God of Fishing

Chapter 1662: Race collision (part 2)

After all, the size of the outlet is limited.

  In the passage, there are still people maintaining order, and people are constantly coming out.

  Most of these newcomers are shocked and confused...

   For example, the first group that came out was the team led by the Mob Academy. Except for the people from the Mob Academy, all the people who had something to do with Han Fei before were all in this team. Just like the submersible anglers in the Scout Team of Skeleton Coast, You Lingyun.

Another example is the group of people who used to stay in the Xuantian Waterfall, the Four Broken Stars, and the Refining Hall... Jiuyinling, He Xiaoyu... Thirty-six Town, the same group as Han Fei. Second...

   In short, anyone who can get a little bit of a relationship with Han Fei is the first batch to come.

   This is nothing like going through the back door. After all, it's the same first and then later, all arrived at the same time. It's just because everyone is closer, so they are arranged together.

   Of course, this is also related to Han Fei.

   After all, Han Fei is hot on a cloudy day. They originally had a good relationship with Han Fei, of course they would not deliberately alienate. Luo Xiaobai also took advantage of the situation to arrange these people together.

   Among these 25 teams, Luo Xiaobai also has absolute control over these teams through the commanders at all levels of Broken Star Island. Otherwise, such a large army cannot be taken care of by one person alone.

   At this moment, Qing Chen, You Ye, Wu Ming, and Ning Jingyao finally got together again, and several people were gathering together to talk nonsense.

   Ning Jingyao said: "Qing Chen, you don't mix with the people in your college, why don't you run in our team?"

   Qingchen hummed: "No way, I'm isolated in the academy. Besides, you are all here, what am I doing there? By the way, it's our turn, so looking forward to it!"

   Yoye said: "Don't lose your eyesight and insight, be calm. After all, this is on someone's turf, and you have to show your momentum."

   Wuming embraced the sword and said coldly: "Yes, momentum, you can't lose."

   after a moment.


   When Wuming and the others got out of the passage, they only felt their eyes shine.

   After a closer look, everyone took a breath. Nima, what is that bug like a wall above your head?

   Also, the dense branches and vines made it seem like they had entered the sea jungle.


   Qingchen took a breath; "There seem to be few human races...Is this the Zerg race?"

  Yuno: "Lingzhi's line...his, if I feel right, are we standing on a tree? How big is this tree?"

   followed, a burst of Weng Long's voice filled their ears.

   There was Weng Long’s voice and said, “Look at the guy holding the sword, it’s pretty cool. That thin guy is not good, he’s thin and ugly, much more ugly than Han Fei.”

   Qingchen looked around and looked at the people around him: Is this talking about me?

A tree demon shook the leaves: "I felt the breath of Demon Zhi from the girl. This should be a more powerful human operator. Although it is not as good-looking as ours, it is nothing more than a man. It looks better!"

  Yuno's face was all green at the time: Now my old lady, are you so degraded to be more beautiful than men?

   However, when Yu Ye noticed... the Mizuki heaven human race who looked like elves on the opposite side... At that time, he took a breath.

   Especially the woman from Mizuki Tian! God, that skin, that figure, that face...

  Yuno's whole person is not good: do humans here all look like this? Why is there no one that looks so beautiful?

   Followed closely, Jiu Yinling, You Lingyun, He Xiaoyu and others walked out one after another.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   When Jiuyinling appeared, she only listened to "buzz", countless Zerg cried out in shock: "This is beautiful, this is The most beautiful. It seems that the Yin-Yang sky is also long and beautiful, even the people here can't compare with it."

   Some birds envied: "It seems that on a cloudy and sunny day, only explorer-level women will become attractive, right?"

   Although many people admired Luo Xiaobai and Yi Xiyan before.

   However, when these Zerg and Sky Clan, and even the Shuimu Tianren on the opposite side, when they saw Jiuyinling, they couldn't help being attracted by Jiuyinling's dusty temperament.

   Someone even sighed secretly: This kind of temperament is actually a match for the Queen, who is this?

   There are Venerable Mizuki Tian and the explorer, eyes burning. Jiuyinling is worth the shot.

  Even, a Venerable said to Han Fei: "Han Fei, can we ask you a woman of Yin and Yang?"

   Han Fei grinned, and responded, "Which one did you see?"

   That human said: "Hey! That's it, in white?"

   I saw Han Fei's face straight from the smiling face, and he became cold: "Fuck off! I brought people here for a war, not for you."

   Seeing Han Fei’s refusal, the Venerable didn’t take it seriously. He guessed in his heart: Han Fei, an ugly man, must have fallen in love with him, so he wouldn’t let others start? It's really annoying.

   One after another, more and more people come out from the exit...

   Wushangxue came out as the representative of the human race. Before, Han Fei was also in the Feiyu Department of Wushangxue.

   Wu Shangxue looked towards Luo Xiaobai and said, "Feiyu Tribe can accommodate 50,000 Yin and Yang Celestial Races. The remaining ten tribes can each take 20,000. Let’s go now?"

   Luo Xiaobai nodded and turned to look at the old man and the others: "Principal, I’m sorry you are leading the team. As long as you follow the instructions of the teleportation array, there will be someone to guide you along the way. When you get to the place, someone will welcome you."

