God of Fishing

Chapter 1645: Corpse

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If you say that the first two nine-star beads, one is not dangerous in itself, and the other is not dangerous to oneself...

So, at this moment, without thinking about it, Han Fei knew that the danger was great.

When Han Fei took a closer look, he discovered that this was a land of ruins that had been destroyed by war. In this ruin, there is no sky, but the entire space layer is dark red and the temperature is extremely high.

Not to mention, it's quite big here!

Unfortunately, the perception is limited.

Han Fei's perception has been greatly reduced, and he can only perceive this world more than 300 miles high, with unknown vertical and horizontal directions.

It seems that it is another weird world.

And none of these shocked Han Fei the most.

Han Fei was shocked: The energy and aura contained in this world were too much, and the aura was thick and silky, and the energy surging invaded the body.


Han Fei landed on this piece of land, looked down, and was shocked to find that all his mother's feet were Qi Lingye.

"Fuck, what kind of fairy place is this?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "You are afraid that you are in trouble."


The old tortoise said: "This is a corpse breeding ground, a very perfect corpse breeding ground. Energy, aura, and enlightenment liquid gather together. This shows that the king should have fallen a long time ago. However, here is the time and space. Obviously it is limited. If there is always so much energy and spirit flowing in, this space will be unstable, and it will definitely be bombed by itself. Then, it hasn't bombed yet, why?"

Han Fei's mind was startled: "Someone is practicing with this."

Old tortoise: "However, in addition to energy, spiritual energy, and spiritual enlightenment, this space also contains a lot of dead energy and decayed energy. What does it mean?"

Han Fei's face changed slightly: "The corpse farm."

The old tortoise said again: "Where is there a corpse breeding ground within your yin and yang days?"


Han Fei shivered suddenly: "Under the steps into the sea."

At this moment, Han Fei knew where he was.

At this moment, I was under the steps into the sea, which was the so-called place where the corpse puppets were raised.

When I was at the peak of the Junior Venerable, I had been here. At that time, using the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler, it was the sign of "Desperate" first, and that was the first time Han Fei encountered the sign of "Desperate".

At that time, Han Fei gave up here, feeling that he was not strong enough to overcome the danger under the steps into the sea.

Even if oneself is now at the pinnacle of the Senior Venerable Realm, using the Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler to measure it is a "big evil" hexagram. This shows that the corpse puppets here are at least in the realm of pseudo-kings.

With his current strength, as long as it is not the top danger like Duwang Jie, he shouldn't encounter the "desperate situation".

But this hexagram was originally oscillating between the violent and desperate situation. This shows: The strength of this corpse is at least in the pseudo-king state.


Suddenly, Han Fei felt: A hundred miles away, something had stepped on the ground.

In the next instant, Han Fei saw a corpse puppet and stretched out his claws to grab it at him.


"Sacrifice fist mark."

Han Fei didn't hesitate, and reflexively was a punch.

Just because the energy in this space is too much and too much, the energy of the void follows the fist mark of the sacrificial body and blows away hard.


Only saw the corpse, which was blasted back more than ten meters by Han Fei. However, the speed did not decrease, and Han Fei was already in front of the next second.

"Good physique."

Han Fei was too shocked because the puppet slapped it over.


Han Fei felt: He seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, and his whole person was collapsed for a kilometer.

At this moment, Han Fei clearly saw the appearance of this corpse.

What was beyond Han Fei's expectation was that this corpse was not in that kind of decayed appearance at all, but instead looked like an evil boy brother, even with a little white face.

The face is sharp and angular, with toned eyes, bright pupils.

This is clearly the birth of a spirit...


In the process of collapse, Han Fei's power was added and he stood still.

At this moment, Han Fei lowered his head and glanced at his **** arm, his face was ugly: it was just a blow!

Han Fei has already concluded: The strength of this man is the strongest among all the people he has met. The power of one blow surpassed the power of Old Monster Chu's pseudo-king.

"The son of a turtle, this guy's body doesn't seem to be worse than me."

While speaking, the corpse rushed again.

Han Fei didn't do his job, invincible fist, a thousand blows.

This is a real hand-to-hand battle, where the brave wins if you meet on a narrow road! This is the first freak who can fight against himself physically.

"Boom bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The two of them fought for three breaths, and Han Fei felt that all the flesh on his body was broken. And this corpse puppet, even though he was blasted all the way back, has now retreated more than 800 miles. However, the body of this corpse is only similar to himself.

Han Fei said again: "The strength of this man has exceeded 30,000 waves, and his body is of extremely high grade, and his bones are not even weaker than me. However, he is also absorbing energy. This shows that he is not strong enough to be invincible. To the point."

