God of Fishing

Chapter 1633: Chance in the hot pot restaurant

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Han Fei did not go to Thousand Star City immediately. It's always going to go, but it's not in a hurry.

At this time, Han Fei's first thing to do is to regain his willingness. Today, Broken Star Island and Thirty-Six Town's Willpower, because of the destruction of their statues, has seen a sharp decline.

Of course, as long as someone sincerely prays to Han Fei, Han Fei will always receive the power. However, if the statue is removed, it will inevitably affect a large number of people. It is even said that some ordinary practitioners who don't know why they think something has happened!

Therefore, this thing must not be tolerated!

It wasn't until that moment that Han Fei clearly felt the sensation of Yuan Li's integration into his body.

However, it is far from enough to see these people in Broken Star Island. Han Fei now needs a lot of aura to dismantle the aura... As he grows faster and faster, the improvement of the aura dismantling is already crucial!

For example, the old turtle said at the beginning: his aura dismantling degree has reached 95%. You can't be weaker than the old turtle, right?

But in fact, if you follow your current growth rate and wait until you reach the half-king state, I am afraid that the aura dismantling degree can reach 85%... it is hard to say!

The dismantling degree of the insect king's aura is still one hundred and eighty-eight...

The master of his own dignified Yin and Yang sky, the owner of the fairy palace, but his aura can't keep up... It's a bit outrageous.

Therefore, before that battle, Han Fei released the canopy and successfully staged a big drama. Han Fei's first step, of course, is to get back the strength of Broken Star Island!

Obviously, this step was successful.

However, the willingness in Thirty-Six Town has not been recovered yet, how can it be possible? After all, his current realm is higher and his needs are higher. You can't count on Broken Star Island! This is just an island after all. Everyone can see what happened here.

But Thirty-Six Town, the area there is so big, even if Han Fei wants to walk over one by one to give a speech, it will take a few days.


City Lord's Mansion.

Han Fei said, "Wang Lin, come here."

Wang Lin, the original head of the material combat readiness regiment, was transferred to the Ministry of Construction by Han Fei as the minister because he knew how to look and see. He once built a cultivation pagoda for the people on Broken Star Island to pay homage to the bones of the Venerable.

Today, Wang Lin, of course, also saw Han Fei's method of condemning the five deities, and he was shocked. He said: Han Fei may be the first in history, the strongest commander so far! Venerable Human Race, if you say punish, you punish... without even blinking your eyelids!

Moreover, others may not know the terrible King Truman, but they know some of the top of Broken Star Island.

This Nima is the top existence of the pinnacle of Truman's contemporary Patriarch. With a slap in the hand, the entire Broken Star Island can be held, counted with one hand.

Just that kind of strong man, Han Fei slapped him to death.

At this moment, after Han Feigang finished his speech, he thought he had gone to Thousand Star City. As a result, God knows that Han Fei was the first to find himself?

In the Ministry of Construction, Wang Lin didn't know whether he should cry or laugh?

I saw him respond in a hurry: "Han Shuai, the subordinate is here, and the subordinate is here."

Handsome mansion, Han Fei stood in front of the sea area map, with his back facing Wang Lin.

Since then, Wang Lin smiled flatteringly: "Han Shuai, his subordinates know that you will come back. That **** Truman, bullying me and so on. The poor subordinates are so low-powered that they saw Han Shuai's statue of you and were defeated. But there is nothing you can do...Han Shuai, don't worry, your statue will be built in three or three days."

After hearing Wang Lin's words, Han Fei turned around leisurely.

When Wang Lin saw Han Fei's cracked face with his own eyes, he couldn't help being horrified. How could Han Fei be so powerful already?

If you are fighting against people, how powerful is this to be able to beat Han Fei like this?

Just listen to Han Fei leisurely said: "Poor Thirty-Six Town, hundreds of millions of subjects, have just welcomed hope, but the hope is dashed in just a few years. The mood is like a wave, up and down, and they deceived them by thinking that the coach... …"

At that time, Wang Lin was shocked: He understood what Han Fei meant in an instant.

The statue of Han Fei was pulled, Thirty-Six Town thought that the era of Han Fei’s rule was over, and the City of Justice became a joke...

