God of Fishing

Chapter 1677: Not dead cold and handsome

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In other words, countless people still don't know why, when they don't know why they want to retreat... the sky is torn apart, a big formation emerges, and Han Fei has stepped out of it one step at a time.

I saw that Jing'er's gun had been pierced, and Han Fei explored the void with his hand, drew the knife to break the void, like a transformation, piercing the night sky but not dispersing, as if using a knife to tear the night out.

"how is this possible?"

Emperor Bai Jia's heart was shocked.

You know, in order to trap Mu Wuhua and Han Fei, he gave up the companion spirit and sealed it as a highway, just to win this hundred breaths of time.

Emperor Bai Jia was sure: Within a hundred breaths, as long as Venerable Shui Mutian dared to fight to the death, he would be able to slaughter more than half. At the same time, fighting for the remaining prestige can make the creatures of the **** tree of the sea of ​​clouds burn.

Emperor Bai Jia was going to let the Queen of Life know that the king was angry and slaughtered millions of corpses. He wanted to make the Queen of Life and Han Fei regret it.

However, Emperor Bai Jia couldn't imagine: Han Fei would come so soon.

However, at the moment when Han Fei appeared alone, although Emperor Bai Jia was surprised, he was delighted. Han Feiruo fell, this chess game is alive!

He was not afraid of the Queen of Life, nor was he afraid of the four major races of the Cloud Sea God Tree. He was afraid of such a peerless arrogant Han Fei. When this kind of person grows up, there is no bottom line at all. Now, he can fight the king... In a few days, he will survive the king's robbery, maybe that is.

Emperor Bai Jia casually fired a spear, and Jing'er burst into pieces in an instant.

Jinger was horrified, but not surprised.

Others don't know the difference between the Venerable Realm and the King, but she does.

That is the gap in life level!

Once you enter the king, you can even awaken a different kind of art that is related to your own level. It was like the defensive power of Emperor Bai Jia, the Queen of Life gave birth to the fountain of life.

And Han Fei knows better: The gap between the noble state and the king is a gap of several times the strength. Jinger's blow, how could he stop the Emperor Bai Jia?

Therefore, Han Fei drew a knife the moment Jinger fired his gun.

This knife traverses Tianyu. Among them, it contains invincible sword intent, and it has a magnificent demeanor.


Emperor Bai Jia shattered his spear, and Han Fei tried his best, causing terrifying ripples that swept more than 8,000 miles.


Han Fei took a deep breath, and finally caught up!

This is so if you take a step slower, and nothing else, Jing'er can't live.

Just listen to Han Fei and drink again: "Everyone, step back one hundred thousand miles."

Seeing Han Fei, Jing'er smashed the blow of Emperor Bai Jia with a single knife, and stayed for a while. However, she didn't have time to think, and quickly stepped back: "Everyone, back off..."

Li Daxian walked in, a long distance away, watching Han Fei rush towards Emperor Bai Jia... At that time, the whole person was not good.

Just listen to Li Daxian shouting: "Han Fei boy, can you do it? That's the real king."

Behind Han Fei, the endless water drew the huge waves of the sea, the waves of thousands of feet, like a blade slashing towards Emperor Bai Jia, and responded without looking back: "It is the king who is hitting."

Li Daxian: "..."

"Boom bang bang~"

In an instant, Han Fei and Emperor Bai Jia had collided.

This may be Han Fei, using the Invincible Avenue for the first time, a avenue that he doesn't know much about!

Just because it is not clear, it is not very useful.

But now, I saw Han Fei's whole body radiant, like the scorching sun in the night sky, illuminating half of the sky with the power of one person. Invincible fist mark, strikes like flowing light.

"Boom boom boom~"

"Boom boom boom~"

Emperor Bai Jia is a melee type, and Han Fei does not retreat in a deadly battle, he is more keen to kill Han Fei. Although Han Fei's power was beyond his imagination, he found that Han Fei's power was weakening, and he was backing away.

And behind Han Fei are the hundreds of millions of creatures of the Cloud Sea God Tree. If he retreats, what will those people do?

Knowing that the Queen of Life had not been able to come, Emperor Bai Jia understood: I don't know what method Han Fei used to escape his imperial sea ban? However, Han Fei is only one person, why can he stop himself?

Therefore, in this battle, Han Fei must die.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.

Han Fei is indeed a little unbearable.

Terrorist combat skills such as the Monkey King's Three Thousand Sticks can be repelled by the shield after being displayed. This caused Han Fei to retreat, and after ten breaths, he had already retreated six thousand miles.

At that moment, Han Fei was exhausted.

Tranquility, Insect King, Queens of Major Insects, Wu Shangxue, Li Daxian and others were shocked beyond words when they saw Han Fei slam the Emperor Bai Jia.

Can he block the Emperor Bai Jia for so long with the power of the venerable? Han Fei should be the first person under the king.

Just listen to the emperor Bai Jia shouted: "Han Fei'er, you didn't become a king after all, why stop me? Since you don't know what you can do, you have to fight, then die..."


Emperor Bai Jia's voice was frantic, with a roar in his rest. Countless people stopped and looked at Tianyu.

Tranquility even shouted: "Han Fei, go back..."

But with that sound, Tranquility felt that he was too late to shout. She saw Han Fei's breath disappear in the terrifying explosion.

