God of Fishing

Chapter 1661: Race collision (part 1)

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Countless people rushed to send off the army.

Han Fei did not take them along the path of Broken Star Island, but walked through the entrance of Ten Thousand Demon Valley. After all, he has not yet become a king, and there are some things that Han Fei doesn't want others to know.

At this moment, Luo Xiaobai is presiding over the departure of the army.

Han Fei closed the sky and appeared on the top of the Xuantian Waterfall. There was another person beside Han Fei.

This person is no one else, but Cao Tianzhi, one of the only two kings left in the Yin-Yang sky.

Just listen to Han Fei: "Everyone in the Cao family has passed except you. This time, you have no choice. You can only pray that they will not fall..."

Cao Tianzhi said with a solemn face: "I'm no more than a half-king. Even if I pass, what can I do?"

Han Fei sneered: "At first glance, you know that you are a half king who has not survived the catastrophe... Not just you, but Tang Yan can't make it. Be content! For your Cao family, this expedition is a great opportunity. Although this commander despises the noble family, but if there is no more noble family in this world, then this commander will not bother to investigate those things before."

Cao Tianzhi: "Since Hanshuai gave this promise, I will sit in Yinyangtian and wait for the return of the expeditionary army."


The Cao family are in Han Fei's hands, and Cao Tianzhi dare not use strong, otherwise Han Fei will arrange some dangerous battlefields for the Cao family. What is good? Therefore, he also had to submit.

In the yin and sun, Cao Tianzhi couldn't use the thug academy to threaten Han Fei. Because in this operation, all members of the Thug Academy were dispatched, and none of them stayed in the Yin and Yang sky!

After talking with Cao Tianzhi, Han Fei came directly to Yunjing's back.

Tang Yan said: "The queen of life, really does not allow the half-king state to pass?"

Just listen to Han Fei: "You can wait a little longer... the cage is unblocked, or I become a king. To be honest, I don’t mind if there is another king in Yin-Yang Heaven! It’s just... Yin-Yang Heaven’s luck and heaven and earth aura, I’m afraid it’s not enough to be a double king at once."

Just listen to Tang Yan Youyou's words: "If you can break through the heavens, you will not be afraid that I will seize your king's road?"

"Hahaha~ Then you can try it?"

After speaking, Han Fei stepped into the void and disappeared.

The huge body of Yun Whale turned over in the sky and continued to swim among the clouds and mist.

Tang Yan, who was hiding in Yunjing, didn't doubt Han Fei's words.

The layout of the Han family and his son is not so small! However, Cao Tianzhi, it's best not to get in his way. Otherwise, if Han Fei does not slaughter, Tang Yan will come to slaughter!


In the Demon Planting Passage, when the noble realm powerhouses entered here, their hearts were shocked, and their hearts were agitated: Has their own strength been suppressed to the hanging angler realm?

Since they were strong, they have never felt such a weak state. If someone shoots at them at this time, I'm afraid they can't resist it at all.

Fortunately, everyone's strength has been suppressed to the realm of hanging fishermen, which makes everyone at ease. At this moment, Han Fei is holding the hanging mirror, and it is correct.

In the sky, Han Fei shouted: "Everyone listens carefully. Because of the channel restriction, the strength is temporarily suppressed to the realm of hanging anglers. Don't panic. Also, when it comes to Shuimutian, the 25 team will be Temporarily break up and belong to the eleven tribes of Shuimutian. But, you must remember that when it comes to Shuimutian, no matter who it is, even if it is in the venerable state, your highest commander is Luo Xiaobai. She will preside over Your one should divide the work! When the war is over, Luo Xiaobai called out and all his members returned to the team to reorganize the expeditionary army."

With that said, the lens of the sky still fell on Luo Xiaobai's body. Just like a camera, Luo Xiaobai also raised his head and glanced at the camera.

Beside Luo Xiaobai, a group of thugs academy.

Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help sighing: "A bit excited!"

And beside Zhang Xuanyu, Yi Xiyan snorted coldly: "Go over there, remember not to see any little girls. I tell you, although they look good, they are all very old and can be your ancestors. Grandma. Unlike me, I'm still young."

Zhang Xuanyu: "..."

In other words, now Yi Xiyan has grown up too, slim, plump and plump. He Zhang Xuanyu can't hold it! Anyway, it was just half-pushing and reluctantly following.

However, along the way, Yi Xiyan has said this several times. This made Zhang Xuanyu couldn't help but be more curious...What did the little girl over there look like?

Courageous people can’t help shouting: "Han Shuai, will we be bullied when we reach Shuimutian? I heard that there are Zerg tribes, what other sky tribes, and Yaozhi... are all aborigines. Coming."