I saw Wang Lin bowed and shouted: "Han Shuai, the people of Thirty-Six Town, will never forget your contribution to mankind. The subordinates will let them know that Han Shuai has returned within a month. . This time, I will be the world’s largest, smooth out the thousand-star city family and create a glorious world of human race..."

The more Wang Lin spoke, the more excited he was, and he heard the quietness in the secret. That called a scalp numb: This man was so numb that he almost worshiped Han Fei as a god.

And Han Fei sighed faintly: "Wang Lin, among the middle and high-level leaders in the City of Justice, you only know this commander. You have also heard that this commander will ascend to the sky and slaughter the king. Before that, let the people know I have returned. I also need the people's confidence and encouragement in me. You understand?"

"Understand and understand~"

Wang Lin'e was in a cold sweat, feeling all his back was wet.

I don't know why, standing in front of Han Fei, he has a kind of fear from the depths of his soul.


Wang Lin swallowed: "For half a month, this half month, the subordinates will do their best to let each island in 36 Town erect a statue of Hanshuai. Declare to the world that you have returned. Will ascend to the sky to kill the king."

Han Fei immediately smiled: "So, it's hard work. That's it... Half a month later, this commander has reached the sky. Spread the news. This commander needs the city of justice, 36 towns. Everyone knows this. Matter... I, during this period, without affecting the normal operation of Broken Star Island, a staff will be available for you to dispatch."

With that, Han Fei took out a 13-star token, which was his highest commander token, symbolizing authority, and no one dared to imitate it.

Han Fei threw it away, and Wang Lin held it in his hands, shaking his heart.

This Nima is so exciting!

From this moment on, he would be the most powerful person in Broken Star Island, but he did not dare to use this order indiscriminately.

At this moment, Wang Lin was hot all over, it was a kind of agitation that was appreciated.

Wang Lin yelled: "Handsome Han, don't worry, Wang Lin uses the head to guarantee that within half a month, except for the city of Thousand Stars, even the sea monsters in the sea will know the news of your ascending to the sky and the evil king."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly: "Yeah! You use a knife, right? This handsome has a knack experience here. Forget it, pass it on to you..."

At the moment when Han Fei handed out the jade slip, Wang Lin deeply understood what it means to die for a confidant...At this moment, even if he lay down his life, he would complete the task.

For half a month, he will build the statue of Han Fei on each island in 36 Town.

After Wang Lin was sent away, Han Fei looked towards the void, only to hear someone say silently: "You actually let someone erect a statue for you? It's narcissistic."

Han Fei smiled lightly: "You don't understand, I am for humans."

I saw the void trembling, quietly breaking through, looking at Han Fei weirdly: "I really don't see where you are for humans? No matter, have you been in the wall of death these years? Is it very Danger? You seem to have been hit hard..."

Just listen to Jing'er constantly saying: "No, how can your strength improve so fast? When you left, you were only at the peak of the Junior Venerable. In just four years, you have broken through the two realms... How did you do it?"

I only heard Tranquility's mouth, which looked like a machine gun.

Han Fei immediately said: "Stop, stop... What have I experienced in the past few years... That is a very complicated thing, so I won't tell you one by one. You can tell me about the current situation in Thousand Star City. how about it?"

Tranquility: "I'm not sure about this! I didn't go to Thousand Star City. However, I met your father twice. He said that Thousand Star City is okay, so just ignore it."

"Huh? Where is Old Han?"

Tranquility: "The last time I saw him was half a year ago, in the open sea. At that time, the old man of the Chu family came to kill me, but he did not run as fast as I. Therefore, I know that his so-called becoming a king is fake. The Queen wanted to catch me, it was easy and could cut my way... Later, I accidentally caught the old man in an ambush, and it was because of your father who saved me."

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment: "My father save you?"

Tranquility: "Your father's strength has reached the half-king level. Moreover, it is not an ordinary half-king, very strong."

Han Fei raised his brows: "I! Go, let's go to 36 Towns to see..."


Three days later.

The statue of Han Fei on Broken Star Island was rebuilt, and millions of people watched the ceremony, but Han Fei did not appear.

Seven days later.

Thirty-six Town, Bihai Town, Yulong Fresh Hotpot Restaurant.

