God of Fishing

Chapter 1599: I'm back i'm leaving

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei didn't expect: Can someone help me find something like Daoxin?

How did Zhao Jianglong see that his Taoism was not enough?

In the past, Han Fei was always vague. What is your Dao Heart? There seem to be many. Some hopes are strong, some hopes seem strong...

There are so many things to do!

Perhaps this is the reason why my Dao Heart is messy and not strong enough, right?

For a time, many people flashed before Han Fei's eyes...

Han Fei really feels that if he becomes a king, there are many things waiting for him to complete. What swept the aristocratic family, what found Xia Xiaochan, beat the pure emperor's canon, rebuilt the Tianhuang City... even, my mother hoped that she would unify 36 Xuantian...

All of these, except finding Xia Xiaochan and beating the Pure Emperor's Code, are the most true thoughts deep in my heart. Others, none of them seem to be their real thoughts!

Yes, even if it swept the aristocratic family, this seemed to be Ximen Linglan's wish?

In fact, Han Fei himself had not experienced the humiliation of the family... When Ximen Linglan was a child, he was expelled from the family!

Therefore, Simon Linglan hated the hypocrisy and intrigue of the family. And the Dao Xin foundation that Han Fei built with this is really not enough!

At this moment, Han Fei's soul was beating frantically.

In an instant, Han Fei recalled all the things experienced in this life...

The happiest time is in the second-level fishing ground. At that time, although Wen Renyu followed, Wen Renyu allowed himself and his group to explore freely at sea.

At that time, every day's life was full of surprises!

Han Fei suddenly discovered that his favorite has always been exploration and treasure hunting. It's that simple! Just like when I was on the earth, I went to the ocean as a captain... That kind of excitement, that kind of madness, is the deepest desire in my heart!

The old tortoise was watching this scene quietly in the depths of Han Fei's knowledge of the sea. He didn't know what Han Fei saw? The fire of the soul beats so hard.

This Zhao Jianglong is a madman, and a madman finds his heart for a fool? Can this work?

The old tortoise can easily see: No matter what Zhao Jianglong's Dao heart was in the past... What was he once insisted on... Now, it must be Dragon Slaying!

Would he turn Han Fei into a dragon slayer too?

Suddenly, I only heard Han Fei say one sentence-something he had said countless times!

"My journey is endless seas."


At that moment, Han Fei came back to his senses, the fire in his eyes throbbed, as if he had suddenly realized.

At this time, although Han Fei has not broken through...

However, the old turtle knew: From this moment on, Han Fei was different. His temperament, at this moment, became different from the past. He seemed to have found himself, and he really found his Dao Heart!

The old turtle murmured: "Here...found it? This guy, after spending so long before, didn't know what his persistence was, what the **** was it? Zhao Jianglong took such a shot and found it? "

Old tortoise didn’t know, the human beings of Thirty-Six Xuantian, their standards and methods for becoming kings...

Possibly, as I said: a creature like a tortoise is powerful when sleeping. Maybe he became a king himself, but he did it inexplicably.

However, other creatures are different, and all races have their own characteristics.

Especially in places like Thirty-Six Xuantian, if you want to become a generation king, you don't need to just talk about it and become a king.

Every king has a great personality and different perseverance. However, all of this is more or less related to their life experience and perception.

at this time.

Han Fei woke up and looked at personal information for the first time:

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 86 (Intermediate Venerable Peak)

Chaos Air: None

Spiritual power: 61646 (damaged)

Perception: 22,000 miles

Strength: 9000 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish [level 75]

Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 59]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]


Han Fei wanted to laugh three times when he saw this message. It's a pity that I'm just a skeleton now, just slightly opened his mouth.

The strength has broken through 9000 waves.

This means: Han Fei has broken through the barriers of the Intermediate Venerable Realm, but his strength has not been able to increase because the realm has not been broken.

The Dao Xin limit behind the power of the soul has disappeared, and what remains now is only the number of souls at the moment. This means: There is no growth limit for the power of his own soul.

Since there are no barriers, once Han Fei's soul power is restored, the Intermediate Venerable Realm can be broken instantly!

Immediately, I saw Han Fei holding a fist and said: "Junior, thank you for his guidance. The junior has found his own way... However, seniors can rest assured that the blue dragon is the enemy of my human race. The junior will do his best to take down the evil dragon. ."

Although Zhao Jianglong was crazy, he was still human in the end.

Although his brain is chaotic, he can still feel human emotions. It's just... the confused brain may not be able to help him, clearly judge good or bad...

But, to say the least, Han Fei's performance in all aspects is very good. It's like his own child, very thoughtful. This makes him very comfortable.

Just listen to Zhao Jianglong saying in a hoarse voice: "Leave... alive... until I... return... the day..."

Han Fei: "Junior, remember..."

Hearing the conversation between these two people, the old turtle just wanted to say that this Zhao Jianglong is simply the number one stupid king in the world.

As long as this guy is not crazy, you can definitely tell: Han Fei, this kid, is making up things from beginning to end.


As soon as the waste tomb was opened, Han Fei appeared on the grassland just like the first time.

