God of Fishing

Chapter 1650: Practice and arrangement

The deduction did not make Han Fei's body reach a perfect state.

   However, the Void Descent technique harvested this time is indeed a surprise. Although it hasn't been used yet, Han Fei feels inexplicable heartbeat just through preliminary understanding.

  Han Fei's training ended, the clouds in the sky dissipated, but the rain did not stop.

   At this point, Han Fei got up and threw himself an apocalypse magic technique to restore himself to the most perfect state.

   At this time, Han Feicai looked at Ren Tianfei and said: "There are so many people outside, I will come in and retreat for a few days."

   Ren Tianfei really wants to roll his eyes at Han Fei: Is that how you retreat?

   Ren Tianfei said, "Outside, you made such a big mess and gave it to a little girl?"

   Han Fei grinned: "I believe her!"

   Ren Tianfei shook his head slightly and said, "Do you have any thoughts about Tiandao Fayan?"

Han Fei nodded slightly: "In my plan. However, it is not possible soon. After all, my strength has not yet reached its peak! If the problem of Heaven's Way and Magic Eye is solved, on the contrary, it may cause new troubles. ."

   Suddenly, Han Fei asked, "Old man Ren, yours, you haven't cultivated to the top, right? That is the complete blend of spirit, flesh and bones..."

Ren Tianfei smiled slightly: "It seems that you have come to this point? Of course it is not that simple. In my expectation, those who can repair the immortal body require great luck. The completeness of flesh, soul, and bones Fusion, I should be fast. This technique is 10%, half the king, Lida, and the body is comparable to the king. Look, I'm good enough for you?"

   Han Fei curled his lips: "Cut! A half king is a half king after all, even if the body reaches the sea-breaking state, but the soul? I thought that the immortal body will become a king immediately..."

Ren Tianfei rolled his eyes: "What do you think is becoming a king? The immortal body just makes you infinitely close to the king. Can you become a king? That is a matter of crossing the catastrophe. As long as you can safely overcome the catastrophe, when the indestructible body becomes complete, then It's the time to become a king."

   Han Fei pouted: "By the way, I'm going to retreat for a while."

   Ren Tianfei pointed to the central temple: "You can go by yourself, but don't go to the fairy palace. The energy there is mixed, and the eyes of heaven are still there. You have gone...except fighting, you can't do anything."

  Han Fei said, stepped out and came to the third floor of the central temple, which is also the place leading to the fairy palace.

   As Ren Tianfei said, it really doesn't make much sense to go to the fairy palace to practice.

   Even if you practice for a long time, you can improve your strength. However, it takes a lot of time. And now, what I lack most is time!

   As soon as Han Fei entered the third floor, he placed a ban on the ground and entered the refining world directly.

   Since returning this time, there has been one thing that has been delayed for a long time...that is the use of the force.

   After all, I have got a lot of hope recently. It can be said that the entire yin and yang people are contributing their will. The amount of this mere few days is more than the total amount I have obtained in the past few years. Moreover, one's own strength is almost reaching the peak of the venerable, can't the degree of Reiki dismantling always fail?

   So, at this moment, Han Fei directly started sitting cross-legged and entered the deduction state again.

   Three months later...

   When Han Fei consumed the last bit of aspiration, the degree of aura dismantling finally reached the point of 88%.

   This time, the soaring degree of Reiki dismantling made Han Fei's whole heart agitated.

   At the same time, Han Fei's heart is getting heavier.

   This is the person of the whole yin and yang sky, in their own willingness to provide! As a result, I was exhausted within a few days! The degree of aura dismantling has only increased by 7%. This made him feel stunned.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Although people's enthusiasm for their worship has not decreased much now... But after all, there is not much willingness to sweep the big clan. In the future, if you want to use your will power again, you need to save up.

   Moreover, after the aura is disassembled to different degrees, every bit of improvement, the consumption of aspiration is obviously not the same. Therefore, it is more necessary for oneself to have an accumulation.

   I just listened to Han Fei and sighed: "It seems that the road to becoming a king has to be a long way away! Lao Yuan, as you know, how many people with the highest degree of Reiki dismantling can generally reach?"

The old tortoise listened quietly to Han Fei’s pretending to be forced, and only listened to him: “Generally speaking, 95% is about the same. It’s extremely difficult to go up a bit. According to the emperor’s understanding, there are My dear, it was 98% at the beginning. The emperor felt that either you would restrain your temper and spend a hundred years to polish it. In this way, with your talent and confidence, you can reach 95%. I'm afraid there is no problem..."

   Han Fei curled his lips: a hundred years? Do you know, how long is that? I have that time, I am the first person under the king! Searching for treasures everywhere, looking for opportunities, do not believe it, the increase is less than 98%?

   Han Fei got up from the refining world and ended the retreat.

   As Han Fei was about to leave, he heard the emperor suddenly say: "Give me your bead. I'm going to go back to that place and devour the evil spirit."

   Han Fei was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You mean the corpse farm?"

   Dicho nodded proudly: "That's a precious place. Not only can I go, but they can also go?"