Han Fei immediately shouted: "This commander tells you that when you arrive at Shuimutian, you will go directly to the human race at Shuimutian. For all follow-up questions, Commander-in-Chief Luo Xiaobai has made arrangements for you clearly. After arriving, give me a lot of peace. Others exchange experiences. For example, the Shuimu Tianren tribe’s archery skills are unparalleled. In addition, the Zerg tribe is honest, the demon plant is honest, and the sky tribe is interesting. These are very friendly races, don’t let me pass, just Random fights arouse conflicts. If anyone causes a mess, be careful of Commander Luo and send you back to Yin and Yang!"

Luo Xiaobai looked at Han Fei not far away, who was bragging in the hanging mirror, really wanting to kick him up. What Commander Luo? It's terrible.

Old man Jiang directly yelled at Han Fei: "Smelly boy, where do you arrange for us?"

Han Fei closed the sky and grinned back and said, "Then I definitely can't make random arrangements for you! Human Feathers, their venerable Wu Shangxue, has a good relationship with me."

The old man white said "um": "That's fine. When we get there, we have to visit first."

However, Tranquility looked dumbfounded: When did you have a good relationship with Wushangxue? Like the human being of Shuimutian, you also know Wushangxue...Oh no, and Yi Yuchen...at most, plus the Zhang Yao you brought back.

Half a day later.


Shui Mutian has been preparing for several days, and even dozens of teleportation arrays have been laid down in the passage. Just because they are afraid that these people will not be able to touch the road, they prepared it specially.

When Han Fei came out of the teleportation array, at that time, the whole person was lost.

"I'm going, so many people?"

Han Fei saw in all directions, all the sky clan flying...

On the main trunk of the Yunhai Divine Tree, the Zerg tribe, in order to come over to see what the people in the Yin and Yang sky look like... Directly covered the trunk of the Yunhai Divine Tree, densely packed!

And on the branches and leaves of the God Tree of Clouds and the branches on both sides of the main trunk, various treants with the messy branches are also watching.

But how many tree people can stand on the tree?

So, in all directions, there are still a lot of vines and branches hanging down...Anyway, everyone is a monster plant, you can use your eyes.

As for those who did not occupy the perfect position, they had already covered the surrounding branches and trunks. It's the same with perception.

Of course, on the main road is the human race from the eleventh branch of Shuimutian.

After all, Han Fei represents the Yin and Yang sky.

Therefore, the eleven sages are all waiting here.

Behind them is a group of strong men in the realm of explorers.

The mood of these people is the same as that of Yin-Yang Tian. On the side of Shui Mutian, I have heard the story of Yin-Yang Tian for thousands of years.

However, this is the first time to meet on a large scale!

This is a historic meeting. At this moment, there are at least hundreds of thousands of eyes gathered here, with curiosity and expectation, waiting for people on the yin and yang sky to come and communicate.


The moment Han Fei appeared, the scene exploded. All kinds of fine pieces, whispering, humming, thick sounds, rang into one piece.

A clan from the sky cried, "Hey! Isn't that Han Fei?"

A Zerg buzzed: "Ah! I haven't seen him for a long time, it seems to be stronger!"

A tree demon murmured, "It's still ugly! However, it has a lot more temperament than before."

Han Fei's face is black: Is this Nima's welcome battle a bit too big?

What appeared with Han Fei was Tranquility.

When they saw tranquility, countless people shouted:

"Quiet Envoy~"

"See Jing Shi~"

"I've seen a quiet envoy~"

When Tranquility heard Weng Long, he immediately said: "The voice is quieter and buzzing. Those big bugs, close your mouth. The sky clan, don't keep chirping."


Then, the old man and the others appeared.

However, at the moment when Old Man Bai and Old Man Jiang appeared, they were all dumbfounded, with shocked faces.

The old man took a breath directly.

The first among them are those strange races. When I looked up, the densely packed insects were like the walls of an Arhat, so high that they were invisible to the naked eye.

However, Old Man Bai just swept away this perception, and immediately discovered: This Shuimutian powerhouse, many!

Only now, there are as many as 11 human beings in front of them. The total number of explorers from various ministries exceeds 100.

And the number of submersible fishermen here is about to catch up with the number of expeditionary forces coming over this time.

"Wow! Look, humans, many humans."

"Ah! How ugly! These people are as ugly as Han Fei!"

"No, there are good-looking ones inside. Look at that, that, that..."

Zhang Xuanyu, Yi Xiyan, Su Daji, these people were all dumbfounded.

Zhang Xuanyu was shocked: Nima, is that Human Race on the opposite side?

He immediately felt a sense of crisis at www.ltnovel.com. Those people are too handsome, right?

Also, those women, how can people look so good? They are all, comparable to Yi Xiyan!


As for Han Fei and the others, the most concerned, it is conceivable that there is no one else except Wang Dashuai.

I only heard the Zerg exclaiming: "Look at the fat man carrying the big iron, he is so fat!"

An insect exclaimed: "I bet his stomach is comparable to the queen of insects."

There is a clan from the sky, whispering: "Look, there are people coming in from behind. Oh, it's crooked, it turns out that it's only the first ones that look good."

Everyone in Thug Academy: "..."

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