God of Fishing

Chapter 1673: Bai Jiadi's madness

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I saw Han Fei's exploded body shaking, flew together quickly, and gathered again.

Immediately afterwards, Han Fei felt an incomparably powerful force in his body.

When he looked at the demon refining pot, a message appeared in his eyes:

Owner: Han Fei

Level: 89 (half king)

Chaos Air: 957

Spiritual power: 189696

Perception: 78,000 miles

Power: 20971 waves

First Spirit Vessel: Unknown

Second Spirit Vessel: Unknown

The first talent soul beast: Twin Yin and Yang spirit swallowing fish [level 78]

Second talent soul beast: Emperor Sparrow [level 72]

Main practice: "Void Fishing Technique", the seventh layer, "Void Landing Technique" [King Grade Artifact]



Han Fei took a breath. He knew that when he became a half king, he should be very strong, but he never thought that just a small gap in the realm could make him grow so much!

The power of the soul has increased by more than 40,000 points. Even if the original fusion spirit is replenishing itself, this time the growth is too much, right?

Moreover, Han Fei's perception range has also greatly increased, almost reaching the terrifying point of 80,000 miles. This also means: I can feel it, and everything is in my heart within 80,000 miles.

If the perception range is 80,000 miles, at this moment, Han Fei deliberately sees through the void with his eyes, at least three to five million miles away.

In addition to the increase in mental power, Han Fei's power has increased by more than 4,800 waves. I think that when I first came to Shuimutian, my strength was only 70 waves.

Today, it is not the same as before.

A breakthrough in the realm, raising the terrifying power of 4800 waves, this is comparable to the full power of a high-ranking nobleman.

With this level of power, Han Fei can no longer be regarded as a normal venerable, or even a normal half king...

Under extreme combat power, Han Fei was very suspicious; now, can he exert the power of a king?

Han Fei said, "Lao Yuan, how many waves are there in general to open the sea? I mean when I first entered the sea."

Old Tortoise knew that Han Fei had advanced in strength, and he did not hide it, and said directly: "Generally speaking, it is about 50,000 waves! Cross the king's robbery and open up the origin sea, and the level of life will change once. This is you from the sky. The benefits obtained from the catastrophe. Of course, this level of life cannot be eternal. For example, in your noble state, the vitality generally begins to decline in 5,000 years, and will almost die in ten thousand years. The life level of the king can make him live for hundreds of thousands. Years. Is the difference between the king and the venerable generally large? The growth of the king’s power is not so exaggerated. Generally, a slightly better one will be around 50,000 waves. Even if it is worse, there is no less than 40,000 waves of power. King."

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "In the beginning, when you opened the sea, what was your strength?"

Old Tortoise said: "That is naturally much stronger than the so-called Tianjiao. At that time, I had nearly 80,000 waves of power. It can be said that there is no one in a million. Now, even after the tribulation, the level of life has occurred. Change, I am afraid it will be the same as me at best."

"How many?"

Han Fei couldn't help taking a breath: What are you kidding? How strong is the king's 80,000 waves? This is four times higher than the realm of the false king!

Just listen to the old turtle: "Don't be too surprised. When I opened the sea, I had 80,000 waves of great power. It doesn't mean that everyone can have such great power. Normally, it is only about 50,000 waves."

Han Fei is full of black lines coming out, what's the matter, do you think the 50,000 waves are missing or what?

Han Fei couldn't help saying: "What about when you were in the half-king state?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "Half-king...cough cough, about 25,000 waves! I slept for 10,000 years before crossing the catastrophe. This power is already the limit I can sleep to. As for you, although you are indeed talented Vertically and horizontally, but your life level is lower. It is estimated that Pihai will be similar to me."

Han Fei said speechlessly: "My Shuangtianmai."

Old tortoise: "So what? You still have a line made by my Dadao. Therefore, your qualifications are incomparable in this sea area. Perhaps you can reach the peak for a while in the sea-breaking realm. But if you want to To go one step further, to become a true arrogant arrogant, I am afraid that you have to improve your life level."

Han Fei was surprised: "Can the level of life be improved?"

The old tortoise said leisurely: "Of course! Crossing the King’s Tribulation will raise one's life this time. The King and the Venerable are worlds apart. Otherwise, after going through the Heavenly Tribulation, how can the power double? This happens at the life level? The result of change."


Han Fei's eyes flashed.

So: At the end of the practice, some people are called gods?

Now, Han Feike doesn't care what life level is or not... he has to become a king first. Only when you become a king can your life level change.

In addition to his own improvement, Han Fei was surprised that Emperor Sparrow had broken through two levels in the past three years.

