God of Fishing

Chapter 1646: The Fall of the Puppet

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Under the steps into the sea, inside the corpse farm.

Han Fei found out speechlessly: The battle here is quite detrimental to him. The corpse puppet may have been practicing for too long, so that he can freely control the dead and boundless evil spirits of this corpse breeding ground.

The Supreme Yin and Yang Chakra is extremely powerful, but it is only Han Fei's power alone, and cannot be an enemy of this entire world.


The collapse of the Supreme Yin-Yang Chakra made Han Fei's heart sink.

"Apocalypse magic."


When a white light irradiated and the black smoke diffused, Han Fei was quite relieved. Dealing with evil spirits, it seemed that the Apocalypse Avenue was stronger than the Supreme Yin and Yang Chakra.


Only saw that the corpse puppet was shrouded in a beam of light, and howled in pain, as if he had suffered tremendous pain.

However, this kind of pain only lasted more than ten breaths of time, and the corpse puppet had already broken free from the shackles of the apocalypse magic.

Just listen to the old tortoise: "The corpse puppet is not an undead creature, so your purification effect is not great, you just purify the dead energy he swallowed."

Han Fei rolled his eyes and changed the avenue again. This time, Han Fei used the time avenue he had just obtained.

In the next moment, the two began to fight frantically.

This time, every punch of Han Fei could slow down the corpse from the Avenue of Time.

"Boom bang bang~"

"Kab! Kab! Kab!"

After more than 20 breaths in a row, Han Fei almost exploded with all his strength.

Han Fei had heard the bones of the corpse puppet... more than one fracture. Many places of his flesh and blood were also blurred by himself. The state of the whole person is like a pile of human-shaped rotten meat.

However, as soon as these 20 breaths passed, Han Fei's expression changed drastically, the secret path was not good, and his power of the Great Dao...the time was up, and he couldn't hold on for longer!

Taking advantage of this last opportunity, Han Fei retreated and formed a series of formations.


One formation after another, quickly condensed. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of formations condensed, wrapping Han Fei.


Han Fei lined up one after another, before he could catch his breath, he launched another attack. He planned to consume it with this corpse puppet first, and waited until he could use the power of the Dao again.

However, in the next moment, Han Fei's whole body is not good. Seeing the corpse, he slowly got up, and endless black mist, energy, and spiritual energy rushed into his body in all directions.


"Chuck, cluck..."

There was a crackling sound, and the body of the corpse puppet recovered quickly.

This scene made Han Fei's scalp numb.

This wave of his own burst, failed to kill the opponent, and ended up in such a result. Once supported by this corpse puppet to the end of his own wave of eruptions, he can use the power of this corpse breeding ground to quickly restore his strength...

After all, the body of this corpse is too strong. Otherwise, he would have fallen under Han Fei's indiscriminate bombing attack.

When the body of the corpse puppet recovered, Han Fei had laid out three thousand formations, with defensive formations, maze formations, and killing formations...

The corpse puppet swallowed a large amount of energy, and said furiously: "Human, you annoyed me."

At this point, Han Fei couldn't help but sneered: "Sooner or later, I can't recognize you if I hit you to the north, south, east, and west."

Seeing the corpse puppet rushing into the formation, powerfully exploding the left formation one after another, Han Fei took a deep breath.

After waiting for three breaths, I saw that the corpse had only destroyed one-third of the formation. Only then did Han Fei's mouth turn up, and his thoughts moved and disappeared in place.

Taking the recovery time in the refining world, it only takes about a day from the outside world to come out and fight again. On average, Han Fei can recover to his full state without even an hour.

As soon as he entered the world of refining, Han Fei was speechless: "Lao Yuan, if you use time, you can cultivate a corpse puppet to be so strong. Wouldn't it be that most people can become so strong as long as they are piled up with time. ?"

The old tortoise said: "Do you remember what I told you at the beginning... Some old immortality is to cultivate a stronger body by raising a corpse, so that you can seize the house or reincarnate. But, then It's not what you said. Except for some races, the life span of the Venerable Realm is limited. In this limited time, how many people can cultivate to such a realm? Moreover, it is difficult to find a corpse breeding ground. , In thousands of years, it may not be possible to cultivate how strong a corpse puppet is... But the one you have encountered now has been here for tens of thousands of years? Shouldn't he be very strong?"

Han Fei curled his lips: "His physical body is indeed quite strong. Just now, I felt that my flesh and skin had been tempered. It seemed that this kind of hard beating, coupled with the powerful repairing power of my physical body, my flesh and blood have also been strengthened... …Well, it may be that the energy accumulated before was slowly absorbed by the flesh! I didn’t meet the opponent, this feeling is not obvious. Now, when the chess meets the opponent, this kind of hand-to-hand combat is a good opportunity to temper my flesh, but I don’t know. How much can you temper?"

The old tortoise said: "The energy you accumulated in the early stage has indeed not been fully digested by flesh and blood... But the emperor estimates that it can help you improve by 10 to 20% at most, and it should be the top."

Han Fei licked the corner of his mouth and said: "It's okay, it's rare to be able to improve now..."

When Han Fei appeared for the second time, he quickly adjusted his combat methods. Han Fei used the Avenue of Time as a backup, first fighting the corpse for strength and physique.

Fighting physically requires both beating and beating.

Han Fei's ability to recover from flesh and blood, and the strength of flesh and blood, are unusual. These two aspects have been improved again, although the realm has not been broken, but the strength has also greatly increased.

To be honest, this is tapping potential. In every realm, we must tap our potential to the limit! That way, with every breakthrough, the improvement will be the highest.

The corpse, I thought Han Fei had escaped, but who knew that Han Fei appeared again? This made him angry.

