God of Fishing

Chapter 1678: Emperor Bai Jia ran away

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Han Fei now needs chaotic air to fight, and chaotic air to reverse time... He has never felt chaotic air before, it will be so important!

In fact, Han Fei already knows: The Qi of Chaos is actually equivalent to the power of the compressed Dao, which can inspire his own Dao. Now, when I really use it, I know that this thing is not enough!

The queen of life has not yet returned.

The expression on Emperor Bai Jia's expression was quite calm from the beginning, and began to become distorted, looking a little crazy.

Han Fei realized: This guy may be going crazy!

Sure enough, when Han Fei reversed time for the sixth time, Emperor Bai Jia swept away Han Fei. In the void, there are giant shells, 50,000 troops and nearly a hundred sages appear one after another.

In Han Fei's heart, there was a "cock".

Just listen to Han Fei shouting: "Emperor Bai Jia, you are not half of the king of Baibei King City. Now you are shooting yourself."


Only saw two projections descend out of thin air, and 5 figures of Emperor Bai Jia appeared in the void. Han Fei took a look, half-king? This guy actually used the half-king projection in the battle with himself?

Just listen to the emperor Bai Jia shouting: "Han Fei, since he can't kill you, this king wants to see if these people can kill you?"

Immediately, I only heard the emperor Bai Jia shout: "Baibei King City, everyone, rush to kill with all your strength. Within 50 breaths, how many can be killed!"

At this moment, Han Fei knew that Emperor Bai Jia was crazy.

Five half-kings of Bai Jiadi were separated. When fighting with Han Fei, Han Fei obviously felt that Bai Jiadi's power was weak. Moreover, it is weak by about 20%!

It is conceivable that at the beginning, the Black Brake Conch King killed three half-king clones in the yin and sun days, and the loss was probably much greater than that of the Bai Jia Emperor.

However, Emperor Bai Jia was 20% weaker, and could no longer suppress Han Fei. Whether it's speed, strength, or defense, the level of the two is about the same now.

Even so, if there is a long battle, Han Fei's road can only last a little longer. Han Fei can't really always have such a strong power!

Fortunately, as long as you fight until the Queen of Life returns, it will be fine. This means that Han Fei does not need to consume Chaos Qi!

At the moment when Emperor Bai Jia released these people, Jing'er, Insect King, Wu Shangxue, Li Daxian... a total of 13 great statues jumped out from the rear.

Among them, there are only Jing'er and Chongwang in the Half-King Realm, and there is also a Kestrel Half King of the Sky Clan. Others, either the peak of the nobleman, or the peak of the high nobleman.

Just when Han Fei felt that Shui Mutian might not be able to resist the strength of the five and a half kings at once, he saw 22 insect queens and lifted off at the same time.

The worm back door formed a large array, and someone shouted: "The remaining two half-king projections, we come..."


The old turtle said: "This kind of projection is the most meaningless projection, which consumes the power of the body. But at this time, it is really useful. At this moment, the strength of the Bai Jiadi is weak, and it is the best time to kill him."

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "What should I kill? Even if he is divided into five projections, his strength is comparable to me. Obviously, he has calculated it, how can he give me a chance to kill him?"

The old tortoise pondered for a moment: "You let me prepare... the soul of my emperor, you can shake him. However, there is only one chance, and I can't guarantee... Moreover, my shot this time will definitely damage the soul, at least it needs Swallow the power of the soul of ten high-ranking elders."

Han Fei's heart moved: "Then you said earlier? There are only ten high-ranking venerables. Once the Baijia Emperor died, the entire venerable Baibei King City is ours."

Old tortoise: "Although I can shake his soul, but at most it only has one breath time. You can break the defense within one breath, can you do it alone? Should you wait for your junior sister to come?"

Han Fei's heart was cruel, and when he looked back, Shui Mutian could barely stop the five-half king state clone. However, the prerequisite for blocking is that Shui Mutian needs to pay 25 high-end combat power to barely block it.

The remaining powerful ones in the venerable realm have to face nearly a hundred venerables in Baibei King City. The disadvantage of Shuimutian is great.

If there is a sage... a malicious slaughter, Shuimutian will eventually suffer heavy losses.

And now, before the Queen of Life returns, there are still at least 40 or 50 breaths away. After the Queen of Life broke the battle, she had to rush back.

Han Fei couldn't help but shouted to Jing'er: "Jing'er, Yunhai Divine Tree, really can't make a move?"

Quietly gritted his teeth, this issue has been discussed with Han Fei before.

The Cloud Sea God Tree can be shot, but only out of self-protection mechanism. Moreover, the power displayed by the Cloud Sea God Tree is not very strong. Its main power is to maintain the existence of a world and provide the habitat of millions of creatures in Shuimutian. Because the direction of evolution is different, the effects are naturally different.

The old turtle said, "I suggest to wait..."

Han Fei gritted his teeth and said: "Old Yuan, what kind of secret technique can you use twice in a row?"

The old tortoise was speechless and buzzed: "I only have a mere fascination, and I cast it twice in a row? I have to fall into deep sleep... When will I be able to return, isn't it good?"

Han Fei said speechlessly: "It's really impossible, I can use the Demon King's contract, and then call some of your souls over!"

Just listen to the old tortoise yoyo said: "All my souls are here. After being suppressed for too long, most of the souls have been wiped out. The only thing that can be used is this ray of souls and the flesh. Unfortunately, the flesh cannot pass through here. Came this way."