  Emperor Sparrow refers to shrimps every day. Their various opportunities continue to grow rapidly, so that the growth of shrimps day by day is far from keeping up with their own rhythm.

   Other people's contract spirit beasts can cooperate with the owner. After all, those are old monsters that have lived for thousands of years, and the contract spirit beasts have also grown up.

   But, the difference between his own contract spirit beast and his own strength is getting bigger and bigger... this is not a solution!

   In fact, in terms of time, a few of them have been in their own refining world for hundreds of years, and they have already reached the peak of law enforcement.

   It’s just that since I entered the cage, I basically didn’t have much time to consider their experience. At this moment, when Dique raised it, Han Fei realized the problem.

  Han Fei immediately moved his heart: "Okay!"

   Han Fei quickly made a decision.

   The corpse farm is indeed a good place, where there is endless evil and death energy, and the intensity of energy and aura has reached the point where the outside world can't imagine it!

  Before, because there were corpse puppets there, even if Old Monster Chu went in, it was impossible to get any benefits. Now, the corpse puppet was removed, except for the pit that accidentally emerged, it was simply a perfect place for cultivation.

   Han Fei nodded immediately: "When they finish the tribulation, they will all go to practice with you."


   outside the world of refining.

   Han Fei walked out of the central temple and found that Ren Tianfei was building a house on a certain building, and he felt like he had nothing to do.

   Han Fei couldn't help but said: "Old Ren! What are you doing?"

   Ren Tianfei: "Heh! Are you blind? What else can I do besides repairing the house?"

  Han Fei was speechless: "No...you are a top-notch, you are building a house here? By the way, why don't you go out?"

   Ren Tianfei sneered: "I am the master of Yin and Yang Tian. Anyone can go out, but I can't. Even if I go out, it is only occasional. The Central Holy City cannot be unmanned."

  Han Fei couldn't help thinking: Old Ren, it seems quite stubborn!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Han Fei suddenly remembered: It seems like a yin-yang sky... There is another person, right?

   Suddenly, Han Fei said in amazement: "Yes, old Ren, do you want me to bring that little speech to accompany you?"

Ren Tianfei stopped his hand movement and looked at Han Fei, "Su Jiu resigned from that girl? You don't want to go back...but, her body has been silent for too long, I'm afraid she has to repair the reincarnation body. Let her reincarnate! Keep it! Remember to live another life. Otherwise, she won't live long."

   Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Do you know this too?"

Ren Tianfei smiled and said, "When did she leave...I know exactly. At the beginning, she was only the pinnacle of the Junior Venerable. After being attacked by Trumen, the body was basically abandoned. It was kept in a coffin for so long. , Just to make it easier for her to cultivate reincarnation..."

   Han Fei's eyelids twitched: "Do you know where she is?"

   Ren Tianfei looked at Han Fei, and suddenly grinned: "I showed her the way. Later, the Star Ball she was in was acquired by the Mob Academy. Why would I not know?"

   Han Fei is speechless: There are really too many things you can do when you reach the state of the venerable.

   I thought: Su Jiuci survived by himself? It turned out that it was the result of Ren Tianfei's help!

   However, this person is always going to be saved.

   However, the reincarnation strength is very low...Although they practice extremely fast, but they don't have the time to carry an oil bottle by their side?

   But no matter what, let her reincarnate, at least the old man can still watch...


   When Han Fei left the Central Holy City, when he reappeared at the Thousand Stars Proving Ground, he discovered that there were thousands of people stationed here.

   According to the level of star beads~www.ltnovel.com~Luo Xiaobai classified the Thousand Stars Proving Ground. The number of people entering each time is limited, but the throughput of the Thousand Star Proving Ground can reach tens of thousands of people at one time.

   Because all the star orbs held by the aristocratic family of Thousand Star City were collected by Luo Xiaobai. So now, there is no independent Star Orb at all, unless he Han Fei himself.

   On this square, if Han Fei wants to unlock the Star Orb privately, he is afraid that he will be surrounded immediately.

   After brewing for a while, Han Fei's face changed to his original appearance. Senior Venerable's peak strength has reduced, but the battle clothes on his body have not been collected.

   On the square of the Thousand Star Proving Ground.

   Suddenly, someone exclaimed, pointing to the sky and said: "Look, Hanshuai...Is it my dizziness? Is that Hanshuai?"

   Someone looked up and shouted in shock: "It's Han Shuai, yes, I remember Han Shuai's appearance."

   Someone yelled: "You still remember it, who can't remember it?"

   Someone scolded: "Before, I didn't know which **** told me that Han Shuai might not be able to survive Wang Jie...Look, isn't this over?"

   "Cold handsome~"

   "Cold handsome~"

   "Han Shuai, is your old man a king?"

   Thousand Stars Proving Grounds boiled all at once, exploded because of Han Fei's arrival.

Han Fei did not answer these people's questions, but saw him standing in the air with his hands soothing: "Everyone, don't disturb the order. In a few days, this commander will convey some things. But now, the Thousand Stars Proving Grounds There are some nine-star orbs inside, which are too dangerous. This commander needs to go in and sweep them. Only after the sweep is over, this commander can safely release this part of the stars."

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