God of Fishing

Chapter 1605: Blood king

"God of Fishing (

When the blood king said that the energy tide was caused by him, Han Fei no longer believed in this person. This thing deceived even his own people. Is it to strengthen his dominance?

But the next time I heard it, it was wrong again. Can this blood king send someone out? Are you all me? There are only Yin-yang sky and Shuimu sky outside, and there has never been a powerful demon plant in the Yin-yang sky. In Shuimu Tian, ​​the three major forces have their own characteristics, how can they accommodate these demon plants?

Han Fei couldn't help thinking, this blood king really needs to have the ability to send people out, why didn't he go out himself?

And looking at the reactions of other Yao Zhi here, it is obvious that some people don't believe this guy. The Yao Zhi who can cultivate in the realm of Dao Venerable will not really have a fool.

I just heard someone say: "Master Blood King, since the passage will be opened within a hundred years, I am not in a hurry at this time. Then the passage will open, and I will walk together. Wouldn’t it be much more convenient?"

Someone echoed: "Yes! Anyway, I wait for a long life, just a hundred years, it doesn't matter."

Suddenly, several powerful monsters began to agree. Han Fei was fascinated at the time. This is the most impeccable king he has ever seen. You are already a fake king, so it's better to show off the king's aura?

The young man seemed to be accustomed to this scene and smiled faintly: "This king does not force it, you can also wait for a hundred years. The strong change in the altar devil's cave indicates that there will be great terror. Today, this king just came to tell you, If no one goes out, the king himself will go out."


Many people are shocked. The Blood King is leaving the cage? Just today?

Immediately, the people like Dasheman and Longzhangshu started to move. It's no small matter that the false king is going to leave the cage today.

The people who questioned just now are also dumbfounded, can they really leave?

Just listen to the blood king said: "This king is here today, just as you gather at the moment when the caged altar is erupting, please come and watch the ceremony. See how this king broke through the void and left the cage. ."


The voice of the blood king, accompanied by the scouring of the energy tide, seemed particularly bluffing.

Immediately, Han Fei saw a section of withered vines entwined with many small snakes and said leisurely: "Since the Blood King is going to leave, I am waiting to go to the ceremony."

For a time, this energy tide seemed to be unsavory. Compared with swallowing energy, breaking through the cage can affect their hearts more.

Han Fei felt that if he was himself, instead of fighting with the Monster Beast Alliance every day, if he had a chance to leave, he would definitely not let it go.

Especially, those super powers who have reached the half-king state themselves. You can't become a king inside a cage, maybe outside the cage.

In fact, if they really go to Shuimutian, as long as the three kings don't make a move, maybe they can really survive the calamity and become a king.

As a result, many people just came here, but immediately followed the Blood King to observe the ceremony.


On Long Zhangshu's back, the girl with purple hair said: "Dragon Zhang, come and take a look, I want to see how he breaks the cage."

"it is good!"

Han Fei glanced at the Demon Cavern of the Holy Altar, although his goal was this Demon Cavern. But now that the magic cave has been found, and the energy tide is still erupting, he can't enter now. It's better to follow along. The Blood King is clearly deceiving, but he is about to get out of the prison himself, and it is Han Fei who is starting to wonder.

The Forest of Terror, the reason why it is called the Forest of Terror, may first be because the monster plant here is too big. Just like a guy as big as Long Zhangshu, there are seven or eight. That still didn't conceal the body shape, some Yao Zhi still concealed it.

After traveling about a million miles, the deities came to a place burned by flames. This is a kind of sea fire, which looks like blood, covering a radius of 100,000 miles.

On this land, Han Fei was surprised to find the big red shirt. The first reaction in his mind was that the blood king became a fine red shirt. This explains why he is so hot, and only an outlier like Dahongyu will burn all day long on the seabed.

And when it comes to Da Hongye, Han Fei has to think of Shui Mutian's Blood Sea God Wood City. If this blood king is Da Hongyi, then what is the relationship between him and the blood sea **** Mucheng?

But the old turtle suddenly said, "That's right, this familiar breath is that of the evil king."

Han Fei was shocked: "You mean... the mysterious king of Blood Sea God Wood City?"

The old turtle said: "Eight or nine do not leave ten. How can this imperial person not even know such trivial matters? Although the evil king never showed up, but you stayed outside the blood sea **** wood city for a long time, this kind of breath is the emperor. I'm used to it."

Han Fei: "You mean the Blood King is related to the Blood Sea God Wooden City? He had contact with the one in the Blood Sea God Wooden City?"