There are still many uses of the old tortoise. For some secret things, I also need to use the old tortoise. Moreover, in the future, I will leave Yinyangtian, and I will need the old tortoise to provide myself with various reference opinions.

So, let the old tortoise fall asleep? Of course Han Fei would not agree.

But now that the battle started, it would be too late if he didn't make a move.

Emperor Bai Jia was obviously breaking the boat, and the entire Baibei King City was abandoned by him. He insisted on fighting for this time and wanted to defeat most of the power of the Yunhai Divine Tree.

The emperor Bai Jia shouted angrily: "Want to punish the king? Don't blame the king on burning jade and stone."

At that moment, when the two sides were fighting, Han Fei suddenly shouted: "Old Yuan, do it."

Old Tortoise didn't know what Han Fei's idea was, but no matter what... he was not in a hurry.

Han Fei's potential is unquestionable, even if he delays a little more time in Yin Yang and Shuimu days, it doesn't matter.

For the old tortoise, Han Fei can't kill Emperor Bai Jia now... it's just a little delay!

I only saw the boundless black air suddenly growing above the sky.

"Shoo, hoo~"

I only saw twelve black chains, which had been buckled on Emperor Bai Jia's body at some unknown time. At that moment, the eyes of Emperor Bai Jia turned black.

Seeing this scene, Han Fei suddenly knew the time had come.

"Gemini magic."

The body of the white mist and the body of the black mist shot at the same time, because they had already prepared in advance, so they used the power of time again. Han Fei's hands clasped time and got into the void.

The half-king clone of Emperor Bai Jia was shocked, and a thought arose: "Avoid Han Fei."

However, Han Fei used the old tortoise’s only mobile phone meeting, how could it be so simple that he was avoided by Emperor Bai Jia?

Even Han Fei, who has performed the Gemini Divine Art, is not comparable to the Half King Realm.

Therefore, Han Fei was close to the half-king projection of Emperor Bai Jia in an instant.

"Puff puff~"

The two projections were directly cut.

Because it is not the main body of Emperor Bai Jia, there is no such thing as a blood rebirth, and there will be no cracks in the sky.

Therefore, the moment the two half of the king clones were cut, they simply died.

The other three half-king clones had already begun to flee the moment Han Fei took the shot. Only the body of the black mist, because it is usually invisible, so Bai Jiadi is not easy to avoid.

At this moment, Han Fei only had time to shoot the three projections of Emperor Bai Jia.

When the body of the black mist found the third projection, Han Fei's figure burst out with a "buzz", and with a thought, the body of the white mist was greatly reduced.

But in the void, but in different places, four different projection clones of Han Fei appeared directly. Together with Han Fei's body of white mist, a total of 5 Venerable Han Fei in the pinnacle stage appeared.

Han Fei's strength, even if he was placed in the venerable peak state, it was not given for nothing.

Under Void Descent, just listen:



Above the sky, five consecutive road cracks appeared, almost simultaneously. The cracks in the avenue crossed across the sky and looked very strange.

Li Daxian muttered to himself: "Sure enough, he is... the pre-determined Lord of the Immortal Palace!"

Quiet, the insect king and others have clearly started war. Han Fei's appearance surprised them at the same time, but it was also extremely frightening.

Han Fei's strength is too strong, right?

That is the powerhouse of the five great sacred peaks, and they have fallen at the same time? Han Fei also cut off the three and a half king projections of Emperor Bai Jia. Is this still a Venerable Realm?

Han Fei was about to kill a few more Venerables with the body of black mist, only listening to the old turtle said: "It's too late. Hurry..."


As soon as the old turtle's voice fell, the twelve black chains broke apart. Seeing this scene, Han Fei suddenly merged with Gemini, and all projections were disintegrated.

"The picture of yin and yang..."

Many things can be done in one breath!

For example, the scale of victory that determines a super game.

Emperor Bai Jia already understood what had happened. Unfortunately, the moment he broke free from the **** of the soul, he saw a black and white picture appearing, leaning over his body.


"Crack, click~"

Under the avenue of yin and yang, Emperor Bai Jia just broke free from the **** of his soul. All he can do is resist.

But he knew: The annihilation of the projection of the three and a half kings, and the fall of the five great sages, not only freed up a half king for the Yunhai Divine Tree, but also freed up 22 great sages.

This led to the peak combat power of both sides, once again returning to balance.

Emperor Bai Jia's heart was dripping blood. The general situation is over, and the Venerable Realm has the same combat power, it will not be able to win quickly. This made Emperor Bai Jia a dilemma.

The queen of life is coming back soon!

Han Fei is like a dog skin plaster, and he has no time to retreat, and he has no time to take away these people from Bai Bei Wangcheng.

And now, the Emperor Bai Jia knows that if he does not leave, the consequence may be that he will be suppressed by the Queen of Life and Han Fei ~ www.ltnovel.com~ At that time, his life will be unpredictable.

At this moment, the Demon Dao swallowed his heart, and Emperor Bai Jia seemed to understand something: Why did Xuefan sacrifice so many people to help himself become a king?

Because in addition to yourself, no matter how many people you train, it is not your purest power. Instead of that, why not swallow them all? In this way, you can make yourself an extremely powerful king.

Unfortunately, Emperor Bai Jia understood the true meaning of evil cultivation too late.

At this time, he had to run.

Just listen to the voice of the Baijia Emperor Divine Soul: "Venerable Realm, escape quickly."

After saying this, Emperor Bai Jia broke into the void, and Han Fei followed in. As a result, Emperor Bai Jia turned his head and ran.

Yes, dignified, just ran away.

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