God of Fishing

Chapter 1656: The secret of the Yin and Yang sky, announced the world (part 2)

The secret of Yin Yang Tian has been revealed to the world at this time.

  Of course, this doesn't make much sense to people of ordinary aptitude. For example, in Tianshui Village where Han Fei used to be, a dive fisher came and was revered as an angel.

   Can imagine, fairy palace? It has always been a legend.

   Then, why does Han Fei want to tell the world?

   After experiencing countless trials, Han Fei knew: One cannot focus on the present, but has a long-term perspective. What people want to see is the future trend. If ordinary practitioners do not know these, children will not hear the stories that make them fascinated. And this will form a cycle of evil deeds.

   people, as long as they have a desire in their hearts, they may become strong!

   Therefore, Han Fei only talks about secrets today, in order to inspire the human race in this world.

   Han Fei explained the secrets of Yin-Yang Tian and the fairy palace. Many ordinary people heard it, but still didn't feel much. After all, being a fisherman for a lifetime, what does the matter of the fairy palace have to do with him? Maybe they will only be used as a story to tell the children...

   At this time, the repercussions are relatively large, it is the children of the former family.

   People of the same generation as Han Fei, such as Yang Deyu, Mo Feiyan, Li Heiye and Li Baizhou, Zhang Wen, Wang Zitian, Chen Aochen, Cao Qiu, Cao Tian, ​​Cao Jiaren.

   After hearing Han Fei’s explanation, they finally understood: What the family has been doing for so many years...All kinds of events, once they are connected, they can figure out the problem.

   Han Fei felt: In fact, Old Monster Chu should have known about these things earlier. Unfortunately, if Old Monster Chu knew that his direction was wrong from the beginning, don't know what to think?

   Old Monster Chu wanted to find the entrance to break through the fairy palace from Su Jiuci's body... But, even if he really found Su Jiuci, what would he do? Ren Tianfei is in control. He said that there is no way here, that is, there is no way. Chumen up and down, never want to step into the fairy palace in this life...

  Although people are talking about it, Han Fei knows: These are far from the best!

Therefore, Han Fei added: "My! There are 36 fairy palaces such as Yinyangtian in this world. Yes, they correspond to 36 sea areas. These fairy palaces are collectively called 30 Six Profound Sky. And our Yin-Yang Sky is one of them."

   Many people were fascinated at the time.

   Someone was dumbfounded: "What's the matter? A yin-yang sky, 8 million li, those 36 fairy palaces..."

   Someone took a breath: "How big is this world? Thirty-six Xuantian? Does that mean that there should be thirty-six kings?"

  Some people are wondering: "Why haven't I seen other powerful men of 36 Xuantian so far?"

Just listen to Han Fei said: "Because of the decline of the Yin-Yang sky, the Immortal Palace was moved away from the endless sea and locked up here. The purpose may be to continue the human blood. However, the human race will eventually rise, Yin-Yang sky It will eventually usher in a flourishing age."

  Han Fei is Barabara alone, and I don’t know how many people really listened to it.

  Actually, Han Fei probably knew: these words of his were only spoken to one percent of the people in the whole Yin-Yang sky.

  Most people's spiritual veins are not high enough, and they wonder: the sky is falling, and a tall person is holding it. Most of them can't be strong!

   But only one percent is enough. These people are the hope of Yin Yang Tian's future.

   In fact, Han Fei did not underestimate a world where all people practice-people's determination.

   Otherwise, why did Han Fei allocate a lot of resources? Isn't it just to arouse the fighting spirit of countless people? Like the old man Jiang, the pattern is indeed small!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   At this time, Han Fei rendered a bigger world. Even Han Fei himself realized: How small he is? As he said, Han Fei himself was in agitated mood...

At this time, I just listened to Han Fei's words: "Everyone, my Yin-Yang sky has been over for too long. In today's Yin-Yang Tianxian Palace, the mystery of being unable to become a king is hidden here. In the future, we will work hard... …You work hard to become stronger, this commander strives to break the pattern that the yin and sun cannot become a king. Who dares to answer this commander?

   Han Fei made a bold statement and ordered the Quartet.

   A pause in time, an area of ​​harmony that shook the entire human life.

   Someone shouted, "Han Shuai has become the strongest venerable. Besides, with such persistence and hard work, how can I relax?"

   On Broken Star Island, countless people shouted:

   "I will definitely work hard to become stronger."

   "For the rise of the human race."

   On the dragon boat, hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison. At that scene, under the dragon boat was shaken, and the school of fish was scattered.

  Han Fei’s avatar, listening to the crowd, knowing that the momentum is almost the same...Han Fei also knows: the last thing, I can say.

   Yes, all these secrets are only for some people.

   What Han Fei wants to mobilize now is only part of the people's emotions.

  By the way, tell these secrets so that they can be passed on from generation to generation and warn each other. At the same time, he also prepares himself for his coming to the throne in the future and becoming a king.

  At this time, Han Fei's voice was leisurely: "Now, this handsome tells you the last secret. This may change the fate of many people."

   Just listen to Han Fei said: "Beside our Yin and Yang sky, there is a place enclosed by a cage, there is another big fairy palace in the thirty-six mysterious sky, named Shuimutian."


