God of Fishing

Chapter 1654: Projection of the sky

Since it's here, Han Fei still talked with Qu Jinnan and Yi Xiyan for a while.

   Smoothly, Han Fei made the previous Rubik's Cube library again, and then got together with Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang.

   As soon as Han Fei came over, he saw Old Man Jiang with a stinky face and an unhappy look.

   Han Fei couldn't help but said, "Hey, old man Jiang, are you still not happy when you are in the deity? Is it for me to show your face?"

   Old man Jiang snorted coldly: "Who dares! How good is your Han Fei now? Even if you have a thousand stars... how can I remember our two old guys?"

   Old man white said leisurely: "Han Fei! It's not that I criticized you... The family has been persecuting my thug college for a long time! Can you keep our share? You donated everything, and you have a lot of money!"


  Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: Co-author, these two old men are thinking about the family.

   If you put it away before, Han Fei would definitely put a lot of good things at home.

   But, I don’t know when it started. Perhaps Han Fei discovered that many things are no longer valid for me... I don’t have any feelings about the so-called resources!

   Donate or not donate, it is the same for Han Fei.

   After all, the entire yin and yang days are my own, and I don't really have to fight for this little profit.

   It can be seen from this: The old man and their pattern are also a bit small.

   But I heard Han Fei said: "You two, what resources are still missing? As for Qu Jinnan and the others, just let them find it by themselves."

   The old man said leisurely: "Have you ever thought about how many trials have you destroyed? How many secrets do you think there is in this sea, enough for people in this world to share?"

   Han Fei grinned: "Actually, it's not very few. Below the Venerable Realm, the secret realm is not too small. The 8 million li area is definitely not small. Do you think too much?"

  The old man Jiang said: "You mean to let them go to the deep sea? That's okay."

   Han Fei said: "Of course. Recently, there may be another battle, a great battle in the flourishing age."

   Old man Jiang snorted: "The battle between Broken Star Island and the Sea Monster, you said it was a battle that has never happened in a lifetime. Are you here again? Where is the battle?"

   The corners of Han Fei's mouth slightly evoked: "There will be, this is a peerless battle in which kings will participate. At the same time, it is also a battle to open up the territory of mankind and change the pattern of the world."

   Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang couldn't help looking at each other.

   The old man stretched out his hand and touched Han Fei's head and said, "Dizzy? Where is the king in this world?"

   Han Fei rolled his eyes: "Alright, your second elder, prepare to... take them to Broken Star Island! There is also an academy over there. The academy on Chunyang Island is dispensable, and will probably not be used in the future."

   The old man immediately said: "That's impossible. Chunyang Island is the foundation of my thug academy, and I will definitely not give it up."

  Han Fei smiled lightly: "You are always sure that Chunyang Island is the root of the Thug Academy?"

   The old white man blew his beard and said: "What do you mean?"


   At this moment, the void was shaking, and a black-robed man walked out of the void, who was not Li Daxian?

   "Jie Jie Jie... He is right, Chunyang Island is indeed not the root of Thug Academy."

   said, Li Daxian looked at Han Fei: "You tell them about this!"

   The arrival of Li Daxian directly attracted everyone's attention.

   This big shot has also been shot. It's just that Wang Dashuai and the others have never seen him, and they don't even know the real Li Daxian.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   At this moment, Han Fei could not help but amplify the sound when seeing everyone **** up their ears, and said: "Thug Academy, formerly known as Chunyang Taoist House, located in Central Holy City. As well as Chunyang Taoism, there is also an academy called Taiyin Xuegong. Pureyang Taoism, Taiyin Xuegong, and two colleges are the yin and yang sky of the old days...that is, this sea area now, the most Two powerful academies. Later, they collapsed during the war, and the Taiyin Academy disappeared. The Pure Yang Daofu, which survives to this day... Therefore, the original site of the Thug Academy is not in Chunyang Island, but in the Central Holy City."


   Old Man White and Old Man Jiang stared at each other, staring at each other. This is a secret that even they don't know! Unexpectedly, the Thug Academy has such a source?

The two couldn’t help looking at Li Daxian, and Li Daxian nodded and said, “I didn’t want to tell you, because it’s too shameful. I’ve been at fault since Chunyang Taoism has fallen. However, the Central Holy City is about to see the sky again. The secret is always I have to say it."

   Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang were stunned, unable to speak for a long time.

   As for the others, they are all fascinated at the moment. They were all from the Thug Academy, and Han Fei had no need to lie to them.

   people like Xingyue, Gu Qi, Su Sanqian, etc., of ordinary origin, I never expected in this life that I would one day enter the most powerful academy in the world.

   After all, Old Man Jiang took a sigh of relief first: "The son of a tortoise."

   The old man turned back to his mind: "I always feel that the high-level inheritance of the thug academy is actually a bit too much. It turned out to be so... Then why can't we go now?"

   Li Daxian looked at Han Fei: "At least wait for him to become a king."

