God of Fishing

Chapter 1617: The blood king wants to cross the catastrophe

"God of Fishing (

Following the divine son, the current blood sea **** Mu, Han Fei had fully believed that the blood sea **** wood was the **** son.

Even Han Fei tried it out with the Vientiane Navigation Device in the bottom of his heart. Vientiane is indeed... pointing at the wood-carved **** in front of him.

Listening to the description of the son of God, this blood king was not a bad person who had been special.

However, he is too arrogant. His pride makes him unable to bear the reality of being unable to become a king!

Therefore, he became cruel and his mind became active.

He believes: The energy under the sky is completely enough to become a king. The Emperor Bai Jia and the Queen of Life can become kings, in addition to absorbing enough heaven and earth energy, the chaos must have also absorbed a lot. In addition to the chaos, these two people have one characteristic, they are the leaders of the same race...

Therefore, his Xuefan will also become the leader of a race.

Therefore, he created a race alone, which is the Millennium Snapper.

Even these thousand-year-old snappers were transformed from other creatures... But after the transformation, they became his people.

Only if they believe in themselves can they be given more and become stronger.

Xue Fan knew: This time he crossed the Tribulation, he should not be lost. Therefore, he chose to rebuild it a second time. Yes, this servant completely gave up the power of his half-king realm and rebuilt from scratch.

However, this time to rebuild it is not a casual rebuild.

He knew: Shui Mutian had limited room for him to play. Even if he had already found himself...all the resources from the beginning to the end.

However, he is still worried!

At this point, he found that there was always a strong man by his side. A blood sea **** tree that became king before Bai Jiadi and the Queen of Life...

As a result, Xue Fan hit his idea on the blood sea **** wood.

Han Fei can understand: In Shiwan Dashan, everyone comes with their own nature.

This Xuefan, apart from creating the red pill, he was relatively simple at that time just wanting to become stronger.

And the son of God has always been a little self-sufficient and noble, and he often regards himself as a god. God sees the world, how can he think of intervening or killing?

After all, Xuefan at that time hadn't become a king yet!

There are ants under the king. This is not nonsense. At that time, if the son of God wanted to kill Xuefan, Xuefan could not survive.

But because of the attitude of the **** son, Xue Fan had an opportunity to take advantage of.

He used his body to spread branches and leaves, and planted new seeds, saying that he wanted to guard the blood sea **** tree. Here, built a country. Since then, Xue Fan has been secretly studying the parasitism.

It took him more than 20,000 years to silently change the temperature around the blood sea **** tree little by little. And what really made the blood king parasitic succeed was that time when Emperor Bai Jia and Mu Wuhua joined forces to attack the blood sea **** Mu City...

At that time, it wasn't actually the undefeated battle between these two people. The most important thing was that the gods shot. And Xue Fan took advantage of the opportunity of the **** son to make a move to activate the parasite he had accumulated for 20,000 years!

According to the son of God, Emperor Bai Jia and Mu Wuhua attacked the blood sea **** Mu City, which may have been caused by Xue Fan. For the parasitism that day, Xue Fan waited for 20,000 years.

When the son of God finished all this, Han Fei's heart was stirred: This Nima is definitely a cruel person! Xuefan is really a very inspirational evil demon, and he has carried the evil to a certain level.

This guy is too unconscionable!

The son of God helped him a lot, but in the end, he actually used it.

Han Fei took a deep breath: "Then now... does he have your power?"

The son of God shook his head: "Yes, nor is it. When he parasites me, he is not the king after all. I have retained some of my roots. If he does not become the king, he will not be able to find it. I have left behind a few places, but he has broken them. Two."

Han Fei's eyes widened and said, "You can even count as your second player?"

The son of God said leisurely: "At the first time he launched the parasite, I was fighting with Emperor Bai Jia and Mu Wuhua. Between these two, I established a connection with Mu Wuhua. Later, I used the power of the earth veins to fight Mu Wuhua began to communicate. However, Xuefan was also a demon plant, and he soon discovered something wrong with the veins. So, he planted a lot of big red media. So far, hundreds of thousands of miles around my body are all within his Under control."

Han Fei: "Is there another place to come?"

There was a trace of anger in the **** child's eyes: "That is my origin sea. Because I intend to transport the demon plant to Mu Wuhua, I was traced by the blood fan to the origin and sneaked into the origin sea, causing the demon that was almost to fall here. Zhi and some ordinary monsters all fell. That time, I consumed part of the origin and severely injured it. And because I could not use much power, that part of the origin was also eaten by him."

