God of Fishing

Chapter 1672: Half king

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Mizuki Tian.

The entire four major races of the Cloud Sea God Tree simultaneously launched a total offensive to the outside world.

At this moment, the Queen of Life made a strong move, and one person slaughtered the six great sea monsters in the Dark War Harbor, causing continuous cracks in the road and pouring blood down.

All 72 Yunhai God Trees shot, and at the same time launched an attack on the four major battlefields.

However, the Venerable is more than a star and a half worse than the King. Except for the Dark Battlefield Port, there are only 4 Venerables who have fallen from the three major battlefields.

Among them, one was killed by the ancestor of the mob.

At this time, this ultimate battle had been unilaterally driven by the side of the sea of ​​clouds and the **** tree.

Therefore, the Queen of Life is not stingy. If possible, she would be more willing to sweep all the Siren Lords on the four battlefields in the first place.

Unfortunately, this is obviously not feasible.

Once a venerable person has fallen, cracks in the avenue will appear on the sky, causing millions of miles of blood to rain. In this way, the snake was stunned... Venerable Siren was not a fool either, he chose to escape the first time.

In the sea area of ​​8 million li in Shui Mutian, the Venerable scattered, fleeing into the void. Even if the king is chasing after him, he can only chase one or two people.

The Queen of Life did not chase, she needed to force Emperor Bai Jia to take action.

When Emperor Bai Jia took the shot, naturally there was no time to take care of the affairs of the Bai Bei King City, and Han Fei's danger would naturally be eliminated.

Venerable Yunhai God Tree all shot, causing the Venerable and explorers of Baibei King City on the front line to flee. Don't flee at this time, then wait for the entire army to be wiped out?

Therefore, in this battle, it is a victory and pursuit.

In the four battlefields, every battlefield has the figure of the Yin-Yang-Tian-Human race. As for how to distinguish between yin and yang people...just look at their trips, whether they use fishing boats!

Although the fishing boat is slower than the full escape, it is more labor-saving!

Therefore, wherever there is a fishing boat in the sky, there is a clan of the sky falling on the fishing boat. Those big birds, while looking for someone to chat, while riding a ride.

Luo Xiaobai led an army to chase outside the Dark War Harbor. This kind of pursuit war does not require too much arrangement, and everyone is crazy.

Those siren who flee in panic are all real resources!

In the past three years, the Yin-Yang-Tian-Human tribes have been a series of battles. After the previous 250,000 people experienced three or five wars, although countless people have gained a lot, there are not a few who have fallen. Nearly 20,000 people have fallen on the battlefield of Shuimutian. The battle loss rate is already close to 10%.

Of course, with such a huge loss rate, what is ushered in is the breakthrough of countless people.

In less than three years, Yin Yang Tian has advanced to two small realms on average. Among the 250,000 people, more than 10,000 were promoted to law enforcement officers.

This ratio has already regarded all the four major races of Shuimutian as silly.

Although it is not particularly difficult for submersible fishermen to be promoted to law enforcement... However, this growth rate is simply incredible.

However, people like Shui Mutian didn't even know: This is the human race of Yin and Yang Tian, ​​the first time such unscrupulous use of resources. As long as you have a record, it means you have resources...and if you have resources, it means you can grow.

In addition to these more than 10,000 people promoted to law enforcement, there are nearly 50,000 people who have reached the peak of submersible anglers. This is much stronger than when he fought on Broken Star Island. In Broken Star Island, want to grow? That requires cumbersome resource exchange. After all, the resources of the entire Yin and Yang sky are not as good as Shuimu Tian. The wall of death grabs the energy on both sides and is not balanced.

Moreover, when in Broken Star Island, the Human Race also guards Broken Star Island while practicing.

Although Han Fei liberated Broken Star Island, the situation was much better... As long as most people dare to fight, they can also get a lot of resources. However, compared with Shuimutian's resources, it is still incomparable.

At this moment, these people who came to Shui Mutian knew very well in their hearts: they followed Han Fei, how correct this choice was!

The exchanges between the two circles and the integration of different cultures not only learned the opponent's combat skills and methods, but also greatly helped their own consciousness and awareness.

Therefore, in the past three years, almost everyone has been promoted to one or two small realms.

At this moment, Luo Xiaobai, Zhang Xuanyu, and Le Ren Kuang were attacking the void and attacking a half statue.

At this time, the strength of these three people can already hit half of them.

Zhang Xuanyu shot a double shadow, the spear in his hand turned into nothingness, and a spear of the soul directly blasted the half of the seven orifices.

The happy man was mad, and a shadow appeared behind him, like a demon eater, cutting off the void and biting off one arm of the half statue.

Luo Xiaobai laid down the Lingzhi formation, making this half statue completely lost.

I only saw the half-sage sea monster, whose skin and internal organs were quickly parasitized. The blood he spewed out turned into dense green seaweed moss...

Immediately afterwards, his body, as if moldy, began to rot quickly. In the end, his vitality was swallowed up.

