God of Fishing

Chapter 1615: Whose origin sea

"God of Fishing (

Before that, Han Fei didn't know that a pseudo-king could be so powerful. Although Han Fei has never really confronted the pseudo-king, he has had contact with Golden Boy and everything, and he has also watched their battles.

This level of combat power directly stunned Han Fei. What Black Brake Conch King, what Golden Boy, including the Monster Beast Alliance... In front of this guy, they all couldn't see enough.

However, Han Fei was very sure that the current person, that is, the blood king who appeared here, was not the king.

The old tortoise couldn't help saying: "This person is exceptionally talented and strong. He is not only good at parasitism, but also seems to dabble in space."

Han Fei said to his heart: "This is the first one I have seen. One person can fight 36 venerable pseudo-kings. The half-king stage was in his hands, and he was killed without even taking two moves. !"

Old tortoise: "Don't look too high at this person. After all, he had a plan. These venerables' combat power was all spent on breaking through the void cracks of the cage. This person waited for work and laid a net of heaven and earth in advance, which is why this People have no way to go to the sky, no way to enter the earth."

Because of the delay for a lot of time, half of the venerables were completely parasitic in the scene, and there was no resistance at all. There is still resistance to being beaten by the Void Roots, and it can't stop a few rounds.


As soon as the Blood King stretched out his hand, a large golden black umbrella appeared in his hand.

The big umbrella ‘hula’ opened, and the umbrella has three inner and outer layers, each with 33 keels (skeletons), a total of 99 keels.

At the end of each keel, there is a small bell.

At this moment, these little bells are in full light.

call out! call out! call out……

The **** umbrella began to spin, only to see those Venerable Souls enslaved by the Blood King, being sucked into the umbrella one after another.


The black umbrella was closed, and the Blood King grabbed the handle of the umbrella with his back behind him, staring proudly between the world and the earth, with a smile on his mouth.

Only the fragments of roots were seen, dragging the remnants of the demon plant whose soul had been taken away into the void.

Just listen to the blood king with a faint smile: "Although this king doesn't know who you are, you can easily cut off this king's parasitic power, which is also a bit capable. I haven't considered that you will come, but since you are here, this king It’s not an unkind person either. Give you a choice, hand over the spring water of the earth veins, this king promises you the first warrior under the throne."

At that time, Han Fei really wanted to slap this guy on the face: What is it? The ninth immortal lord of Laozi, who is in charge of the high existence of Yin and Yang Tian, ​​becomes your general? There is a pit in your head, right?

The old turtle reminded: "Don't get hot in your head, he is just waiting for you to go out. This is his little world, don't force it with him."

Han Feixin said, "Don't worry, I'm not an idiot."

The perception of the blood king swept the world over and over again.

However, with his ability, he could not examine every grain of gravel in the world in such a short period of time. Therefore, after trying more than a dozen times to no avail, the blood king gave up helplessly.

Just listen to him: "I have to admire, your invisibility is really extraordinary. However, it does not matter! There is no energy, no aura, and the corpses of these demon planted veterans, this king will not leave you a trace. If you refuse to come out, you can stay here."

After that, behind the Blood King, a piece of roots stretched out from the void, dragging him directly out of the void.

Han Fei breathed a sigh of relief until the old turtle said that there was indeed no threat.

However, in the first time, Han Fei went to the refining world.

Refining world.

"Fuck! Old Yuan, is Yao Zhi so good?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "Then what do you think? They are rare... a race that can live many times longer than the tortoise clan... In the age of the gods, they have never lacked their presence. They rarely do. It is the strongest, but it is definitely not weak. Even in some places, demon plants become the supreme existence, and the emperors of the heavens must treat each other well."


Han Fei once again remembered the first lesson Narcissus taught him, so that he must not underestimate any demon plant.

Han Fei was ashamed. He had never paid attention to this issue before. Even when he saw the Yunhai Divine Tree with his own eyes, he felt that they were just unusually tall. In fact, they can't transform people, they shouldn't be that powerful...

But now it seems that I was totally wrong.

Han Fei: "The umbrella he used has swallowed so many venerable souls, it must be a very powerful treasure."

The old turtle said: "Actually, the emperor has seen this kind of strange treasure."


The old tortoise said leisurely: "Although the types are different and the effects are quite different, at least one of the effects is certain...Any kind of umbrella-like treasures, their general characteristics are extremely strong. The emperor has seen it before. The strongest emperor of, known as the Umbrella Emperor. With an umbrella, across the sea. The function of that umbrella is much more, it can block the soul, defensive power, break space, break time, break gravity...ten times Nine breaks. The emperor has no chance of winning against him."

Han Fei: "..."

Listening to the old tortoise, Han Fei always felt that he was cultivating others and destroying his own power.

However, that umbrella does look extraordinary. Otherwise, how can you collect so many spirits?

