God of Fishing

Chapter 1608: The Fall of the Dragon Head

"God of Fishing (

Both of Han Fei's trials ended in failure.

Facts have proved that this dragon head has already possessed consciousness, and has actively swallowed a number of Venerable Yaozhi. Coupled with the power of swallowing too much messy chaos, it produces inexplicable mutations.

Now, this dragon head can no longer be called a real dragon head, but a freak.

Han Fei's heart sank at the time: If you put it this way, the possibility of getting the Soul of the Lord from this dragon's head is not high!

Just as Han Fei was thinking about it, he might be at a loss...

The old turtle suddenly said, "Look, it's twisting."


Han Fei looked at the platform and found that after the dragon head had battled with him, the vines, sound waves, shadow thorns, dragons, domains... these messy energies still existed, and they were sweeping each other.

Han Fei was dumbfounded at the time: "What kind of operation is this?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "It seems...this dragon head cannot fully control these abilities. Or, the original owner of these abilities...their consciousness has not been completely extinct...so, this dragon head is only relying on his own power. Divine and soul power, forcibly suppressing the will of these demon-planted venerables!"

Han Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the old turtle's words: "According to this...I only need to constantly interfere with the dragon head? When the dragon head can't hold back, I quit and let it kill each other? "

The old turtle hummed: "It's very possible. However, a sneak attack should be of little use. Your single clone passed by, no matter its strength, mental power, or means are enough to contend with that dragon head. You can't shake it, it You can devour energy from this void at any time. Do you think, when do you have to sneak attack to make it chaotic?"

The soul fire in Han Fei's eyes was beating, and suddenly remembered the big evil hexagram.

What the old turtle said is really good.

He entered as a clone of Gemini Divine Art, and could only burst out a powerful force in an instant, barely competing with this dragon head. Once that moment of his own eruption passed, he couldn't stand the attack of the dragon head at all.

However, Han Fei has even tried the Hexagram of Despair, how can he fear the Hexagram again?

Although there is no chaos to change luck now, Han Fei's strength is not what it used to be. Previously, Han Fei played against the half king in the strongest state, supporting up to five breaths, and had to be hanged and beaten.

But now, Han Fei's pure power has reached 9,000 waves, which has exceeded the upper limit of the high-level venerable. Even in the Venerable Peak Realm, he is not weak anymore.

With the power of the great avenue, the half-king state is like power. The power-type half-king of the Black Blood King City is not his opponent.

Han Fei now has nowhere to go.

This battle must be fought! Fighting early and late is the same.

Only saw Han Fei recuperate for a day, and then continue to attack with Gemini magic.

This time, the body of black mist and white mist entered the platform at the same time.

This time, for the first time, the domain enchantment had already wrapped Han Fei.

However, Han Fei did not panic at all.

The power of this dragon head's domain can only find its own black mist body. In terms of combat, the strength of this dragon head is also limited. After all, there is no breakthrough in this cage. Therefore, its strength limit will not be much higher than its own. At best, he is a little more dangerous, and he won't cause any major problems.

Sure enough, the dragon head used the barrier, and Han Fei used the blade purgatory.

The dragon head shadow stabs the soul, and Han Fei's imperial soul formation is a series.

The dragon head broke out, and Han Fei responded with a roar of soul-eaters.

With the power of that sound wave, Han Fei's five senses are now closed and he can't hear it at all. But the void was compressed by sound waves, so Han Fei had to fight back with an invincible fist.

This is the time when fighting each other's strength, compared to only the number of means. But in fact, Han Fei and Long Shou are half of them today. After ten breaths, Han Fei twins became one.

At this moment, the soul fire in Han Fei's eyes throbbed fiercely, and his energy surged. At this moment, the dragon head opened his mouth slightly and began to swallow the energy in his eyes.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "The law is forbidden here..."

Suddenly, the swallowing power of the dragon head stopped abruptly. The soul fire in Han Fei's eyes throbbed, and he rushed directly in front of the dragon head, hammering with both fists.

"Boom boom boom~"

In an instant, there were thousands of punches.

Han Fei was waiting for this moment, consuming the energy of the dragon head crazily at the beginning. When the dragon head needs to devour energy, he will fight it hand-to-hand.

I only saw that the dragon's whiskers of the cane were struck one after another. Although the huge power is not equal to the power three links, Han Fei estimated that there must be at least 15,000 waves.

However, Han Fei at the moment, but with all his strength burst out a terrifying force of 20,000 waves.



Only one dragon's whisker after another was seen, directly torn to pieces by Han Fei.

Wherever the shadow of the fist passes, the vines wither, and the dragon's blood spatters.

After a hundred breaths, how can there be any monsters here? Already thoroughly, Han Fei tore into a bald and fleshy dragon head.

Before, those weird vines, tentacles, and big horns were all taken off by Han Fei.

Unlike Dragon Head, Han Fei's endless water is not restricted by the law. People's endless water has its own characteristics, but in the final analysis it is just a weapon.

Therefore, the vines and flesh and blood that were torn off by Han Fei were easily torn into pieces.


At the moment when the ban was over, Han Fei preemptively attacked after devouring the soul of the beasts and then attacking the gods. Snowmourne's slashes passed, and frost spread...

