God of Fishing

Chapter 1611: Earth vein spring water

"God of Fishing (

After hearing what the old turtle said, Han Fei actually wanted to say, I still have a whole dragon corpse!

However, Han Fei, who had realized that the dragon was physically strong, felt that he was still too small for the deal he had reached with the Canglong.

When I was free, I had to bargain with Canglong. That way, it's not a violation of the oath of heaven!

Two years later.

Han Fei's accumulated Chaos Qi has reached 709 strands.

Although Han Fei wanted to stay for another two years, maybe he could accumulate more than a thousand wisps of chaos. However, in addition to the various refining materials in the refining world, the spirit spring and the best demon stone were all consumed.

Originally, the refining world was full of energy, and now it has also consumed most of it. At the same time, these energy are also improving Han Fei's physical body.

The resources were exhausted, and Han Fei had to leave the refining world.

Counting it down, the outside time has passed almost four months.


When Han Fei appeared outside, he was shocked to find that the thousands of large formations he had laid down at this time had been destroyed to pieces. In this moment, there was not much energy left.


Han Fei opened his mouth, and a large amount of mixed energy was sucked into his body. Immediately afterwards, those energies flowed through the body. Within a few moments, 90% of them were vomited out by Han Fei again.

This is the unique ability of the Great Desolate Body Art, which can swallow the demon spirit, wild evil, poison... and transform it into the power of physique. It is rumored that those who are trained will not invade all evils and fearlessly.

However, these energies are too mixed. Even the great waste art technique can only transform 10% of the energy. This will leave other people alone, and after a long time, they must also become monsters.

At this time, what Han Fei needed was not just a little bit of energy, what he needed was a lot of resources.

Although practicing in these eyes, you can have enough resources, energy and aura supply. However, spiritual practice does not just accumulate energy in the body.

After strengthening the body, it still needs to go through actual combat.

However, before going out, Han Fei still needs to make some preparations.

What if there are still a lot of Venerable Yaozhi waiting outside? What if, there are many half-king realm strong guards outside? It must be unpleasant to go out by myself.

So after Han Fei prepared some fish-skin formation maps for himself, he took out the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to calculate his luck today.

When the ruler fell on the "flat sign", Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

A moment later, when Han Fei displayed the yin and yang picture and turned outside, he seemed to touch this eye. Seeing the energy rushing from all directions, Han Fei was immediately speechless: "No! I caused the energy tide..."

Unlike the formation eye below the Island of Taboo, that formation eye is energy-absorbing, so you have to go the other way. Here is spitting energy, so you have to follow along.

Han Fei's Taishang Yin-Yang Wheel turned, and he couldn't directly turn himself out, but turned endless energy back from all directions. Only when the eyes are filled with enough energy, will the eruption of energy tides be formed, and they will be sent out.

Fortunately, Han Fei has a great waste art technique that can transform energy. Otherwise, it will inevitably also produce mutations in the midst of these mixed energies.

During this process, energy and spiritual energy were replenished at any time, and the Supreme Yin-Yang Chakra rotated for half an hour.

Han Fei thinks: If you continue to do this, you may have to go to waste!

At this moment, the energy surging in the eyes, like a volcanic eruption, sprayed out.


When Han Fei rushed out of the battle along with the energy tide, he was ready to fight. After all, logically speaking, it took more than half an hour to go out so slowly, and those venerables should have arrived.

As a result, Han Fei was surprised to find: There is not even a single figure here!

"Huh? Where did everyone go?"

Before, didn’t it mean that the altar’s devil’s cave was rioting and the energy tide was constant. But now, it was quiet here, there was not even a ghost. Could something happen?

Han Fei immediately took out the Vientiane Navigation Device, and his heart moved. The Vientiane turned several times and pointed in one direction.

"Huh? Where is the Blood King?"

Han Fei immediately performed the Gemini Divine Art, following the energy tide, swiftly to the place where the Blood King once was.

After half a day.

Han Fei didn't reach the place where the Blood King had left before, and when there was more than tens of thousands of miles away, he discovered that many demon plants had turned yellow and had fallen.

Going another 50,000 li, Venerable Yao Zhi is fighting here.




I saw a huge monster fighting with a larger super giant.

There are many roots and vine branches on that super giant, and the branches are as thick as a horned dragon. In the underground and the sea, wantonly publicity.

When Han Fei saw this thing, he suddenly cried out secretly: "Blood Sea God Muzhi?"

Han Fei has seen this thing.

In the past, Yang Ruoyun took a piece and turned the blood sea **** Mu Zhi into a secret treasure, killing several of her teammates.

