God of Fishing

Chapter 1609: High Venerable State

"God of Fishing (

The soul of the dragon head was directly drawn away by the demon pot.

Han Fei had already estimated this matter. The so-called "seeking wealth and wealth", without taking risks, how can you become the king?

For a madman who is naturally adventurous, Han Fei feels that he is much calmer now in the face of danger.

At the beginning, the spirit of the old tortoise was also suppressed deep in consciousness.

However, the soul of the dragon head was sucked into the demon pot. Not only was the spirit being sucked, but the demon refining pot did not stop, but extended two small vines.

With a roll of vines, Han Fei saw one... two... a total of 27... I don't know if it was a spirit or something, it was swallowed by the demon pot.

The old turtle trembled a little at this moment: "This is the avenue of the demon plant venerables who have not been completely absorbed and assimilated by the dragon soul. Although the avenues of these venerables can only be regarded as ordinary... but they are so ruthlessly deprived..."

The old tortoise didn't continue to say, for fear of annoyed the Demon Refining Pot.

At this moment, Han Fei’s eyes were filled with fire, and his soul shook and smiled: “Then I will care about it! Anyway, these are distorted creatures and have fallen. If they are not eaten by my gourd, they will eventually be eaten by the dragon head. The soul will be digested. It might as well provide nutrients to my gourd..."

This battle came to an end with the appearance of the Demon Refining Pot.

As early as the dragon soul was preparing to take over Han Fei, it was already doomed to fall.

Even the majestic old turtle was detained by the demon refining pot because of the seizure of the house.

The soul of the dragon head is just a rebirth of the soul of the blue dragon back then, can it be better than the old tortoise?

As for the rest, there are some messy unowned souls, and Han Fei's skeleton body can't help trembling, as if laughing.

The next moment, the eyebrows, souls, and flames spread out to prevent these souls from dissipating in the eyes.

After three full hours of collection, when Han Fei completely collected these unowned souls, he discovered that there were more unowned souls than he had imagined. Although I guessed that there would be more souls sealed in the dragon head than in the dragon tail... But Han Fei did not expect that there would be so many!

At this moment, Han Fei read the information repeatedly, and the power of the soul went from 61646 to 110683. The power of the soul, which was close to 50,000 points, was so easy that he was able to get it.

Han Fei sighed that his own practice and cultivator had ups and downs and went round and round, and the spirit finally came back. Moreover, after the power of the soul broke through the 9999 level, it seemed that it was not suppressed by the realm at all.

Han Fei asked quickly: "Old Yuan, my power of the soul has exceeded the previous limit of the soul, and seems to have crossed the realm of the pinnacle of the Intermediate Venerable."

The old tortoise said leisurely: "The realm is determined by humans. In fact, as long as your body, spiritual veins, bones, races, bloodlines are strong enough... you will be born stronger than others. You will be honored as king. Even trivial things. Compared to those ancient times..."

Han Fei saw that the old tortoise did not continue to say, and immediately asked: "What is the ancient?"

The old tortoise sighed slightly: "The ancient gods and wild beasts are all born to be the strongest. From blood to spirits, you can be said to be the darling of heaven. This king admits that you are indeed lucky and powerful. . However, at the most level, it is at most similar to the emperor. After all, your spiritual veins are constructed by the emperor’s avenues. Therefore, your limit will be worse than others. You now feel that you are strong enough, divine soul It’s also strong, that’s only for people at your level. If you change your level, you will know what a gap is..."

Han Fei's eyes trembled with soul and fire: "What kind of gap?"

The old turtle pondered: "For example, your Emperor Sparrow, if it grows to your level, hitting you two or three, it shouldn't be a big problem."


Han Fei was directly shocked and his scalp numb: What is meant by the emperor's same realm, hitting me two or three? What do you think of two or three me?

However, Han Fei knew: The old tortoise would not deceive himself on such things. According to what the old tortoise said, when he cultivated from a human, his bloodline level was not enough, and his spiritual vein level was not enough.

As if he was afraid of hurting Han Fei’s self-esteem, Old Tortoise also said, “However, the emperor doesn’t lie to you. As far as your potential is concerned, it is generally more than enough to become a king. In the king state, under the same state, in the sea of ​​all races. Among them, maybe it can be ranked among the thousands."

Han Fei had a toothache when he heard it: "Why am I like this to make it one of the top 100?"

Old tortoise: "The emperor is talking about thousands, not the top 100."

Han Fei: "...Co-author, I can't rank in the top 100? What do you mean?"

