God of Fishing

Chapter 1651: Su Jiu Ci

The God of Fishing Hanging Island Chapter 1651 Recovery Su Jiuci Han Fei needs an explanation.

   After all, the rules are set by yourself. If you violate it, you can go to which star orb you want to go. Although some people don't know how to say it, they will eventually feel that Han Fei's words and deeds are inconsistent.

   But, to explain to these people, they don't think Han Fei wants to embezzle anything.

  They would only think: Han Feidou is already so powerful, and he would explain to them...this is an image of being close to the people!

   So, when Han Fei turned on the Nine Star Orb, everyone didn't say anything, and even gave Han Fei a piece of land.

   The next thing Han Fei went to see was Cao’s Nine Star Orb. As a result, as soon as the first one entered, he found that there was no crisis here, and the opportunity inside had obviously been taken by the Cao family.

   Three in a row, only the third one has a crisis. Here will immediately drop the axe light through the sky, God knows where the axe light comes from? It's coming anyway.

   Of course, this axe light has no effect on Han Fei now. When Han Fei finished searching, he guessed that the opportunity here should have been taken away by the Cao family.

   However, I think about it, the Nine Star Orbs, except for the chances of the corpse breeding grounds are not easy to get, other is not difficult, not as exaggerated as expected.

  Perhaps in the star orb of the City of Justice, the Blade of Hope had slaughtered Venerable Truman before it encountered him, but at least he did not feel the crisis.

  The fourth Nine Star Orb on the Truman side, Han Fei walked one of them, but Han Fei's whole person was bad. This turned out to be the former giant city.

   Yes, it is the giant king city on the cliff.

   Han Fei found the ancient realm of thousands of mountains, found 3,000 miles and one hundred thousand mountains, and found the city of justice. Now, the Giant King City has finally appeared!

   Here, it is not only the existence of the Giant King City, but also the method used by the Giant King... Han Feigang entered the Giant King City.

   It's just that the ghost of the Giant King appeared.

   At that time, Han Fei, the whole person was not good, because this is clearly a rule that can be repeated. He does not know anyone, and naturally he will not know Han Fei.

   This one comes up directly, it is the Hammer of Hundred Wars. The Hundred Wars Hammer that the Giant King personally used, is that a joke?

   When I left, the strength of the giant king should be the pinnacle of the high-ranking elders, or the pinnacle of the elders.

   But after he left, did the Giant King break through? Who knows this?

   Therefore, Han Fei also carried the hammer.


   After a contest, Han Fei confirmed that the power displayed by the Giant King here is the pinnacle of the Venerable. From this point of view, the Nine Star Orbs were extremely dangerous.

   Looking at the expressionless Giant King, Han Fei was about to break this body.

   As a result, I only heard the giant roar: "God of War possessed."


  Han Fei's whole person is not good: So, did the Cao family's God of War Art come from here?

   It’s just that what Han Fei doesn’t quite know is: Why does the Yang family do this trick? Could it be that the Nine Star Beads were originally found by the Yang family? Then, was robbed by the Cao family? Then, to Truman?

   Sure enough, the possession of the God of War is actually the God of War Art.

   But even so, it just barely raised the strength of the Giant King to the half-king state, and it was still not Han Fei's opponent.

   Even if Han Fei didn't fight back, after a hundred breaths, the phantom of the Giant King may have disappeared because of exhaustion of energy or some other reason.

  Han Fei was puzzled: "Old Yuan, what power can enable a person to preserve his complete strength?"

   Old Tortoise said: "I! You know this person, right?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Han Fei nodded: "One of my teachers."

   Old Turtle said: "One way is the Avenue of Time that you know. You only need a time mystery to retain some of your strength. Another..."


   Han Fei suddenly woke up, and the whole person shuddered suddenly. He was surprised to find that he seemed to be in a daze.

Just listen to the old tortoise: "The other, just like you are now, is not that you have entered the time segment. It is a kind of divine and soul projection that directly falls in your mind. Once you lose, you may The spirit will fall, and you will become a shell."

   Han Fei took a deep breath, co-authored, what he just experienced was not a real event!

   He is still wondering: How can the Giant King retain such a powerful force?

   Waiting for Han Fei to walk into the giant king's palace, the inside was as it was before, and there was nothing surprising.

   It stands to reason that the most numerous bones here. Because the Giant King likes to eat, there is actually nothing in his palace.

   However, all the bones here have disappeared. It should have been taken by the Cao family.

   This nine-star orb, in fact, only has the assessment of the Giant King.

The reason why    is listed as the Nine Star Orb, I am afraid that in this Thousand Star City, there are not many people who can walk past it safely. Therefore, its difficulty is definitely not low.

   After learning about this star bead, Han Fei made a mark and directly showed the star bead.

   As soon as Han Fei appeared, his body surged, and many people shuddered by the sudden appearance of Han Fei.

   More people felt the evil spirit from Han Fei and said in their hearts: Han Shuai must be in trouble inside.

   But Han Fei took out a star orb again without hesitation, and continued to enter.

   Thug Academy only has two nine-star orbs in total.

