God of Fishing

Chapter 1618: Yulong Wang and Yang Ruoyun

The son of God is still alive, although he has built himself into a tree, but it also makes Han Fei very happy.

However, Han Fei was really undecided about Xuefan's going to cross the catastrophe.

Han Fei's first thought was: to find the Queen of Life, it is best to bring Emperor Bai Jia with him. How to bring Bai Jiadi? Han Fei couldn't control this matter. Anyway, this matter must be notified.

Although when the blood is crossing the catastrophe, they will definitely know.

However, knowing in advance and knowing passively are two different things!

Secondly, the son of God told himself that the big umbrella in the hands of Xuefan contained more than 300 souls of the powerful in the venerable realm. That umbrella is used to fight against heaven. According to the estimation by the son of God, that thing can block the catastrophe three times.

At that time, Han Fei's whole person was not well, and this blood was obviously not the six calamities, but the nine calamities. However, a single weapon can block the triple catastrophe, which is incredible.

In fact, Han Fei admires Xuefan's cruelty.

In this blood sea **** Mucheng, for tens of thousands of years, he has quietly swallowed more than 300 statues by Xue Fan. Those were all strong men that the guy had raised by himself. At the end of the day, a handful of leeks were cut off, and those venerables would be stupefied!

Moreover, even when Xue Fan was devouring them, he still found various reasons to move these people away, so as not to make others suspect. It can be said that most people in the entire Blood Sea God Wood City believed in him, and didn't even doubt him at all.

It can be seen that the evil danger of blood!

In fact, this is also the first time Han Fei has seen cut leeks and the first time he has seen an evil king. This is much better than that of Emperor Bai Jia who can only fight fiercely.

What Han Fei appeared at this moment was the core tree of the Blood Sea God Wood, an area between the sea and the seabed. There were tall and big red berries growing around here, many of which grew around the Blood Sea God Wood.

Most of the people who live here are explorers.

According to the son of God, Xuefan deliberately set the residence level so harshly. The Venerable has a residence for the Venerable, and each level of explorer has its own residence.


Ye Long, the pinnacle of junior explorers, is about to enter intermediate explorers. Because of her extraordinary talent and excellent combat ability, she became the favorite of heaven among junior explorers.

Ye Long is warlike and went out to fight several times in these years.

Her path is getting more and more extraordinary. After the essence of Tianjiao was discovered, he participated in seven consecutive big hunts, and with the capital of a complete victory, he broke the siege...

At this moment, Ye Long was on his way home.

Many people greeted her when they saw her.

Someone grinned, "Master Ye Long, are you back from practicing?"

Ye Long responded faintly: "Yeah!"

Someone said: "Sister Long, when will you take me to the battlefield? I heard that that is where the rapid growth is."

Ye Long's complexion didn't change much: "I'm free."

Someone stretched out a slender hand and slid over Ye Long's waist, his eyes condensed in the mid-autumn festival, and his red lips lightly opened: "Long'er, come to my mansion tonight. I have a little bit of cultivation experience, let me discuss it with you!"

Ye Long frowned slightly, unhappy, and hummed softly to express dissatisfaction.

With a high-cold attitude, bypassing these people, quickly found a tree bump, opened the seal, and got in.


Ye Long frowned.

Although it has been a long time since I lived here, I still can't accept the blood sea **** Mucheng... this kind of open same-sex group life.

She can't remember how many times she... was dragged to someone else's cave.

Just as Ye Long was preparing to clear out the clutter and enter the practice, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Yulongwang, it seems that you are doing well in this blood sea **** Mucheng! The spring breeze is proud!"


The fish-and-dragon king shook his whole body. After all, he stretched out and said in a low voice, "How did you come in?"

Han Fei is not afraid that if he speaks, he will be known by Xuefan, although he already knows that all the thousand-year-old snappers were parasitized by Xuefan, but what?

Parasitism does not mean that you can fully understand all the perceptions and thoughts of these hundreds of millions of snappers.

When there are more people, the words and thoughts that are produced become messy. In order not to affect the normal life and practice of the Millennium Snapper, that kind of parasitic, generally speaking, will not be activated.

Moreover, there is the barrier of the old tortoise emperor realm divine soul here, as well as the calculation of his own Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, which ensures the safety of his actions.

Han Fei said leisurely: "How I got in is not important. What is important is that you have things to do now."

Yulongwang's complexion changed many times, and his heart said: After all, he still couldn't get rid of Han Fei!

In the past few years, she has changed her appearance and turned into a Tianjiao again, and has been looked up to by countless people again.

However, as soon as Han Fei appeared, it made her feel: These are all dreamlike and unrealistic.

King Yulong said: "What's the matter?"

Han Fei said, "Send me something to leave Blood Sea God Wood City. After this is completed, your mission will be completed. I will never come to you again...you are free."

