God of Fishing

Chapter 1658: Shui Mutian Again

Broken Star Island.

   When Han Fei returned here again, he finally saw the flourishing scene of diving fishermen walking everywhere. Although it is not as good as Shui Mutian and the cage, it also makes Broken Star Island the strongest island in Yin and Yang.

   Han Fei's perception is swept, and it can be determined: the number of dive anglers coming from Thousand Star City and 36 Towns is close to 100,000.

   Don't underestimate the tens of thousands of people in this area. Putting aside the former Broken Star Island, the dive angler is already a strong one. But add up what is hidden and what is not hidden... Is there 10,000 dive anglers? That's hard to say.

   So, now this situation is much better!

   And this is just... the second day after Han Fei announced that he was heading to Shuimudian. The number of submerged anglers has gathered 100,000 people. That's it, I haven't even counted those people from aristocratic families! If you take Thousand Star City together, the number of dive fishermen of all aristocratic families, this number will have to be doubled!

   At this moment, there are still people coming from the various teleportation formations, Thousand Star City and 36 Towns. Han Fei nodded slightly.

   Suddenly, Han Fei raised his head because he felt thousands of miles away...The cloud whale swept across the world.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yan's voice came over: "Your strength has improved so fast! Such a rapid growth rate, even if you keep pushing it with willingness, it is difficult to achieve. It seems that you do have another chance... "

  Han Feixin said: When Old Monster Chu became king, he didn't see you come out... now, what do you mean?

   Han Fei smiled and said, "I was lucky, and happened to have some chance."


   Tang Yan didn't entangle this question, but asked: "Have you really communicated with the queen of life?"

   Han Fei: "Do you think I can lie?"

   Tang Yan: "That wouldn't be the case... the passage you mentioned, there are actually quite a few people who know it. However, it seems that there is no one who can walk through it."

   Han Feixin said: It seems that Tang Yan and Lao Han are not very close to each other! At least, Lao Han did not tell Tang Yan about this.

   seems to know what Tang Yan wants to ask...

Therefore, Han Fei said: "I know that you have experience of transitional robbery, and it may be more than once. However, there is one thing that I must warn you. Don't want to cross the robbery in the water and wood, I will not let the You and a guy like Cao Tianzhi went over in advance."

   Tang Yan was silent for a while: "Are you afraid of causing a conflict between Yinyangtian and Shuimutian?"

   Han Fei: "I now need the absolute trust of both parties. Moreover, the foreign troubles have not been eliminated, who dares to cause trouble at this juncture? No matter who it is, kill..."

   Han Fei at this moment is no longer afraid of Tang Yan.

   He also distinguished the relationship between Tang Yan and Tang Ge. Even if Tang Yan falls, Tang Ge will not be affected. Even, it might be better.

   In fact, Xuefan is equivalent to the identity of Tang Ge, isn't the achievement higher than the body? After all, people after rebirth are self-conscious. The only pity is that if the two sides merge in the later stage, I don't know who will be the master!

   At this time, Tang Yan said: "You mean, you have to wait for you to break through the eyes of the Yin and Yang sky?"

   Han Fei nodded bluntly and said: "Yes. Although the Queen of Life is an ally, when she is not a human race. Excluding all other relationships, any action that exceeds the ally relationship may bring immeasurable consequences."

   In fact, Han Fei’s heart is: Want to become king first? dream.

   And Tang Yan, he did have the idea of ​​going to Shuimutian to cross the catastrophe.

   He knows very well: once he falls into the king's catastrophe. Even if the opponent is the king, it is extremely difficult to intervene!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But, as Han Fei said, this must be a provocation to Shu Mutian. After all, that is their territory, using their heaven and earth energy.

   Why do people make you a king there? Is it not fragrant if all energy resources are used by themselves? Even if you can't use it, how many half kings can be created by the energy of becoming a king?

   So, this is indeed a provocation to others!

   Therefore, Han Fei really can't let them go one step ahead... Otherwise, the relationship between himself and the queen of life may break up...

   Seeing that Tang Yan stopped talking, Han Fei asked, "Where is Tang Ge?"

   Tang Yan: "In the robbery. I should not be able to participate in this battle."

   Han Fei frowned: "It's longer than expected!"

   Tang Yan: "The longer the better, the longer the stronger."


   Han Fei stopped talking nonsense with Tang Yan.

   The first time, Han Fei went to the Refining Hall of the City of Justice and found Luo Xiaobai. At this moment, all the refiners in the refinery hall are in a meeting.

   After so many years of development, there are hundreds of non-yanmu stoves invested in various resources.

   But, in the face of more and more people...the crowd flooding into Broken Star Island... Obviously, the non-smoke and animal husbandry stoves are operating at full capacity and the weapons forged are also limited!

   Luo Xiaobai is now requesting to build some non-smoke and animal husbandry stoves. At the same time, some of the weapons in stock of the family members were sold to the outside world.

   A moment later, Han Fei found Luo Xiaobai.

   As for Zhang Xuanyu and the music mad, at this moment, Luo Xiaobai arranged it clearly. One is responsible for scheduling resources and personally supervising; the other is responsible for the placement of newcomers to Broken Star Island, and at the same time controls the members of the family.

