God of Fishing

Chapter 1600: The pleasure of being a statue

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei heard what Jintong said, but didn't know what Jintong wanted to show herself?

However, since I came out, I didn't care about this day or two. Go check it out, just check it out...

At this time, the Immortal City should no longer have to worry about the Black Blood City coming.

On the side of Life and Death Gorge, 55 fell. The Black Blood City is over there, and there is no false king, so many of them must have fallen!

The reason...Only 55 fell from the Life and Death Gorge. I want to come, because the space in that place is too limited, and fights are a little too difficult to use.

However, even so, Han Fei felt: The number of sages in Black Blood City should have fallen below 190 sages.

In the black blood city that was once invincible, in just a few years, nearly 100 venerables have fallen!

This falling speed is probably unacceptable no matter which force it is.

Now, among the cages, there should be the Monster Beast Alliance, leading the way.

If the Black Blood City dared to act rashly, for example, if the Black Shaluo King left Black Blood City... the consequences would be unimaginable!

However, the number of 190 pieces is actually quite a bit, better than the 80 pieces in the Immortal City, right?

Therefore, Han Fei knew that in the cage, he should have fallen into a short period of calm.

Moreover, Han Fei also realized that in a short period of time, it might not be appropriate to cause more venerables to fall. Otherwise, if the cage breaks out, causing all the creatures in the cage to die...or the cage is really about to collapse and a large number of creatures from all races go out, the consequences will be unimaginable!


In the middle area between the Undead City and the human front, there are countless islands.

Among them, the closer to the front line, the stronger the overall strength of the island. The strength of practitioners on the islands is generally stronger.

On human islands, all children, after they are born, apart from learning to speak, the first thing they know is that they cannot discriminate against the undead.

Adults will all preach, how the undead protect people...

However, in the realm of the living, the undead rarely pass. Also, when there are occasional inspections, the undead will patrol the island with the strong humans.

Gale Island is a living island that spans more than 2,000 kilometers. There are about 3 million people living here, of which only 10 are in the Explorer Realm. The rest are the realm below the explorer.

Islands of this kind are far behind the battle line. The only thing to pay attention to on the island is not to let the siren undercover. Therefore, on the island, even in peacetime, there will be a half-senior powerhouse and multiple explorers stationed to guard and govern the island.


On this day, the "Wind Resistance Competition" is going on on the island.

The so-called anti-wind competition is related to the unique terrain of Gale Island.

Because there is a concave strait on Gale Island, super hurricanes form for a period of time every year.

Practitioners from the nearby islands will send people over to participate in this anti-wind competition during this time of year. According to the strength of the wind, in the anti-wind strait, from the state of hanging anglers to the state of law enforcement, there are participating teams in each state, and they have their own strengths in different areas.

On the island, there are relatively safe areas, and these locations are often surrounded by low-level practitioners and many children. Basically, all places where people can stand are crowded with people.

Han Fei traveled through the void and was also attracted by this unique game. Originally, Han Fei wanted to observe it. As a result, he swept away his mind and saw the statue erected on the island.

Han Fei couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw the statue: Isn't that himself? When did his own statues have been erected on human islands?

This Gale Island was just an island that I passed by casually. In this way, I saw my statue. That means: there should still be some on other islands.

It's just that this statue was built too majestic and fierce, right?

Han Fei felt that this was nothing like himself. A person who is so soft...

The statue was built according to his strong and domineering image in the Undead City. The look in his eyes is stern, his expression is fierce, his hands behind his back are standing proudly... People who don't know think this is a king!

However, when Han Fei saw the words engraved under the statue, he couldn't help being surprised: Ninth Immortal Lord, Han Fei!

"Tsk tusk, golden boy...is this on the way?"

Han Fei had always been surprised before that, in the days when he was trapped, he still felt his willingness to double! It turned out that the reason was actually here...

To say that this was not erected by Golden Boy's agreement, Han Fei couldn't believe it. Apart from Golden Boy, who else knows what the Ninth Immortal Lord is? Therefore, this must be the idea of ​​Golden Boy.

At this moment, under his statue, I saw a young man kneeling in front of his statue praying.


On the occasion of the much-anticipated wind resistance competition in Dafeng Island, Wang Hai came alone under the statue of Han Fei.

Wang Hai looked up at the statue for a long time, and finally said: "People regard you as the **** of war. I also watched the war last year. Indeed, too many venerables have fallen, and they say these are your credit. But, my parents I didn’t come back. I know, I’m not to blame for you, I just... blame myself. I wish I could enter the battlefield of the Seven Islands and slaughter the sea monsters. Can’t you become a strong one?"

Wang Hai looked at the statue for a long time, finally sighed slightly, got up, and prepared to leave...

However, just as he was about to leave, he only felt a shock in his mind: "Don't you hate this God of War?"


Wang Hai turned his head sensitively.

As a result, he suddenly saw a black robe undead, standing here sometime.

