God of Fishing

Chapter 1659: Negotiations with the Queen of Life

This time, when Han Fei went to Shuimu Immortal Palace, he had nothing to do all day... Venerable Bat, who was only responsible for guarding the gate, when he saw Han Fei, his whole person should be bad!

   When Han Fei first arrived, the law enforcement was at its peak.

   But now, Venerable Nima is at the top!

  This kind of growth rate is unheard of...It's incredible.

  Because Han Fei and the others went directly to the fairy palace, Luo Xiaobai has not yet met the other races on the Cloud Sea God Tree.


As soon as Jing'er came in, she disappeared in one step, yelling: "My Lady Queen, Jing'er wants to kill you! This time when she returns from Yin-Yang Heaven, Jing'er brought you a lot of things... It's all over Yin-Yang Heaven. Strange things... and flying boats..."

"be quiet."

   The Queen of Life gave a look, and Tranquility stopped cooking on the spot, standing honestly under the tree, and staring at Bai Suzhen.

   Tranquility can't help narrowing his eyes, feeling that he has met an opponent. This Bai Suzhen's temperament seems to resemble the Queen?

  Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai are at the end of the road. Luo Xiaobai feels the rich and terrifying aura here...There are many spirit fruits around, and various rare spirit fruits emerge in endlessly.

   However, astonishment returned to surprise, Luo Xiaobai's heart was very calm.

   Since Han Fei can come to negotiate with the queen of life, if I want to come, the relationship should not be bad.

Han Fei saw Luo Xiaobai staring at the puppets and explained: "In the fairy palace, there are many puppets who are not weak. After all, the king needs to maintain his sense of mystery. In the hearts of the people, the king is like a god. Look straight."


   Luo Xiaobai responded softly, followed Han Fei, and walked forward without rush.

   A moment later, when Han Fei saw Bai Suzhen, he noticed that Bai Suzhen's pupils shrank slightly and closed his eyes.

   At that time, Han Fei felt a little wrong.

   Bai Suzhen, did he awaken the memory of the Narcissus so quickly?

   In the next moment, I only heard a wailing voice saying: "Suzhen, visualize the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds."

"is teacher!"

   followed, the Queen of Life said lightly: "Come on!"

   Han Fei moved, Luo Xiaobai appeared in the small courtyard of the Queen of Life before he felt it.

   The Queen of Life is still swinging her flowers and plants, very softly, as if stroking her child.

   And Luo Xiaobai looked directly at the past, his eyes slightly confused.

   When Han Fei was about to take a shot, Luo Xiaobai's hands were wrapped in thorns and canes, and suddenly closed his eyes.

   When I opened my eyes again, I no longer felt that I couldn't look directly.

   Luo Xiaobai was shocked: so beautiful!

   I never thought: In this world, there will be such a beautiful woman?

   She couldn't help but glanced at Han Fei, and said to her heart: Han Fei’s female relationship is very good!

The Queen of Life naturally didn’t know Luo Xiaobai’s thoughts. She stopped what she was doing, caressed the flower branch with one hand, and dropped the other hand naturally. She looked up and down Luo Xiaobai relaxedly: "Hey! A natural human operator, possesses a natural Heart... little girl, how about worshiping me as a teacher?"

   Luo Xiaobai was taken aback.

   The tranquility under the tree and Bai Suzhen were all taken aback.

   Tranquility is still thinking, what happened to the queen now? Why did you start accepting apprentices frantically?

   And Han Fei's mouth twitched, and immediately said: "Luo Xiaobai is my teammate."

  The Queen of Life smiled slightly: "That should be less than a hundred years old, the potential is very great."

   Seeing that the black lines on Han Fei's brows are about to come out, the Queen of Life said lightly: "Everything... and you are not qualified to talk to me about it now."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Heh~"

   Han Fei rolled his eyes and looked at Luo Xiaobai and said, "You can figure it out by yourself."

  Han Feixin said, "Is this junior sister, has he taken apprentices and demons?

   Luo Xiaobai is very special, this Han Fei knows, not to mention the spiritual pulse of growth, the proud daughter of the gods control family. Moreover, awakening the Taoist species early. Even if you don't apprehend your teacher, your future achievements will not be bad.

   Sure enough, Luo Xiaobai shook his head slightly: "Thank you, senior, for taking it seriously... However, the junior has a teacher, it is inconvenient to approve, please forgive me."

   Han Fei seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, so he was not surprised at all.

   The Queen of Life was startled slightly, Tranquility's eyes widened.

  The queen of life did not expect: Luo Xiaobai refused so simply and neatly!

   Tranquility was shocked: This person actually rejected the Queen? Are you stupid?

   Only Han Fei is very clear: Luo Xiaobai is a very principled person. Regardless of whether this principle... is right or wrong... She insisted on it, and always believed it was correct. Since childhood, Han Fei certainly understood. Let Luo Xiaobai be controlled by others? Unlikely.

   The Queen of Life smiled slightly: "It's a pity... well, let's talk! This time, shouldn't you just come and visit me?"

  I only heard Han Feidao: "I think the matter of Yin and Yang, the Queen should already understand?"

   Han Fei believes: Haiyunlou, there must be a way to communicate with Shuimutian.

   Before, Old Han could open one eye and close one eye, now he can also.

   Luo Xiaobai's pupils shrank: This made her feel extremely surprised. Shuimutian is on the yin-yang sky, anyone?

