God of Fishing

Chapter 1612: Mixed into the Blood Sea God Wooden City (Part 1)

"God of Fishing (

The blood king's mood is very plain, but he is also extremely confident.

In order to cross the calamity this time, to become a king without fail, and to become the strongest king of Shuimutian, he has prepared for this day for more than 30,000 years.

But seeing the corners of his mouth, it rose slightly unconsciously.

Although someone made trouble a few days ago, they failed to lure them over. However, it doesn't matter anymore, I can't wait!

Long ago, he suspected that something was wrong with the cage, which could be seen from the abnormal movement of the altar's cave. Therefore, I must take the opportunity to liberate myself.

As for the others, they are just their own nutrients.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the blood king was shocked.

A spear light gave him no reaction time at all, it penetrated time and space and directly penetrated him.

The Blood King didn't even have a chance to be astonished, even if he didn't even have the chance to open his eyes, his whole body was pierced by a shot.

That's it, he used the effect of the death-replacement technique when he was in desperation. Otherwise, with the power of that shot, you can directly explode yourself.

In the next moment, I saw a sea monster with the appearance of a shrimp soldier standing above the fountain of earth veins. As the shrimp soldier stretched out his hand to explore the water, a large area of ​​the springs disappeared without a trace.

The moment Han Fei appeared, the Blood Sea God Wood moved.

However, Han Fei did not do nothing, he also shot. Blade Purgatory has already formed, as long as everything can be made into swords, all of them have become swords at this moment.

When Han Fei saw the sneak attack, he couldn't kill the Blood King, of course he was chasing after victory. The **** thorn shot out, and the beasts roared at the same time.

He just saw the Blood King just regained his senses, just glanced at Han Fei, and he spurted blood from Qiqiao and suffered severe injuries.

The Blood King clone is shocked, who is this? This kind of attack, the interval time is too short! Moreover, every hit is an ultimate killer move. Judging by strength, this person is at least a half-king realm powerhouse. However, there were only a few half kings in the Black Blood City, and he could count them, and there was no such person.

Under the shock of the Blood King, his mind was born, surrounded by thousand vines, and the tree spear condensed in his hand.

However, the Tree Spear had just condensed halfway through, and the Blood King was shocked to find that the road here was actually blocked! This son, even possesses such a heaven-defying technique?

It was too late, it was fast, and the blood king directly pressed his hand on the deep tree of the sea of ​​blood. I saw endless roots appear out of thin air, protecting them.

Han Fei sneered: The Blood Sea God Tree is a super tree after all. Even if it's the king's realm, is it impossible to break without roots?


Only saw Han Fei directly transform into a large white mist.

In fact, in the body of white mist, there is also a body of black mist. He saw the blood sea **** Mugen, who was chewed out of a hole in an instant.

The Blood King said indifferently: "It was you who broke my good last time...Who are you?"

In an instant the Blood King exclaimed, most of his body was swallowed by Han Fei. At the last moment, Han Fei's voice of the soul vibrated: "Guess... I will tell you?"

Blood King: "..."

The Blood King clone was directly eaten away by Han Fei.

In this case, he didn't have the ability to continue to die.

After Han Fei got close, he was shocked to discover: With a careless move, when Han Fei knocked on the door of the sky, he had no chance to fight back.

With Han Fei's current strength, in the case of a sneak attack, who is the opponent of the Half-king Realm? In fact, it's not that the blood king is not powerful. Even if it is a clone, how can it be unusual for a strong person who can open the cage?

However, no matter how strong he is, he can't stand a sneak attack by Han Fei.

Han Fei picked up a batch of ground vein spring water and weighed it. It was about 30,000 catties.

At that time, Han Fei was scalp numb: "Lao Yuan, did I grab it... and have 30,000 years of life?"

The old tortoise said leisurely; "It should be! Your luck, really..."

The old tortoise was very depressed.

He didn't understand, Han Fei picked up the leak casually, could he pick up such a big leak?

God knows... How long has the Blood King clone been accumulated here?

I'm afraid that when the blood sea **** tree exploded and grew here, he was already saving. Relying on the power of the blood sea **** tree, finally stole all these springs from the terrestrial veins of the forest of terror... actually they were all accounted for to Han Fei?

Of course Han Fei knows how important 30,000 years of life is!

Even if you can increase your lifespan by absorbing the power of vital spirit fruits, it is just yourself. If you spend 60,000 to 70,000 vital spirit fruits for yourself, others may need more than 100,000 or 200,000.

This is determined by their respective avenues, who allowed themselves to embark on the avenue of apocalypse?

