God of Fishing

Chapter 1606: Han Fei broke the plan

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei was stunned by the idea of ​​the old turtle!

The whole person was immediately confused for a long time.


Han Fei couldn't help being horrified, and it seemed that there was no such possibility... Well, perhaps, this possibility was still very high. This is the only one I have seen... a pseudo-king who can open the barrier of the prison with his own power.

However, does the false king have the ability to open the cage of the natural formation of heaven and earth? This is obviously impossible.

If possible, the false kings of the Monster Beast Alliance, Black Blood City, and Immortal City are not vegetarian.

The king of Blood Sea God Wood City is said to have never left Blood Sea God Wood City.

However, he was once a human enemy, the Queen of Life and Emperor Bai Jia. Therefore, the Blood Sea God Wooden City had a considerable position in Shuimutian, becoming one of the three major forces.

But who stipulates that if he can fight the two kings, he must be the king?

A creature like Yao Zhi usually behaves very powerfully in his own territory.

If the blood king is the mysterious king of the blood sea **** Mucheng, why would he pit these monsters? These people can all be his thugs!

Old Turtle said: "Didn't you want to understand? But if you think about it from another angle...what if the one in the Blood Sea God Mucheng is his reincarnation?"

Han Fei: "..."


Han Fei was horrified again: "This means that the guy in the Wood City of the Blood Sea God is actually not a pseudo-king, but a half-king. He has not yet survived the robbery. Then, if he really calls these monsters away, it may not be Can suppress them. So, the real purpose of the Blood King is not to take them out, but to kill them?"

Old Turtle: "In other words, it swallowed them. Or, it enslaved them... But anyway, the evil king should be ready to cross the catastrophe."

Han Fei was puzzled: "How can you see it?"

Old Turtle: "If the one in the Blood Sea God Wood City is really the reincarnation of the Blood King, then what does he let the Blood King pass now? The reincarnation and the body are after all two people, and they haven't completely overlapped yet."

Han Fei thought for a moment: "However, these two are equivalent to the same person. Then, when crossing the King's Tribulation, can this Blood King block the Thunder Tribulation?"

Old tortoise: "In theory, it is possible, as long as they have the same origin. But in order to be foolproof, in the end, the integration of the two may be more secure."

Han Fei was puzzled: "I still feel that he doesn't need to slay other monsters. Unless he does this... it will help him to overcome the catastrophe."

Old Turtle: "This requires that you can really sneak into the Blood Sea God Wood City and talk about it later... Now, no one knows what's going on on the other side? Anyway, if these demon plants really choose the past, they must be nine deaths. But, these The monsters are all sea monsters, close to the sea monsters, and at odds with your human race. They die, you don’t care."

Han Fei: "That won't make this blood king succeed in crossing the Tribulation! In case, our guess is correct. This guy, in the half-king realm, can challenge the two kings without defeat. If this becomes a king, then pay it back. Got it?"

At this moment, no matter what, Han Fei couldn't let this blood king...successfully lure so many people away. Even this blood king can't leave!

I promised the Queen of Life that in the future, I would help her to smooth out the two major forces of Blood Sea God Mu City and Bai Bei King City. Don't let the time come, this blood king can challenge the emperor... At that time, go to the sky and kill this guy by himself?

Han Fei sighed: "Old Yuan, do me a favor and destroy this exit."

The old tortoise said silently: "The emperor is only better in spirit quality. You let the emperor destroy this exit in front of so many people? Isn't this looking for death?"

Since it can't be stopped, it can only make trouble!

On the Long Zhang tree, a small dust looked at Yuan Eun.

Next, what did they say? It doesn't matter anymore.

The purpose of the Blood King is to fool those people.

And these people, originally, didn't seem to believe in the Blood King. This point can be used.


The energy tide is still erupting.

Every burst, like a shock wave, sweeps the entire forest of terror. Under this turmoil, Han Fei was easy to run away, so he didn't have to worry about being discovered.

Twenty thousand miles away.

The Half King Realm can still have a clear perception of such a distance. Even at the peak of the venerable one, you can feel the eruption here.

Han Fei directly threw a large number of top-grade monster stones and detonated them.


Just as many people were heart-stricken and their heads heated by the blood king, they only heard the violent roar, which raged tens of thousands of miles away, and instantly attracted most people's attention.

The Blood King stared blankly and looked directly at a place twenty thousand miles away.

However, there exploded into a piece, dozens of demon trees were blown into powder.

The complexions of Ziluo and Haizhu were greatly changed. Because in the scope of the explosion, there was still sea water gathered into words. The words "Blood King deceived and intended to kill you" were written on it.

Han Fei's operation is so simple and violent.

Originally, many people had doubts about the Blood King.

Now that someone has broken this layer of window paper, who can easily take his life to accompany the blood king to the outside world?

