God of Fishing

Chapter 1607: Mutant Dragon Head

"God of Fishing (

Han Fei didn't care if these people wanted to block the Forest of Terror.

Anyway, for myself, it doesn't make sense to block or block it.

At this moment, although a liar was revealed, Han Fei was not very happy either. In fact, the Blood King didn't really leave, his clone is still lurking here.

Therefore, all of this is just a self-directed and self-acted scam. And now the scam has exploded, but the blood king's goal should not be fully achieved, otherwise there is no need to leave the clone, just go out and become a king.

In fact, whether Han Fei is coming or not, the Blood King is ready to do this. It's just... it happened that Han Fei arrived and broke his plan.

From the mouths of these venerables, Han Fei could clearly feel that they didn't like the Blood King at all. It doesn't even matter whether there is such a person or not.

The Blood King just left here, so they didn't investigate this area carefully. After all, even the Blood King didn't find anything, what can they find?

I saw this group of people hurriedly rushing to the altar magic cave again. Only the Void Vine still wandered here for a long time. The cane got out from here and there, and I don't know what he is tossing about?

Half a day later, Han Fei also returned to the Shrine Demon Cave.

In the bottom of my heart, Han Fei cursed and said: "Old Yuan, this Void Vine, there is no effective way to kill it directly? This thing is too annoying."

Old tortoise: "This Void Vine is not strong enough, it is much weaker than you. If it weren't for so many monsters planted here, you could kill him at any time."

Han Fei was speechless: "Nonsense. Without these Venerable Demon Plants, I would have killed this guy in the morning."


Two days later.

The energy tide finally stopped erupting.

The Venerable Demon Plant surrounding the altar had already dispersed in half. Those demon plants in the peak realm of Half King and Venerable will not stay at this place, waiting for the energy tide to come again.

The only ones who stayed here were a few Venerable Demon Plants below the realm of Senior Venerable.

As soon as the energy tide closed, Han Fei got in.

Unlike the other side, the energy here is pouring outward. The power generated in an instant is terrifying!

If it was the eruption, Han Fei would not be able to rush through. Fortunately, the energy is no longer exploding, and Han Fei can find a way to get in.

This holy altar cave was originally a bottomless pit.

Han Fei entered the endless darkness and let his body fall. It only took a stick of incense for Han Fei to feel a pull.

"Huh? It's also sucking inside?"

At this moment, it was dark in all directions, the old tortoise couldn't find a way out, and Han Fei seemed to have returned to the feeling of being trapped in the eyes of the array before.

However, as soon as he entered here, Han Fei felt that the energy here was too mixed. The degree of distraction is far better than the energy on the other side. When all kinds of weird forces wanted to penetrate Han Fei's body, Han Fei naturally rejected it.

He set up a layered formation for himself and grabbed the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler in his hand. The ruler began to float, and soon fell down on the sign of "Big Murder".

When he saw this hexagram, Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Old Yuan, it seems that the dragon is more powerful than the dragon tail!"

The old turtle said: "Do you need to do some preparation?"

Han Fei shook his head: "I'm not prepared. No matter what I do now, my physical body will draw energy. Even if I draw chaotic energy, there will be a steady flow of energy into my body. If this continues, my body will explode... Oh, as long as it is not desperate, everything is easy to say."

At this moment, Han Fei has long since joined the twins and became a real body. Carrying flesh and blood on his back, the Immortal Golden Body is manipulating the Marine Vientiane, looking for the eyes.

Sure enough, the Maritime Vientiane showed exactly the same effect as the other Tai Chi Eye, as if the instrument had failed, and it started to spin frantically.

Based on this ability to rotate, Han Fei controlled the puppet and walked in the opposite direction to him, calculating the circumference, and then taking the center point to find the eye.

Since this trick is applicable on the other side, it is naturally applicable here.

Sure enough, although the calculated distance was a little off, this time Han Fei only took two days to find the place where he was.

And this time, what Han Fei saw was a round white eye.

On the bright white light, Han Fei saw... an extremely strange-looking monster without a dragon head.

Han Fei looked at the 2,000-meter-long thing, like a pile of rotten wood roots, and was puzzled: Is it possible that the dragon's head has been dropped?


Han Fei compared the real dragon head and found that the huge rotten wood was somewhat similar in shape to the dragon head. However, on this dragon head, there are too many long beards or vines like dead trees and vines. Moreover, he gave birth to eight dragon horns, which seemed to be composed of a strange red flower.

Han Fei was silent for a moment: "Old Yuan, is the dragon head we saw parasitized by the demon plant?"

Old tortoise: "I don't know if there is a parasitic emperor. However, it looks more like being flooded with mixed energy and mutated."

