God of Fishing

Chapter 1634: Climb to the sky

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At the door of Yulong Hot Pot Restaurant, there is already a sea of ​​individuals.

The entire Bihai Town knows that the Yulong Gang is a benign gang. They do business, do not bully Bai's surname, and have a long time to help the villages under Bihai Town.

Many people in Bihai Town wanted to join the Yulong Gang. However, the review is extremely strict and it is difficult to get in.

A few days ago, Han Fei even slaughtered five statues. The news of the desire to ascend to the sky and the slaughter king came...At that time, many people actually heard it as a story.

Later, on the third day of the story, Han Fei's statue began to be rebuilt. Including the villages under Bihai Town, the statues have already begun to be built...

At this moment, I don’t know who guessed it, or what?

In short, the news of Han Shuai's arrival spread like snowflakes.

Good guy, for a while, the entire Bihai Town went crazy. In the three major colleges, the principal took the teacher and the teacher took the students, and Sa Yazi came over.

Others, many big anglers, people in the realm of anglers, all came to pay respects to Han Fei.


Outside Yulong Hotpot.

Three thousand gangs are looking forward to it.

Many people have never seen their gang leader since they entered the Yulong Gang, and they have been listening to legends. At this moment, my heart is turbulent, and I can hardly describe it in words.

Han Fei did not disappoint them.

Now that he had already appeared, it was Mr. Chu and them that should be nervous. They don't have any means to stop them... Therefore, at this moment, Qianxing City can go anytime. A joke, a few years ago, I could get out of it myself, let alone now?

And Han Fei, the reason why he has to wait until now is naturally to wait for all the statues to be built...

Bihai Town is the 13th town where Han Fei has eaten with peace.

Han Fei called it beautifully: Investigation.

When the two walked out of the Yulong Hot Pot restaurant, countless people looked up at Han Fei for the first time, with fiery eyes and short breathing.

From the crowd, there was a faint sound.

"Is that handsome Han? Is that really handsome?"

"What Hanshuai? That's the gang leader, that's our gang leader. Others have to call Hanshuai, but we have to call the gang leader."

"Hey, is that the helper? You are stalwart!"

Someone sighed: "Back then, I had been with the gang leader for a few days and looked at the garden for the gang leader."

Someone rolled his eyes and said, "You have mentioned this eight hundred times. It means that I was not there at the time, otherwise, would it be your turn to see the garden?"

Immediately, Li Qing, Li Eryu, Li Baixia, Li Duan and others all stepped forward and shouted in unison: "I have seen the leader."

Following that, three thousand gangs shouted in unison: "I have seen the leader..."

The corners of Han Fei's mouth raised slightly, and he glanced at the mayor and the three chiefs with complex eyes not far away.

At the beginning, they looked down on the Fourth Academy and hoped to win with more quantity. But the facts have proved that Tianjiao is Tianjiao, and millions of ordinary people cannot resist the rise of a peerless Tianjiao.

I saw Han Fei stepping into the void, stepping on the large gathering spirit formation, and the dragons of aura gathered under his feet.


Han Fei showed his invincible golden body. The height is more than 30 meters.

In this scene, countless people were short of breath. The golden color is always so charming, and the tall body is always shocking, which represents toughness and strength.

Just listen to Han Fei indifferently: "Well! This handsome man founded the Yulong Gang when he said that the Yulong Gang must stand by itself, not disrupt the order, and do not override others... You have done a good job in these aspects. A gang, not Fighting bravely, you have done a good job. This commander is now the commander of Broken Star Island and the representative of countless ordinary humans. This commander can’t treat you specially just because you are from the gang founded by this commander... , Just take a look at the world before ascending to the sky and massacre..."

Han Fei spoke calmly, with a relaxed meaning.

The gangs below, they don't know what Han Fei is a powerhouse of their level, what else they need to fight? However, they knew that Han Fei was fighting for countless people and for humanity. This is enough!

Just listen to Li Gang shouting: "The helper must win, the helper must win..."

Below, three thousand gangs shouted in unison: "The leader will win..."

Han Fei smiled and motioned the crowd to stop yelling, but instead looked in all directions with a majestic expression on his face: "This handsome guy is here, and it's not enough to say a few words."

Just listen to Han Fei's color: "Since a long time ago, this handsome thought: Why is Bihai Town a town, not a city? Because the city is above Bihai Town and above Thirty-Six Town. But Thirty-Six Town Hundreds of millions of people, very few people can enter the city, this is obviously unfair. The family, for personal gain, would allow the people from the weak 36 towns to enter the city? This handsome tells you that the spiritual energy there is better, and the classics there More abundant...but why all good things belong to Thousand Star City? Why can't all people share it?"

Han Fei's voice was like the sound of rolling thunder, rippling over Bihai Town.

