God of Fishing

Chapter 1601: Way to Black Blood City

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei has made arrangements to take this child named Wang Hai to the Island of Taboo.

Han Fei believes that Golden Boy might be interested in this child.

But will Zhao Tong execute his orders? Han Fei didn't know. Fortune, it's fate. If he left a chance, it also depends on the child's own luck.

After confessing this matter, Han Fei stepped into the void and stopped watching any games.

Han Fei went directly to Flint Island. However, there are not many people on Flint Island at this time. Many of the injured were former subordinates of Han Fei.

Perhaps, I can't be called a subordinate, I just commanded them temporarily. Before Han Fei left, he had said that they should hunt down more resources and come back. Now, it's impossible to cash it out...

In his current state, since everyone thought it had fallen, then the right to fall and see!

In this way, it is more memorable.

Those willingness are what I need. The dismantling degree of his own aura is as high as 81% now. This is entirely based on massive aspirations, piled up!

Han Fei estimated that if he allowed himself to deduce this thing slowly, even if there is a world of refining, it would take decades.

Han Fei simply couldn't accept the long wait. After all, I am not an ascetic, but a person who likes to explore the unknown.

Without the slightest nostalgia, Han Fei left the territory of the Immortal City.

Han Fei felt that smart people should know when to leave. There is no point in staying in the Immortal City by myself...

Today, Han Fei can't say that the crisis of the Immortal City has been completely resolved... However, he at least re-planned the relationship pattern in the cage.

The Black Blood City, which has fallen to nearly a hundred statues, has a brain problem if it hasn't attacked it all!

Leaving the waters outside the front of the Undead City, Han Fei once again felt the feeling of the dragon returning to the sea. At least, this feeling is more comfortable and comfortable than taking care of the lives and deaths of countless people.

Leaving the Immortal City, about a million miles away, Han Fei discovered that there were people hunting marine creatures.

Yes, the enemy strategy of Immortal City seems to have changed!

With the abandonment of the previous Kraken front, the space for mankind to expand has also grown. This is of course a good thing.

Han Fei smoothly killed several explorer-level marine creatures.

When the Line of Void draws on those spirits and souls, Han Fei discovered that it is actually possible to draw on the power of their spirits with the strength of the pinnacle of his Intermediate Venerable. It's just that...the amount drawn is not much anymore. After all, the level of these Krakens is too low!

An explorer-level creature back-feeds Han Fei's soul power, about 10 to 30 o'clock.

Therefore, it seems unnecessary to start with them. After all, it is necessary to hunt down nearly a hundred heads to reach a thousand points steadily.

And reaching these thousand points means that Han Fei will run around in the sea all day, and will start to stun snakes...

Seeing Han Fei's helplessness, the old turtle said, "Actually, it's not that the power of their souls back-feeding you is getting less and less...but their quality of souls is too poor compared to yours. So, it will be very little to transform into the power of the soul that you need. If there are tens of thousands of explorer-level creatures, let you kill... In fact, you don't need to go to the forest of horror, you can also use the power of the soul Make up..."

Han Fei curled his lips and said: "According to this speed of the soul feeding, how many explorer-level creatures do I have to kill? Even if there are so many explorer-level creatures, they can hunt... But their fall will increase this cage. Too much pressure. While they are alive, they can continuously digest and swallow the energy and aura in the cage."

Of course, Han Fei didn't want to hunt, he just didn't want to lose big because of small losses.

Of course, as long as you are willing, as long as you hunt a few more times, you may be able to attract the venerable and quickly restore your own spirit power.

However, once there are too many strong men in the cage, it will cause too much pressure on the natural formation of heaven and earth. The consequences are far more serious than hunting down thousands of explorers or a few venerables!

There are at least a million explorers trapped in the entire cage. If it is placed outside, it can make the scalp numb on both sides of Yinyangtian and Shuimutian.

On the contrary, if there is a singular explosion in the cage, everyone will probably be annihilated.

Therefore, no matter what kind of result, Han Fei is not willing.

Three days later.

Han Fei came to an abandoned Kraken city. After all, there is a turbulent flow of emptiness here, with blades, sword marks, cudgel shadows, fist strengths, and shadows haunting this city.

The scene of broken walls everywhere shows that the city has experienced devastating blows. All kinds of buildings are basically collapsed.

Even so, there are still many Taoist Realms and a few creatures in the Sea Spirit Realm. They are exploring the city in droves.

The place where the strong fight has become an adventure paradise for latecomers.

Here, there may be opportunities everywhere.

You know, Venerable Siren has died a lot. Some sages made their homes in these cities. The resources they leave behind are certainly not too bad.

In fact, it does.

Han Fei saw that: somewhere in the corner of the city, there was a false formation.

Han Fei summoned Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai casually. As soon as Xiaobai felt it, it meant that there was nothing good.

