God of Fishing

Chapter 1655: The secret of the Yin-Yang sky, announced the world (Part 1)

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Han Fei's voice floated over Thousand Star City, Broken Star Island, and Thirty-Six Town.

At this moment, as long as they were not fighting in the sea, they basically stopped what they were doing.

Even in the battle, some people are shouting: "End the battle quickly and compare later."

Only in Yin and Yang days, some of the venerable and explorer realms hidden among the people, when feeling the arrival of Han Fei's clone, most people just look up at the sky and listen to the voice.

But I heard Han Fei said: "When this commander swept the Thousand Star City family, he said that he would share with you the secrets of this world... Countless people live in this world but live in ignorance. For example, before this commander announced Broken Star Island, everyone in Thirty-Six Town only thought Broken Star Island was an unknown place and could not be touched..."

When Han Fei was really talking about secrets, everyone immediately cheered up.

In Bihai Town, Li Gang and others are not doing business, including the diners in the hot pot restaurant, looking up at the sky.

In Tianshui Village, the old village chief and others stopped what they were doing.

Since Han Fei swept thousands of stars, Tianshui Village has become a sweet pastry. Even the head of Tianyang Village took the initiative to invite Tianshui Village to a central location, but the old head of the village rejected them all. The reason for rejection is very strange...

The old village chief said: "I'm afraid that Han Fei will come back later...I can't find the way. Therefore, Tianshui Village cannot move."

It is conceivable that the village head of Tianyang Village who heard the old village head say this at that time, how big is the shadow area in his heart?

In Lingyun Town, Fengyu Township, in the hut where Han Fei once lived, Jiu Yinling raised her head and swept her perception. Unfortunately, Han Fei was not found.

From the moment Han Fei swept Qianxing, Jiuyinling deeply realized that her strength was too weak!

After so many years, he was only the pinnacle of the explorer, and he was still a little short of half the statue. And Han Fei? Thousands of stars have been covered.

Therefore, when Old Monster Chu announced that she was king, although Jiuyinling was also invited to go to the Mob Academy... But, without Han Fei's Mob Academy, she didn't want to go.

So, she came to Fengyu Township alone and started her submerged life.

The people on Broken Star Island's worship of Han Fei can be described as fanatical.

On the street, someone shouted: "Shut up Du Te's mother and listen to Han Shuai's speech. This is a secret that you couldn't hear before you killed..."

The guard soldiers, all captains are scolding: "Listen attentively, not talking."

Xue Shenqi was listening, and he was also sighing.

He was surprised to find that after Broken Star Island fell in Han Fei's hands, the process of human beings becoming stronger was much faster than before. Those secrets in the past, even the family members, are not fully understood. Now, Han Fei actually declared the world... how much courage and vision is this?

In fact, Xue Shenqi didn't know: the world where Han Fei came, knowledge was always shared.

Luo Xiaobai and the others are also together at the moment.

Zhang Xuanyu and the musician hooked up their backs.

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu sighing: "When it's not like this, then how many girls admire it!"

Le Ren madly yearned and said: "I really want to one day, like this... the king will come to the world and be admired by the world."


Han Fei's voice did not rush or slow down, and said with a little serious tone: "My fellow citizens, this commander does not lie to you, there is no need to lie to you. I will tell you more things next, please listen to them one by one. "

But I heard Han Fei said: "The sea area covered by our 36 towns, Thousand Star City, and Broken Star Island is limited in size, only 8 million miles vertically and horizontally. Everyone is sealed in this sea area. Someone may ask, what is 8 million miles away? This handsome tells you that 8 million miles away is a circular cage. If it is the first level of cage, the sea area where we live is The second cage."

Han Fei spoke out the greatest secret in the world without hesitation. It is conceivable that the whole world is shaking, and the whole yin-yang sky is in an uproar.

Someone exclaimed: "Hiss! What? Han Shuai means that we have always lived in a huge cage?"

Someone was shocked: "This is really incredible."

Someone swallowed: "Maybe those with weak strength will never discover this secret for a lifetime... But this secret seems to have no effect on ordinary people!"

Han Fei knows naturally: Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people can actually not touch this secret at all. However, this does not change the fact that they are imprisoned here.

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Perhaps, you don’t think so. Many people think that 8 million miles is too far away, and it is not the range that they can cover. But if this handsome tells you, the first layer of cages is 8 million miles away. Among them, submersible fishermen and law enforcement agents are like schools of fish in the sea, millions of explorers, and thousands of Venerable people. What do you think?"