   The first one, the one that Han Fei has come in now, is a place of boundless life. As soon as Han Fei entered here, he was surrounded by lifelessness, trying to infect his body.

   If nothing happens, Han Fei knows why Li Daxian would switch to Immortal Soul. This Nima is simply the best place to practice. Cultivating in this place full of immortality is definitely a multiplier task.

   Just listen to the old tortoise yelling: "Quick! This should be a place specially sealed up by someone, similar to the Death Valley in the cage. All the secrets about the undead are not something you can involve now."

  Han Fei has just entered, and those who gave him a place, haven't stood in line again... they saw Han Fei's figure flashing, and they appeared again.

   This time, Han Fei lingered on his body, and many people's complexion changed drastically.

   For the first time, many people can tell that this is lifeless.

   And Han Fei's heart moved, a holy light technique descended, instantly dispelling these death auras.

Seeing many people looking at him, Han Fei said without a heartbeat, "Attention, everyone, there are some strange and dangerous star beads...the strength is not enough, don't rush into it. Star beads are usually more dangerous than their counterparts. The level is higher."

   After speaking, the space in front of Han Fei opened again, and he stepped into it one step further.

   Many people waiting in line to enter the normal star beads looked at each other.

   Someone said: "Nine stars and pearls, the difficulty can be imagined. Even Han Shuai needs to give warning, which shows the danger."

   Someone agreed: "That's not it? In the entire Thousand Star City, there are very few who can enter the Nine Star Orbs. However, the danger comes with the opportunity, I am afraid that there are many good things in it!"

Someone sneered: "Han Shuai can see the resources in Star Orbs? Do you know how many resources you have to get to sweep away the family? I heard that Han Shuai donated all of them to Broken Star Island, Thirty-Six Town, and The development of Thousand Star City. Take a look, this is courage! This is the spirit of the king! How can Han Shuai covet the contents of the Star Orb?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Someone echoed: "This brother is reasonable. Han Shuai may have become a king, but now it's just a secret without sending it out."

   The last nine-star orb, it was a puppet secret, the only combat secret that Han Fei encountered in the nine-star orb.

   There is a large array of puppets here, which combines the killing array and the maze, and the power level has reached the half-king level.

   Yes, this is the Venerable Star Orb, its true strength is so dangerous that it is horrible.

   After exploring all the star beads, Han Fei did not plan to explore those eight star beads.

   Among the tenth star beads, Han Fei and the others came to the coffin with the solar calendar stone inscribed.

  Han Fei returned here again after many years.

   opened the lid of the coffin, Su Jiuci lay quietly in the coffin. Han Fei stretched out his hand and touched the jade slip that Su Jiuci held with both hands.

   "Master, have you come back to see Xiaoci?"

   Han Feixin said: In a sense, he is indeed the master of Xiaoci, or the owner of Xiaoci.

Han Fei: "Yes, small speech. I can resuscitate you now. However, Ren Tianfei told me that you are not in a good state. Although you are covered by a coffin, the long time has passed. , There may not be much time. So, do you want to cultivate your reincarnation directly, or do you want to recover?"

   Su Jiuci was pleasantly surprised: "Have the master seen the master? Then the master, has he been to the fairy palace?"

Han Fei: "The fairy palace is still covered by the eyes of the heavenly law for the time being. I still need to find a way to break the eyes of the heavenly law and become king. I ask you, do I want to recover or reincarnate? No matter what, I will take it today. You leave here."

The jade pendant in Han Fei's hand flashed immediately, and Su Jiuci's spirit fluctuated greatly: "Master, Xiaoci still wants to come alive first, and it has been a long time since I saw the master. As for the reincarnation of Xiu, Xiaoci can live a few hundred anyway. Years... Xiaoci cultivates reincarnation by himself~www.ltnovel.com~ just fine!"

   "Okay! Then I will take you out first, and then revive you."


   Chunyang Island.

   Thug Academy.

   Since the fight against Han Fei, the mob academy has once again returned to Thousand Star City.

   Old man Jiang, right now, snarled his teeth and said to the old man white: "...So, you have to accept Tianjiao. Without Han Fei, when will the Thug Academy return to Thousand Star City?"

   Old white man: "Where can there be so many Tianjiao? We searched the Thousand Star City, and only found a few seedlings. After all, the standard should be lowered a little bit..."

   In the forest, Yi Xiyan and Su Daji are arranging a maze formation, which is the maze designed by Han Fei. At this moment, a group of small children are trying to recover.

   Hou Shan.

  Han Fei stood here carrying the coffin, only to see Han Fei's arms.


   Above the sky, a white pillar of light descended straight behind the mountain.

   For a while, including Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang, they all looked back at the mountain.

   The two of them had a glance, and when they saw Han Fei, they looked slightly stunned.

   Qu Jinnan and others have already rushed to the back mountain quickly.

   At this moment, they still don't know that Han Fei is back.

   Until everyone perceives Han Fei, they all exclaimed:

   "Senior brother."

   "Brother Han Fei!"

   Yi Xiyan rushed and screamed: "Brother Han Fei, are you a king? I saw you cross the catastrophe, and it took more than an hour..."

  The first one...please ask...


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