Also, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are now in the realm of intermediate explorers anyway, and they are both very picky to see. Xiao Bai looked down on it, and Han Fei naturally looked down on it.

After walking for another half day, Han Fei saw three more cities like this.

It can be seen that when the Black Brake Conch King was fighting in the Undead City last year, the Black Blood City must have been attacked by the powerful Venerable Realm of the Monster Beast Alliance. Many cities are abandoned.

Passing through a few abandoned cities, Han Fei also discovered some new Kraken cities. It can be said that a hundred waste is waiting for prosperity. Many low-level Krakens come in and out, looking so busy!

Old Tortoise: "Would you like to go to these cities? Maybe you can rob some good things."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "Am I so easily satisfied now? What good things can these newly built cities have? The ones that really have good things are in Black Blood City."

The old tortoise said silently at the time: "No, in your current situation, do you still want to go to the Black Blood City? Do you think your bones are not bright enough, or do you think your body is not dead enough?"

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: What is this called? My golden body is bright and bright, but I have twin magic! If my body of the black mist is really sneaking over, the Black Brake Snail King may not be able to find it, okay!

However, no matter whether he enters the Black Blood City or not, Han Fei has to at least go and take a look at the Black Blood City...Where is it?


Black Blood City.

It was different from the Baibei King City that Han Fei had seen.

Around the Black Blood City, there are also large formations shrouded in it, and you can't enter it casually.

However, this could not stop Han Fei. Han Fei affixed to the back of a half-sage-level great demon, and floated in grandiosely.

As soon as he entered the Black Blood City, Han Fei discovered that the spiral architecture prevailed here.

Here, large snails in the path-seeking state can be seen everywhere.

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless, Heisha Snail King, how much does he like his family? There are conch shells everywhere in your own home... Is this really good?

Because conch may prefer to eat seaweed, there are mainly two types of seaweed in this black blood city.

One is luminous seaweed, which is used for viewing and lighting. After all, bright space is better than darkness. Other fish also have pursuit!

In addition, it is the kind of algae with thick algae leaves that can be used for conch sacred teeth.

The scope of the entire Black Blood City is actually not much larger than that of the Baibei King City. Its radius is no more than a thousand miles. Among these thousands of miles, there are only more than 300 real towns like this.

Other places, like the outskirts of the city, are sparsely scattered, and some big monsters in the explorer realm live here.

The Kraken, as well as some marine creatures in the explorer realm, are also here. Occasionally, you can see the two sides fighting, but it's not the kind of desperate.

At this point, Han Fei would naturally not use perception anymore, but let the old turtle inform himself.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "There are 92 nobles in the city. It seems that they have completely let go of the front side of the Immortal City, and all the strong nobles have gathered back."

Han Fei sneered: "For the time being, the characteristics of the Kraken are like this. They just want to rest and rejuvenate temporarily. Once they are relieved, the front will be pressed again. However, I hope that by then, they have not been affected by me. Go out."

Han Fei quietly swam into the Black Blood City, because it did not affect the water flow at all and did not cause any spatial fluctuations. Therefore, no one will find themselves for the time being.

Even if it is Heisha Snail King, he will not be anytime and anywhere, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is in my own home, sweeping it every day.

After a while, Han Fei came to a castle-like building, standing on the peak of the central Black Blood City.

There are buildings on the halfway and at the foot of that mountain, and the venerables live in them.

And that whole mountain is full of monsters, and it should be a monster vein.

Seeing that monster vein, Han Fei's first thought was: Can you blow it up for him?

However, this crazy idea was still ruled out by Han Fei. You can't lose big because of small! Even in the cage, others can ignore this, but you can't ignore it.

As if used to being bold, Han Fei still lurked in the past quietly.

Suddenly, Han Fei felt that a figure rushed frantically not far behind him.

You don't need to perceive it and you can see that the thing is a big snail. The thing "boomed" and knocked Han Fei's shadow apart.

Fortunately, he is now foggy, and it is still that kind of pure black. And that big snail is also black. Hit by this big snail, Han Fei happened to be attached to him.

The old turtle reminded Han Fei: "You are lucky, this is a half king."

Because the speed was too fast, Han Fei heard someone say: "Snail Soul, don't rush back and forth every time, be so reckless. I don't know, I thought who would attack my Black Blood City..."

The Conch Soul slowed down a little, and said in a buzzing voice: "Yu Tianai, don't worry about anything! I have something to find my king."

Yu Tianai sneered: "Don't you know that my king is healing? How big is the forest of horror, and I have to find my king?"

At this moment, in the top castle, a voice said: "Okay, what is the noise? You two, come here..."

Han Fei didn't expect: Is he so lucky? As soon as he arrived in Black Blood City, he would immediately meet his old acquaintances?

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