The soul fire in Han Fei's eyes was beating, and he was as strong as the dragon head, and there was no such thing as a big evil omen. Then, the only possibility of a big fierce is the fight between the spirits and souls.

However, Han Fei knew he had a demon refining pot!

Therefore, there is no reason for him to lose.

When the line of nothingness buckled the dragon head, in an instant, several messy spirit powers successively impacted Han Fei's spirit.

Han Fei's spirit power is not weak, he quickly read from those spirits for a moment, and found a pure **** killing spirit.

This soul does not have the memory of the dragon, but it is full of gloom and devouring. At the moment when the spirits were fighting, Han Fei could feel its coldness and killing intent.

However, the old tortoise said: "The original dragon soul really failed to survive. It was swallowed by this newly born soul body. However, this newly born soul body was too bloodthirsty and madly devoured other Venerable Demon Plants. , Led to his madness and went to extremes."

In Han Fei's hands, the Celestial Spears attacked wildly. There was golden blood flowing out of the flesh ball, which was the result of the collision of spirits and souls.

"I'm going to kill you!"

When Han Fei and the Dragon Head Soul were fighting for control, suddenly, a cold message was passed to Han Fei.

The next moment, the void exploded and a storm formed.

Han Fei's immortal golden body couldn't help but open his mouth.

It turned out that the soul of the dragon head blew a Venerable Soul that he had devoured.

In such a small space, the soul explodes itself, which is definitely a trick to injure the enemy a thousand and harm one's own one hundred.

However, the soul of this dragon head doesn't care. This is the first time he has been actively killed by someone, so no matter what, he will kill this person.

Han Fei was wounded with a single blow, and his soul lost more than a thousand points.

Han Fei knew immediately: I can't play like this anymore! It is not easy to accumulate some souls by yourself, and you can't finish fighting with this dragon head.

"Apocalypse magic!"

This time, Han Fei directly gave a thousand years of vitality and performed apocalyptic magic.

The thousand-year-old vitality at this moment is completely different from the apocalyptic magic when Han Fei was an explorer.

At this moment, Han Fei has a thousand years of vitality, enough to repair the damage to the foundation of dozens of Venerable Realm, and eliminate evil.

I only saw the pillar of light to the sky, but I didn't know where it came from, suddenly it came down.

Only a blast of roar and slap was heard, and a large amount of filthy energy seemed to be burning up from the dragon's head.

That scene, like a vampire basking in the sun, will become smoke in a while.

"Roar... bang bang..."

Under these circumstances, Han Fei grabbed a holy light and used light as a knife. Just listening to the constant sound of "Puff Puff Puff", Han Fei wanted to cut off the dragon head directly.


After the violent collision, Han Fei was a little dumbfounded. Although this dragon head had undergone many mutations, it was once a king. Regarding the intensity of flesh and blood, it is simply not something you can cut.

Those rattans that grew in the later stage are okay, but once they penetrated into it and cut the keel, Han Fei made a full blow, only to cut some flesh and blood.

Since he couldn't die, Han Fei could only control the soul of the dragon head. Now, this is the way to go.

After dozens of breaths, the apocalypse magic technique disappeared, and Han Fei could obviously feel that the dragon head was unable to do what he wanted.

At this moment, Han Fei continued to control the spirit of the dragon head. It seems that progress is going well.

After another cup of tea, a sudden situation still occurred.

Although suffered a heavy blow from the apocalyptic magic ~www.ltnovel.com~, after all, this is the top spirit that lives in the king's body.

At the moment when the Apocalypse Divine Art disappeared, at the moment when Han Fei thought he could conquer it... the dragon soul jumped directly from the center of the dragon head's eyebrows to the center of Han Fei's eyebrows, intending to win.

"My Nima~"

At that time, Han Fei felt that his body could not move.

This dragon soul is actually trying to control his body?

At that moment, Han Fei wanted to develop the Gemini Divine Art, but his mind was completely out of control. This dragon soul actually intends to stop himself from the level of thinking!

At that moment, Han Fei was shocked.

If this is to be controlled, he will become a puppet of others, and he is still an extremely powerful puppet.

"Puff whistle~"

Han Fei sneered, and between Han Fei's eyebrows, a small green vine slowly stretched out.

I saw the Qingteng click, and the dragon continued.

For fear of this dragon soul, he never expected that Han Fei would encounter such a great danger when he took over the house!

After the soul body was held, the dragon head did not fight back at all. The other souls, without the control of the main soul body, became a mess, biting each other.

I saw a roll of the rattan of the demon refining pot, and there was a wave of spirits on the entire platform.

Large tracts of ghost blue soul fire scattered in the void.

Han Fei saw with his own eyes: a small dragon-like soul body was forcibly dragged into the demon refining pot and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Han Fei knew: the dragon head could not run away.

Wasn't it this moment that I gambled? The omen of the big evil is definitely the lack of one's soul. However, you have a refining pot, what do you have?

Originally, Han Fei was worried that he might not be able to get any of the masterless soul.

However, Han Fei looked at it calmly, and immediately reported that the demon refining pot still left a large piece of Lordless Soul!

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