After all, he was just a corpse puppet.

Although he had learned human language and some information from the outside world from the human side. However, corpse puppets are corpse puppets, which are easily irritable.

Han Fei yelled: "Come on, let's fight another 3,000 rounds."

"Boom bang bang~"

This time, Han Fei didn't use his great power, and he was fighting with the corpse puppets with his most basic strength. This also resulted in Han Fei's comprehensive strength, which was several times worse than this corpse!

Ever since, with a series of "bang bang bang" sounds, Han Fei was violently beaten by the corpse puppet.

The corpse puppet was surprised: "Your power has become weaker? It seems that your so-called avenue can't be used again!"

Han Fei did not answer. The reason why he was hanged by him was because he wanted to tap the potential of his body through the crit of the corpse puppet. Of course, this is just one. On the other hand, the corpse puppet consumes so much now, it will be his turn in a moment!

In this way, after being bombarded for more than 300 breaths in a row, this corpse breeding ground has been beaten into ruins.

The corpse puppet's whole person is not good, how can this guy's physique be stronger than himself?

He felt the power of Han Fei: when Han Fei broke out with all his strength, the power was terrifying. He was once unable to fight back and could only let Han Fei bombard and beat.

Fortunately, this corpse breeding ground can continuously provide him with strength.

Therefore, as long as he is in this corpse farm, he is almost immortal.

But now, it's his turn to make a full shot, with more than 300 breaths, yet he hasn't been able to beat this person to collapse? Why is that?

And Han Fei was chatting with Old Turtle at this moment: "Lao Yuan, I think this Jiugong Qi Luck Ruler may also be inaccurate...Although this corpse is indeed powerful and invincible, it has not yet reached the point of seriousness! He couldn't kill me at all. If it were me, at most I would give him a "fierce" evaluation."

The old tortoise said, "Isn't this a big culprit? Or, would you let it out for a look?"

Han Fei rolled his eyes: Let it go, I have a brain hole? Let this stuff out? Isn't that cholera common?

"Hoo...Who are you? If you can't kill you, why don't you make a move?"

Han Fei sneered: "You care about me? Or, don't you do it, let me do it?"

At this moment, Han Fei was beaten with bruises and swollen face, with no expression on his face, but he was still very arrogant.

After a stick of incense, the strength of the corpse was exhausted.

With a heart move, Han Fei added his body to Invincible Dao, and the golden light fist struck across the board. The power was pressing, and he turned and killed him.

If the corpse puppet has a complicated human heart, at this time, it will definitely collapse.

Didn't you fight back when I hit you? Now that my strength is weakened, you start to fight back? Are you a masochist?

The two people were like this, another bombardment of each other.

Half an hour later, Han Fei's flesh and blood had been hit hundreds of thousands of times by the corpse puppet. At this time, Han Fei made an all-out effort to blast the corpse back.

Then, set up an array and enter the refining world again.

Seeing Han Fei gone, the corpse puppet let out a sigh of relief, and said to his heart: This servant has finally left. I just hope he won't come again...

Even if he was just a corpse, he seemed to feel tired.

However, it was only half an hour, and the void was shaking, and Han Fei actually reappeared in the corpse breeding ground...

Corpse puppet: "..."

one day.

Three days.

Half a month.

Yes, it only took half a month, except for the time when Han Fei entered the refining world to recuperate, the corpse had been fighting all the time.

The corpse also discovered: Han Fei never seemed to leave, but hid in a place he couldn't find.

For half a month, no matter how stupid the corpse was, he knew that Han Fei regarded him as a training partner.

However, he had to fight again because he couldn't give Han Fei a chance.

Once Han Fei was given a chance, under Han Fei's violent bombardment, it was really possible that he would be directly bombarded and killed!

this day.

Han Fei reappeared, and the corpse had been waiting on the spot as long as he didn't even have the desire to attack.

It's just that this time is different from the past. I only listen to Han Fei said: "Twenty percent! Because of you, my flesh and blood strength has increased by a full 20%. Unfortunately, your strength limit can only be achieved at this level. Now, I have no choice but to send you on the road."

The corpse puppet yelled: "Human, if I do not die, one day I will call you a corpse."

Han Fei sneered: "You will definitely die."

This time, Han Fei was still useless. Straight forward, fighting against the corpse for more than 300 breaths, and when he was blasted so completely, a holy beam of light descended.

At that moment, Han Fei quickly recovered his peak, stepped on his feet, the power of the avenue was added, and a breath of horror emerged spontaneously.

And Han Fei's body, the ancient wilderness battle body broke out.

"Boom bang bang~"

This time, Han Fei's strength has improved slightly than before, but not much.

Just listen to the corpse roaring: "You can't kill me, your realm is not enough."

But the next moment, Han Fei's hands, the blue light circulated.

The corpse puppet found that his power, under this strange power, was melting... his body seemed to collapse every time he fought Han Fei.


Han Fei violently attacked for hundreds of breaths. The bombardment force of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is fierce, even if it is beyond the steps into the sea, thousands of miles are shaking.

When the corpse puppets had no backhand power, Han Fei's Time Avenue circled the surrounding space.

Han Fei Bai Beast Soul Eater roared out, knocking on the Tianmen and Tianshen Thorn.

Although there was a huge amount of energy trying to pour into the body of the corpse, but under Han Fei's time barrier, the speed slowed down a lot.

At this time, the line of nothingness had come out, and the Monkey King's three thousand sticks broke out.

After a thousand blows, although the body of the corpse hadn't completely disintegrated...but its soul was almost wiped out by Han Fei.

However, just when Han Fei wanted to kill the corpse puppet directly, he suddenly felt the dry voice of the emperor bird in his mind.

"I want to go out."

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