After closing the offensive, Zhang Xuanyu said: "Xiaobai! I still can't believe...No, really blow up the king's nest?"

Le Ren shook his face frantically; "Yeah! That's the king anyway... It was successfully attacked like this. Isn't it too bad?"

Luo Xiaobai gave the two of them a white look: "Do you still think he can't lose?"

Zhang Xuanyu smiled and said: "How can it... It's such a thrilling thing, we didn't even get involved in it, it's simply too bad."

Luo Xiaobai said indifferently: "Well, fight for more powerful hunters. The Queen of Life and the great sages will at most attack the Venerable Sea-Monster. Below the Venerable-level Sea Monster, they will not attack. These Sea-Monsters , But they are the grindstones of the four major races of the Cloud Sea God Tree. They are also chasing frantically, and we can't get behind. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can quickly search for a lot of resources and come back."

The Le Ren frantically muttered, "I just lost the resources of the Zhang family. I should really get more!"

Luo Xiaobai glanced at the madman: "You can only train yourself if you call yourself. When can someone pick someone else become a strong one?"

Just listen to Zhang Xuanyu's words: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)


On the day when the Baibei King City exploded, more than a dozen Venerables fled from the front line and returned.

"Wang! The Queen of Life broke the rules and actually took the shot herself. I was really invincible. If I didn't run faster, I would definitely be beheaded on the spot!"

"Wang! The Cloud Sea God Tree launched an all-out attack on us, with heavy casualties on the front line, and powerless to fight!"


Emperor Bai Jia's eyes were cold, and he coldly shouted: "Have you retired?"

A venerable said: "We have retired. Although the Queen of Life has attacked us, but has not attacked the Explorer level. Therefore, the front line is currently fighting and retreating. But even so, if we escape, we will definitely face the front line. Morale caused a huge blow."

Emperor Bai Jia snorted coldly: "Mu Wuhua doesn't need to attack ordinary people, only the power to wipe out the Venerable Realm. The entire 8 million mile sea area of ​​Shuimutian has become the whetstone of the God of Clouds..."

A venerable said: "But my king, such a way of retreating troops will at least cost our frontline soldiers more than 30%!"

Did Emperor Bai Jia not know... the terrible consequences of not appearing? If there is no king on one side, the military will collapse. This is a taboo.

However, what is bigger than the collapse of the frontline military is that Han Fei is still alive...

A Han Fei, in the eyes of Emperor Bai Jia, is worth a thousand troops.

At the beginning, during the tribulation of Xuefan, Emperor Bai Jia knew clearly: Both of those people were like kings.

Xue Fan is right. He can't allow his existence, so he dare to allow Han Fei's existence?

These two people are both evil-like characters.

Now, with one of the two losses, Han Fei actually survived... This means that when Han Fei overcomes his own catastrophe in the future, there is almost no reason why Han Fei will fail.

Therefore, at this moment, Emperor Bai Jia did not immediately respond to the Queen of Life's shots...Instead, he checked Bai Bei King City one by one.

It is precisely because of Han Fei's bombing that many people in Baibei Wangcheng may face Emperor Bai Jia for the first time. One can imagine the fear and fear in their hearts!

For example, Yu Cailing was the first time he saw Emperor Bai Jia, and his heart was extremely nervous.

Seeing a strange halo in the eyes of Emperor Bai Jia, he didn't need to ask questions at all, but directly explored Yu Cailing's soul.

Just listen to Emperor Bai Jia said: "Let go of your mind and you are not allowed to resist."

"Yes, my king!"

In the refining world, the old tortoise said in surprise: "It seems that the emperor Bai Jia really hates you. Even if he wants to peek at other people's souls, he will catch you... You know, while peeping at the souls , I will also see many memories that shouldn’t be read. The more I look at, the worse it will be for me. It’s also because of him that he is the king, otherwise, if these 50,000 people look at it, his mind will be discarded."

Han Fei frowned and said, "Are you sure you erased Yu Cailing's memory? Otherwise, we will be in danger if we are seen by Emperor Bai Jia."

The old turtle smiled and said: "Don't worry, no matter how powerful his Bai Jiadi is, he can't see the problem with the spirit power of the Sea-Sealing Realm. You can practice with ease! At his speed, the number of people who can be investigated every day is limited. He couldn't come over without more than a month."

Han Fei immediately said with joy: "Oh? Are you sure he will take that long?"

Old tortoise: "If he really wants to watch one by one... Seeing too fast will lead his soul... Accepting too many memories and chaos~www.ltnovel.com~ That's fine!"


Three months later.

Han Fei had already tempered the last skull. But this one is extremely difficult! This bone affects all the bones in the body.

Once this bone tempering is completed, Han Fei becomes a half king. Therefore, he did not dare to neglect at all.

When Emperor Bai Jia's 10% of the energy resources were less than one-third remaining, all of a sudden, Han Fei's body exploded after hearing only a "bang".

However, a magical scene appeared. Han Fei's body separated into dozens of segments, his head rolled on the ground, but his eyes were still blinking.

"Hi! So, is this the immortal body?"

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