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "You really don't think too little, this is the emperor's calculation to you. The tens of thousands of seas are not really only 10,000 races. In fact, there are rumors that there are more than 8 million races in the world. This is still the result of grouping similar species into one category, otherwise there will be more. Each race...how many people, can you count it? With your luck and aptitude, you can enter thousands in the king's realm. This emperor feels a bit vain. You must know that your human race is only in the middle and upper reaches of the ten thousand races."

Han Fei: "..."

At this moment, Han Fei was inexplicably speechless: Can we still chat? More than 8 million races?

Han Fei: "Huh! As you mean, I'm already in the forefront of hundreds of millions of sentient beings?"

The old tortoise said without a good air: "Don't get too early. The emperor only said that your strength in the king's realm, maybe... you can rank so high. But you just because there are too many chances in the early stage, you are not only you Your own luck... you may have been carrying the luck of the entire Yin-Yang sky, even Shuimu Tian, ​​and the cage. Once you have passed the king realm, once you become an emperor...perhaps, you will go back again..."

Han Fei immediately had an idea: "Old Yuan! What is your ranking among the ten thousand races?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "When you come into contact with the Ten Thousand Clan Rankings, you will naturally know. Now, it is useless to say more. The emperor said this because you don't want you to be too proud. If you say you are short-sighted, you still don't admit it... etc. When you come into contact with the wider world, naturally you will know everything."

Han Fei's soul was slightly closed, the old turtle's words put a lot of pressure on himself.

But now, I can't manage that much.

I don't even know which tens of thousands of people? I only know the name of the thousands of races...

Han Fei thinks that he should think of a way first and continue to improve himself. If you can't even become a king, what a shit?


After chatting with the old tortoise for a while, Han Fei converged his thoughts and laid a large array around him.

In order to avoid the problem of too mixed energy here, among Han Fei's formations, besides the most defensive formations, the formations of energy intake and spiritual energy intake are closely followed.

Even if he did so much, Han Fei was unwilling to break through directly in this moment. After all, Han Fei was worried that having mixed energy would destroy his potential.

In the refining world.


Those top-grade demon stones, spirit springs, and various powers swept towards Han Fei one after another.

Before, when hunting Venerable Kraken, he actually grabbed some good things.

However, with the rapid improvement of his own strength, Han Fei found that his reserve resources were not enough.

At the beginning, the hundreds of billions of superb demon stones that he obtained from under the hanging sky waterfall, at this moment inexplicably left less than one-fifth.

Lingquan and the like were basically exhausted.

According to this trend, whether one can cultivate to the pinnacle of the High Venerable... is a question.


Because of the king's robbery once, Han Fei had already squeezed himself to the limit in this realm of Intermediate Venerable Realm.

When the realm of the Senior Venerable Realm was broken, I saw Han Fei's flesh and blood, and it shook frantically.

That fleshy ball...oh no, the endless energy accumulated in that fleshy body...in an instant, it rushed to every corner of the flesh and blood, blended into the body with all its strength, and spontaneously refined the body to its strongest state!

It took three hours for Han Fei's body to finally not feel bloated.

At this moment, Han Fei's breakthrough was considered complete.

In the eyes of Han Fei, information emerged.

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 87 (Advanced Venerable)

Chaos Air: None

Spiritual power: 114371

Perception: 42,000 miles

Strength: 9806 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang Spirit Devouring Fish [Level 75]

The second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [Level 59]

Main practice: "Void Fishing", the sixth layer, "Stealing Heaven" [Exemplary Artifact]



Han Fei swallowed ~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally reached the high-ranking state!

His mental power has grown by more than 3,000, but it is only the natural growth brought about by breakthroughs in the realm.

Strength increased by 806 waves.

Han Fei probably knew that this was because the body had squeezed too much force. Therefore, the strength skyrocketed.

Generally speaking, the ultimate strength of the Venerable Peak is about ten thousand waves.

And for the half-king realm powerhouse, that must be Wan Lang's start.

This is the reason why the Venerable Realm step by step!

If you compare the explorer and the venerable, it is simply incomparable. In the eyes of the strong in the explorer realm, there is no difference from the little hairy kid.

Even, there are many strong people in the Venerable Realm who regard the Venerable Realm as ants. Naturally, the king thinks the same way when looking at him. This is also a normal chain of contempt, which seems to exist everywhere...

After successfully breaking through, Han Fei's body began to slowly disperse. Finally, the flesh and blood were added, covering Han Fei's immortal golden body.

Han Fei suddenly felt: the return of the five senses!

The feeling of being able to see and hear is really good!


"Puff whistle~"

As a result, as soon as the flesh and blood were up, Han Fei only made a few moves, and a crack appeared in the flesh and blood. There are still some flesh and blood torn apart, and it's still a little stretchy.

The old tortoise reminded: "Although you have broken through, your bones are also growing. Therefore, your physical body has to continue to practice..."

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