God of Fishing

Chapter 1614: Blood King Tu Zun

"God of Fishing (

The reason why Han Fei dared to go to Blood Sea God Wood City at this time was entirely because he believed in the calculation of Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler.

Hao Gua, it's not that I haven't experienced it, how can I kill myself?

Although Han Fei was also worried that the Blood Sea God Wood would find himself, at least, when he had penetrated into the Blood Sea God Wood roots and killed the Blood King clone before, the Blood Sea God Wood did not respond.

When it comes to the realm of the venerable, even if it is a plant, it is fast and resolute.

These venerables suspected the Blood King before because they suspected that none of the venerables who left before did not return news, thinking that they had fallen. Besides, there is no half-king realm powerhouse leading the team, and they, the venerable under the half-king, have no courage to pass. After all, the outside world seems dangerous too!

Today, the half-king realm powerhouse led the way and saw the return of the venerable who had gone out...Most people were still willing to believe in the blood king in their hearts.

After all, who wants to be really trapped in a cage?

Seeing the people like poisonous gentian digging into the void, Haizhu couldn't help but glance at Ziluo: "Little Zi! Why don't you go? It seems that the outside world is still quite tempting..."

Ziluo's mouth raised her mouth: "I'm still young and can live a long time. Moreover, I can also cultivate a reincarnation, don't worry... As the Blood King said, this cage has reached the point where he can tear it apart, then I'm afraid it won't last long. Huh, why don't you follow?"

The bamboo branches on Haizhuren trembled: "The Blood King is from the same age as me. In my life, I have seen him make a few shots, the last time he played against the half king."

Ziluo shook his head: "I haven't seen it. I heard that it happened more than 30,000 years ago..."

Haizhuren nodded slightly: "I was there and saw the battle with my own eyes. At that time, the Blood King was still in the half-king state, and against the wolf beast, he could only kill the enemy with one move. That battle established his strongest position. Only after that, he saved thousands of years and became king with his desire to break his dignity... As a result, you know, although he failed, he did not die."

Ziluo nodded: "I know this. From then on, he stopped participating in the war, but focused on studying the cage, until now he finally left..."

Haizhuren nodded slightly: "Yes, this person is extremely forbearing. Once he decides what to do, he is 80% sure about it. I vaguely remember that when he went to cross the catastrophe, he was extremely conceited when he went there. Lei. Everyone thought that he would be the first peerless prince in the cage. However, the last thunder... did not come."


Ziluo said in shock: "Not here?"

Haizhuren: "There are not many people who know about this. But because of this, many demons understand that there is no way to become a king in a cage. Therefore, when the Blood King subcultivated and studied the cage, he never People bother him..."

Ziluo said in shock: "Then now...his...you mean, he is going to cross the catastrophe and become a king?"

Haizhu said leisurely: "This is where I am puzzled. If there is a king in the outside world, will he really share the world with him? Moreover, Wan Po-Gall appeared too hastily, and the explanation was not thorough enough. I think , There is something strange."


the other side.

Han Fei clings to the body of the big snake man, 36 statues crossing the void together.

This void channel is actually not short. Tens of millions of void cracks swept across, and all the Venerables were fully energized. The power of the great avenue was almost played to the extreme, and it was almost burning.

Finally, when the power of these people was almost exhausted, the gap on the opposite side finally opened.


Only 36 figures came out, and in an instant, cracks were drilled.

"Hahaha, are you finally out? Did you finally leave the cage?"

"Where is this place?"

"No! This is not the outside world we see. Why are there so many immortal souls here?"

"Damn, what the **** is this? Why don't you have any aura or energy?"

"No, the Blood King fooled me to wait! Go back soon..."

But, everyone looks back, where is there a way?

Poison Longdan immediately shouted: "Blood King, what do you mean? Everyone is unfamiliar and unfamiliar, but you don't have to cheat me. If you have anything, you can speak frankly and openly, and there is no need to do it.

"Heh! A bunch of idiots."

I saw red leaves floating in the void, a handsome man standing proudly in the void with a sneer on his face: "If you come out with this king the first time, maybe this king will really pick a few men out. But, you treat this king. His prejudices are too deep... I don’t feel relieved when I use you. Rather, they all become my capital for the triumph!"

"Shoo, hoo~"


I saw the void shattered, and a large piece of blood sea **** wood sticks protruded from the void and detained towards these people.

After experiencing the endless tears of the void just now, everyone's strength was reduced sharply at this moment. In an instant, five people were penetrated.

The five venerables, intending to blew themselves up, rebirth from a drop of blood, using their reserve power.

But at that moment, the corner of the blood king's mouth lightly opened: "Parasitic."

But seeing five groups of blood mist, directly wrapped the five people. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of these five exploded. However, it just exploded, not self-destruct. Of these five people, none of them blew themselves up.