"Fuck? Explorers... still millions?"

"No, is Han Shuai serious?"

"Goooo! What's the place?"

Including the Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang who were listening in the Mob Academy, as well as the teachers and students, all were dumbfounded.

And those family members who had been beaten through were all dumbfounded when they heard the news.

Once, a few venerables of a family, they stood proud of a thousand stars, as if they had suffered an unprecedented blow.

Even at the Cao family, Cao Tianzhi was shaking a little at this moment.

Han Fei dared to tell the whole world, it means that Han Fei will not deceive people. He wants to become a king, and every word he speaks can be said to be a coincidence. He definitely will not deceive people on this kind of issue...

Even if it is quiet, I am dumbfounded at this moment, and murmured with his fingers: "There are thousands of Venerables and millions of explorers? Is this... crazy?"

Just listen to Han Fei continuing: "Of course, you don't need to worry too much. Although there are enemies there, there are also allies. However, if my human race is not self-reliant, when the ban is opened, my human race may lose its dominance. Status. Because at that time, you will meet a brand new race. And within a hundred years, or even decades later, the seal may be broken in that cage... This commander hopes everyone will work hard to become stronger...including this commander He needs to become stronger. Therefore, the commander put the resources taken from the family of Thousand Star City into 36 Towns, Level 3 Fishing Grounds, Broken Star Island, Thousand Star City... Human Race and all people, if you want to become stronger, Go sprint..."

This news aroused the hearts of countless people.

Because the danger described by Han Fei is something that everyone can't even think of. Who dare to imagine: millions of explorers appearing in the world?

In many villages, people don’t even know the realm of law enforcement and explorers. Some people are still asking each other.

A child asked: "Father, what realm is the explorer?"

But I saw the middle-aged man's face solemnly: "My son! What realm the explorer is, I don't know your father...but the submerged fisher is the angel who comes to the village every year..."

Above the sky, Han Fei paused for more than ten breaths for people to think, understand, and tell each other...

After dozens of breaths, Han Fei smiled and said, "Okay, this is a secret. I only tell you so much. By the way, there should be many people in Thousand Star City who are guessing whether this handsome is a tribulation. The king? Heh... This commander wants to cross the catastrophe and become a king now, but it is still a little short... The one who crosses the catastrophe is the talented soul beast of this commander. By the way, this commander has cultivated a thunder-tempered master. Art, I don’t want you to misunderstand...When this handsome becomes king, he will tell the world."

Han Fei's words are a bit interesting.

Although he explained the fact that he was not a king. However, he said that he was still a little short. A little bit, this kind of ambiguous vocabulary is difficult to distinguish.

Especially Han Fei just swept the Thousand Star City and killed the super powerhouse who claimed to be the king... Then, Han Fei should be closer to the king.

Therefore, most people think that if Han Fei is a little worse, he is really lost... the next step is to become a king!

Some people laughed: "The king here is the cold and handsome! Who else can overwhelm a thousand stars?"

Someone is very keen, and naturally caught the loopholes in this sentence.

Just listen to him: "Han Shuai said that when he becomes a king, he will tell the world... This shows that at this moment, Han Shuai is preparing to become a king..."

Someone agreed: "Obviously, at the stage of Han Shuai, one may pursue, one is to protect the world, and the other is to become a king.

On Broken Star Island, people like You Lingyun and He Xiaoyu who had been with Han Fei for a long time, after listening to Han Fei's words, apart from sighing, they were pursuing.

Of course ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, they are no longer the pursuit of love. After all, now they are not too young. Moreover, the more a person pursues the realm, the more it feels like a demon. Of course, Han Fei is their role model anyway.

At this time, Han Fei said again: "Okay, let's talk about the second secret. Just now, this handsome said that this sea area we live in is 8 million li. In fact, this sea area used to have a king. And the king lives In a place called the'Xiangong'. Seventy to eighty thousand years ago, some ancestors fought against the sea monster, created a suspended island, and established a thousand-star city. Therefore, above the thousand-star city, there is a king’s residence. It is the fairy palace... the fairy palace governs the Thousand Star City, and then over the 36 towns and the entire world."

In another exclamation, Han Fei said leisurely: "However, the ancient wars continue, and the king cannot last for hundreds of thousands of years. And the war between humans and the sea monster has never been forbidden. Therefore, the fairy palace of our sea area, It's declining... But, this handsome hope that you can remember the name of this fairy palace... because it created the current human race. Its name is... Yin Yang fairy palace! Our world is called Yin Yang Tian! "

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