   Old man Bai gave a hum, then turned his head and drew a low voice: "Keep up."

  The people coming out of the entrance are getting faster and faster, and the speed is getting faster. Almost every moment, there are exclaims.

   Han Fei greeted Luo Xiaobai, and slipped away quietly.


   half a day later.


   5 teams, that is, 50,000 people settled in the Feather Department. The residence is on a tree trunk where no one lives, and it seems that they have made it out purposely. Every leaf here can be cultivated.

   There is no house in the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds, the same is true for sitting on the leaves of the sacred tree of the sea of ​​clouds. Even in Broken Star Island, many people do not sleep in the house. Just like the Dark Hunting Corps, they can sleep anywhere.

  Only in a fixed place of camping, will there be requirements for housing.

   Of course, falling on these people like the Mob Academy, it wouldn't work without a house.

   According to Luo Xiaobai’s communication and arrangements, almost everyone who arrives in Shuimutian will be arranged and introduced one-on-one.

   Although there are many people coming from the Yin and Yang days, there are also many people!

   Don’t talk about one-to-one, even if it’s more than one, it’s okay, but it’s not necessary.

  Though people with yin and yang days come here, they are preparing for war. However, before that, you really have to be familiar with the environment here. Between Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian, ​​friendship is also needed!

  According to Han Fei's conjecture, the cage may collapse at any time in the near future. At that time, Yin-yang sky and Shuimu sky will collide, and even unite!

  In the farther future, Yin Yang Tian and Shuimu Tian may encounter other mysterious invasions. This is not impossible.

   Therefore, the friendship between the two is very necessary!

   this moment.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   A group of people from the Korean Fei Mob Academy are eating hot pot on the leaves, including Luo Xiaobai. At this moment, Luo Xiaobai didn't need to worry about anyone. After all, there are all one-on-one people who are guiding people on the Yin and Yang sky.

   This time, even Han Fei did not expect: Shuimutian will be so friendly!

   He thought: After coming here, 80% of them will fight. After all, the people on Shuimutian will dislike the ugliness of the people on Yinyangtian! There is a small conflict between the two, and fighting should be indispensable...

   Just like myself, when I first came here, how many people were disgusted by?

   What was beyond Han Fei's expectation was that this group of people in the Yin and Yang sky was said to be ugly, but they were not angry. Many people even acquiesce that they are ugly.

   Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu's words: "Yi Xiyan, you sit down for me. Sit and sit down, have a meal, what are you doing so close?"

   Yi Xiyan snorted: "I'll accompany you to eat! Where do you aim today?"

   Zhang Xuanyu denied: "Pay attention to the use of words, please don't destroy my image, I appreciate... hey hey, don't do it. Do you think I can't beat you? Hey..."

  Han Fei and his group were eating hot pot. Suddenly, Han Fei looked up at a leaf not far away. On that leaf, a man in a black cloak was sitting on it.

   And the void trembled, Wu Shangxue had already appeared here.

   Wu Shangxue looked at Han Fei directly: "Who is this?"

  Han Fei said lightly: "I am the Great Master of Shui Mutian. The whole cloudy and sunny day, there is no one you need to doubt. Would you like to come over and have a hot pot?"

   Wushangxue glanced at Han Fei lightly, then glanced at the man in the black cloak: "I can eat it myself."

   Without Shangxue's appearance, the eyes of all members of the Thug Academy fell on the man in the black cloak.

   Han Fei helplessly shrugged his shoulders slightly: "Uncle Faceless Master, you have been exposed so soon?"


   "Uncle Faceless Master?"

   Yi Xiyan and others looked at each other: "Who is Uncle Faceless Master?"

   In fact, ~www.ltnovel.com~ When the name of Unfaced Master came out, everyone except Qu Jinnan and Yi Xiyan suddenly knew who that was.

   saw Jiang Qin, Yang Xie, Wang Dashuai and others stand up one after another, bow directly and say: "I have seen the ancestor."

"Jie Jie Jie! You eat yours. Just now, the old man went to Too Unreal Realm to take a look, but he didn't expect to be spotted. However, there are indeed many strong people here. This Feather leader is no better than the current me. Weak!"

   Han Fei said: "Wait for you to regain your peak, once again covering a thousand stars... it is not a problem."

   "Heh~ you can eat yours. I will continue to see the illusion."


  After dinner.

   Han Fei and the old man Bai said hello, and then they went to the side with Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Ren Kuang.

Han Fei said: "Xiaobai, now it's not a wartime, wait a few days to get acquainted, let everyone play normally, first go to feel the battlefield of Shuimutian. At the same time, I also announced the arrival of Yin and Yang to Bai Bei Wangcheng. During my absence. , If one of our venerables is disobedient... you don’t have to show them face. The ancestors here, either fight or kill, must establish absolute authority."

   Luo Xiaobai: "Okay, when will the fight be...wait for your news."

   When Zhang Xuanyu heard this, he immediately said: "No! Where are you going?"

   Le Ren Kuang also said, "What do you want to do secretly?"

   Han Fei grinned: "I'll go to Bai Bei Wangcheng."

   Zhang Xuanyu: "..."

  Happy people: "..."

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