The poisonous dragon screamed in panic, "No, it's those space cracks. Those space cracks have problems, is that you caused it?"

The Blood King smiled slightly: "I found out now? It's too late. The parasitic energy is just our demon planting a blood line, the most basic ability. However, the more basic things, the more no one wants to study it... I don’t know how to think at all, and I don’t pursue the truth behind simple things...Tsk, but I know...So, I let you see what is parasite from the body to the soul... Let you know the horror of this way... "


The Blood King was laughing loudly.

The temperature of the entire space began to rise rapidly. The sky began to burn, and red leaves were flying all over the sky. Including the poisonous gentian, the dignified half king, his complexion was flushed at the moment.

Just listen to the blood king laughing wildly: "This king will let you see that where there is temperature, there will be parasites. Temperature can breed everything..."

Han Fei wanted to leave the snake vine quietly and let the dust fall onto the sea. However, like everyone else, he was parasitic.

Han Fei felt that in the body of the black mist, a strange life was erupting in his body. Power is polluting your own power and soul!

Yes, it is pollution, or parasitism as the blood king said.

However, perhaps he is not mainly targeting Han Fei, or he may underestimate Han Fei. At the moment that power invaded the body of the black mist, it was immediately gnawed away by Xiao Hei.

The characteristics of black and white, but everything can be swallowed.

Therefore, the moment this strange power penetrated the body of the black mist, it was immediately swallowed by Han Fei.


When all the sages were hit and their bodies collapsed uncontrollably, the Blood King looked at the place where the big snake vine was inexplicably.


A whip shadow slammed, and the void collapsed.

As soon as the big snake man saw the blood king attacking himself, he immediately went into the void: "Blood king old thief, you really didn't act well."


Even the high-level venerable realm, under the whip of the blood king, shattered along with the void.

Before the big snake vine's flesh and blood penetrated into the void, he saw patches of roots chasing after him, and directly unearthed a soul from that piece of flesh and blood.

Just listen to the blood king chuckles: "Everyone, now you can choose to surrender to me or die."

At the moment when the blood king burst into laughter, the poisonous gentian burst out, and tree tumors exploded on his body.

The dark green liquid penetrated the void.

Only a piece of emptiness was heard, where the venom flowed, the roots melted. The parasitic power of the blood king seemed to be broken.

The Blood King didn't pay attention to the poisonous gentian, but said disdainfully: "Small bugs."

Seeing the Blood King looked at the poisonous gentian, a red light flashed in his eyes.

With a "bang", the head of the poisonous gentian directly exploded. His body, flesh and blood fractured, sprayed out a lot of red roots like blood.

Immediately afterwards, there was a long whip of the void, returning with a wisp of spirit.

Han Fei could even see: the ferocious face and howling of the poisonous dragon.

In Han Fei’s shocked gaze, the old turtle said: "These people are not dead, their souls are still there. However, they have lost the ability to rebirth from a drop of blood. Otherwise, in such a short while, the cry of heaven has fallen... "

While the old tortoise was speaking, he listened to the sound of the soul trembling in the void, and only listened to the poisonous gentian shouting: "Blood King, you can erode the soul, why don’t you know that I also erode the soul? Poison descends, sacrifices my body, mystery Barrier~"


At that moment, within a thousand miles, the void was like a loophole~www.ltnovel.com~, all of a sudden, a large swath of poisonous fog permeated.

But I heard the blood king snorted coldly: "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine. Fool, your poison, can't I be parasitic?"

Following that, billions of roots descended in the poisonous mist.

While seeing the roots dying, the poisonous fog quickly dissipated. But with dozens of breaths, where is there poison?


Above the sky, the avenue roared, pouring blood, rushing down.

Obviously, among these venerables, the first to fall is also the strongest among these demon planted venerables. The dignified half-king state, in the hands of the blood king, is like a waste.

At this moment, these monsters knew how powerful the Blood King was!

Sure enough, they are not qualified to doubt if they can be regarded as the powerhouse of the false king, even if they never make a move.

Immediately, someone shouted: "Blood King, I am willing to surrender."

One surrendered, and the others scrambled immediately.

"King, I surrender."

"Blood King, I have always convinced you..."

There was a hint of evil charm on the handsome face of the Blood King.

Only Han Fei can see that, these people are also stupid... He said you can surrender, but he didn't say let you go!

The souls of the first few people have been taken away by this fellow, don't you resist quickly? Waiting for others to parasitic to the depths of your soul?

Sure enough, the Blood King looked down on everyone, pondered for three or five breaths, and suddenly grinned: "I! Then give your soul!"

Suddenly, there was the Venerable Peak's intention to explode, shouting loudly: "Blood King, you demon scum, I would rather die than succumb..."


I saw the blood king smile like crazy, and took a breath: "Death? Without the king's permission, do you think you can die?"

All respect: "..."

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