Today's Yulong Fresh Hotpot Restaurant has become the signature of Bihai Town. The banner of the hot pot restaurant is that Han Fei invented hot pot himself. Therefore, many Yulong gangs prefer to call it Hanshuai hot pot restaurant.

But in the past two years, the business of Yulong Fresh Hotpot Restaurant has gone from bad to worse.

Although no one took action against the hot pot restaurant, from the moment Han Fei's statue was removed, many people began to speculate whether something happened to Han Fei?

Many members of the ichthyosaur gang have survived four years in trembling and waiting.

Until recently, the sky was slightly red with rain and cracks appeared on the road. Many people who knew about it began to rumors that a venerable person had fallen.

And the five great sages fell continuously, which shocked the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in 36 towns.

Lord! What level of power is that? In just a few breaths, five people fell continuously? Where is this sacred, so that such a record?

At first, some people thought it was the Kraken counterattack.

But on that day, the major mayors and village chiefs of 36 towns came out to refute the rumors and declared: "Han Fei's return has ended the rule of the family on Broken Star Island..."

this day.

At the entrance of Yulong Hot Pot Restaurant, around noon, 3,000 groups gathered in Yulong Hot Pot Restaurant.

Li Gang and his wife Xiaohong, Yulong Gang deputy gang Li Qing, Yulong chess room supervisor Chen Eryu, Yulong chess manufacturer Li Bai shrimp, Yulong specialty store Li Duoyu...personally stood outside the door and waited.

The behavior of the Yulong Gang shocked the entire Bihai Town.

This is how big a thing happened, such a big scene?

Many smart people have realized something.

So, in a moment, Bihai Town fryed the pot, and they all said that Han Shuai returned to his hometown. He was in Yulong Hotpot at this moment, so that the people of the whole island were vying to come and see Han Fei's gesture.

In the exclusive box of Yulong Hotpot Restaurant, Li Gang and Xiaohong are serving Han Fei and Jingjing personally. Li Gang has a son, who is just eight years old this year, and he is responsible for pouring Han Fei and Jingjing.

Tranquility was eating Hesai, the plate in front of him was swept away, another plate, his stomach was almost a bottomless hole, it seemed that he was going to the sea.

Tranquility was finished sucking a crab soup dumpling, and when he was about to order Li Gang to serve, he heard Han Fei suddenly say: "Okay, let's get here today!"

Tranquility couldn't help but regretfully said, "You didn't tell me about such a delicious place until now."

Han Fei shrugged, "Don't you know now?"

Just listen to Li Gang smiled and said: "This lord, for your convenience, Gangzi has ordered the back kitchen to fully start work, and has already prepared hundreds of various meals, all for you to take away."

Of course Tranquility knew it a long time ago, and immediately grinned and said: "Okay, then I will accept it all."

When it was over, Tranquility took a look at Han Fei, and then at the kid who was pouring her wine, and immediately said: "Nothing~www.ltnovel.com~ This girl doesn't eat other people for nothing. This kid, it seems. If he is still clever, I give him a drop of chalcedony, which can wash his tendons and cut his marrow. It can raise his third-level spiritual channel to a sixth-level spiritual channel."

When Li Gang and Xiao Hong heard this, they were so surprised that they couldn't talk from ear to ear.

Xiao Hong: "Thank you, Lord, thank you, Han'er, thank you, Lord and this fairy."

The child should have been taught before, but now he is quite eloquent: "Thank you, Mr. Bangzhu, Mr. Xie Xianzi."

Seeing tranquility casually, Li Han settled down, standing still and stopped moving.

Han Fei shook his head slightly and looked at Li Gang and said, "Heh! It seems that this kid is lucky. It's you, you really can't name it, it's vulgar..."

"Hey, hey..."

Han Fei got up and threw a seashell swallowing shell to Li Gang and said: "Sixth-level spiritual veins are very expensive. These are the bonuses given to you by the gang for your hard work over the years. Many things, if you don’t know how to use them, Just go to Broken Star Island to see, ask, find out for yourself... Now, go out and see."

Li Gang immediately shook his hands and hurriedly tucked Tun Haibei into his sleeve. While thanking, he winked at Xiao Hong: "You take your son, here to wash the essence..."

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