However, Han Fei was enthusiastic for a while, and immediately said, "Lao Yuan, don't tell me... This spring of the earth veins only has the effect of replenishing vitality... It must have other uses?"

Han Fei was in his own sword formation, while controlling Wandao, fighting with the blood sea **** Mu Zhi while asking.

The old tortoise said: "Well! If there are other uses for the spring of the earth veins, it is the energy of the earth veins. If they are scattered in a certain range of earth veins and refined... Over time, new earth veins will form. At that moment, in this piece of land, you can gain a steady stream of power. You are not fighting alone, but relying on the veins."

Speaking of this, Han Fei already understood, and only heard him sighing: "So, the Blood King has been arranging it a long time ago. The reason why he was able to attack the two kings with one enemy and two is probably because of borrowing blood. The power of these ground veins under the Seagod Wood City...So, he has already stolen the ground vein spring of the Forest of Terror for a long time?"

The old tortoise said: "I'm afraid this is the case. Because the energy supply and replenishment in the cage are too fast, the power of the terrifying forest is also quickly restored. Therefore, he slowly steals it, and it is difficult for others to find anything."

Han Fei only feels that his scalp is numb: This person's scheming is too deep!

Han Fei felt that this person was a match for Lao Han or Tang Yan. This blood king is the king of both sides, but in fact, neither side is the true king.


"Boom bang bang~"

The blood sea **** tree, even if it only has some roots, they are the roots of the king realm. In just three or five breaths, Han Fei's blade purgatory was crushed by those vines.

However, at the last moment, Han Fei stepped on and a teleportation formation appeared.

Immediately after that, Han Fei disappeared without a trace.


At the moment when Han Fei disappeared, a young man half-lying on the branch of the blood sea **** in the blood **** wood city opened his eyes slightly.

However, he saw him sitting up slightly, looking into the depths of the Blood Sea God Wood City, and grinning: "It's interesting. The clone you stayed below was killed by someone. Although the Blood Sea God Wood can continue to steal the ground vein spring water, But it doesn’t fall into our hands. If you steal it, it’s meaningless..."

Beside this young man, there is another young man, both of whom look exactly the same.

However, he saw the young man's face solemnly said: "My clone is in the half-king state. Can you kill my clone in the blood sea sacred tree? This person is at least half-king. The entire forest of horrors can There are no more than three people at this level."

The lazy young man just smiled softly: "Fine! Anyway, I have taken a lot of the ground vein spring water. Now that the blood sea **** wood has penetrated the cage, then do another round to see how many people can be caught. ?"

The Blood King looked at the young man and frowned slightly: "Xuefan, I haven't finished speaking yet. None of the three people I talked about had a chance to take action. Remember what I told you a few months ago, someone secretly opposed I...think about it now, maybe, that may not necessarily be the person from the Forest of Fear."

The young man called Xuefan dismissed a smile: "So what? Did he dare to come up? Now everything is ready~www.ltnovel.com~ The ground vein spring water is barely enough. This seat has been swallowed by many spirits. Now, you are back...In addition, my parasitic blood sea **** tree has corroded his mind. Now I am the strongest in the world. I only wait for me to get through the robbery, Baibei King City and Yunhai God Tree... Oh, it's all in my bag..."


In the refining world, the old tortoise was speechless: Han Fei, really a thief.

Entering the gourd space, you have to pretend to escape from the teleportation array. If it were replaced by humans, there might be questions about why Han Fei's teleportation array opened so fast?

However, the Blood Sea God Wood is a tree after all, and does not know much about humans.

Moreover, just the roots broke the ban, not necessarily a lot of consciousness followed. If the consciousness came early, in case it was cut by someone, what would be the cause of the Blood Sea God Tree?

In the refining world, Han Fei's first sentence was: "Lao Yuan, I found out that the blood sea **** wood can't find me."

The old tortoise said leisurely: "This matter, don't jump to conclusions so quickly. These roots obviously don't have much consciousness. Or, his consciousness is not paying attention to you at all."

Han Fei created a pit in the refining world, which was specially used to hold the spring of the earth veins. I only saw Shrimp Ritian and Licking Dog, they all rushed over.

"Boom bang~"

When Han Fei went up, he kicked them all and said, "I warn you. If there is a drop of spring water here, I have to peel you off."

After teaching them every day, Han Fei took a day off.

Holding the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler in his hand, as the Qi Luck Ruler, he came to the "Xiaoqi" hexagram... At that time, Han Fei didn't care much.

The fierce word only means that it is slightly dangerous, and I can't help myself. You still have to go out quickly and act by chance!

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