When Han Fei turned around, the waste tomb was far away. And he was on the edge of the waste tomb, and he could go out at any time.

Being able to go out, Han Fei must not be able to stay in this deserted grave!

Although Zhao Jianglong helped him and found his true way... But what if Zhao Jianglong was intermittently crazy and suddenly came out to shoot himself to death? As a lunatic, what else is impossible?

Stepping out of the grassland, Han Fei felt the breath of the outside world.

Suddenly, Han Fei felt more comfortable.

Fortunately, I came out by myself! If you stay in that dark space for decades, you will definitely be suffocated.

Leaving the grassland, Han Fei carried his own flesh and blood, and soon came outside Death Valley.

When Han Fei was about to reach Death Valley, he found that Jin Tong was already standing outside the valley, and Jade Girl was also in the ban.

Han Fei didn't know, what exactly was the ban in Death Valley? Why is the jade girl only in this ban and can't come out? However, these are irrelevant.

Jin Tong was surprised: "You really are not dead."

Han Fei patted his bones: "I have encountered some trouble. However, I finally returned safely."

This kind of dialogue is very strange, a lifeless undead, and a golden skeleton, like two monsters.

Golden Boy looked at Han Fei: "What is your state... now?"

It is true that Han Fei's current shape is too weird, the skeleton carrying the flesh, it is almost unheard of.

Han Fei grinned: "Crossing the king's robbery has caused my golden body to be too strong, and my flesh and blood grades are weaker. For the time being, I haven't been able to merge."

The corner of Jin Tong's mouth twitched: This reason is really no one.

Jin Tong glanced back, then turned around and looked at Han Fei weirdly: "I never thought that Intermediate Venerable Realm would actually be able to cross the King's Tribulation... You now say that you are the Ninth Immortal Lord, I You can believe it unconditionally."

"Hahaha! Believe it or not... But I have to go. Come here today, I will pick up my contracted spirit beast."

Looking at that wide eyeball, staring at his Tufeiyuan, Han Fei took away those defensive formations casually.

Tu Fei Yuan is probably also dumbfounded. Nima, after a year of going away, he will become bones when he comes back? The point is, this is not dead?

This year, Tu Feiyuan didn't dare to take a step forward, for fear that when Han Fei was about to fall...Once he went out, he was killed by others and consumed the opportunity to resurrect. That way, I can't resurrect it!

Although the owner of these two goods has become a skeleton, he is still his own owner.

Tu Fei Yuan: "I slept for a year."

Han Fei's thoughts moved, and he put the soil, fertilizer and yuan into the refining world: "You are currently behind in strength, so you have to work hard to make up for it."


After receiving the soil, fertilizer and yuan, Han Fei looked at Jintong and said, "In that battle, what was the final battle?"

Just listen to the golden boy said: "That day, in the battle, the entire cage, a total of 128 fallen veterans. Among them, in the battlefield of the Undead City, the Black Blood City fell 41, the Immortal City fell 32, a total of 73. 55 Bian fell down, but there is a pseudo-king in the Monster Beast Alliance. Obviously, the Black Blood City has not been able to get any benefits..."

Han Fei didn't say anything, but listened quietly.

But I heard the golden boy said: "On that day, except for the Venerable Realm, the smoothest battles were the Seventh Island and the Sixth Island. After the war, according to incomplete statistics, the explorer-level powerhouse in Black Blood City fell. , As many as 150,000. Under the explorer realm, UU reading www.uukanshu.com fell over 500,000 people. The people who fell in the Undead City were about half of the black blood city. In the explorer realm, more than 50,000 fell... …"

Listening to the general description of the golden boy, Han Fei was horrified: How much energy does this special mother have to return to the cage?

Han Fei suddenly said, "What has changed in the cage this year?"

The golden boy looked at Han Fei deeply and said: "The environment in the cage is getting worse and more space cracks. Occasionally, there will be space cracks erupting energy tides. Under the explorer, it is easy. Get shocked."

Han Feixin said: That's right!

Too many people have fallen. The natural formation of heaven and earth finally conducted a large amount of energy out, feeding so many venerables and explorers...

As a result, within a day, these venerables and explorers all returned. It would be weird if this is not a problem!

However, it is just the energy tide, and it seems that the big problem is not there yet.

As soon as Han Fei said this, he heard Jin Tong say: "In addition, there are cracks in some parts of the cage, but it is still impossible to get out. However, the possibility of getting out has increased..."

Han Fei was shocked: There is a crack? A tortoise son, not now! If the creatures in the cage now go out, whether it is against the Yin-Yang sky or the Shuimu sky, it will be an unprecedented impact.

I dare not imagine that scene!

Han Fei's heart sank at the time: He must break through as soon as possible! You have to go to the Forest of Terror first, swallow the unowned soul in the dragon head, and break through the high-ranking state as soon as possible.

Han Fei gave an "um" and said bluntly: "I'm leaving. In the future, when it's time to return, I will be back."

The golden boy was silent for a moment and said: "Okay! But, I think you should go to the human gathering place behind the front to see..."


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