Just listen to Han Fei smiled freely: "So, this commander wants to get through the Thousand Star City and smooth out the family of the Thousand Star City. I heard that two years ago, there were people in the Thousand Star City who claimed to be king? That person took advantage of his absence, A lot of resources have been searched. These resources have been exchanged back by countless people desperately. He said to take it, how old is he? Therefore, this commander wants to take back everything they once took... Therefore, this commander wants to kill the king. I do not ask you to pray that this commander will return in a big victory. I just hope that you will know: this world and this sea are not alone, but shared by everyone..."

In history, people are the easiest to be incited, even if they are practitioners.

When Han Fei's speech ended, many people chanted.

"Han Shuai, come on, destroy the family."

"Handsome Han, we support you."

"Han Shuai, we must get through Thousand Star City, we need to see, what the **** is that?"


What Han Fei is preaching is freedom, labor that pays for it.

In Han Fei's mouth, Thousand Star City is no longer a mysterious place, and the family of Thousand Star City has become synonymous with exploitation.

Even Tranquility believed that Han Fei was using another way to save the human beings in Yin and Yang sky and lead them to glory.

However, only one person knew: Han Fei's purpose for doing this was just for the strength of his will.

That's the old tortoise...

If Han Fei is really doing it for the general trend of the human race, before, there would be no problem of the limit of Dao Xin. And Han Fei broke his Dao Xin limit, definitely not because of the general trend of the human race!

Therefore, Han Fei insisted on going through 36 towns, just to give a lecture tour so that more people could see and hear themselves, let them believe in and pray for themselves.

By then, when Han Fei really wiped out the family of Thousand Star City, it would be a big harvest. From Thousand Star City to Broken Star Island to Thirty-Six Towns, Han Fei relied on King Tu to harvest the power of the entire Yin-Yang Heavenly Human Race.

As one of the few people who can understand Han Fei's intentions, the old turtle only thinks: Han Fei is really not suitable for being a righteous person.

Bihai Town Mob Academy.

Here is now in charge of the Yulong Gang. The plantation here is now the source of materials for Yulong Hot Pot Restaurant. Therefore, it has always been heavily guarded.

After Han Fei finished his speech, he came to this place quietly.

There is no one here, but what surprised Han Fei is that there is still a guy here, who is the ghost-eyed giant crocodile that Han Fei won back in Fenglei Town back then.

At this moment, the ghost-eyed giant crocodile looked at Han Fei in shock: "You, are you back?"

Han Fei was puzzled: "Why are you still here?"

Ghost-eyed giant crocodile: "Here is a good spirit, why should I go?"

Han Fei sneered: At the beginning, he wanted to catch this guy and become a spirit beast of the town school. As a result, now everyone else is gone, this guy still keeps.

Just listen to Han Feidao: "The ten-year agreement that year had already passed its deadline. You are now free to come and go."

When it was over, Han Fei thought for a while, and threw a swallowing seashell to the ghost-eyed giant crocodile and said, "I’ve met once, and I’ll be destined to give it to you. In the future, someone may come back here... but, Who knows? You want to stay, just stay!"


After half a month.

Han Fei traveled to 36 towns. And the half-month period agreed with Wang Lin had already arrived.

In the entire Broken Star Island and 36 towns, countless people raised their heads from time to time at the beginning of the day. They wanted to see if there were any cracks in the road?

There are constant discussions among the people.

Someone said: "You said, this time Han Shuai goes to Thousand Star City, can he win?"

Someone insisted: "Of course, who is Han Shuai? The number of hands of his elders slaughtered by the venerable is not enough. He will definitely destroy those big clans."

On Broken Star Island, someone sighed: "The family of Thousand Star City, don't know how many resources there will be?"

The people who came down on Broken Star Island sneered and said, "I can only say that it's like water in the sea, endless to scoop."

The carnival shops in the City of Justice are very lively today, almost full.

Someone yelled, "Well, why are there so many people today? Why don't everyone go to sea?"

Someone sneered: "Who is in the mood to go out to sea? Today is a big event. Han Shuai said that today he will be ascended to the sky and slaughter the king, and he has clarified the date. Today, it must be dead, it is worth seeing.

"Tsk! Ah~"

Someone took a sip of his drink and said, "I'm really worried for the ordinary people in Thousand Star City. It's a battle of the Venerable Realm. It's not something ordinary people can deal with, right?"


Just in the anticipation of everyone.

Han Fei, in fact, has already left.

Old Monster Chu can't block the entire Thousand Star City ~www.ltnovel.com~ can't block all the roads.

For Han Fei now, it's easy to come here.

However, what Han Fei didn't know was at the moment he set off. Broken Star Island Archives, the old man sitting for a hundred years, carrying a knife and walking away.

Broken Star Island Hengduan Mountains, Xue Shenqi said lightly: "Since we are in the team, we know that this battle will be fought sooner or later."

At the third level fishing ground, Li Daxian sighed: "It's a pity! Although I am no longer a human being, this battle cannot be missed."

And in the city of Thousand Stars, somewhere in the market.

An elegant middle-aged man was drinking tea. He just listened to him lightly saying: "Although all the efforts are not for this day, but on this day, they will be completed. From then on, that kid doesn't need me to help anymore. ..."

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