God of Fishing

Chapter 1660: Broken Star Expeditionary Force

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After the two sides negotiated, Han Fei said, "Although this battle will be fought... However, if I can wait a little longer for me, the effect may be better."

The Queen of Life looked at Han Fei: "What are you going to do?"

Han Fei grinned: "I'm going to Bai Bei Wangcheng."

Luo Xiaobai said in surprise: "Where are you going?"

Han Fei grinned: "In the Baibei King City, there is a forbidden land-level trial field, which is very suitable for my cultivation. If I go there, I can reach the top."

Luo Xiaobai remembered that Han Fei could transform into a little murloc, and immediately moved his heart. Hearing what Han Fei said, he should have been to Baibei King City.

And the Queen of Life said: "This war, need to wait a few more years?"

The Queen of Life has estimated time conservatively. For a normal person, it may take a hundred years or even longer to go from the peak of the high-ranking to the peak of the nobleman. However, with Han Fei, the Queen of Life thinks that it may be possible for a few years. Even said that this time can be shorter.

Han Fei said: "This time I'm not sure about the time to sneak in, but it shouldn't be very slow. My suggestion is that I will come first. This kind of war between the two armies requires cooperation and familiarity with the geographical environment. You cannot fight an unprepared battle."

The Queen of Life didn't refute this time, as long as it wasn't a half-king, it wouldn't matter how many came. So, he responded directly: "Yes, you are not many. The Eleventh Human Race can accommodate it. However, are you sure you can still get in without the Bai Jia Emperor knowing it?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "That's my problem."


Leaving the Shuimu Immortal Palace, Tranquility still took the two to the Terran Territory. But this time, Ning Jing was still looking for Wushangxue.

With Han Fei's understanding of tranquility, it was 100% because the two had a good relationship!

When Wu Shangxue saw Han Fei again, she was surprised: "Your strength..."

Han Fei smiled politely: "Got some chance."

Wu Shangxue really wants to roll her eyes, what chance can make people grow so fast?

When Jing Jing talked with Wushangxue Transmission, Wushangxue's eyes widened and looked at Han Fei with complicated eyes.

If she hadn't known Han Fei, she would have thought that Han Fei was crazy. This guy is actually negotiating with the Queen to destroy the Baibei King City?

Looking at Luo Xiaobai, Wu Shangxue said: "For such a big matter, the Queen will directly tell the Cloud Sea God Tree, right?"

Han Fei smiled and said, "Naturally, I just brought the commander-in-chief of Yinyangtian tactics to visit the God of Clouds Tree."

Luo Xiaobai was speechless: Han Fei invented a new word again, and he was the commander of tactics? This name sounds weird.

In fact, Han Fei knew that this would happen. If the queen of life is not stupid, she will not reject herself. After all, killing Baibei King City would have too many benefits for her.

And Han Fei's purpose is actually very simple. I need to use Thunder Prison... It's all here, why not destroy the Baibei King City?

Moreover, it can also promote the relationship between Yin-Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian. In the future, if there is a problem with the cage when he is not there, the queen of life can also take care of it.

As for the Queen of Life coveting Yin and Yang? That's nonsense. Want to covet? I have coveted it a long time ago, so I don't have to wait until now. Moreover, with the Haiyun Tower and the cloudy and sunny days, the Queen of Life is very clear.

After half a day.

Dark war port.

Han Fei took Luo Xiaobai and walked around the four major battlefields. I don't know if it is because the Blood Sea God Wood City has been destroyed? The war on the flame sea side, on the contrary, has become smaller.

When Han Fei finished talking about the Dark War Port to Luo Xiaobai, Luo Xiaobai said, "Well! I can understand the situation here. I am just surprised that our strength is clearly not enough... hundreds of thousands of dive anglers. For them, it’s just a drop in the bucket. The only ones that are really useful are the explorer and the noble level... and the Queen of Life does not agree with the power of the half-king level to come, which makes our advantage of Yin and Yang sky weakened again … Does it mean that she actually just fancyed you?"

Han Fei grinned: "At least, my cards are pretty big..."

Luo Xiaobai: "You didn't do this to get them to fight, right? For Shui Mutian, there is no difference between whether there are people with Yin and Yang Tian to help. In fact, the difference is not very big. The Queen of Life just looks at you, so even you She will agree to this war if she doesn't bring anyone."

Han Fei said indifferently, "Do you think that Shuimutian's strength is very strong? In fact, it is not. After going to the cage, I know that whether it is Yinyangtian or Shuimutian, in fact, it has fallen. The strong are poor! There are thirty-six immortal palaces. I doubt very much: there are still many powerful immortal palaces as powerful as those in the cage... Can you imagine? Even if Yinyangtian and Shuimutian are combined, they may not be as powerful as other immortals. The power of the palace is 20%. Maybe, because there is no cage, there may be a unified situation in other fairy palaces. In that case, even the power in the cage may not be comparable to others!"

Luo Xiaobai said: "Do you think...in the future, Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian will inevitably collide with other fairy palaces? So, the current alliance is actually inevitable?"