Just listen to Han Fei hum and say, "The Blood King is extremely arrogant. It's not a long time to kill his clone, so he dare not take me seriously? A tortoise son..."

Han Fei stayed in the refining world for half a month. After half a month of cultivating, it is equivalent to a day when outside.

Han Fei's goal is naturally to wait for the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to recover. However, you can't waste time in the refining world, right?

Therefore, Han Fei smoothly performed the "Great Desolation Technique", which had already been practiced to a great degree, and performed another deduction.

However, the result of this deduction gave Han Fei a little surprise.

"Ancient Desolate Battle Body" [Exemplary Deity]

Remarks: Canggu's great art once circulated in the barbaric era uses a non-leakage body to draw evil spirits from the world and the earth, and can absorb the fighting spirit, hostility, and evil spirits of others during war. Grow in the war, break through the war, and go to glory in the war. To practice this technique, one should have the invincible and fearless heart. This technique can nurture the intent to fight, and when the intent to fight is strongest, it helps to break through.

Disadvantages: every battle must be mad

Deduction exercises: unknown

Deduction consumption: 10 wisps of chaos

The cost of this deduction is not small, and it is much stronger than "The Great Waste Art".

Han Fei has been deduced from "108 Body Refining Fragments" all the way to the present, an ultimate skill has been deduced.

Han Fei's deduction this time, although he did not deduct this physical exercise to the end. However, the pattern of this exercise technique has changed. It has changed from a pure body refining technique to a warlike technique.

Han Fei studied for half a month, and found that the most powerful thing about this kind of technique lies in its fighting spirit.

If you have enough fighting spirit, you will double your combat power, and you will fight more and more fiercely until you are exhausted and you can't fight anymore.

But the problem lies in the cultivation of fighting spirit.

The most earthly way is to spend time to simmer and cultivate the spirit of war.

There is another seemingly very clever way-to follow one's own heart completely, and to follow one's heart... This method is a bit mysterious, Han Fei pondered for a moment, and continued to read...

To practice this method, you need to cultivate a sense of combat, take the initiative to challenge, and take the initiative to attack, and the fighting will become strong.

Even Han Fei saw one of the most nonsensical methods-being beaten. The more people beaten up, the faster the accumulation of fighting spirit.


Han Fei took a breath and said that he understood everything, but there was nowhere to show it.


When the time came, Han Fei used the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to measure it, and it was a "tied sign." Han Fei confidently left the refining world.

Even if you can rest assured, Han Fei still maintains a cautious attitude, just listening to him: "Lao Yuan, do you feel any danger?"

Old Turtle: "No, the Blood King seems to have indeed left."

When Old Turtle said so, Han Fei's perception immediately swept across the world.


Suddenly, Han Fei was stunned, and the whole person was stunned on the spot: "This is... a hundred thousand mountains?"


The old tortoise looked puzzled.

However, Han Fei quickly appeared on a hill.

I saw Han Fei stop on the top of the mountain, and said inwardly: "Sure enough, this is indeed a hundred thousand mountains. The space in the ancient mountains is only a part of it~www.ltnovel.com~ and this part of the world is the original one hundred thousand. The area where Dashan Beast King Valley is located. Han Fei is too familiar with this place. At the beginning, he followed the tiger and the others as wild beasts, thinking every day how to escape from the hunting of Ape Six and the Beast King Valley... If you talk about 100,000 Dashan, Han Fei The most familiar place is this!"

Han Fei immediately noticed that there are more than 6000 mountains here, without life, not even a single plant.

Han Fei walked through the hills, chilling. There are all kinds of fossils on the seabed. In the mountains, there are a lot of withered rhizomes of demon plants.

After searching for a long time, Han Fei didn't even find a cargo, and his eyes became gloomy. The ancient realm of the Qianshan Mountains can survive to this day, it is impossible not here! In the ancient realm of Thousand Mountains, the major monster plants are still contributing their vitality to the narcissus!

Han Fei gritted his teeth and said: "Good good, what a blood king! This beam, we have completely formed."

Han Fei said: "Old Yuan, what can I do to conquer this place?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "For the time being, I'm afraid that you won't have the ability to conquer such a big place. It stands to reason that if you want to turn a region into a small world, there are ways. Either the strong will install this world into their own origins. Sea. Either there is a huge storage space like the sun, moon and stars. But... it’s impossible even for the stars to fit in such a large area. So, either it’s the celestial shell or the source of the strong Hai. This king can only give these two methods..."

Han Fei said with a black face: "I mean, how do you subdue it?"

The old tortoise sighed: "If this world is in the tempeh, you can find the shell. But if the blood king has tempeh, he can perceive you at any time... so it's impossible. It exists in Hantianbei. Therefore, it is quite possible that this place can be the origin sea of ​​a certain strong person!"

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