan's wish or his own?

Han Fei was immersed in the past, and suddenly realized that he had done so many things in so many years.

All the time, everyone regards themselves as a savior.

Including becoming a king, perhaps Lao Han and the others have a bigger purpose. However, there are not many scheming like Lao Han.

Most people...the limit of their vision is the king...

Han Fei suddenly woke up. Are they who want me to be the king? Or myself, want to be the king?

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