It has to be said that the Emperor Sparrow has been seen by Han Fei, and the realm has improved the fastest, not one of them.


Three to five days later, three months had passed since the refining world.

Han Fei couldn't wait to go out, but Emperor Bai Jia still didn't intend to leave.

This left Han Fei speechless: Didn’t the old turtle say that for more than a month? What does it mean that this product has been languishing for more than three months?

The bored Han Fei, since he didn't plan to go out, he took a moment and started to devour the keel. It wasn't until Han Fei swallowed more than 50 dragon bones and the Qi of Chaos had already broken a thousand, that Emperor Bai Jia had a new move.

And this action directly frightened Han Fei.

On this day, I saw a huge shell, and suddenly opened the giant shell.

Just listen to the emperor Bai Jia shouting loudly: "I am the emperor Bai Jia, the king of Bai Bei...Because there is a cloud sea **** tree in the royal city, the strong man is hiding. Now, under the realm of Venerable, enter my shell."

Han Fei was surprised: "He's crazy... he doesn't want his nest anymore? This is a posture of breaking the boat..."

Han Fei was horrified.

What if there are 50,000 people left in Baibei Wangcheng? How can this 50,000 combat power be underestimated? If you say that your previous explosion destroyed the Baibei King City, but the site is still there, reconstruction is not difficult.

But now, why don't you just say you don't want it, you want to abandon a city and take everyone with you? I am afraid that it is Bai Jiadi himself, and he never thought that one day he would have such courage.

It's not that Han Fei didn't want to leave, but because the refining world was there. What kind of thing is the body of the big shell, it feels like the original sea or the body of Emperor Bai Jia, this thing, where can Han Fei dare to enter?

Although Han Fei has now reached the half-king state, the half-king is not a king. Even if the power at the peak may be comparable to the king, so what?

Power is power, avenues are avenues, and avenues can be crushed.

The old turtle said: "Generally, the origin sea is not exposed. Therefore, the giant shell is either his body, his domain, or his companion spirit. Once you enter, your hidden power may be invalid. Up."

Han Fei said, "He is smart. This method can indeed avoid me and take away his people."

However, the old tortoise said leisurely: "Maybe, it's more than that simple! Don't you think Baibei King City is too small?"


Old tortoise: "You can bomb Baibei King City, what about Emperor Baijia?"

In the next scene, I saw Emperor Bai Jia personally check, let more than 90 statues each lead more than 500 people, one by one. This way of operation, even if Han Fei made another move, it would not hurt a few people.

Under these circumstances, Han Fei certainly couldn't make a move!

Otherwise, it would be defeated by Emperor Bai Jia.

After a while, everyone including Yu Cailing was entering the giant shell space. At this moment, Baibei King City has indeed become an empty city.

At this time, I only heard the voice of Emperor Bai Jia over Baibei King City: "Han Fei'er, this king knows that you are still in the city. Do you want Baibei King City? The king will give it to you. You will bring Bai Beiwangcheng, let's fall together!"


At that moment, I saw the Tongtian shellfish shadow opening and closing in the void, as if to eat the entire White Shell King City.

Emperor Bai Jia's voice is cold and harsh: "Han Fei, won't you come out yet? This king will drive you, together with the entire Baibei King City, into the endless void. You will be lost in the eternal darkness... But Mu Wuhua is still Can't kill this seat! Although this domain is not big, there are countless great monsters in the Sea Spirit Realm. Do you really think...the fall of tens of thousands of people can shake this king?"

Old Tortoise said: "Sure enough, what he was planning was not to take people out. He still wants to kill you. It's just that this time, he paid a high price. Even if Baibei King City is completely destroyed, he will persecute you. come out."

Han Fei said speechlessly: "Old Yuan, in the endless void, you will really get lost, right?"

The old turtle said: "Of course! Not every time ~www.ltnovel.com~ there will be an exit waiting for you to come out. The endless void, indeed, there is only boundless darkness, let alone your half-king state, even if the emperor enters, you have to Lost. There is no concept of time and no direction. The greatest possibility is that you always die in that boundless nothingness."

Han Fei's expression sank: "So, I can only go out?"

The old tortoise also said solemnly: "It may be true, there should have been only this way."

When the old tortoise was talking, hundreds of fish skin pictures floated down beside Han Fei. Hundreds of formations appeared on the fish skin map.

On Han Fei's waist, the serene Venerable Order was hung up.


Han Fei grinned as soon as the Gemini magical skills were displayed, "Then go out and try. Today, feel the real king...how strong is it?"

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