Han Fei was astonished. If the two were related, then if Blood Sea God Wood City could summon so many super powers of the Venerable Realm at once, its strength might rise to the strongest of Shuimutian in one fell swoop. If all the demon plants in the Forest of Terror passed away, this power would be enough to sweep Shuimutian. The sum of the Cloud Sea God Tree and the Baibei King City was not enough for the Blood Sea God Wood City to fight.

At this time, a group of people had entered the territory of the Blood King. Although everyone didn't like flames, they were all super powers in the Venerable Realm after all, and it was nothing to endure for a while.

However, there are still complaints, just like the purple-haired **** the back of Long Zhangshu, she said straightforwardly: "I hate fire, it has an impulse to make me want to fight."

Just listen to the dry vine just now: "Ziluo, bear with me, after all, Lord Blood King wants to break through the cage, this is a big deal."


Han Fei's heart moved, looking at this woman with a disdainful smile, then she remembered, isn't this woman that Yutianai wants to see?

The deities ran away, and in a moment, they came to the central area of ​​the Great Red Orchid Forest. However, I saw that hundreds of cracks were broken in the void, and those cracks ranged from a few meters in size to a hundred meters in size, with varying thickness. In these cracks, there are smooth rattan sticks of varying thickness sticking out of the sea.

These greasy rattans, because of the large number, pierced through a radius of tens of miles.

Han Fei had never seen this kind of rattan, unlike Da Hongye's rattan, it might be the body of the blood king.

I saw the blood king standing in the air, looking at the cracks and saying: "Because of the energy tide of the altar devil's cave, this king has now forcibly opened a void and has touched the outside world. You may not believe it, but this king has Can show you the outside world."


After being said by the Blood King, someone immediately said, "Blood King, what is the outside world like?"

"Blood King, please show it."

"Sir Blood King, don't hide it."

Han Fei also looked at the Blood King curiously, only to see that his lower body suddenly stretched out endless vines and plunged into the ground. Immediately afterwards, those slippery vines that had penetrated into the void began to swell. Among the rifts in the sky, the most central rift that was more than 30 feet long was forcibly opened.

Just listening to the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" sounded constantly, like glass cracking, but everyone could see that there was strange energy quickly repairing the cage in those cracked places.

I only saw the energy surging in the blood king, and the terrifying power caused the tide that had just swept away to gather directly toward the blood king.

When the crack opened more and more. Suddenly, everyone saw that on the other side of the rift, there was a blurry area of ​​water, where red fish were swimming.

"Puff whistle~"

Only one shot and one hook pierced a big fish in an instant. With the quick withdrawal of the slippery tentacles, the cage quickly closed.


With a cry, Han Fei saw a thousand-year-old snapper appeared here, caught. Only then did Han Fei realize that the red snappers here do not have a thousand-year-old snapper.

Han Fei thought things were strange, and Long Zhangshu, even Ziluo, seemed shocked~www.ltnovel.com~ Dasheman exclaimed: "This creature is in the Sea-Monster Realm. The external environment can make it so weak. The creatures survive, it seems that it is much safer outside than in the cage!"

Haizhu couldn't help saying, "Blood King, can you watch for a while, what the outside world is, we haven't been able to see clearly!"

Someone echoed: "Yes! Lord Blood King, didn't you send someone to the outside world before? Or let them say something and describe the outside world?"

The blood king said in a huff: "You really are the king? You have seen how difficult it is to open this channel. Moreover, because of the emptiness and chaos, the place I opened is not fixed, so the king cannot find someone to talk to you. Today, this king is going out on his own. This king can lose 30% of his cultivation base and open the passage forcibly in a short time. But the time will never exceed three breaths. Whether you go or not, this king will follow you. Here, let’s see how you choose?"

When the Blood King said this, Han Fei and Old Turtle said at the same time: "Fake."

I have to say that these two people are quite synchronized.

Han Fei sneered: "It makes me so great. Outside is the Blood Sea God Wood City, where the king is guarded. If he goes there, he will either be enslaved or die. Even if the blood king passed by himself, he would not please."

Old Tortoise said: "No! The Blood King must have passed away long ago. Otherwise, where do you think those big red flowers came from? He is just tricking these demon plants now."

Han Fei asked in amazement: "That's the truth, but what is his purpose in deceiving these monsters? Is it because he is the blood sea **** wood accumulation thugs and needs to recruit a large number of powerful monsters to pass?"

The old tortoise has a long voice: "What if... this Blood King and the King of Blood Sea God Wood City are the same person?"

Han Fei: "..."

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