   The central holy city is connected to the fairy palace, and the crisis has not been eliminated, so it should not come out too early.

   Moreover, the current opportunity is not enough, Han Fei is not the king after all.

   Han Fei saw the shock of the two old men, and then smiled: "Well, principal, old man Jiang, I should go and explain to everyone. The secrets in this world are not secrets after all..."

  Han Feigang was about to leave, only listening to Li Daxian said: "By the way, Han Fei kid, Jiuyinling is in Lingyun Town. Go and have a look when you have time."

   Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and nodded slightly: "Go now."


   The end of the world is close, and Han Fei disappears directly on Chunyang Island.

   Old Man Jiang and Old Man Bai saw Han Fei's skill, they couldn't help but sighed and admired: Sure enough, there is a strong demeanor!

   Above the Thousand Star City, Han Fei stood proudly in the void, his eyes closed slightly, and his body was trembling slightly, just like on the main body, there were multiple bodies swaying left and right, intending to squeeze out from the main body.

   After trying for a while, Han Fei slowly opened his eyes: "It seems that it is a bit difficult to separate 38 Primary Venerable clones!"

   Han Fei felt it, although his real combat strength may have reached the realm of a pseudo-king. However, his true realm is only the pinnacle of the Senior Venerable. I want to transform into dozens of Junior Venerables all at once... It's still a bit difficult in the end.

   However, Han Fei can now incarnate hundreds of avatars if it is said to be incarnate as a half statue.


   I saw above the sky, an identical clone appeared out of thin air, and even the copy did not copy so fast.

Just listen to Han Fei lightly said: "Unfortunately, the range I can see is only more than 300,000 miles, which is far from enough. Otherwise, I can directly use the void to come. I don't know what spells were used in the pure imperial scriptures back then. A projection came..."

   Old Tortoise said with a dark face: "You can already do it. With a perception range of 100,000 miles, you can be comparable to a king. Seeing through 500,000 miles, you can barely reach the realm of kings. What else do you want?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Han Fei did not believe: "What you said must be the kind of extremely weak king."

  It’s just that Han Fei always felt that if this so-called descending technique...can only descend within the range that he can see, would it be too short?

   At the beginning, Xia Xiaochan awakened the Celestial Silkworm, but in a moment, the clone of Pure Emperor Dian arrived.

   Although that clone should have only the power of the Explorer realm at the time, it was already very strong! I don't know how far apart... Can someone project it over, or take people away? This ability, Heavenly Void Falling Technique is not available.

   Of course, the strength of the pure emperor code is there, there should be no doubt that there is a king.

   Therefore, Han Fei confirmed: The king mentioned by the old turtle must be a very bad king. The range they can reach is only a few hundred thousand miles.

   It is possible that the real strong person can ignore the space, as long as they use a certain signal as a reference point, they can come directly.

   But... I don't care about it! There are so many clones, which shows that the Void Falling Technique is already very strong. That kind of more high-end comes, let's wait until you become a king!

Old tortoise: "How far do you think the king can see? In fact, it's only a million miles at most. Don't over-imagine this realm. The difference between it and the noble realm is only the difference in realm, the difference in level, the road The gap..."

   Han Fei curled his lips without answering.

   I saw Han Fei's large half-dodged clone, tearing through the void and disappearing into the sky. And Han Fei's ontology also tore away from the void.

   divided 50 clones, and the power of Han Fei's body was squeezed to the primary state.

   Therefore, although this Void Descent technique has the ability to make the clone possess combat power, it also consumes the power of the body.

  Especially the power of the soul ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not the so-called even distribution. In fact, it is still based on the spirit of one's own body, which affects the spirit of all clones. There is a potential connection between these spirits.

   Thousand Star City, Thirty-Six Town, Broken Star Island, third-level fishing grounds...many places, Han Fei covered all the areas he could cover.

   Of course, Han Fei came here as a clone, not directly in the void, because he had too many clones, and he could go directly.

   At this moment, the whole Yin and Yang sky, hundreds of millions of people, most people are still doing their own things.

   Suddenly, above the sky, there was a sound of thunder rolling, like a sound of majesty, suddenly came.

   "This handsome Han Fei, at this moment, inform the whole world, hundreds of millions of people...Everyone, whoever has nothing to do, you can listen to this handsome tell you...about the secrets of this world..."

   At this moment, the whole yin and yang days have been fried.

   The first reaction of many people is: Han Fei is not dead! Therefore, the crack in the Great Dao caused by the fall of the previous strong man really wasn't Han Fei.

  The first reaction of countless people in Thousand Star City was that Han Fei had succeeded in overcoming the disaster! I don't know... Is there a king now?

   As for the vast majority of ordinary practitioners, their ideas are relatively simple.

   Han Fei said, "At this moment, inform the whole world." What does this mean? This means that all places including Thirty-Six Town, Broken Star Island and Thousand Star City have been announced at this moment.

   How can such means be comparable to ordinary venerables?

   Therefore, many people believe: Han Fei has become king!

   Each is shocked and worshipped.

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