People on the island rarely see the undead. The undead generally do not come to the island.

After all, the undead is full of life. Staying with the undead for a long time can easily invade the body and damage the foundation.

However, Wang Hai secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the undead.

I saw Wang Hai arched his hands: "Wang Hai has seen the undead."

Han Fei could see that the young man seemed to respect the undead. I want to come, because the undead are all human beings who have been transformed into repairs!


Han Fei nodded slightly.

Han Fei is wearing a black robe, facing Wang Hai, but what the whole person looks like...This kid can't tell.

I saw Wang Hai shook his head: "No hate! Although my father and my mother have fallen in this battle. However, I know that a few people have fallen for the duration of all mankind. People will die, but I hope that after his fall, he can be reincarnated as an undead like you..."

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, are the children now so mature in their thinking?

Originally, Han Fei didn't really want to come down. However, when Han Fei swept the boy, he found that this boy was full of energy and blood, but his soul was weak. Obviously, it is a congenital deviation.

Now that they are here, the young people have been kneeling their statues for so long. Although Han Fei knew, this boy talked more to himself. But, after all, they are telling you and praying!

I am also the **** of war in other people's mouths. The statue is erected here. I have met all of you, so I can't do nothing, right?

Just listen to Han Fei: "Youth, I can tell you responsibly. Only by cultivating the flesh, you can also become a super strong."

In fact, Han Fei is certainly not talking nonsense. This is Han Fei's sudden epiphany when escaping from the natural formation of heaven and earth.

However, this idea was abandoned by Han Fei. Because he only cultivates his body, his path must be severely biased. It is powerful for a while, but it is bound to become increasingly difficult.

Despite this, Han Fei is still certain that there will be such a group of people in this world. They don't have many resources, and they don't have any powerful exercises, so they can only specialize in physical body or spirit. There is no doubt that you can become stronger if you stick to the same path.

Although Han Fei himself would not take this path, it did not prevent him from teaching others to take it.

However, it is difficult to follow the path of specializing in the physical body. As long as the child has enough perseverance, it is possible to become a strong one!

Sure enough, Wang Hai's eyes lit up, he looked at Han Fei in surprise, and then smiled on his face.


Suddenly, Wang Hai knelt directly on the ground: "Senior, please teach me."

Han Fei readily accepted. At that time, he was in a good mood and taught the child a few great techniques.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Are you sure...you really want to take this road? I can tell you that this road is the road the war **** in front of you has walked. The road is difficult, do you still want to go? "

Suddenly Wang Hai raised his head and said in shock: "The road that Senior War God has walked?"

Wang Hai immediately resolutely said: "The younger generation is willing, please pass on the technique. Wang Hai will do his best to strangle the sea monster and protect my immortal city throughout his life."

Han Fei grinned: "Then you have to ask...Will God of War be willing?"


Wang Hai was stunned: "This, why do you ask?"

Han Fei: "Just close your eyes and pray to him wholeheartedly."

Wang Hai was stunned, then nodded solemnly. Immediately, facing the statue of Han Fei, he knelt down and folded his fists together. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Seeing this scene, Han Fei casually moved a little, and a golden light penetrated directly into Wang Hai's eyebrows.

Only seeing Wang Hai's body shook, his mind was blank for an instant.

But after that, there was a great inheritance circulating in my mind.

He can clearly see: "108 Spirit Absorbing Body", "108 Desolate Body", "Great Waste Body Art"... etc.

Han Fei did not preach such a big technique as "The Immortal Body". After all, not everyone has so many adventures, opportunities, treasures...

If "The Immortal Body" is really passed on, maybe this young man will not be able to practice for long, and he will be practiced to death!

At this moment, Wang Hai's sleeves are bulging, and the golden light is flowing around him.

Han Fei didn't care at all, but suddenly saw...this young boy had a tattoo on his shoulder, which seemed a bit familiar.


Wang Hai's shirt burst.

Han Feidun time, the soul beating in his eyes, wondering: "Dragon pattern?"

Old tortoise: "It looks like it was born, not quite."

Han Fei couldn't help wondering: "Could it be that the person who descended to the Dragon Sky didn't die back then? Is it still here, and the clan has been passed down?"

When Han Fei was puzzled, he sensed a change and turned his head and said, "Come out!"

In the next moment, he saw a semi-exalted powerhouse come out: "Zhao Tong, I have seen the lord. Your lord, this is..."

Behind Han Fei's hands, the soul was trembling in the void: "Although this son is weak in soul, he is born with supernatural power. To teach him a great skill, let's see his own good fortune..."

Zhao Tong wondered: You just pass on the art, what are you doing by bombing people's clothes? If it's just preaching, I won't come out.

Just listen to Han Fei and said again: "Zhao Tong, right? If you are free, you will send this boy to the island of forbidden. He can enter, you can't enter..."

Zhao Tong: "???"

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