At this moment, the Blood Sea God Wooden Branch that Han Fei saw was hundreds of millions of times larger than the one Yang Ruoyun had used.

Just listen to the old turtle said: "This is from the outside world. It is the blood sea sacred tree of the king realm. He is absorbing the power of this entire forest of terror."

"Absorb the power of the earth veins? Does he want to end the Forest of Terror?"

The old turtle sighed: "I don't know! But, it is certain that this branch is a king-level power. Although it is only part of the roots, it is also a king. This is not an ordinary noble, and some demon plants in the realm of explorers... …Can be blocked."

But in the field, seeing the seven-color light reversing, the seven-color sponge shouted: "No, his growth rate is too fast, and he can continuously obtain energy from the earth veins. Unless... it cuts off its energy absorption."

There is a big snake complaining: "Fart, we smashed the ground veins before, this **** thing, it's not about exploring new places by ourselves... to draw strength."

Haizhu said: "This creature, at least at the pseudo-king level, will it be the blood king?"

Someone was speechless: "How can the Blood King have this ability? Besides, there is no need for the Blood King to devour the Forest of Terror! If he really wants to, why didn't he swallow it before?"

I saw a giant fish with a weird shape and spines all over his body. He cursed: "It doesn't matter whether it has anything to do with him, but this thing comes from the outside world. It wants to erode the power of the veins of our Forest of Terror! These terrifying powers are far more powerful than all of us. The power that this demon plant possesses has surpassed the blood king."

Ziluo: "The question is, how do we deal with this thing now? It doesn't work against us either. It will fight back only when we strangle it. And these days, everyone has tried many times... under our teamwork , He can actually slowly cannibalize the earth veins...Unless the frontline venerable realm powerhouses are called back! Otherwise, how can he resist this demon plant?"

Most of the people looked solemn, and someone murmured: "Is the demon plant from the outside world so terrifying? I suspect now that the Blood King has been killed."

Many people nodded one after another: "Although the Blood King is not weak, he is not good at fighting. In the face of such a creature, it is difficult to survive."

Someone rejoiced: "I didn't go outside with him a few months ago. Otherwise, we are afraid that we will have already fallen by this time."

When these people were discussing, Han Fei also solemnly said: "Lao Yuan, this matter, I am afraid that it is inseparable from the false king of Blood Sea God Mucheng... He, I am afraid that he will have to survive the catastrophe, right?"

Old tortoise: "Obviously. This forest of horrors, although not a good place... But the power of the whole area of ​​the monster planting territory is also very impressive. Helping one person survive the king's robbery... that It's more than enough!"

Han Fei snorted coldly: "It seems that last time, he failed to entice him out. Now, he has taken the initiative to find a place. However, want to cross the king's robbery? How can it be so easy?"

Han Fei ignored the monsters who were fighting with the Blood Sea God Wood, but followed the direction of the Multi-Navigation Instrument and found the clone of the Blood King.

Such a mess here ~www.ltnovel.com~ must be the ghost of the blood king clone.

Han Fei didn't hope that this blood sea **** tree would now break the cage...With his current strength, he still couldn't stand the chaos of the cage!

The blood sea sacred tree drilled holes everywhere...

Han Fei quietly touched the ground with a black mist body, and got into one of the holes.

Han Fei was like that turbid dust, burrowing through the holes.

An hour later.

Han Fei easily touched the roots of the blood sea **** tree, the central area of ​​the eruption.

Immediately, Han Fei saw a young man, half a plant, standing among the roots. Under the young man's body, his roots were pierced in a green liquid.

When he saw this scene, the old turtle suddenly said: "Kill him. He is drawing water from the earth vein spring. It is a kind of treasure comparable to the fountain of life."


Han Fei exclaimed: "What are you talking about? That thing is comparable to the fountain of life? How many drops does it have to have?"

Old tortoise: "That's not the case. It's certainly not as good as the fountain of life. But if you judge it by catty, it's almost the same. At most one hundred catties of ground vein spring water, it will definitely catch up with a drop of life fountain. Here, I am afraid that it will have tens of thousands of years of vitality."

Han Fei's heart was shocked: Nima, if this is also plugged into the ancient realm of Qianshan, wouldn't it be possible to revitalize the ancient realm of Qianshan easily?

Although Qianshan Ancient Realm was always in his own hands.

However, Han Fei is at most throwing energy and aura into it. However, there is more lifelessness and delicate vitality. With Han Fei's power, they can only slowly revive them.

However, if this spring water is available, this ancient realm of thousands of mountains can be revitalized immediately.

Immediately, Han Fei approached quietly.

This blood king clone was taken over by himself.

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