   When Luo Xiaobai saw Han Fei, the first sentence he asked was: "When will I fight?"

Han Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then grinned: "Not so fast. Don't look at the powerhouses gathered on Broken Star Island, there are more and more... But the number is far from enough. Moreover, overall planning is also a big deal. Question. It seems that the previous control method of Broken Star Island still needs to be used again."

   Luo Xiaobai said solemnly: "It's already in use. On the family's side, I designed the double sitting mechanism...otherwise, it would be really difficult to control those families who are used to stealing, raping, and arrogant."

  Han Fei shrugged: "Oh, that's great. By the way...I'm here to ask if you have time now?"

   Luo Xiaobai: "Huh?"

   Han Fei: "I'm going to Shui Mutian to discuss the battle of Shui Mutian with the Queen of Life, do you want to come?"

   Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up: "Here..."

Han Fei smiled and said: "Soon, go and go back. The reason why I want to take you there is because I still have something to do...Here, once the personnel are ready, how to arrange at that time is all in your hands. Lian Xue Shen I can't shake your command right...so, I will show you the way in advance, and I will be familiar with the sages of Shui Mutian."

   Luo Xiaobai immediately said: "Wait for an hour, I will arrange some follow-up things."

   Luo Xiaobai didn't mean to shirk with Han Fei. From Han Fei's mouth, she knew about the existence of Shui Mutian, and she wanted to go and find out.

   Now, there is exactly this reason, of course she will not miss it.

   Regarding the management of the army, to be honest, it’s not that Luo Xiaobai looked down on Han Fei. Han Fei has always been a personal heroism and likes taking risks...

   So, let Han Fei be in charge of the army?

   Luo Xiaobai felt: It's better for her to come by herself!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Since Han Fei has delegated authority, she must control the planning and scheduling of all personnel in Broken Star Island.


   Hengduan Mountain Range, an underground cave, like Ten Thousand Demons Valley, can be directly connected to the two realms.

   At this moment, Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai are already in the cave.

   Quiet, still on Broken Star Island, all kinds of shopping...

   Han Fei couldn't help but said with a black face: "Hey, don't think I don't know... You brought a lot of seeds of ingredients and seasonings back home. With your buying method, we have suffered a lot from the cloudy and sunny days!"

   quietly hummed: "Stingy... I don't know, when will I come over next time? If I don't prepare a little now, wouldn't it be a loss?"

   Han Fei was speechless: "I can guarantee...Soon, you will have time to come to Yin and Yang."


   Tranquility appeared directly in front of Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai.

   Even Luo Xiaobai, I have heard Han Fei talk about Tranquility... But when she saw Tranquility, she couldn't help being surprised secretly: How beautiful!

   quietly looked at Luo Xiaobai, and said openly: "Hello!"

   Then, he looked at Han Fei: "Really?"

   Han Fei shrugged: "Of course! Maybe, in the future, Shuimutian and Yinyangtian will be able to communicate? What do you think?"

   Tranquility immediately brightened his eyes: "Go!"

   When Han Fei, Luo Xiaobai, and Tranquility all entered the passage, Luo Xiaobai was surprised: "This is the passage to Shuimutian?"

   Luo Xiaobai didn't even know: This passage turned out to be the passage leading to Shuimu Heaven.

   As soon as Han Fei came in, Qian Shu had already sensed it. Because the place where Thousand Trees was located was connected with the veins, he could see Han Fei far away.

   When Qianshu's face ~www.ltnovel.com~ appeared on the tree, Luo Xiaobai looked at this face in surprise. For the first time, she looked at Han Fei: "Not a tree without leaves?"

   Han Fei nodded: "The tree without leaves has gone out. Now this senior is named Qianshu."

   said, Qian Shu's old voice said: "Qian Shu has seen the quiet envoy."

   When feeling quietly in the realm of hanging anglers, he was a little speechless, and he responded at will: "You open the channel, I'm going to see the Queen."

   "Yes, Master Jingshi."


   Luo Xiaobai silently saw all this in his eyes. Sure enough, as Han Fei said, this tranquil status is extremely high.

  The speed of hanging anglers is always a bit slow.

   When Han Fei and the others arrived, three hours had passed.

   Han Fei and Tranquility are both within easy reach, and Luo Xiaobai's is also brought, so the speed is not too slow.


   Mizuki Tian.

   When Luo Xiaobai appeared on the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds, he saw the bark wall that was so wide that he didn't know how many miles... he looked at Han Fei in surprise: "This is the trunk?"

   Han Fei nodded slightly: "Hey! Trunk."

   Luo Xiaobai: "..."

   I only listened to Luo Xiaobai's words; "I once thought that the ancient tree that I have seen before is already very big...Is this the sacred tree of Yunhai?"

   Just listened to the quiet voice: "Of course, this is the Cloud Sea God Tree. Its branches and leaves are the widest, extending 500,000 li."

   After a few people appeared, they only heard the tree without leaves saying: "I have seen the Envoy of the Quiet. Han Fei, the Queen asked you to go directly.

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