   This matter is said to be big or not, but it is not small. The main reason is that there is no king in Yin and Yang, and it is always good to be watched by the king.

   However, seeing Han Fei's reaction, this matter seems not serious. Otherwise, Han Fei will not come, let alone sit back and die.

  Queen of Life said: "Well! Your strength has surpassed Jing'er... But it is not enough."

   Han Fei smiled and said, "Venerable Blood Sea God Wood City, how is the hunting going?"

  Queen of Life: "Most of them didn't fall into the hands of us and the Baibei King City. All those who have escaped at present have all fallen."

   Of course Han Fei understands what the queen of life means.

  Xuefan may have completely parasitized a part of the people before crossing the Tribulation...So, there are really very few people left that can resist the parasitic of Xuefan.

   After all, when you arrive at the Venerable Realm, it is impossible to be parasitized without knowing anything...Xuefan also needs to employ people after all, so some of the Venerable Realm experts were lucky to escape.

   And most of the Venerables are not so lucky.

   When the parasites of Xuefan are fully activated, and when they fall, are there any cracks in the road that are unclear? Possibly, it has been completely parasitized by Xuefan and turned into his external incarnation...

   Hearing the news of the death of Venerable Blood Sea God Mucheng, Han Fei was not surprised. After all, the Venerable of the Blood Sea God Wood City, whether it was Shui Mutian or Bai Bei Wang City, dare not use it.

   As soon as the sage fell, some scattered blood monsters were nothing to worry about.

   Luo Xiaobai was shocked when he heard it next to him: Han Fei had mentioned the blood sea **** Mucheng.

   Han Feiming talked about the fact that he was forced to cross the king's robbery, so naturally he also talked about the blood sea **** Mucheng.

   a great king city, was it cleared in such a short time? It can be seen how terrifying the power of Mizuki Tian and Baibei King City!

   Therefore, the Queen of Life is not as pretty as hers, she is harmless...

  Han Fei gave a hum, and said calmly: "Before... promised you to destroy the other two king cities... Now, the Blood Sea God Wood City is gone, and it's Bai Bei King City's turn."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "Oh?"

   The Queen of Life has a slightly upright body, with a sudden difference in temperament, noble and elegant, and slightly solemn.

   just listen to her: "You should know the history of the struggle between the Baibei King City and the Yunhai Divine Tree. It is extremely difficult to tell the winner..."

   Han Fei couldn't help saying: "In the Baibei King City, besides Emperor Bai Jia, can there be kings?"

   The Queen of Life shook her head slightly: "Naturally not."

  Han Fei said again: "Are there false kings who are strong?"

   The Queen of Life is already shaking her head: "The realm of the pseudo-king is actually very problematic... At least in Shuimutian, there has never been a pseudo-king."

   Han Fei said: "Since there is no second king in Baibei King City, and no pseudo-king...I will help each other in Yin and Yang, how will this battle be won?"

  The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei: "Yin and Yang will help each other out?"

  Han Fei grinned and said, "My Queen doesn't know?"

  Queen of Life: "My news is not as fast as you think."

   Han Fei said: "The main thing is...I'll help. You should be able to think of this."

   The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei deeply: "You know, how many troops are needed to fight such a battle? How many people have fallen?"

  Han Fei: "Success in one battle is better than ten thousand years of battle. Moreover, the top priority of Yin-Yang and Shuimutian is not the Baibei King City, but the cage."

   Luo Xiaobai is by the side, seeing clearly: Han Fei, as always, is a hardliner, and his actions are full of adventurism.

   And the queen of life is obviously also heart-shaped. If there is no heartbeat...As early as the first time, she has already refused.

   As expected, the Queen of Life smiled faintly: "Yin and Yang~www.ltnovel.com~How many troops are dispatched?"

   Han Fei looked at Luo Xiaobai: "Yin-Yang Tian forces are dispatched, and even these people will be dispatched by Luo Xiaobai in future battles in Shuimutian."

   Luo Xiaobai responded: "You can send troops in Yin and Yang days...A total of 250,000 people in the submarine angler state, 7,000 people in the law enforcement state, 300 explorers, and 15 in the noble state."

  The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei: "Yin and Yang, is already weak to this point?"

   Han Fei grinned: "Add me."

   The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei deeply: "Baibei King City, there are probably five people in the half-king state."

   Han Fei didn't care and said: "It just so happens that there are three half kings of Yin and Yang."

   The Queen of Life shook her head and said: "The half king cannot enter the water and wood sky."

   Han Feixin said: Sure enough!

   Once the half-king state crosses the king's robbery, it is difficult for the king to interfere! So, how could the Queen of Life allow it?

  Han Fei is also ready.

   I just listened to Han Fei not rushing and saying: "The emperor Bai Jia does not come out, under the king, I am enough."

  The Queen of Life suddenly changed the subject: "You let so many people over, are you sure it's for the war?"

Han Fei smiled and did not answer the question of the Queen of Life. Instead, he said: "If the cage disappears in the future, Yin-Yang Sky and Shui Mutian will meet sooner or later. Moreover, Shui Mutian is actually no better than Yin-Yang... Looking at the world inside the cage, everything will be known! The outside world may be beyond the scope of our understanding. United to the outside world should be our best choice."

   The Queen of Life smiled slightly: "Okay! Since you dare to bet, this king naturally dares to play."

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