   "What? Are there really other fairy palaces?"

   Someone sighed: "These things Hanshuai talked about are really unheard of. I don't know what Shuimutian looks like? What is the strength of the human race there?"

Han Fei’s voice was rippling: "Shui Mutian, there were three kings. A few months ago, one fell. Now, there are two kings standing side by side in the world. Yes, you heard that right... The legend is a powerful king, There are two more in Shui Mutian. One is an ally and the other is the Sea-Monster King. This commander once made a deal with the Queen of Life of Shui Mutian to help her clean up the two kings. Now, it is also a worthy sweep, and it needs more Destroy the sea clan royal city."


   "Three kings stand side by side? Han Shuai still inserted in?"

   Quiet and shocked: When did this happen? I do not know how? I have also contacted the Queen...Never heard of this happening!

   Someone said: "Han Shuai is now strong enough to cooperate with the king?"

   Some people also doubted: "What does Hanshuai mean? That kind of battle, why tell us?"

Just listen to Han Feidao: "This commander and Shui Mutian re-form the old alliance and help each other. Therefore, this commander proposes that anyone who is above the realm of Yinyangtian diving fishermen can voluntarily follow this commander to conquer foreign land. Listen well, it is voluntary. The advantage is that...for those who participate in the conquest of the alien world, I will propose to the Queen of Life... Let you spend a few years in Shuimutian, and blend with the alien race! The opportunity of the Shuimutian region, how much you can get, depends on your ability... …"

   Nowadays, there are still a large number of sea monsters in the deep ocean waters under the Yin Yang sky, but those sea monsters are not climate.

  Moreover, under the large-scale hunting of human beings, more than 3 million sea monsters once fell, at least 20%.

  Since the sea monster is not a climate, Shuimutian is an excellent place to experience.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Han Fei is very clear: The quality of Mizuki Tianlun's aura is slightly higher. Moreover, there are four major battlefields to experience. In the future, if there is a full-scale battle, this will be an opportunity.

   Of course, chance comes with danger.

  Want to get the chance to grow quickly? The premise is to survive.

   Therefore, fall is inevitable. But even in yin and sun, this kind of fall still exists.

   Tranquility quickly found Han Fei's body over Lingyun Town.

   I only heard her say: "Han Fei, are you crazy? You are going to attack Baibei King City with a Yin and Yang sky? Does the Queen know about this?"

   Han Fei grinned: "Do you think she will refuse?"

   Han Fei said unceremoniously: As soon as Emperor Bai Jia fell, the Queen of Life was the only one in Shuimutian. The king has fallen, feeding back the world... It is the queen of life who can get the most benefits.

   Moreover, Han Fei is not worried about the Queen of Life's attack on Yin and Yang. First of all, it is not necessary. Secondly, she can't make it by herself. Otherwise, the eyes of heaven and law will inevitably move.

   If only the Venerable and the explorer who sent Shui Mutian over, the queen of life is not an idiot. Han Fei's experience and growth have told her that the identity of the Lord of Yin and Yang is basically fixed.

   At this time, annoying Han Fei, there is no benefit.

  The key is: Queen of Life, after all, Han Fei's junior sister. This relationship, no matter how she denies it, is always indispensable.

   Of course, someone will doubt it.

   Thousand Star City, Broken Star Island, and there was a voice asking the sky.

   This voice, one comes from Cao Tianzhi and the other from Xue Shenqi.

   Xue Shenqi said: "Will the water and wood heavenly king covet the Yin and Yang sky?"

   The Tao of Cao Tianzhi: "The handsome Han is not a king~www.ltnovel.com~Why is the alliance king?"

   Many people were silent.

   Those who dare to ask Han Fei face to face should have extraordinary strength... at least in the noble state.

But Han Fei laughed and said: "Someone is wondering... whether this commander and Shuimutian will lead a fish into the room? Since someone asked, then this commander will answer. The reason why Yinyangtian has no king forever because the road is closed. , There are rules of heaven to watch. In fact, the king does not dare to enter the Yin and Yang sky. Even the Black Brake King who once fought with the commander on Broken Star Island is just a projection of the noble state. Since the king is not coming, this handsome Speaking bluntly, this commander is invincible under the king. This explanation...Is you satisfied with this explanation?"

  Han Fei said enough today.

   The major decisions in this world must be decided by someone. Now, I am the only one who can decide. Of course, the decision was made.

   If you do this, you will be the uncrowned king of Yin and Yang.

   In the future, when the yin and yang are broken, oneself is bound to be king.

  Han Fei’s rhetoric, of course, works!

   At this moment, Thousand Star City, countless strong men in the realm of submerged anglers, and a large number of strong men who have retired and returned from the 36 towns, have set off. Their strength is stronger, and their cognition is naturally different from most ordinary people.

   They know: All the resources in this world need to be contested by themselves!

   Now, Han Fei helped them win a chance. In any case, you have to go and see.

   After all, Han Fei is currently the only super powerhouse who has swept a thousand stars and won the title of Yin and Yang.

   Moreover, the position of the Supreme Commander of Broken Star Island is even more convincing than Han Fei's name, and they can't tolerate their unbelief!

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