The Yulong King said in shock: "Really?"

Han Fei chuckles: "Why, are you still not willing?"

The Yulong King took a breath and said, "You took so much effort to send me in, just to let me go out and send something out of Blood Sea God Wood City?"

I only saw a sun-moon shell floating in front of the Yulong King, and Han Fei's voice was leisurely: "How hard I did to get you in, that's my business. It's such a thing, you can do it or you can Don't do it. You can even leave the things I gave you to Xuefan, it depends on how you choose..."

Yulong Wang wondered: "Who is Xuefan?"

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and smiled softly, "You don't even know the king of your blood sea **** Mucheng? It's...weak."

The Yulong King also sank: He was in the Blood Sea God Wood City and hadn't seen a king for so many years... How did Han Fei know? Moreover, how did Han Fei get in? Besides, can't even see people?

Of course, Yulong Wang knew that he could never be Han Fei's opponent. As early as the beginning, Han Fei no longer used the Explorer as his opponent. Now, even dare to calculate the king? This guy, what else can't you do?

Although the Yulong King still hated Han Fei in his heart, he did not dare to disobey at this moment.

Just listen to her: "Are you sure... after doing this, you will completely let me go?"

However, a bead appeared. When the Yulong King saw that blood bead, his heart suddenly moved: it was his own blood.

Han Fei unexpectedly threw it to himself so casually.

Just listen to Han Fei: "For me, you are too weak, and you are no longer qualified to be my pawn. This item is sent, and you are free..."


The Yulong King swallowed, his eyes getting firmer: "Who is it for?"

After a while, the Yulong King left home, went to a small tree tumor, knocked twice at random, and then stuck out a cute little fish head.

"Sister Long?"

"Ya'er, do you want to go to the frontline battlefield?"


The use value of Yulongwang is so great.

Han Fei put a puppet corpse in the sun and moon shell.

It's just that Han Fei put a ray of soul in this corpse. As long as the Yulong King quietly sent it out, he had his own way to leave.

What Han Fei is really looking for is not the Yulong King.

Let Yulongwang be a courier, it is enough to see her.

On the other side, on the edge of a tree city a little farther away from the Blood Sea God Tree, there was a circle of tall and big red leaves. There are tens of millions of snappers who are cultivating for thousands of years.

In this city, half of the cities are still selling various items and resources.

Usually, this is a bazaar that a civilized society only produces. For different races, especially the weird race like the Millennium Snapper, it is quite strange that such a place will appear!

But here, there is a big shop called: "Xianyun Pawnshop."


I saw a person being blasted out of the pawnshop directly, and that was the millennium snapper at the pinnacle of law enforcement.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a woman coming out of the pawnshop with a cold voice: "The pawnshop has the rules of a pawnshop, and the resources are not enough in exchange. If the prescribed time is exceeded, everything is considered dead. Your things are no longer yours."

Just listen to the thousand-year-old snapper that was blasted out, trembling with anger: "What a foreign race of human beings, don't wait for me to find a chance! Otherwise, I will not let you wait.


After the man left, at the door of the pawnshop, behind the woman, a woman said: "Ruoyun, there are still too few people here! Even if you are a Tianjiao and you are already an Intermediate Explorer, you can't all Waste time on our territory!"

Yang Ruoyun said lightly: "I understand that when I am honored, no one will come to our line to make trouble."

After a while, Yang Ruoyun had just returned to the pawnshop, ready to practice directly behind the pawnshop...In this way, it would be convenient to take care of the site.

Suddenly, a voice came into her mind.

"I have a deal. It may be the biggest deal since you opened a **** shop, or since you turned into a demon. Are you interested?"


Yang Ruoyun suddenly opened his eyes and looked in all directions. The surroundings are forbidden and blocked, who can directly transmit to themselves?

Just listen to Han Fei's leisurely voice: "Why, I will give you a few great gifts and give you the top of the fish dragon king, so forget me?"

"It's you?"

As early as the battle of landing on the island, she knew: Han Fei's strength, UU reading www.uukānshu.com had already crushed her in all directions. However, Han Fei gave herself several benefits in succession. After all, she herself was dizzy. I don't know what Han Fei's purpose was.

At this moment, the appearance of Han Fei even opened her heart knot.

Yang Ruoyun's reaction was calmer than that of Yulong King.

She and Han Fei did not make a deal twice.

In the past, I used to cheat him a lot. Now, he has been led by Han Fei.

Yang Ruoyun calmly said: "Where are you?"

Han Fei: "Don't worry about where I am... I'll ask you, can you do this transaction? If you do, you need to swear to Dadao!"

Yang Ruoyun's eyes narrowed slightly: "What deal?"

The first one is... ask for votes...

(End of this chapter)

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