God of Fishing

Chapter 1788: Liquor Pool, see Emperor Wei

As soon as the kilometer distance passed, whether it was Han Fei or Xia Xiaochan, they felt: That kind of imperial prestige, the pressure on them suddenly doubled.

This multiplication is enough to make a lot of people difficult to move!

Even Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan could walk seven or eight steps in one breath. Now, with one breath time, one can walk between one step and two steps.

However, just this, Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan's speed is very popular. The two of them only took 500 to breathe, and they were equal to Bingxue Chuling.

Bingxue Chuling is also speechless: Is this road really that simple?

Although she can go on step by step, she even feels that as long as she takes her time, she must pass the 1500-meter level in half a day. At this time tomorrow, maybe it can reach 1,700 meters.

However, after seeing the speed of Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan, Bingxue Chuling couldn't help but start to doubt himself: Is he really the ultimate arrogant? People keep saying that they are Tianjiao, and one day they believe it. But in fact, there are people outside, and there are heaven outside!

Tianjiao is always only relative.

About two hours later.

Han Fei and Xia Xiaochan crossed the 1500 meters. At this time, the pressure on the body increased again.

This time, Xia Xiaochan's complexion was reddish, and her breath was not so smooth.

After all, Xia Xiaochan's true state is only the pinnacle of the Venerable. It is really rare to be able to get here. How many half-king realm powerhouses is this, a distance that is hard to reach?

Han Fei felt the increased pressure again, and there was even a strong drink in the air. Even if I feel... a little dizzy.

Han Feixin said: Could it be that this time the baby is not Long Yuan, but wine? When will wine become a treasure? Also attracted so many super powers, rushing?

Just listen to Xia Xiaochan's words: "Go ahead by yourself, I feel you have to adapt. The pressure here is just right, and the wine contains majestic energy. Maybe I can use this to make a breakthrough."

Han Fei: "Do you want to stay where you are? Or continue to move forward, thinking about breakthroughs?"

Xia Xiaochan: "I'll take it slowly, first stay and adapt. My bloodline vibrates a little. If I force it forward, it won't help."

Han Fei nodded slightly: "In that case, I will wait for you."

Xia Xiaochan: "No, you continue to move forward. Otherwise, what if there is a treasure and it is snatched by someone in front of you?"

Then Xia Xiaochan said: "Don't worry, there are a lot of shark people here. If something happens, I will say hello and all the shark people will come to help. If you take the treasure and have the sailing equipment, it is convenient to find me."

When Han Fei heard this, his heart said: The same is true.

After all, Xia Xiaochan's identity is special. If it's really open, who dares to neglect the entire Shark Race?

Thinking about it this way, Han Fei immediately said: "Then I will go first. If I disappear for no reason, don't panic, maybe I have found the hidden treasure."


After speaking, Han Fei continued to move forward.

Here, among all the forces, among all the Tianjiao, Han Fei is much higher than them in terms of strength, blood level, or life level.

Moreover, since Han Fei has a firm moral heart...This way, even if the emperor is strong, Han Fei is not afraid.

This doesn't...

Just when everyone saw that Xia Xiaochan had stopped and they were slightly relieved, they only saw Han Fei starting again...Although each step takes several breaths, the speed is also extremely fast.

It feels like Han Fei's blood is rushing into the sky, his speed is slowly and faster?

Two hours later.

At this moment, Wu Hao had already traveled a distance of 1,800 meters.

The sword regret of the Sword God Palace, and Bei Tang Xuan of Wu Ji Tian followed closely behind.

Further on, the position has completely changed.

Behind Jianhui, Han Fei has already stepped forward. The distance between the two is only two or three meters.

I don't know, is it stimulated by Han Fei? A strong man in the Taiqing Palace also began to accelerate and began to chase...

It stands to reason that someone who can get to this position is at least a character like Ji Chen. However, this Taiqing Palace child came here, which shows that his potential is no longer inferior to Ji Chen.

Jianhui didn't notice Han Fei's existence, but Bei Tangxuan turned his head to look at Han Fei with difficulty at this moment: "Who are you?"

Han Fei didn't talk about Beitang's announcement at all: I have a pit in my head, I want to tell you who I am?

Beitang declared that he had been ignored, he couldn't help squinting his eyes: This is the first time that he has been ignored!

He guessed: Even if this person doesn't say it, it still shows that this person must be a hidden top powerhouse in a certain fairy palace.

However, Beitang declared no panic.

In the absence of fame, the limelight is not so good.

Prestige, that was typed out!

This person does not know how many people's attention he has attracted? After they were able to go out here, they felt that Han Feiruo had no one to help him, and they were afraid that he would not survive for long.

A moment later, Han Fei passed Jianhui and Beitangxuan.

Half an hour later, Han Fei and Wu Hao were even.

Wu Hao's number one position has already fallen flat. Wu Hao's expression was cold, standing still, looking at the bronze door quietly.