"Huh! Who is slandering this king?"

Han Fei couldn't imagine the speed of the blood king.

Before breathing, a vine drilled directly from the ground and appeared in the explosion place.

As early as the moment of the explosion, Han Fei had already walked 3,000 miles away with the wave. Han Fei can stick to the bottom of the sea, in a dusty state, and is not afraid of being discovered.

Unless this blood king swept through the grass and trees within thousands of miles, not letting go of every dust...otherwise, I would never want to find myself. This...is the power of Gemini Divine Art.

Following the Blood King, a series of three people appeared in the explosion place.

The Ziluo said leisurely: "Blood King, what do you want to say?"

The Blood King gave Ziluo a cold look: "Why, are you suspicious of this King?"

Ziluo smiled lightly and looked at the other two people and said, "Don't dare... Just, I don't know what Qianlong and Haizhu people think?"

Haizhuren smiled slightly: "Sir Blood King, or... you should let the Venerable who went out before, come over and chat with us. Otherwise, I think it's better to wait for the cage to break naturally..."

Qianlong said: "I think I can still live for tens of thousands of years. If I am reincarnated and live for another 50,000 years, it shouldn't be a big problem. Just a hundred years, you can wait."

Following that, a group of people came quickly, although they didn't speak, they should have their own minds.

The Blood King snorted coldly: "A little Xiao Xiao made a little noise and bluffed you? It seems that the king looked at you high after all. I thought, I can't bear to wait for you to remain trapped in prison. Cage...Since you don’t believe me, just stay here."

Under the gaze of a group of people, the blood king still proudly said: "If this king wants to kill you, he would have done it a long time ago. Why wait until now? It is useless to say that this king is leaving. If you want to continue watching Yes, you can watch."

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Han Fei wanted to follow him, but the old tortoise reminded him: "Don't move! The underground is completely covered with vines, and he is looking for you."

Han Fei remained in the dusty state and did not dare to move. Only the old tortoise can use divine consciousness to see the situation in the distance.

After about a stick of incense, the old tortoise said: "That guy has opened the void. However, the underground vine tentacles have not completely left... He is still looking for you."

After more than 20 interest.

The old tortoise said: "He got into the crevice of the void. However, those slippery cane tentacles are still stuffed in the space crevice. There are also some vine residues underground... Oh, he didn't really leave. He should A clone is left, and there should be a half-king state."

Han Fei was puzzled: "He's gone?"

Old tortoise; "The space he drilled into is closed, leaving only a few feet of crack. Obviously, most of his body has passed."

Han Fei wondered: "At this time, he just passed by? Even the tide that erupted from the altar magic cave, he didn't take two more breaths?"

Old tortoise: "There is still a half-king clone. There are very few remaining clones, only among dozens of vines. It should be to prevent others from doubting. You can come out."

The dust floated, Han Fei leaned forward quietly.

When Han Fei came to those people thousands of miles away, he found that the temperature here began to drop rapidly. Many big red berries begin to wither, wither, and gradually turn into powder.

Ziluo and others were also puzzled.

Just listen to her: "It seems that he has really gone, and no clones or the like are left~www.ltnovel.com~ Qianlong nodded: "His roots have been taken away. These trees are also withered. However, these void rifts are still there, and there are still roots in them...It is still unsure, has he completely gone out? "

The sea people said: "This guy has never done what the king should do. He is thinking about drilling through this cage every day."

Someone laughed and said, "It's okay if he is gone. Anyway, I don't believe him a bit. Over the past tens of thousands of years, he has sent more than 50 people out. As a result, I don't believe that there is no friend outside. The one who helped us open the passage... but none of these people appeared!"

Someone agreed: "Yes, the blood king is not enough. However, we really need to pay attention to the problem of the altar devil's cave. This year, it is indeed abnormal, and it has erupted six times in a row. It is a good thing, but it always feels Very strange."


Suddenly, a vine appeared in the void.

There were more and more vines, and after a while, a distorted face was formed, which was exactly the void vine that Han Fei had seen.

Just listen to this Void Vine: "I feel that someone has broken into the Forest of Terror. However, the spatial fluctuation is extremely small and it is extremely difficult to detect. Just now, I blocked the area for the first time and could not find it."

But when he heard that Haizhu said, "That person reminded us, I don't know why? Maybe it's a mutated family member who just doesn't want to show up."

Ziluo said: "It's not likely to be of the same clan, but you still have to be careful. Recently, a lot of things have happened. The Monster Beast Alliance, the Black Blood City, and the Undead City have all participated in the war, but I am fine in the Forest of Terror. Blood King Regardless of the matter, it doesn't matter if he leaves or not... But the news of his leaving cannot be released! I suggest blocking the Forest of Terror."

Qianlong: "I agree."

Haizhuren: "I agree..."

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