Only in the next scene, I saw the blue halo circulating, and Han Fei appeared in a blue light curtain in an instant. At this time, Han Fei's strength had returned to its peak.

However, Han Fei was not so happy...because he found that: the longer it takes to reverse time, the more Chaos Qi he consumes.

On average, if you want to return to the breath, you have to consume a ray of chaos. This Nima, if it lasts for a hundred breaths of time, it means that almost a hundred chaotic auras will be destroyed by herself!

If it were in the wild, fighting against this Bai Jiadi like this... Even if Han Fei had more Chaos Qi in his body, I was afraid that he would not be able to consume it, and it would eventually be consumed.

Han Fei couldn't help thinking of Old Monster Chu's original method.

Come to think of it, Old Monster Chu's Avenue of Time, even if he understands it a little deeper than himself, it shouldn't go far. The Chaos Qi consumed is also not to be underestimated.

"Avenue of Time?"

Emperor Bai Jia is also king anyway, even if he lives in a remote place, he still knows the Avenue of Time. This does not need to be said by others, almost every king has considered the existence of the Avenue of Time.

But, who can really comprehend the Avenue of Time? Anyway, he Bai Jiadi couldn't understand. Therefore, seeing Han Fei's strength return to its peak in an instant, Bai Jiadi's whole person is not good.

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Emperor Bai Jia, since you can't kill me, then go back. Take your siren army and attack again. Or, if you have the skills, let the army in your body be released now. Come out... I'll kill another batch."

"Huh! What about the Avenue of Time? This king doesn't believe it, you can reverse time infinitely."

"Boom bang bang~"

While talking, Emperor Bai Jia and Han Fei rushed together again.

At this scene, Jing Jing and others were stunned.

Li Daxian watched this scene in shock: Reverse time? What kind of fairy skills did Han Fei learn? That's the Avenue of Time!

With Han Fei buying time, the army in the Dark War Port is retreating frantically.

Everyone is not an idiot.

Just by listening to the voice, you knew that it was Han Fei and Bai Jia who were fighting. Moreover, the fight was called violence. Thousands of miles away, a trace of power that escapes can sweep all directions.

A Zerg buzzed: "Han Fei, can he fight the king now?"

The Sky Clan said, "Han Fei's body is my Sky Clan."

Some humans said: "You can get it! Isn't it because Han Fei became a bird? This is your Sky Clan?"

Someone worried: "Why is Han Fei fighting with the Sea-Monster King? Where is the Queen? Where is the Queen?"

Someone said: "The Queen was still there a moment ago! Maybe there is something important about the Queen, so Han Fei gave it a shot."

And the human race in the Yin and Yang sky, at this moment, is sighing while fleeing.

Someone exclaimed: "Sure enough, handsome Han is only a short distance away from the position of the king! Now, he can already fight the king, so what is the difference from the king?"

Someone laughed: "Well, who is Han Shuai? A talent that has not been available for a long time. Broken Star Island has been tens of thousands of years, and Han Shuai has managed to get it right. The family has been entrenched for tens of thousands of years. Is it possible to directly press Qianxing?"

But those of the aristocratic families have mixed feelings.

In the crowd, Yang Deyu said, "Sister Nanxi! I'm looking at you in this life, but don't seek revenge from Han Fei... Everyone has already fought against the king! You know, what realm is this?"

Yang Nanxi hummed, "Why don't I know? I am as talented as him."

Someone couldn't listen anymore, and said speechlessly: "You're fine! You are quite naive. Yang Nanxi, want to make trouble for Han Fei? You have another way...that is to find a way to marry him, and then work hard to make trouble."


Chu Qing's face looked ugly: "Could it be that there is no hope for revenge in this life?"

Beside Cao Qiu, Cao Jiaren said lightly: "Qiuer will not lose him in the future."

Cao Tian didn't speak, he still looked honest and honest.

In Cao Qiu's eyes, there was a trace of struggling, and he muttered: "The blood of the God of War, why must I become the God of War? Not me?"



After dozens of breaths, the Zerg queens began to talk.

After the insect said: "Time Avenue, is it so terrible? Han Fei has been killed five times, can he reverse time?"

When Li Daxian saw that Han Fei was able to fight like this, he simply complied with Luo Xiaobai's request and brought a group of thugs academy to high above the sky.

Zhang Xuanyu tugged at the corner of his mouth and said, "How can I chase this thing?"

Le Ren Kuang: "I don't know! Maybe, I swallowed Emperor Bai Jia and could catch up with Fei."

Li Daxian squinted and glanced at the madman: "It's useless for you to swallow a hundred ~ www.ltnovel.com~ Qu Jinnan looked at Lingyuan: "Is the sword technique that brother gave us? "

Ling Yuan shook her head: "I can't see how he fights. Why do you ask me?"

As for Yi Xiyan, they looked at the void with eager eyes, trying to extend the range of perception to the maximum. However, there is no use for eggs.

Can they see the battle of kings?

In the back, in the dark waters, hundreds of thousands of people who had retreated one hundred thousand miles, did not know who started the head, and shouted at this moment;

"Han Shuai, Han Shuai, Han Shuai..."

Above the void in the distance, Han Fei once again reversed time, stopped in front of Emperor Bai Jia, yelling: "Emperor Bai Jia, you can't kill me today... I will break your shell down and forge it in the future. arms!"

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