Han Fei wanted to come forward and see if the Demon Refining Pot would show anything? However, once close, it represents the beginning of the battle.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Lao Yuan, I'll try it first."


Han Fei used the twin divine technique to descend directly in the body of white mist.


When Han Fei approached the white platform, the dragon chants directly rang. Only tens of thousands of void thorns appeared.

Han Fei's reaction was not unpleasant, and when he stepped on Yuhun, he burst out with a roar of soul-devouring beasts. The embroidery needle in his hand has already used the **** thorn.


"Boom bang bang~"

The speed of the Yuhun Formation shattered too fast. Although there were many soul thorns around Han Fei that were also shattered by Han Fei, many of them fell on him.

The use of the thorns of the gods bought Han Fei a little time to rebuild the Yuhun formation.

In a head-to-head confrontation, Han Fei didn't flatter, but he didn't suffer.

But the next moment, on this platform, weird shadow vines began to grow. Han Fei kept flickering in the void within a short distance. Endless water gathers around the body, strangling with the large shadow vines.


There was another dragon chant.

This time, with the dragon's breath, the wind was poisoned.

Han Fei used aura to protect his body, and it was corroded in an instant. Before he could fight back, a giant vine slammed him, slapped him abruptly.

The force of that blow almost didn't break Han Fei. In the instant that he was empty, countless void soul thorns pierced him instantly.

However, at this moment, not far away, Han Fei's immortal golden body appeared. In the field, the road that was pierced was only the afterimage of Han Fei.

The body of the white mist had already united the twins at that moment.


Han Fei said: "Very strong, half-king. Under the Gemini Divine Spell, going alone is not his opponent."

The old tortoise said: "The combat power of the half-king realm...this is not good news. At least, from the contact battle just now, the soul in this body may not be a new soul body, but a mutation. Soul body."

Han Fei added: "Moreover, this dragon head has been transformed into a demon plant. Could it be said that after a long time in this array, it will become a demon plant?"


At this moment, Han Fei saw a lot of energy digging towards the dragon head in all directions. That guy just fought with Han Fei, it was a little bit exhausted, and he was absorbing energy now.

Old tortoise: "It seems that you guessed wrong."

In Han Fei's eyes, the faint soul fire was beating.

Yes, I guessed wrong.

This dragon head can actively swallow the energy of the Quartet. It seems that there have been other demon plantations in the Venerable Realm, but he swallowed them.

Han Fei couldn't help but said: "Understood. The eye under the Forbidden Island is to inhale energy, and the eye where it is located is the place where the energy gathers the most pure. On the contrary, the eye in this place emits energy all the time. Just now, the reason why we had a suction force when we came in was because it had just passed by the tidal storm, and it produced a respiration force. Normally, the energy release of this eye is relatively slow. Therefore, when the energy is concentrated At a certain level, energy tides will burst."

Old Turtle: "Well, presumably this dragon head should have swallowed more than one Venerable Demon Plant who once entered here~www.ltnovel.com~ which caused it to mutate itself."

Han Fei said: "I'm afraid that their spirits will also be fused. Just now, in addition to the Dragon Yin method, there are other ways to attack the spirits. No, I have to try again."

In the second test, Han Fei still used the Gemini Magic to attack. However, this time he shot with the body of black mist.

After quietly fumbled over, Han Fei was suddenly a **** thorn and soul-eater roar.

This dragon head has never encountered an opponent of Han Fei's type. It was attacked inexplicably without even finding it.


The **** thorn directly pierces the soul.

He only heard the "roar" of the dragon, but it was not the dragon head attacking Han Fei, but it was roaring in pain.

And the effect of the Soul Eater Roar of the Beasts should not be great, because the dragon head did not stop for long because of the Soul Eater of the beasts, probably less than half a second.

Immediately afterwards, a half-arc divine light mask composed of spirit power enveloped the entire platform.

"No, it's the Dao Realm! Trapped in this Dao Realm, he is the absolute master."

When it was too late, it was fast, Han Fei saw: Void, stretched out countless tentacles, one after another buckled at himself.

Of course Han Fei couldn't let him do what he wanted, and the golden fist storm blasted out. Endless Hydration Blade Purgatory, with the intention of strangling the dragon head from the outside.

A large number of void cracks appeared, and those fist marks were finally sucked in by the space cracks and disappeared without a trace.


Next, another new skill appeared. The rolling sound waves, multiple sound waves of different frequencies, directly screamed Han Fei's mind.


Once the twins became one again, Han Fei stood on the periphery, quietly looking at the dragon head, his eyes throbbed: "It's interesting, it really swallowed more than one Venerable Yaozhi!"

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