Han Fei knows: He is accumulating power.

After Han Fei stood here, he stood side by side with Wu Hao for a while, then looked up at the bronze door.

When Han Fei faced the figure of the emperor on the bronze door again, he was still a little shocked. If you keep your eyes open, that person seems to have magical powers, and the more you look at it, the more he can feel the pressure.

Han Fei diverted his attention and couldn't help but said to Wu Hao next to him: "Seeing you have been standing here for a long time, and you haven't taken a few steps, you have to come on! It's really not good, take a little more alcohol."

Han Fei was not disgusted with Wu Hao.

The Chaos Sky can stand in the inner region for thirteen days without being in the same way as other immortal palaces... At least, the feeling it gives Han Fei at present is still very good.

The smell of alcohol that Han Fei said was the shallow pool water under his feet. This pool of water was filled with a strong scent of alcohol, which caused Han Fei to inhale all his head, and his blood rushed into the sky.

Han Feizhen wondered: Did that group of people rob the wine storehouse in the imperial palace back then? The so-called treasure is someone’s wine cellar or something?

Wu Hao still closed his eyes and didn't pay attention to Han Fei.

When Han Fei was resting and was about to move on, he listened to Wu Hao's voice: "The door is about to open, don't move."

Han Fei was taken aback: "Can this door be opened?"

Wu Hao: "Once a day."

Han Fei immediately stood still and directly transmitted to Xia Xiaochan: "Pay attention to this bronze door, saying that it can be opened once a day. The big man next to me said, don't break through nearby."

Xia Xiaochan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately responded: "Okay!"

Han Fei pondered: Anyway, he is now tied for first place with Wu Hao. This bronze door, look at the specifics? I don't know. Since this door is said to be opened, wait a moment!

The bronze door hadn't been opened yet, and Han Fei was inhaling alcohol there.

This strong alcohol smell contains great energy.

Unlike the Long Yuan Qi that he had obtained at the beginning, this energy was used to temper the body for cultivation.

Moreover, when Han Fei secretly transported the Wugou Profound Body, he could obviously touch the cultivation of Wugou Profound Body. This shows: This energy is extremely pure.

It is said that wine is food. Although Han Fei is not good at this, he knows that if he cultivates here, within half a year, his strength will not only be restored to the half-king state, but may even climb to the limit of the half-king state.

After about half of the incense, just as Han Fei was gulping the scent of wine, suddenly, the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" came out.

I only saw the bronze door, which slowly opened a gap from the outside to the inside.

At that time, Han Fei's eyes were straight: I don't know if he was breathing too much, or his eyes were blurred? When I opened my eyes hard and looked into the crack of the door, I only saw a blur in front of my eyes. No place is clearly visible.

It stands to reason that this is impossible for powerful people like Han Fei.


When the bronze door was opened for about a foot, only a piece of red lustrous light rushed out of the door.

Han Fei and Wu Hao are the first to bear the brunt.

When this energy hit, Han Fei felt that the energy in his body was instantly filled. An inexplicable force is actually slowly transforming his body.

It is a pity that compared to the resources and speed of cultivation, this is only equivalent to a small windfall. It probably saves two months of cultivation in the world of refining.

When this energy hits, in addition to Han Fei's body, Han Fei felt that the demon refining pot was also swallowing.

There was a large amount of energy pouring in on Han Fei's wrist, but it didn't enter the body. It should have been in the demon refining pot.

Han Fei's heart, just listen to the old tortoise roaring: "Quick, quick...this is not an ordinary power, this is the power of the pure Dao. It has the initial form of spiritual energy, but also the most fundamental form. This, this... this... The emperor is actually preaching?"

Han Fei was awakened by the old tortoise, and immediately swallowed this kind of power. Including the old tortoise himself, also in Han Fei's body ~www.ltnovel.com~ devouring the power of this great power.

It only lasted for about ten breaths. When everyone was still immersed in the impact of this sub-power, the bronze door slowly closed.

But in the blink of an eye, he returned to the previous closed state.

Just listen to the old tortoise said: "It's a pity, it's a pity that the time is too short. If the emperor had such an opportunity back then, maybe he would be stronger in the Venerable Realm. Maybe he could break through the Open Heaven Realm!"

Han Fei couldn't help being speechless: "Is it that exaggerated?"

Old Turtle: "Of course. The emperor preaching is extremely rare. The emperor has only heard of the deeds of the gods preaching, and has not heard of the emperor preaching."

Han Fei: "Wait, what kind of sermon? What kind of sermon?"

Old tortoise: "It's the gods giving lectures, uttering the law and explaining the avenue. If you can often nurture it, you can tap your potential and even improve your bloodline. Unfortunately, this time is too short. You only get a small amount of the power of the avenue. You Can you try, with this great power, try to disassemble the aura? Maybe it will be of great benefit."

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