Han Fei listened to all this, as if he was listening to the book. It is not an exaggeration to say that a half-king and a king have fought for tens of thousands of years.

The son of God looked at Han Fei: "When I found...when I couldn't stop it anymore, I won't expose it anymore, and I'm waiting for you..."

Han Fei: "Oh? Do you know I will show up?"

The son of God said: "When Mu Wuhua was discussing countermeasures with me, I mentioned a place called Yinyangtian, where the island was suspended in the air. You should know that it was not long after you left the Age of Doom... My secret was discovered. This made us realize that a new era is coming. And you should have been born in this new era... So, I am waiting for you."

Although the son of God spoke lightly, Han Fei felt that the son of God should panic. Because I came too late, I just came when Xuefan was about to overcome the catastrophe.

Moreover, he came here by mistake.

It is conceivable that with Xuefan's character, once he becomes a king, if he has enough strength, the first one to win is the blood sea **** tree, that is, the son of god.

In that way, he can consolidate his position.

And to swallow the power of a king in its entirety, one can imagine: what kind of strong blood will become when the time comes?

Hearing the old tortoise can’t help sighing: “This person is just right to fall into evil ways. He has perseverance, courage, strategy, and courage... If he succeeds, this person’s achievements will not be low. If he becomes a king , Shuimutian and Yinyangtian, sooner or later will be in his pocket."

Han Fei remembered: Blood Sea God Wood City, never participated in the battle between Baibei King City and Shui Mutian. Only then did I understand that it is not that people do not fight, but that people fight for the great world. As the saying goes, it will be quiet before the storm! The one who lives to the end is the king. This is too appropriate to use on Xue Fan.

Han Fei took a breath: "Then what do I do now?"

The son of God said: "You should have your own small independent world? Otherwise, it will not completely disappear from my original sea, and even I can't find your place. Also, your current body, if you are not In my original sea, I may not be able to find you."

Han Fei said, "Xuefan won't find out, right?"

The son of God shook his head: "Although he can parasite me, he is not me after all. He can make some choices for me forcibly, but he can't feel my feelings. In short, he has not become a king, and the parasitic road has not moved further. A high level. Once he enters the king, he may completely devour my soul and turn me into his external incarnation."

"A tortoise son~"

Han Fei murmured, and said to his heart: Xuefan's wishful thinking is also very loud.

Han Fei: "Where are we now?"

Son of God: "In one of my absolute realms. This is the only place that Xuefan has not found so far."

Han Fei was relieved: "That's good! What are you going to do?"

The son of God smiled slightly: "Should it be what you are going to do? Right now, what I can do is very limited. However, I can forcibly take back control of the body in a short time. However, this time will not be very long. And once I By doing this, my field ~www.ltnovel.com~ will also be discovered..."

Han Fei squinted his eyes and said, "My Lord God, where are all his resources? Tell me where you are, and I will steal all his wealth."

The son of God took a look at Han Fei and said leisurely: "From the moment you were in the cage below, when you spoiled his good deeds, all his resources have been collected on his own body. There is nothing at all. Put it outside..."

Han Fei: "..."

"So cautious?"

Han Fei was speechless immediately.

However, I can also understand: a person who can plan for tens of thousands of years in order to overcome the catastrophe, naturally will not let himself be spent tens of thousands of years planning for nothing because of this small matter.

Han Fei said: "When will he overcome the catastrophe? Or how is he going to overcome the catastrophe?"


In this so-called absolute realm, Han Fei and Shenzi talked for a long time.

In fact, what the Son of God can do is indeed limited, but he knows a lot of information.

The son of God never mentioned the Narcissus from beginning to end, nor did Han Fei mention it from beginning to end. Although the **** child is very likely, he also knows that Narcissus and Mu Wuhua are related.

What Han Fei is worried about is: If something goes wrong, you can't let Xuefan pass through the **** son to know these secrets... So, why mention the water nymph?

After half a day.

When Han Fei quietly left this so-called absolute realm, he had quietly appeared in the Blood Sea God Wood City.

However, what I saw before my eyes was a bustling scene.

Han Fei discovered: This is actually a country where humans are hidden. Oh no, to be precise, it is a country where snappers have become adults for a thousand years and survive.

The point is: this special lady is all women, not a single man. That dress...Han Fei couldn't bear to look straight.

"Nima... See no evil! The pink skulls are all skulls..."

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