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Imagine if you practice for tens of thousands of years in such an environment, what will be the result?"

Han Fei's heart sank: "Tens of thousands of years? I can blow myself up... to this point, crossing the sky, I'm afraid it's like playing."

The old turtle said again: "You may not be able to beat him. Although you can completely suppress him now, it is because you have the power of the great power. However, you cannot always maintain this kind of combat power. Once you have time When it's there, who do you think was hanged?"

Han Fei's face sank, and with a roar, he drew his knife to cut the void, trying to use the power of space to chop the corpse into pieces.

However, just watching the corpse clasp his hands, the claws forcibly broke the space.


Han Fei said in shock: "This guy can even break up space?"

Old tortoise: "You can still use space rifts as weapons! It's just half a catty... It can only show that your understanding of space art is not strong enough, and it doesn't mean that space avenues are not good."

Old tortoise said: "It can't go on like this. The energy and spiritual energy here are endless. He can fight forever. You have to try if he has a spirit?"

Han Fei's heart moved, and he stepped back, thousands of miles away.

Han Fei grabbed the embroidery needle in an instant, knocked on the door of the sky, and hit a cylindrical energy vortex.


Also thrown out at the same time was Han Fei's strike of the **** thorn.


However, this corpse seemed to be very sensitive to this type of attack, and even detonated the soul in advance.


The beasts roared out, but the corpse's eyes burst out with strange light, and a halo sprayed out in both eyes, which directly blocked Han Fei's beasts' soul roar.

At that moment, I just listened to the corpse with a smile: "Finally, are you here again? I have been hungry for a long time... You are very strong, the strongest person I have ever met. However, you used the power of the great power. , It's still a bit short."

Han Fei's eyes were cold: "You can still talk? It seems that wisdom is quite high?"

The corpse stood still and said: "Thank you, I am sane early. Only after the first person came in, I learned your human knowledge from him. I know that I am a corpse, raised by others... "

Just listen to the muffled roar from the corpse’s throat: "Why... I have to be raised? Trapped in this no man’s land for endless years? Humans, if you can take me out, I won’t kill you... …"

Just listen to the old tortoise: "Don't believe him. If he can get out, he has already gone out. He won't wait until you come before telling you... This means: he can't get out through the star bead."

Han Fei responded: "Of course I know. I even know... he can actually go out! As long as he takes away the spirit of the Truman who came before, and wants to go out, it is easy to go out. However, he can't bear his body. This With the body of a corpse puppet, there is no doubt that the Yin and Yang sky is the strongest! Even better than I am now."

Old tortoise: "His bones are not as strong as yours."

Han Fei rolled his eyes, but my strength is not enough! If I can break through to the peak of the venerable and let my strength rise, it will definitely be much better than now.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "A corpse puppet is a corpse puppet. Want to go out? Dreaming."

"The Wheel of Yin and Yang is too high."

Han Fei naturally couldn't let this guy out. However, I can't wait for too long, I must quickly find a way to get rid of the goods. This can only resort to tricks.


The corpse puppet saw that Han Fei didn't pay any attention to him at all, and at the moment when the Yin-Yang map appeared, he ignored the space and appeared directly in front of him, shocking him.

"Roar! I'm not convinced..."


"Boom boom boom~"

I only saw the boundless evil spirit and death energy converge, blocking the front of the corpse, and even forming a tendency to compete with the Supreme Yin and Yang Chakra.

"Hahaha... do you think I didn't do anything? This world, even though it is a cage, has already merged with me. This world is me, and I am this world."


outside world.

Three-level fishing ground, steps into the sea.

Countless people rushed out of the steps into the sea.

"Boom boom boom~"

One after another, the sound of shock oscillated from around the steps into the sea.


Many people sprayed blood and were upset by the shocking sound.

Most people took off in fishing boats.

Someone asked: "What happened to the steps into the sea? What happened to God?"

Someone chanted: "Everyone, leave, there is another problem with the steps into the sea."

The elderly man yelled, "The steps into the sea are unstable, so please don't continue the treasure hunt anymore."


Suddenly, above the sea, only a howling sounded.

Someone exclaimed: "The Evil Shield is here! Great things must happen here, everyone evades."

On the ghost boat, Li Daxian frowned and said: "The question of the steps into the sea? Are you sure it is your son? When did he get here?"

The elegant man next to Li Daxian was naturally Han Guanshu.

Just listen to him: "There are only a few secrets of Yin-Yang sky. Sooner or later, it's not surprising that they will come across."

Han Guan wrote and smiled: "After the corpse farm, there is no place to stop him..."

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