Han Fei nodded: "Not bad."

Shuimu Palace.

Tranquility is asking the same thing at this moment.

Just listen to the Queen of Life saying indifferently: "Look at the future. Temporary gains and losses are actually meaningless. Even if the Baibei King City has always been there, it's okay. I bet on Han Fei."


Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai returned to Broken Star Island after only less than a day in Shuimutian.

And on Broken Star Island, people who are still coming in full swing, the City of Justice is almost full! For people who don't see many strong people in daily life, now it can be said that strong people are everywhere.

What kind of carnival shop... It was already squeezed and bombed, and the house was full!

Zhang Xuanyu and Le Ren Kuang were very busy, and they didn't even know that Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai had left.

Five days later.

On Broken Star Island, outside the City of Justice, Luo Xiaobai organized 25 military formations, each with 10,000 troops.

The quantity estimate did not exceed Luo Xiaobai's expectations.

Even if you add up the entire Thousand Star City and all the dive anglers, the number of dive anglers may reach nearly one million. However, aside from the older ones, there are also those who are afraid of it. According to the statistics...between four and five people, I am afraid there is only one person...willing to join this cross-regional adventure.

Luo Xiaobai knew very well: The people who first went to Shuimutian were definitely the group of people who would benefit most easily. The spiritual energy there is more abundant, the human race there has too many things to learn from and complement each other, and there is the cloud sea sacred tree for unlimited trials.

In short, vision and courage determine that these 250,000 people... will rise quickly.

But in Han Fei's eyes, let alone 250,000 people, even if there are a million dive fishermen here, the number is very small. No other meaning, can a million dive fishermen compare with a million explorers?

It is simply a heaven and an underground, an insurmountable gap!

In fact, a race, the rise of hundreds of millions of people, how can it be said that the rise can rise? It will inevitably require the efforts of generations and the accumulation of time.


In the past few days, a very apt name has spread among these military formations. The name is-"Broken Star Expeditionary Army".

All those who participated in the expeditionary army said that they were not worried...that is impossible. However, in most people's minds, there are many factors such as anxiety, agitation, and curiosity.

During this period, some simple information was slowly revealed.

At this moment, the expeditionary army rests.

Someone whispered quietly, "Hey, have you heard? It is said that there are several races in Shui Mutian? In addition to the human race, there are also demon plants such as tree demons, a large number of zerg races, and birds. A clan like this kind of sky...Tsk...It's really hard to imagine, why these races would sit on an equal footing with humans?"

Someone sneered: "You know what a fart? I heard that the queen of life is not from the human race, but from the demon planted line."

Someone intervened: "Speak down. I have a news that you never expected."

Everyone couldn't help but look over, with a dumbfounded expression: "What news?"

The man grinned and said, "I heard...the girls there are beautiful thiefs."


Everyone despised this guy severely.

Compared with most ordinary people, people from aristocratic families have long been organized into various military formations.

It can be said that half of this expeditionary army are actually members of a large family. As for the strong, most of them are from aristocratic families.

No way, this is the foundation that has been deposited over thousands or tens of thousands of years.

They have resources and channels for promotion, so they are not comparable to ordinary casual cultivators. Of course, the population base of Thirty-Six Town is very large, and many talented people have emerged. In terms of strength, they are no worse than the children of the family.

Although Han Fei defeated the aristocratic families, it was impossible to destroy these aristocratic families. The remaining people, as long as they are obedient and not betrayed, are allowed to participate in the expeditionary army. This group of people is definitely the strongest group in the yin and yang sky.

Even so, Han Fei did not ask these people from the family.

Han Fei appeared in person and directly promulgated a rule: people of the mortal family, when they arrive at Shuimutian, they must hunt a strong sea monster in the same realm. Or, hunting ten strong people one level lower than themselves, or a hundred people two small levels lower, or a thousand people three small levels lower...

These people were dissatisfied, but Han Fei didn't care. I didn't take these people on vacation... Do you want to get rid of your status as a son of a big family? You have to work harder than ordinary strong people. Otherwise, if you have a good background and show off your power all day long, wouldn't it cause discord?

Therefore, Han Fei has to let these people go through some trials...

Seven days later.

When Tranquility appeared on Broken Star Island, Han Fei knew: Shui Mutian was ready to accept it.

On this day, the City of Justice is still in full swing.

Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ above the sky, there is a sky in full bloom.

Only the figures of Han Fei and Luo Xiaobai appeared in the sky.

Everyone consciously stopped what they were doing.

Needless to say, they also knew what Han Fei was about to say...Many people even ran out of the city, they were going to see the expeditionary army off.

In the eyes of many people, being able to summon such courage to fight in another world... is definitely worthy of admiration!

Just listen to Han Feidao: "I think everyone already knows what this commander is going to say... Human beings are not a unique race in this world. In this sea, there are thousands of races. We have to go out, we have to become stronger. Expedition , Represents danger, but it also represents opportunity... On the day when this commander leaves, the top commander of Broken Star Island will be replaced by the former top commander of Broken Star Island, Xue Shenqi. Next, this commander announces...Expedition, set off!"

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